CMLL Guadalajara on Teleformula #7 (08/07/2010)

taped at Arena Coliseo Guadalajara, 07/13/2010

filing this gif under "moves for wiki" & "moves which need better names"

(Main event was a repeat.)

For a match where they literally stopped the second fall comeback, backed up a minute, and went thru the same spots (only with everyone on the same page), this was a pretty well received match. That wasn’t the only spot that went wrong. All the tecnicos had their off moments, but the crowd was way into the action and the feud. I don’t know if the apuesta match will be any good or not, but if Arena Coliseo Guadalajara got a crowd like they had for this match, I really want to see it.

The Mascara Magica fascination is totally a product of when I started watching. A couple years before or after, and he’s just another guy passing thru. It’s always like that, with the first you see of something, that’s what’s going to stick with you. It didn’t hurt that he seemed to be a central figure in all the cool storylines for a two year stretch, which seems kind of inconceivable now. Still would rather have him around than Toscano.

10 man cage match @ CMLL Anniversary Show, other notes

some additional info was added around 6p CDT

The 10 in the cage for 09/03

  • Mistico
  • Sombra
  • Volador
  • Averno
  • Mephisto
  • Ephesto
  • Alebrije
  • Olimpico
  • Histeria
  • Psicosis

Psicosis, Histeria, and Olimpico are obvious suspects. Alebrije is probably not giving up his mask unless he’s done, because he needs to be masked for his character to work, much more than the other three. Of the CMLL regulars, Ephesto is the only one I’d guess at losing.

After the Anniversary show, CMLL will be running (and rushing) another tournament in honor of Mexico’s Bicentennial. It’ll be stretched over three shows, but they’ll be running both blocks during the same week to finish in time for the 09/17 show. There will be a tournament of rudos on 09/07 (Tuesday) and a tournament of tecnicos on 09/10 (Friday), with the one on one final the following Friday, a holiday.

This seems an attempt for CMLL to get two anniversary level cards. 09/03 is the official anniversary with someone losing the mask. 09/17 will be a big singles match with Mistico vs a rudo TBD (Volador?), which is kind of what everyone would’ve figured back in March.

Since the tournament doesn’t start until 09/10, there will be a bigger break the Universal Tournament and this new one than it feels at the moment. Still, with the minis own bicentennial tournament also on going, and the utterly random trios tournament this Friday, CMLL is doing a silly amount of tournaments over a short period of time.

Other news, all taken from CMLL Twitter.

  • Ayumi Kurihara will be coming in September. She was in Mexico this past May/June, working XLAW, Toryumon, IWRG and other indy shows. She’ll be working the 09/14 and 09/17 shows.
  • Texano, Averno and Mephisto will be getting new NWA title belts, as the old ones will be going in CMLL’s (moveable/drivable) museum. The belts were actually referred to as NWA belts, for the first time since Blue Demon Jr. made the claim on them for NWA Mexico. Peace in our time? I’ll edit this if the long form news update adds an explanation.
  • Peste Negra is now four and a half strong – Mr. Niebla returns, but Rey Bucanero stays. The email addressto suggest names for the Parrot is now Rey Bucanero says he’s out of the Guerreros because they were more interested in teaming with Olimpico then him. Mr. Niebla says his body rejected an implant in his knee, requiring additional surgery.
  • CMLL’s newest charity initiative: eyeglasses for school children

Puebla, lineups

CMLL (MON) 08/09 Arena Puebla [KrisZ]
1) Guerrero Maya Jr., Leono, Starman b Dr. X, Inquisidor, Puma King
2) Pierrothito b Mascarita Dorada, Pequeño Warrior, Bam Bam, Eléctrico, Pequeño Violencia, Astral, Pequeño Nitro [cibernetico]
3) Dragón Rojo Jr., Misterioso II, Sangre Azteca b Ángel de Oro, Stuka Jr., Valiente
4) La Máscara, La Sombra, Rayo de Jalisco Jr. DQ Atlantis, Último Guerrero, Volador Jr.
5) Místico b Charlie Manson

Charlie accidently kicked Tirantes in the main event, so Tirantes angrily quick counted him.

Volador was DQ for fouling Sombra, and pulled his mask off after the match. I don’t believe they’re friends any more.

Pierrothito beat Dorada to win the cibernetico.

IWL says Scorpio Sky is off Friday’s show, because his passport got stolen. Heddi Karaoui swaps places with Sky in the tournament (Sky faces Villano III instead), and it probably means no different for the attendance.

Diario de Xalapa has an interview with retired local wrestler Gorilla Infernal, who does one of those creative retelling of his career. In his memory of events, he won 26 masks, including defeating Blue Panther in two straight falls, except Panther refused to unmasked and just did not return to Xalapa for a couple years. (On the wiki, we have Panther as unmasking Gorilla Infernal.)

Segunda Caida watches 03/11/10 IWRG and wishes for some better defined terminology.


CMLL (TUE) 08/17 Arena Mexico
1) Horus & Tigre Blanco vs Artillero & Súper Comando
2) Diamante, Fabián el Gitano, Metro vs Cancerbero, Raziel, Virus
3) Pierrothito vs Bam Bam, Astral, Pequeño Halcón, Aereo, Último Dragoncito, Pequeño Warrior, Pequeño Universo 2000 [cibernetico, Torneo Bicentenario]
4) Blue Panther, Máximo, Toscano vs Averno, Mephisto, Vangelis
5) La Máscara, Máscara Dorada, Shocker vs Atlantis, Dragón Rojo Jr., Negro Casas

Presuming it’s a tecnico/rudo final in the minis tournament and figuring CMLL would’ve just started the newbies in the main division if they wanted them there, it’s either Bam Bam or Ultimo Dragoncito. Which means it’s a really big surprise if there’s not one final Bam Bam vs Demus 3:16 match on 08/24.

CMLL (TUE) 08/17 Arena Coliseo Guadalajara
1) Javier Cruz Jr. vs Titanio
2) Idolo & Metatrón vs Drago & Metalik
3) Hierro & Magnum vs Malefico & Rey Trueno
4) Hijo del Fantasma, Rotoporky, Sagrado vs Ephesto, Felino, Terrible
5) Místico vs Jushin Lyger

Lyger and Mistico split their two singles matches last year. If the current Teleformula pattern holds (it won’t), this will air on 09/11.

CMLL (TUE) 08/17 Arena Coliseo Guadalajara
1) Javier Cruz Jr. vs Titanio
2) Idolo & Metatrón vs Drago & Metalik
3) Hierro & Magnum vs Malefico & Rey Trueno
4) Hijo del Fantasma, Rotoporky, Sagrado vs Ephesto, Felino, Terrible
5) Místico vs Jushin Lyger

CMLL on LATV #16 (08/07/2010)

Pegasso does his best Skandalo impression

Arena Mexico, 07/16/2010

Diamante, Pegasso, Rey Cometa vs Arkangel de la Muerte, Loco Max, Skándalo: All six men are clearly going insane after facing each other so many times, and it’s great. (Again, this really should be the Arena Coliseo Tag Team title feud.) What’s not great is this match getting about five minutes, but at least they did stuff in the five minutes.

brainbusters affect everyone differently

Blue Panther, Místico, Rayo de Jalisco Jr. vs Jushin Lyger, Psicosis, Universo 2000 (and part 2): This match had five minutes it could’ve donated to the other match. It’s still the weirdest trio of rudo teams possible, three guys who would not be teaming together at any other moment in history. There was nothing special about this match except the particpants, but it was still amusing just for that reason.

08/14-15 Lucha Times


AAA-US: Expo show with some guest appearances; CiberClowns vs Legion, Electro/UG vs Wagner/Tiger, an actual minis match.

52MX: Women’s Trios and Avernos vs Invaders.

Worth taking special note here: Unless CMLL & MVS breaks from the pattern of strictly airing the 2/4th matches on the card on the 52MX show, and the 3/5th matches on the FOX show, things are going to be screwed up next week. The entire build to Rush/Loco Max has aired on Fox, but the actual hair match will air on 52MX. Any one paying the slightest bit of attention knows that’s wrong. Hopefully a person who has the power to fix this is alert enough to do so (that may be why we’re talking about it this week.) In the past, they haven’t, which seems to indicate that even the people working on these shows aren’t watching them.

LATV: assuming there’s no big jump again, a women’s trios (better looking one than 52MX; last televised Dark Angel match for the time being) and Oro/Diamante/Rush vs Cancerberos.

GDL: Fuego & Polvora guest star in the Exterminador/Magica vs Stuka/Blanco drama. (That apuesta match is next week.) Main even is a grab bag match of the highest order, though it might be good.

MW: First set from Vegas. Based off the one match they’ve mentioned so far on Twitter, it seems like they’re airing the first three matches: Brewer open challenge, PR Powers vs Magno/Purpura in the tag tournament, and Marco/Octagoncito/Nova vs Neutronic/Halloween/”Medio Noche” (according to the tweet).

CMLL-MEX: this show was cut to 90 minutes late in the week. They’re listed as two hours right now, but let’s just guess the trios tournament and Lyger/Sombra

AAA-MEX: 187 vs Perros, CiberClowns vs Vipers/Legion, Wagner/Metal/Parka vs Electro/Silver/UG

FOX: As mentioned, Rush vs Loco Max in trios, and the big automicos from Sunday

C3: Charly vs Fantams and the first mini cibernetico

Puebla: they’ve slipped a week behind here, so this is just the start of the Manson/Mistico

ACM: pass

Puebla: the only matches left unaired from the May show are The End Of Groon XXX and Diva/Angel/Leo vs Medusa/Pesadilla/Ragde

CMLL-TFN: Azteca/Maya/Starman vs Dr. X/Polvora/Tiger (unaired?), Apache/Hiroka, Maximo/Metro/Valiente vs Euforia/Misterioso/Nosferatu.