Fabian el Gitano passes away

Fabian el Gitano, a CMLL tecnico for the last seven years, passed away earlier today. Fabian, who gave his name as “Emilio Fabian Fernandez de Leon” when he lost his mask last year, died from a gunshot wound in his apartment. At this point, there are conflicting stories on the cause of his death, either suicide or murder. I’ve seen ages of 39, 40, and 41 listed for him tonight. (Edit: Notimex says it looks to be the result of a drunken dispute.)

Fabian, trained by Solar, first came to national prominence in IWRG as Los Strippers, and that’s the character he’s used during most of his career. Fabian was brought in to CMLL as part of the second Guapos U storyline. Fabian was written out of that group to instead become the first Mexico City version of Metro. That lasted only a year, and he returned to his Fabian stripper gimmick. Fabian never could get past the second/third level, but was a regular presence in both the normal CMLL cards and smaller arenas; he seemed to work Coliseo Coalaco more than any other CMLL guy when they were associated with the building. Fabian was also involved in conduction the CMLL Fashion Show at the last two Lucha Libre Expos.

Fabian’s biggest moment was this past July, when he lost his mask to Angel de Oro in July’s cage match. Fabian losing his mask was a bit of a surprise. It was also probably his best match in the promotion. Fabian had continued on unmasked, though he cut off much of his trademark long hair during the winter. Fabian’s last match was last Friday, losing in the segunda.

There will be more about this in the days ahead.

AAA on Televisa #980 (03/05/2011)

IWRG wins!

taped @ Arena Naucalpan, 02/04/2011

file: here
recap: here

Argenis, Atomic Boy, Gato Eveready vs Cerebro Negro, Dr. Cerebro, Eterno: The great IWRG crowd helped this entire show, but nothing more than this match. This match might have struggled in front of another AAA crowd – it was not at the level of the previous IWRG/AAA matches – but pulled thru here. The pro-Mistico (and pro-WWE) conversation was a trip. Post match beatdown seems to have gone nowhere.

Heavy Metal vs Electroshock: First match of a five match feud including interference and a guitar shot. Fine pacing. (Did not like!) At some point, I will remember the name of the midget and the women while I’m watching the show, but not yet. The girl either forgot what she was supposed to do, or was never told what to do and just got in the way a few times here.

Jack Evans, La Parka, Nicho el Millionario vs Charly Manson, Cibernético, Escoria (part 2): So Cibernetico’s best friend is getting beat up just meters away from him. It would just take five seconds for him to save Charly, and Zorro would probably run if he just moved in that direction. Cibernetico looks over, and just continues punching Parka. Classic Cibernetico moment. The more I think about it, the less I believe Charly could’ve been mad at him; this is who Cibernetico is.

UWE, Texano/Porky

UWE (WED) 03/16/2011 Arena Lopez Mateos [Estrellas del Ring]
1) Demonio Gato, Insolito, Taurus b Ángel de la Noche, Epidemia, Love Angel
2) Sexy Lady b Afrodita, Ludark Shaitan
3) Eros, Super Panda, Tortuguillo Ninja b Hombre sin Rostro, Ronny Ventura, Tormento
4) Blue Panther, Rocky Santana, Solar I DRAW Black Terry, Negro Navarro, Ray Mendoza Jr.
5) Atlantis & Último Guerrero b Cien Caras Jr. & Máscara Año 2000 Jr. [UWE TAG, semifinal]
will meet Hector Garza & Olimpico in the final

Dr. Landru is putting up video of the semimain – here’s the first part and part 2.

Texano says everyone should eat pork on Friday, to celebrate Super Porky losing his hair. Brazo de Plata says he’s going to fight to win, not just to make people laugh. (These are the sort of things that need to be said on TV, not just newspaper articles.)

AAA has an article talking about Psycho Clown’s official Facebook account. The article does not include a link to the account. Or AAA’s facebook account.

LuchaWorld has this week’s Ras de Lona and KrisZ’s news update.



CMLL (SUN) 03/20/2011 Arena Coliseo Guadalajara
1) El Divino vs Leo
2) Bengala & Höruz vs Artillero & Súper Comando
3) Metálico & Starman vs Mr. Trueno & Rey Trueno
4) Pequeño Olímpico vs Virgo [CMLL MINI]
5) La Sombra, Máximo, Valiente vs Averno, Dragón Rojo Jr., Mephisto

Champion certainly should retain. That’d be Maximo’s first match bald, if he loses tomorrow.

CMLL (MON) 03/21/2011 Arena Puebla
1) Asturiano & Stigma vs Fuerza Chicana & King Jaguar
2) Centella de Oro, Metatrón, Super Halcon Jr. vs Disturbio, Hijo del Signo, Siki Ozama Jr.
3) Diamante, Dragon Lee, Fuego vs Arkángel de la Muerte, Hooligan, Yoshihashi
4) Delta, Hijo del Fantasma, Sangre Azteca vs Averno, Ephesto, Mephisto
5) Atlantis, Rey Bucanero, Último Guerrero vs Mr. Niebla, Terrible, Texano Jr.

Super Halcon Jr. exists! Though the poster just calls him Halcon Jr, so there may be a change. Yoshihashi without Okumura is always rare. All five Avernos on the same show seems a bit rare.

CMLL Guerreros del Ring on 52MX #276 (03/05/2011)

Ultimo Guerrero does not teach this at his ref school.

taped @ Arena Coliseo, 02/27/2011

file: here
recap: here

Astral, Pequeño Halcón, Pequeño Maximo vs Pequeño Nitro, Pequeño Universo 2000, Pequeño Warrior: Ok for a match featuring so many guys who are works in progress (though it’s kind of surprising they couldn’t fit one experienced tecnico in there.) I would not be sad if a ripple effect of Demus returning to the minis is less Pequeno Universo. Pequeno Warrior powerbombing guys into turnbuckles to win second matches on the card is about as bad as Mortiz’s finish.

Ángel de Oro, Blue Panther, Valiente vs Atlantis, Último Guerrero, Vangelis: Vangelis, living the dream! The shock surprise submission by Angel de Oro was a neat idea, but needed a little more than Atlantis just standing there waiting for it. Though everyone here could use work at not blankly standing there, waiting for someone to hit or dive on them.