05/10 news

Must wake up. At some point.

I have pages of notes; let’s see if I can use them.


CMLL (FRI) Arena Mexico 05/06 Results [O’Campo]
1) Rayos Tapatios b Super Comadno, Polvora
2) La Mascara, Ricky Marvin, Virus b Dr. X, Hooligan, Loco Max
Guess who pinned who in the final fall? Yes.
3) Atlantis, Satanico, Black Warrior b Black Tiger, Taguchi, Okumura
4) Heavy Metal, Dos Caras Jr., Ultimo Dragon b Ultimo Guerrero, Averno, Mephisto
Seems like they’re building an issue between the Ultimos
5) L.A. Park, Mistico, Dr. Wagner b Hijo del Perro Aguayo, Hector Garza, Tarzan Boy
The head of Televisa was at ringside, and all the tecnicos gave him a mask. It doesn’t look like much in the finishes – tecnicos taking straight two falls by DQs – but both Ovaciones and Super Luchas said this was a great match.

All the tecnicos won. How odd.

CMLL (SUN) Arena Coliseo 05/08 Results
1) Sombra de Plata & Zetta ? Zayko & Flecha
2) Tigre Blanco, Tigre Metalico, Texano Jr. ? Ramstein, Mogur, Guerrero del Futuro
3) Sangre Azteca, Mr. Mexico, Nitro b Zumbido, Misterioso, Brazo de Oro
4) Emilio Charles, Universo 2000, Mascara 2000 b Canek Jr., Hijo De Pierroth Mephisto, Pierroth Jr.
The particpants of this match and the next match mixed it up in between matches, with the fathers helping out their sons.
5) Rayo de Jalisco, Negro Casas Ultimo Dragon, Black Warrior b Canek, Pierroth, Tarzan Boy

CMLL (TUE) Arena Coliseo 05/10 Lineup
This is a special Mother’s Day show, oddly enough. Google translated Ovaciones’ headline on that story to “THE BREASTS FREE”.
1) Ultimo Dragoncito, Mini Olimpico, Bam Bam vs Espectrito, Fire, Sombria
2) Tony Rivera, Brazo de Oro, Chris Stone vs Masada, Taguchi, Okumura
3) Rayo de Jalisco Jr, Brazo De Plata, Mascara Sagrada vs Pierroth, Terrible, Emilio
4) Tiger Mask I, Negro Casas, Black Warrior vs Tarzan Boy, Averno, Mephisto
They’re listing him as Satoru Sayama “Tiger Mask”. This show hasa 7:30 start time; Tiger Mask and Ultimo Dragon are also supposed to main event a show in Hidalgo at 8:45.
5) Universo 2000 vs Dos Caras Jr. [CMLL Heavy]
This comes off interaction in last Tuesday’s Coliseo match. Don’t know anything, but a title change wouldn’t shock me.

CMLL (FRI) Arena Mexico 05/13 Lineup
1) Leono, Meteorix vs Flecha, Artillero
2) Ricky Marvn, Zumbido, Alan Stone vs Sangre Azteca, Mr. Mexico, Loco Max
3) Dr. X vs La Mascara [MEX WELTER]
Yea, he finally accepted the challenge. Since Dr. X has never won leading up, you’d think he’d get a win here, but La Mascara is a CMLL Character.
4) Heavy Metal, Mascara Magica, Negro Casas vs Hector Garza, Damian 666, Halloween
5) Tiger Mask I, Ultimo Dragon, Dos Caras Jr. vs GdI (Ultimo, Rey, Tarzan.)
Yep, Rey. We’ll probably find out if it means anything later.
6) Mistico vs el hijo del Perro Aguayo
This was originally announced as a title match for Mistico’s NWA Middleweight Title, before everyone realized Perro’s not close enough to that weight limit to fake it. Can Mistico add another to his hit list?

CMLL (SUN) Arena Coliseo 05/15 Lineup
1) Sombra de Plata, Zetta vs Jeque, Super Comando
2) Tigre Blanco, Texano Jr vs Arkangel, Veneno
3) Sangre Azteca, Nitro, Dr. X, Loco Max, Hooligan vs Zumbido, Ricky Marvin, Virus, Safari, Misterioso [cibernetico]
Another ‘Guerreros vs CMLL’ encounter.
4) Dos Caras Jr., Felino, Satanico vs Masada, Okumura, Taguchi
5) Tiger Mask I, Heavy Metal, Ultimo Dragon vs Hector Garza, Black Tiger, Terrible

Really wish this all ended on tape somehow.

Olimpico Update: He’s working in the ring and lifting weights. His next doctor’s appointment is in 15 days. Olimpico sounds very happy he’s beating back the six month projection.

Tigre Update: On Sunday, Blanco and Metalico visited the offices of Ovaciones to publically challenge Averno and Mephisto to give them a tag team championship match.

Atlantis Update: Atlantis ALSO wants another tag team shot. He says, in Tuesday’s Ovaciones, that the kids show was a big success and they’ll be running another one on 07/30.

Gronda Update: Like L.A. Park, he’s changing his name and his look (see the Super Lucha cover) just enought to evade prosecution, and he’s headed into CMLL in June.

Que Monitro Update: He’s going back to a general purpose CMLL mascot instead of sticking with one person. Doesn’t want to get his heart broken again, I presume.


AAA’s story on Shocker is he’d really like to be a TripleMania, but since he’s got a real chance of winning TNA’s X Championship on the same day, they gotta let him try for it.

On Monday, there was an article previewing the TripleMania card again, but not much new. Vampiro vs Konnan will be No DQ, which was to be expected.

This week’s jump rumor: Abismo Negro.


IWRG (THU) 05/05 Naucalpan Results [ovaciones]
1) Mr. Libra b Caleth
2) Fantasma de la Opera & Carta Brava Jr. b Panterita & Gran Cuchillo
3) Fantasma Jr., Suicida StarBOY, Avisman b Crazy Boy, Cerebro Negro American Gigolo, Doctor Cerebro
4) Seeding Cibernetico – see below
5) Scorpio Jr., Texano, Fuerza Guerrera Veneno b Mascara Sagrada, Mister Niebla, Negro Casas
Fuerza may be on his way back into AAA

05/08 (SUN) |------------
Stripers----             |
Police------             |            |
05/12 (THU) |------------             |
Corporation-                          |
S. Cadets---                          |
05/15 (SUN) |------------             |
Villanos----             |            |
Doctors-----             |
05/19 (THU) |------------

Haven’t seen results from Sunday’s show as of yet.

Box Y Lucha’s cover, and the poster inside is a AAA in Japan collage.

Super Lucha’s cover – Gronda with a “Batman” cowl. I don’t know when the Wagner/Park match is, or if they’re even going against each other; Ovaciones added Santo, Super Parka, and Perro Aguayo to the particpants.

Halcon.net has an interview with Veneno.

Lucha Va Voom Recap here.

05/07 recap

Today’s AAA. Done already.

The problem with me doing AAA recaps is I care not a bit about everyone, so it’s hard to care and easy to distract myself. And it’s hard to want to spend much time on stuff you don’t care much about.

But the Black Family/Barrio Kids was real good, even if I get the feeling it’s partly because they’ve done it so many times.

This Luzbel must not be the same Luzbel as the new Gronda, because he wasn’t just a guy in a normal mask.

05/06 news

Preview of weekend and Friday stuff today Ovaciones today. Not a lot of news.

CMLL: The Arena Mexico lineup article notes CMLL still has plenty of intersting rudos without Shocker and Vampiro, but finds pieces lacking with the tecnico side of the main event – Mistico (staying power?), Wagner (needs a big win) and Park (stagnant.)

Hidalgo: on a 05/05 show, Gronda, Ricky Marvin and Solar beat Super Crazy, Kraken and Medicto (filling in for a no-showing Fuerza). In an undercrd match, Cerebro Negro and Conde 2000 were supposted to take on Avisman and Exotico, except Avisman was no where to be found. Replacing him was – another guy in a Cerebro Negro mask! The original won, and demanded a mask/mask with the imposter.

Wait, Solar? There’s two Solars, right? Or he gets around.

IWRG: Veneno doesn’t want to defend the middleweight title against Black Dragon, thinking he’s way beneath him.

AAA: Konnan vs Vampiro is no DQ, and they’re borrowing the Dreamer/Sandman gimmick of “loser gets caned 10 times.” Also, if Vamprio loses, he’s forced to join LLL and follow Cibernetico.

X-Law: Super Luchas has the poster for the Super Crazy vs ROH’s Austin Aries show on 05/15. Note Crazy’s listed as a new WWE wrestler.

Lucha Va Voom Results

LUCHA VA VOOM (THU) 05/05/05 Congress Theatre Results

1) Principe Franky won a 10 Man Battle Royal. Order of elimination was Payasos Loco, SWAT Kat, El Dorado, Tzuka (? – the guy with the Santo mask), Tyme Page, Yakuza, Mascara de Jade, Latin Terror. Franky made Principe Azteca give up to a grounded octupus to win it.

2) Chilango pinned Dorado Kid after a 450 splash in a three match with Black Tiger III

3) Cassandro, Mascartia Sagrada and Fifi Poubelle beat Misterioso, Octagonicto and Bibi Poubelle (under the influnce of an evil cat mask)

4) Blue Demon & Solar b Nicho and Rey Mysterio Sr. Solar pinned Nicho.


cinco de mayo news


the big news: tonight’s show at Congress made the Ovaciones lucha notes column!

news which people besides me may care: It’s Thursday, so we start with IWRG

IWRG (THU) 05/05 Naucalpan Lineup
1) Mr. Libra vs Caleth
2) Panterita & Gran Cuchillo vs Fantasma de la Opera & Carta Brava Jr.
3) Crazy Boy, Cerebro Negro, Doctor Cerebro vs Fantasma Jr., Suicida, Avisman
4) Villano III, Felino, Coco Rojo, Fabian el Gitano, Black Tiger, Xibalva, Solar and Enfermero in an 8 person cibernetico to seed the upcoming trios tournament.
5) Mascara Sagrada, Mister Niebla, Negro Casas vs Scorpio Jr., Texano, Fuerza Guerrera
Remember Niebla said he was coming back in June? I wonder if there’s some issue between him and CMLL, or if he’s just working IWRG because it’s a lesser (in dates, at least) schedule.

AAA (WED) 05/04 (I think) Ciudad Madero, Tamaulipas Results
1) Pegasso & Chivas Rayads b Los Diabolicos
2) Pirata Morgan, Tiffany, Sexi Francis & Mini Abismo Negro b El Brzo, Diabolica, Povo de Esterllas, Mini Psicosis
3) Angel, El Zorro, Intocable b Hator, Histeria, Juvi
Juvi bled a lot, with his XTeam allies turning on him.
4) Octagon b Psychosis
This was supposed to be a Mex MW title match between Nicho and LLL Psychosis, but Nicho didn’t show. Hope he makes it to Chicago. I believe the replacement match was non-title, although the report isn’t clear.
5) La Parka, Electro Shock, Vampiro DQ Konnan, Cibernetico, Charly Manson
Sounds like Shocker made the save post match. Article confirms he’s in TNA and not at TripleMania.


There’s an interview with La Mascara, talking about how Dr. X has been ducking him. The commission may step in and force Dr. X to defend if he doesn’t decide to it himself. My guess on this has been that they’ve been waiting for a major show to do the title match (and likely change), but they haven’t actually figured out when they’ll be having that next major show.

Ultimo Dragon is in from 05/08 (Coliseo) to 05/17 (a Tuesday – but he’s flying out that day, so probably won’t make TV.)

Dr. Wagner and Mepshito face Ultimo Guerrero and Rey Bucanero in Cuernavaca today.

Volador, Tony Rivera, Tigre Metalico, Averno, Arkangel, and Veneno will be wrestling at the Oaxaca Town Fair.

Tijuana: The lucha commission tried out having a free show in the park on 04/24, and it worked out well enough that they approved free park shows on a permanent basis.


Toryumon (SAT) 05/14 Arena Mexico [Joe @ luchaworld]
1) Chuichiro Arai vs Guillermo Akiba
2) Ringo Mendoza & Americo Rocca vs Negro Nevarro
3) ??? vs ??? [Gail Kim?] in a woman’s match
Hey, Molly’s got nothing better to do
4) Brazo de Oro, Brazo de Plata, Villano III vs Okumura, Taguchi, Masada
5) Mistico, Hiromi Horiguchi, Kazuchika Okada, Milanito Collection AT, Banana Senga, Crazy Boy, Passion Hasegawa, Kanyuro Matzxuyama, Hijo del Fantasma, Hajima Ohara, Xtreme Tiger, Joe Lider [Sophia Cup]
two random guys start, two guys get added every 3 minutes. Eliminations over the rope, submission, or pin. I’m combining the list in the card and the list in Ovaciones today.
5) Rayo de Jalisco, Tigre Mask I, Ultimo Dragon vs Ultimo Guerrero, Rey Bucanero, Tarzan Boy
If Rey’s not signing with CMLL, this would be an odd way to have his last Arena Mexico match.

Neat that they’re in Arena Mexico.