10/26-27 lucha times


CMLL’s show on Fox Sports is listed at 2pm on Saturday. It was listed around that time last week, but was shifted to 10AM at a late moment – maybe Friday, maybe Saturday morning, no one’s quite sure because no one knew about it was way too late. It’s possible, maybe probable, CMLL didn’t know about the change themselves. Things out of your control will go wrong, the meaningful part is how you handle it. In this case, CMLL just ignored the problem. Their most important TV of the week didn’t air, they own the rights to the footage, they could’ve given it to Terra or put it up on YouTube or any other solution, and they decided to do nothing.

Now, it was a lame duck TV show. The eight day delay before a big show meant they were building up matches which already happened. (It would’ve made a lot more sense to air the top matches of this show on Terra for that reason, even before the time change.) It’s also not the first time this has happened on Fox Sports and probably not the last, but it’s the first in this new era Fox Sports as the most important show. CMLL should be used to be handling this situation by now, but seem more used to doing nothing and leaving their fans out in the lurch. I know there are people in CMLL who really care about making the best product they can for the fans, but they don’t seem to be the people in charge of things.

(This is also the irregular reminder that it’s absolutely ludicrious that I’ve writing a weekly post trying to figure when shows are on and what matches may air. Promotions should promote their TV shows as much as the rest of their product. Promotions should have a method for people to watch their shows if they missed them when they aired. Most of the mexican promotions are massively behind the curve on this. AAA at least posts their shows, but won’t publicize you what’s on them until they’re airing and still on their website lists a show long canceled as airing. That’s the best we have. This is all dumb.)

One last thing on this. As best anyone can guess – guess because, again, CMLL doesn’t explain anything – the top two matches were taken off Terra to help strength the Fox Sports show. No amount of skipping matches is going to help if the show bounces around the schedule, and Fox Sports can’t believe the show is that strong if they’re not giving it a permanent slot somewhere. Neither side seems to care about the TV show, so why do they care about ending the internet show early?

actually important non-rant items: Daylight Savings Time starts this Sunday in Mexico, but not until next Sunday in the US, Canada and border Mexico town (like Ciudad Juarez, which we use for a couple of web feeds.) Shows will start ONE HOUR LATER than you expect. This week, this will affect the CMLL on Terra show, the various Noches de Coliseos shows, maybe the SLP La Lucha se La Hace airing, and IWRG on AYM and LAS (1AM start) on Sunday, plus shows like Puebla and Tercera Caida and DTU thru the week.

== AAA ==

AAA-Televisa: Part of 1 of Heroes Inmortales. Thinking they’ll air at least the first round Copa Pena matches first, because it would make sense to introduce Hijo del Fantasma and not just have him debut by seconding Texano in the title match.

== CMLL ==

FOX: Super Libre Plus and not-tag title match.

52MX: Valiente & Ultimo Guerrero and Mephisto/Mascara trios, but the interesting bit is the Guadalajara match. There’s a decent chance it could be a Hijo del Fantasma match, which would say everything I just wrote above CMLL’s lack of thought a lot more succinctly.

C3: Invasors vs Porky/Titan/Valiente

TVC Deportes (Puebla): Revolucionarios vs Estetas

En Busca de un Idolo: All they have left is the final match, but since they have an episode scheduled for next week, this is probably just a 30 minutes of Valiente and Vangellys training skits. Best show of the year.

Terra: Mascara Dorada & Niebla Roja try to out due Titan & Niebla Roja on Friday. Sunday has more Guerreros vs Fiebre build up.

== Other ==

IWRG-AYM Sports: A ruleta de la muerte where Apolo Estreda Jr. will end up winning or losing, plus Bombero versus Tony.

Noches de Coliseo: Hijo del Dr. Wagner starts out a match, but it doesn’t go well.

IWL: Pre-empted for the World Combat Sports competition. If they air a new episode, this would be the IWL Heavyweight four way.

DTU: matches from the 07/04 show – four way tag with the American Wolves and Mexican Powers vs Ciclope/Drastick Boy

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5 thoughts to “10/26-27 lucha times”

  1. Preach on about the Terra/Fox Sports situation, it’s the shits. How many people are watching the Terra feed? Anybody know? If its more than a couple of hundred I’d be suprised. Terra doesn’t even bother promoting it on their own website hardly!

    Who is paying for all this shit to be broadcast to such a small audience? It hardly seems worth it to be honest. Don’t get me wrong, I love being able to watch the shows live, but it looks like a huge money loser overall. And deteriorating there support by disappearing to the Internet for half of their TV seems like a mistake.

    Surely getting a space (even moved around times) on Televisa would be far more beneficial for exposure than Internet shows?

  2. Looking at tercera caida show highlights of Heroes Inmortales and realized that Andres and Jesus were doing live commentary any idea why they would do so for a show that was not being shown in any form live?

  3. AAA always has the announcers doing live commentary at ringside.

    The CMLL TV situation is easy to explain. They don’t pay for TV. Ever. They sell their shows – more specifically the advertising on the shows to whatever channel will give them whatever amount of money. It’s been said they can be back on Televisa next week if they want as Televisa has said they just need to start paying for TV time but CMLL seems to have no interest in that. Of course that would be the smart thing to do but CMLL is far more likely to be interested in a 5th rate channel nobody has ever heard of giving them a couple bucks to air 3 months old Tuesday shows.

  4. No they dont they have only had them for Triplemania this years Rey de Reyes did not have live commentating and neither did any ppvs last year.

  5. Right, most of the matches start with Jesus wandering off to the back after doing the ring announcing.

    Maybe they did live as practice and because they had to do a quicker turnaround to TV this time?

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