Peste Negra/Generacion Dorada, AAA, Fantasma

CMLL (MON) 05/16/2011 Arena Puebla [Cinco Radio, El Sol de Puebla]
2) Mima Shimoda, Princesa Blanca, Princesa Sujei b Dalys la Caribeña, Goya Kong, Luna Mágica
3) Pegasso, Rey Cometa, Sensei b Hooligan, Loco Max, Nitro
4) Ephesto, Mephisto, Olímpico b Hijo del Fantasma, Máximo, Valiente
5) Atlantis, Mr. Niebla, Negro Casas b La Máscara, La Sombra, Máscara Dorada
Mr. Niebla stole Mascara’s mask and rolled him up for the win. Trios title challenge coming here

Other news

AAA is now advertising Abyss for tomorrow’s SLP taping. (Promo here – AAA apparently has dignity!) He’s replacing Scott Steiner, who’s quietly being dropped because he’s having issues with TNA at the moment. Abyss worked TripleMania last year, in a match no one’s still quite sure why he was in (but it really wasn’t his fault.)

Mini Psicosis says he studied Octagoncito matches to find ways to beat him (!), Octagoncito will have to prove he should earn the title, and the Vipers are a three man unit, so he considers them all champions.

Ultimo Gladiador would like a match with Mick Foley at TripleMania. Probably not happening. Never hurts to ask.

CMLL says Blue Panther and Negro Casas fought in the press room after their pupils Forjando un Idolo match.

CMLL also previews the Forjando un Idolo semifinals, noting Polvora vs Delta is actually a rematch of last year’s Gran Alternativa final. First time they, and Angel de Oro and Fuego, have met in a singles match.

Nikita reviews Escorpion vs Delta

Rob has video of the first (televised) CMLL Torneo Cibernetico and two highlight video from AAA early 1995.

Hijo del Fantasma

Took a couple days, but there’s push back from the WON story about the end of the Fantasma push being picked up by SuperLuchas. Nothing official yet, but if you like people talking about disliking what other people are talking about:

GoldVillano (which I’m always kind of questionably about) says the end of the Mephisto/Fantasma feud had little to do with Fantasma. His story is the feud came about off a legit argument – Mephisto accused Hijo del Fantasma of only getting a push because of his father, Fantasma responded by choking him. CMLL thought this was a grand idea to go with for a feud, but the plan (with some assistance from Fantasma Sr.) was for Mephisto to drop his mask, Mephisto refused, and CMLL gave up on it for now.

Cesar says we should not trust any Mexican information the WON publishes, because the Mexico section’s sources are only Konnan and Ernesto Ocampo  and they’re both hating on CMLL. For what it’s worth: I know for a fact Dave Meltzer communicates with people besides those two people (if he even talks to those two people) (also: not me) and I’d guess Konnan isn’t actively feeding news on CMLL because it doesn’t seem like he pays any attention to them; the only news he’d have is gossip passed between wrestlers, but I’m sure he could care less about the day to day of CMLL. Not sure the Ocampo idea makes much more sense. Anyway, Cesar makes the case that you can not accuse CMLL of specifically dropping the Fantasma/Mephisto storyline because they’ve dropped pretty much every storyline they’ve started this year, and sarcastically blames the WWE for all of them. Not a good sign for a promotion when your fans are using gross incompetence as a defense!

I think we can prove there’s a specific issue in Fantasma’s case. Cesar is absolutely right, other guys absolutely did have their feuds dropped, but many of those guys got new feuds. Misterioso, Polvora and Dragon Rojo all had their feuds with Sangre Azteca toned down, but they’ve all individually been promoted in other ways (trios title shot, Forjando un Idolo, usual ridiculous amount of title matches.) Generacion Dorada vs Hijos de Averno hasn’t been followed up by a group, but that’s expected when Dorada’s not been in Mexico much and won’t be for a while; Sombra’s got other big matches, Avenro’s feuded with La Mascara, and Mephisto has helped out there. Fantasma hasn’t done anything since dropping that lightning match to Olimpico – a proud member of the group that never wins any important matches! You did not need the WON story to know something happened with Fantasma. There’s been no story about Bam Bam, and yet it’s pretty clear Something Happened with him in February, when he suddenly dropped the minis title and then dropped off the face off the Earth for weeks. The WON story was a good explanation, and one I’m inclined to believe, but just dismissing the explanation for the issue doesn’t mean the issue isn’t still there.



WWA (FRI) 05/27/2011 Auditorio de Tijuana
1) El Hijo de Rey Misterio vs Famous B [WWA WELTER, tournament]
2) Great Pantera vs Steve Pain [WWA WELTER, tournament]
3) Hijo de LA Park, Hijo del Dr. Wagner Jr., Rayman vs Angel Blanco Jr., El Hijo del Solitario, Tony Casanova
4) Carlito & LA Park vs Blue Demon Jr. & Dr. Wagner Jr.

Lineup here. El Hijo del Santo had that WWA title the last we saw. Not sure if that’ s a tournament for the title or a title shot (but I’m guessing the new title.) That’s the new Hijo de Rey, the former Tijuana Horus.

05/14 – 15 lucha videos


  • WWC 05/14 & WWC 05/15
  • CMLL Guerreros del Ring on 52MX #286 (05/14/2011)
    taped @ Arena Mexico, 05/08/2011
    Guerrero Maya Jr., Hombre Bala Jr., Sensei vs Mortiz, Rayo Tapatío I, Rayo Tapatío II
    Ángel de Oro, Diamante, Rush vs El Alebrije, Misterioso II, Olímpico [MEX TRIOS]
  • AAA on Televisa #990 (05/14/2011)
    taped @ Lienzo Charro de Pachuca, Pachuca, Hidalgo, 04/20/2011
    Atomic Boy, Fenix, Relampago vs Dark Dragon, Tigre Cota, Tito Santana
    Electroshock, Extreme Tiger, Jack Evans vs Chessman, Silver King, Último Gladiador
    Damián 666, Halloween, Hijo del Lizmark, X-Fly vs Dr. Wagner Jr., Monster Clown, Murder Clown, Psycho Clown
  • CMLL on LATV (05/14/2011)
    taped @ Arena Mexico, 05/08/2011
    Metal Blanco, Metro, Palacio Negro vs Cancerbero, Raziel, Yoshihashi
    Black Warrior, Máximo, Strong Man vs Felino, Mr. Niebla, Negro Casas
  • Noches de Coliseo (05/15/2011)
    taped @ Arena Coliseo Monterrey, 05/08/2011
    Estrella del Oriente & Herodes vs Guerrero Negro & Super Parka
  • CMLL on Televisa #1028 (05/14/2011)
    taped @ Arena Mexico, 05/06/2011
    Dalys la Caribeña, Goya Kong, Luna Mágica vs Estrellita, La Comandante, Princesa Blanca
    Diamante vs Fuego Forjando un Idolo in a Forjando un Idolo quarterfinal match
    Ángel de Oro vs Guerrero Maya Jr. in a Forjando un Idolo quarterfinal match
    La Máscara, La Sombra, Máscara Dorada vs Averno, Negro Casas, Último Guerrero


CMLL on Teleformula #47 (05/15/2011)
taped @ Arena Puebla, 05/09/2011
La Máscara, Máscara Dorada, Máximo vs Rey Bucanero, Terrible, Texano
La Sombra, Rush, Tigre Rojo Jr. vs Atlantis, Averno, Último Guerrero


  • 05/08 IWRG
    Arena Naucalpan, 05/05/2011
    Centurión & Rolling Boy vs Carta Brava Jr. & El Imposible
    Eterno & Hijo del Pantera vs Alan Extreme & El Pollo Asesino
    Multifacético, Negro Navarro, Trauma II vs Comando Negro, Fresero Jr., Pirata Morgan
    Ray Mendoza Jr., Trauma I, Villano IV vs Hijo de Pirata Morgan, Silver King, Último Gladiador
  • 05/12 Perros del Mal
    Domo Jacinto Canek de Cancún, Quintana Roo, 05/08/2011
    Cadete, Gran Tigre, Suicida Jr. vs Demos, Jungla Verde, Sùper Kid
    Bestia 666 & X-Fly vs Corsario Jr. & Invencible Jr. [IWL TAG]