04/02-03 Lucha Times


I’m going to leave the CMLL main show in the section in the Mexico section. No sense changing anything until the US version inevitable gets lagged behind.

I have no inside info on this, but I believe the reason why CMLL is back on in the US has little to do with CMLL. Galavision is trying to get it’s HD channel carried by cable systems, they need more HD programming to be attractive, and they happened to own the rights to two hours HD hours of TV they could be airing. That it’s CMLL is a happy concidence.

CMLL has not mentioned they’re back on in the US, does not care, but probably only got this slot because they went to HD (and AAA hasn’t, yet.)

I don’t get Galavision HD. If I did, my guess is y’all would still prefer SD downloads, because you’re not watching these downloads on HD screens and all that extra file size (and encoding time) wouldn’t actually be helping anyone. Is that a sound guess?

DST starts this Sunday in Mexico, in the places where it hasn’t already started. This won’t help anyone trying to watch shows on feeds on Saturday, but it will help everyone who records both the Teleformula and Lucha de Vuleta shows since they shouldn’t be overlapping now. (So, just me & Alfredo.) IWRG will also be airing an hour earlier, if TVCDeportes decides to run it’s feed.

AAA-US: last show before Rey de Reyes includes the 4th Metal/Electroshock, Mesias returning from near death pretty much OK (he did return from being set ablaze and drifting out to sea, so we really shouldn’t be surprised), Lucha Libre USA champion Hijo de Lizmark in action.

52MX: Rayo Tapatio I’s war against youngsters rolls, plus a random assortment of people

LATV: reruns? Reruns.

CMLL-GDL: Rey Bucanero vs Maximo, Maximo’s final match in CMLL ever (for about a day.)


AAA-MEX: listed as an hour earlier, beyond the time change. Rey de Reyes 2, so it’s all on the internet already. Not sure which matches aired last week.

CMLL: They definitely promoted Averno vs Mascara Dorada. They did not mention Alvarados vs Doble T at all, so it’s probably getting left off like Aguila/Bucanero did last time around. Probably the Peste Negra vs Sombra/Toscano/Rush match, and maybe either the minis opener or another unaired lightning match.

FOX: Cancerbros vs Oro/Plata/Delta + Atlantis/Casas/Volador vs Mascara/Sombra/Porky

C3: title challenges all around.

CMLL-GDL: swing match is Metal Blanco/Palacio Negro vs Inquisidor/Raziel

Puebla: Niebla vs UG, week 1

ACM: UG vs Espartaco + Felino, Mr. Niebla and Negro Navarro (for real) vs Mascara Dorada, Silencio, Stuka Jr.

Perros: a rerun!

IWRG: the taping that’s going on right now.

CMLL-TFN: have totally lost track here

CMLL Guadalajara on Teleformula #40 (03/27/2011)

taped @ Arena Coliseo Guadalajara, 02/08/2011

file: here
recap: here

Gallo, Sagrado, Sangre Azteca vs Escorpion, Misterioso II, Pólvora: HATED this match. Rudos were a slow, unhurried annoyance to Sangre. There wasn’t anything more to the match, and what they were doing was too passive and too scattered to be interesting. And then wont forever. A dreary GDL match; between this match and the Polvora/Sangre Azteca lightning match, it felt like a really good idea they didn’t do a mask match between then at Dos Leyendas. Sangre’s been improving as a tecnico, but there wasn’t much of that here.

Felino & Rey Bucanero vs Máscara Dorada & Máximo – as action, this feud hasn’t been much, but it’s made up for it with wacky shennangins. This was the oddest conga line ever.


Gran Alternativa, links

Palacio Negro & Metal Blanco confirm to Fuego en el Ring that they’re heading to Mexico City full time, starting with the Gran Alternativa tournament. They’d like to stay partners, but they’ll be 100% professional if they face off each other in the tournament. Record previews the eight rookies in tomorrow’s Gran Alternativa, and given the absolutely lack of anything to write about today, might as well preview that one now:


  • Dragon Lee & Volador Jr. – though moving up the card would intefere with his Rayo Tapatio feud!

Dark Horses

  • Máscara Dorada & Metal Blanco – this team is inevitably going to run into…
  • Averno & Palacio Negro – this one, and one of them would work against Escorpion (though Escorpion would be a favorite)
  • Black Warrior & Lestat – would be more about Black Warrior


  • Mephisto & Tiger Kid – even with the rudo/rudo finals of late, seems an unlikely final
  • Negro Casas & Puma King – as does this
  • Guerrero Maya Jr. & Máximo – seems here to make up the numbers
  • Hombre Bala Jr. & La Máscara – but not especially important in Gen11 so far

The Gladiatores has video of Tuesday’s night cage match in Arena Aficion. Started with 4 man (Super Crazy, Arenita, Medico, Wagner III), ended up with 8 and a rematch in a couple Tuesdays.

LuchaWorld has KrisZ’s news update, this week’s Ras de Lona, and a recap of this week’s CMLL. I should do that.



DTU (FRI) 04/08/2011 Arena Lopez Mateos
1) Shitara vs Chica Tormenta, Megan, Lily Figther, Keira [#1 Contenders, Reina De Reinas]
2) Ashley vs Vanely, Yuki Star, Lolita, Vaquerita [#1 Contenders, Reina De Reinas]
3) Aeroboy & Samuray del Sol vs Sadico & Yakuza and Black Fire & Pesadilla and ? & Ciclope
4) Dark Dragon & Fenix (AAA) vs Trauma I & Trauma II
5) Zumbi vs Hormiga, Daga, Flamita
6) Mari Apache vs ?, ??
7) Chessman vs Violento Jack, Paranoiko, Drastik Boy

There’s no 1 on 1 on DTU Erotica, everything is multiperson.  Tag match is listed as “Ultraviolent Fetish Lumberjack”, and they’re not going to explain that ahead of time.

AAA on Televisa #983 (03/26/2011)

no comment

taped @ Gimnasio Miguel Hidalgo de Puebla, 03/04/2011

file: here
recap: here

Fenix, Lolita, Mari Apache vs Billy Boy, Jennifer Blake, Sexy Star: Two matches in, and Lolita still comes off a star. It’s possible she may be someone who can do neat headscissors spots and not a lot more, but then that’d make her “Lita” at worse, and that’s pretty good. Two matches in, and we know Fenix has a really different dive and not a lot else. At least he made it to two matches! The Tirantes angle seems like it may have come to late: he’s facing Apache because he’s a horrible biased referee, except he’s refereed fairly in every match (including this one!) I’m fine with this, less evil refreeing the better.

Charly Manson, Escoria, Nygma vs Espíritu, Joe Lider, Nicho el Millionario: Maybe something like 75% of Nygma’s offense was clipped out, often right as he was going for a move. That’s never a good sign. Other people were fine. Charly being the evil guy in this match and being attacked by Zorro means Zorro’s the good guy, right? I’m willing to go with that.

Heavy Metal vs Electroshock in a street fight: this one was different because they put each other thru more stuff, you see. There was a really loud ding noise when Metal got hit with the bottle, and I hope that means they added it in later and Heavy Metal didn’t really take a glass bottle to the head. Silver Kain really needs to learn how to take no for answer, there’s got to be someone else he can add to his group who won’t be this much trouble.

Carlito vs Jack Evans vs Decnnis vs Ozz in a AAA’s Rey de Rey tournament semifinal match: Carlito was just “Carlito” here. They should probably decide these things and then tell everyone. He was not particularlly interesting and not particuarlly over, but I would’ve tried him here too. Sexy Star, Italian, was at least funny.

So…they gave away Billy was the Bizarro and traitor on TV, and this was still a surprise come next week? Stealing outright from Oscar winning movies is a better idea than being inspired by WWE, let’s go with that.

Cuervo, El Mesías, Extreme Tiger vs LA Park, Silver King, Último Gladiador: Mesias seemed to lose two gallons of blood last week…which just meant he showed up too late to actually get beat up this week and they needed four people to hold him back. Odd they would’ve let Mesias get his pinfall back on LA Park here, when that’s supposed to be one of the driving points of the PPV and they’ve given Extreme Tiger absolutely nothing to do here. Tiger pinning Gladiador wouldn’t do that much for him, but not much is still more than seeming like a completely meaningless guy in this match (which is what they communicated in the post match.)