AAA on Televisa #981 (03/12/2011)

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taped @ Plaza De Toros El Pinal, Teziutlan, Puebla, 02/19/2011

Recap: here
File: here

Lolita, Mini Charly Manson, Sugi San vs Jennifer Blake, Mini Chessman, Ronin: Lolita, in her debut, seemed like a bigger star than the half dozen of women CMLL has introduced in the last couple years (and most of the women who’ve come thru AAA; it should be noted that Jennifer looked good here as well.) I’m not sure if Lolita is actually better, or if it’s just a fine job of presentation. The CMLL women work full matches, often against people with similar levels of experience, and usually have a bad moment or three. Jennifer and Lolita did four spots, did them well, and got out with a perfect record. One of those performances looks much better on TV.

(though, introducing her with an upskirt shot was not exactly subtle.)

El Elegido & Laredo Kid vs Alan Stone & Chris Stone: Laredo Kid, man of future big AAA plans, has his first match in two months. He has not returned to television since. Fine job! The whole Elegido angle was completely edited out here. It’s kind of amazing Elegido has lasted so long under this administration, given all the times total disinterest is shown. Even if they relent and allow they need have a guy like Elegido, it’s surprising they haven’t just found someone they like to take over spot. I don’t believe they’re actually putting up Alan’s hair vs Elegido’s mask (though I guess maybe they may do something with the mixed tag titles?)

Extreme Tiger & Jack Evans vs Silver King & Último Gladiador: Surprisingly good match; Maniacos did not go on long expedition for weapons, cruiserweights did nifty stuff, crowd into the match, good finish, and they actually remembered to follow up on this.

El Mesías vs Aerostar, Electroshock, Súper Fly in a AAA’s Rey de Reyes Tournament semifinal: A rough day for Super Fly, thwarted by Electroshock again. It was really dumb of Aerostar to work together with a man he’s supposed to hate so much, but I guess he learned that lesson the hard way.

Dr. Wagner Jr., Monster Clown, Murder Clown, Psycho Clown vs Damián 666, Halloween, Super Crazy, X-Fly: Typical brawl that they’ve been doing for months and will be doing for months more. We’ve advanced to the point where Arturo Rivera knows he’s getting one of the Clowns names wrong, but has yet to remember the clown’s correct name. Maybe Antonio Pena was a genius for sticking with colors?

Mesias sure bled a lot for having no obvious wound.

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10 thoughts to “AAA on Televisa #981 (03/12/2011)”

  1. AAA television has constantly been good to great so far this year. Jennifer has also improved greatly over the past year.

    i assume that you enjoy AAA television cubs?

  2. Agree with CM93. AAA has had a great year. Way better than CMLL in my opinion. TV show has been constantly great, no exception this past week.

    I thought this entire show was awesome and the tag match big time exceeded my expectations. I have high hopes for the title match tonight.

  3. I agree AAA has reeked of awesomeness this year! It’s almost like a flashback to 2006. But seriously, as a long time AAA fan (since 94) it’s great to see the company pushing the right people & delivering awesome matches once again. BTW just incase you where wondering who won the battle that occurred on March 18th, between AAA & CMLL? … AAA clearly was victorious.

  4. i enjoy AAA’s women, minis, zorro, and the few high flyers.

    but it’s way too bloody, with too many run-ins and ref bs. someone’s face is a crimson mask every week and blood has little impact at this point. i can’t keep up with all the run-ins and people running around with chairs, tables and cheese graters.

    the angles are coming at viewers too fast. so fast, they have little impact, like the Russo Nitro episodes.

  5. just looking at RdR, there was interference in at least 4/6 matches and ref bs in the main.

  6. I’d rather see run ins and blood in matches than a first fall that lasts 90 seconds and a match that barely lasts 6 minutes. I used to be a huge fan of AAA about a year ago but my interest died a little bit. It’s gotten better with the less use of Foreigners and LA Park being awesome.

    And LLL, you talk about little impact, look at last Friday’s CMLL show. Porky and Maximo losing hair? What impact does that serve? Averno/Black Warrior has potential until Warrior starts no showing again in a month.

  7. I agree with Keith for the most part. They need to tone down the hardcore stuff or at least reserve it for certain matches. If Electro/Heavy bleed and brawl into the crowd and then the Clowns/Perros do the same thing – why will anyone care when Park and Mesias do it in the main event? Then again I don’t want to see a straight wrestling match between the Clowns and Perros. That should be the designated hardcore match along with the main event. When guys like the Maniacos and Hermandad start doing hardcore matches in the middle of the card is when it gets annoying.

    The ref BS definitely needs to go but never will. I’d be happy if the rudo refereeing was reserved to one match and was more subtle. Sucks to watch a show where Tirantes Jr decides the outcome of every match.

    Honestly AAA’s midcard has been smoking CMLL’s this year. Give me any Bizarros vs Maniacos or Jack/2 others vs Militia match over anything involving Delta, Sangre Azteca, the leftover Poder Mexica or Okumura. Not that those guys aren’t good (Delta is the shits) but their matches are slow, predictable and completely forgettable. Same can be applied to every Arena Mex Friday main event this year. Very by the numbers stuff at a slow pace. In a sense CMLL’s main TV show is trying to be more of a WWE ripoff than AAA. I don’t think anyone would disagree that the Tuesday shows are smoking the Friday shows and in some cases even the Sunday shows as well.

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