CMLL Guerreros del Ring on 52MX #276 (03/05/2011)

Ultimo Guerrero does not teach this at his ref school.

taped @ Arena Coliseo, 02/27/2011

file: here
recap: here

Astral, Pequeño Halcón, Pequeño Maximo vs Pequeño Nitro, Pequeño Universo 2000, Pequeño Warrior: Ok for a match featuring so many guys who are works in progress (though it’s kind of surprising they couldn’t fit one experienced tecnico in there.) I would not be sad if a ripple effect of Demus returning to the minis is less Pequeno Universo. Pequeno Warrior powerbombing guys into turnbuckles to win second matches on the card is about as bad as Mortiz’s finish.

Ángel de Oro, Blue Panther, Valiente vs Atlantis, Último Guerrero, Vangelis: Vangelis, living the dream! The shock surprise submission by Angel de Oro was a neat idea, but needed a little more than Atlantis just standing there waiting for it. Though everyone here could use work at not blankly standing there, waiting for someone to hit or dive on them.

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