CMLL on 52MX #216 (01/09)

Arena Coliseo @ 01/03/2010

Complete show: megaupload

Molotov, Sensei, Starman vs Bronco, Dr. X, Nitro – better than some of the other openers here, but nothing great. I understand the Tuareg’s master plan – wait until the kids get moved up, and then start to dominate over the remaining vets. Crafty!

Brazo de Plata, Shocker, Toscano vs Dragon Rojo Jr., Ray Mendoza Jr., Rey Bucanero – at this point, Toscano has been on 5 of the last 6 weeks. This week, I started to feel sorry for the announcers, who have to do that silly 30 second bio of him every week and don’t have much left to work with. This was a Brazo de Plata match, you may have seen one in the last score of years.

01/15 – 16 lucha videos


  • 01/16 CMLL 52MX – like the last tournament, the match before the final was better than the final
  • 01/16 AAA – TripleMania recap
  • 01/16 ACM – Medico Infernal vs Chica de Arabia
  • 01/15 WWC ; there’s interest in the Sunday show over on DVDMB, so I’ll try to get that starting next week

100% Lucha was listed on the schedule grid but did not air. Same thing for ECLL lucha, which may have gone the way of the AYM Sports lucha shows. LATV was a rerun, of course.

RadioFormula has 01/16 GDL.

WarriorX2000 has posted 01/08 CMLL (last best of) and 01/09 AAA (part 3 of best of).


SLP, GDL, AAA red carpet, Groon, lineups

CMLL Juniors (WED) 01/13 Auditorio Miguel Barragan [KrisZ]
1) Amapola & Princesa Sujei b Dalis la Caribeña & Lluvia
2) Blue Panther, Brazo de Plata, Hijo del Fantasma b Dragon Rojo Jr., Ray Mendoza Jr., Sangre Azteca
3) Místico & Negro Casas b Héctor Garza & Mr. Niebla [Relevos Increíbles]

KrisZ notes Mendoza was hurt in the semimain, and that’s why he was off on Friday.

CMLL (SUN) 01/17 Arena Coliseo Guadalajara [Fuego en el Ring]
1) Serverus b Enrique Vera Jr.
2) El Divino & Thunder Boy b In Memoria & Titanio
3) Asesino Negro & Drago b Magnum & Samurai
4) Mr. Trueno & Rey Trueno b Infierno & León Blanco
5) La Sombra, Máscara Dorada, Valiente b Dragon Rojo Jr., Sangre Azteca, Shigeo Okumura
6) Brazo de Plata DQ Terrible

Terrible bled from the nose from a Porky shot in the second fall. Terrible ended up fouling Porky for the loss. What an odd ending to this feud.

Once again, Magnum & Samurai fell apart as a team. Not sure who’s turning rudo, but they seem at the breaking point.

AAA’s red carpet premier was this past Friday (the official release is still not for a week), so there’s another set of articles about the movie.
AAA has their own recap of the red carpet. One of the strange about the movie is the character of La Parka Jr.’s younger brother, as just a regular kid. The idea surely is to have a character the kids can identify with, but it seemed to me like an easy way to introduce a new luchador coming out of the movie; there’s only one. AAA mentions new wrestler Lasser Boy made an appearance at the premier and has a role in the movie, so maybe I’ve just accidentally spoiled a twist in the movie. (There feels like three or four I’ve gone out of my way not to mention.)
Marisela Pena says she’s like AAA to work with Guillermo del Toro for another movie. Aim high. This article says the video game is now due out in August. If we keep getting updates on it, it’ll never come out.
La Parka Jr. does not feel he’ll be a movie star like John Cena, because it’d be tough for him to be a Marine. Apparently it was tough for Cena.
Fabi Apache did not know she was in the movie until she saw the movie. She’s the only luchadora in the movie. I bet Mr. Niebla has no idea. Article notes Fabi was wearing a cap, because she just lost her hair.

There’s an article in the Arizona Republic about WWE vs Lucha Libre. It’s 95% word for word the same article that ran in USA Today, except for an added paragraph about the Republic trying to contract people and getting turned down. I didn’t know that sort of reprinting was legal. For a new take, this column says lucha libre needs to go back to a technical style, like Black Shadow, Matematico, Jerry Lawler and Killer Kowalksi. Jerry Lawler?!?!

Record has a feature length interview with Groon XXX about his career. He says he tried joining Rey Misterio Sr.’s school, but Misterio said he’d never make in the business. Groon instead went to Monterrey to train with Humberto Garza, and blames Garza for rushing him into the ring too soon and says his leg injury in 2001 was a big part of it. Groon says his bookings and pay dropped after he worked hard to return, and he saw they were preparing someone to replace him, so he decided to leave. Groon says he was successful in CMLL – “I am a ticket seller, always have been” – and didn’t want to ruin that by appearing too often, so he’s not stayed with CMLL. Groon says he began “doing things a young athlete should not”, specifying too much alcohol as causing pancreatic issues, which almost caused his death. Groon returned to AAA to prove he was the better, felt he did it after three shows, and didn’t want to be stuck in the third match fighting – he’s a star.

Aguila Solitaria, EMLL star in the early 90s, is now a car mechanic and detailer.

CMLL sent Horus & Aquaris to the new exposition for 101 Llaves y Lances. Not exactly a high star power meeting.

Cesar looks over this week’s lineups, disputes Volador from getting counted as from Monterrey.

El Manana profiles 30 year vet Marvick

SuperLuchas has a report on Lucha Libre in Chile.

SuperLuchas #347 has interviews with Rey Misterio Jr. & Dr. Wagner III. Inside, there’s also an interview with Marco Moreno of IWRG, who says they’re working on a third TV show (!), they have big plans for March, and they’d listen if CMLL called. I’d be happy if the second TV show still had new episodes.

Ohtani’s Jacket catches up with some more recent IWRG, and will be oh so thrilled when he reads this Thursday’s main event.


IWRG (THU) 01/21 Arena Naucalpan
1) Epidemia vs Volaris
2) Diva Salvaje & Miss Gaviota vs Dinamic Black & Imperial
3) Brazo Jr., Brazo Metalico, Daga vs Avisman, Gringo Loco, Hijo del Signo
4) Solar I, Suicida, Zatura vs Bombero Infernal, Maldito Jr., Samoth
5) Negro Navarro vs Angelico [SALVADOR AMERICAS]

Uh, yea. Can I make a joke about Hijo del Diablo wearing USA gear one week and being gone the next week without being terrible impolite? Not sure.

IWRG (SUN) 01/24 Arena Naucalpan
1) Máscara Magnífica vs King Drako
2) Diva Salvaje & Miss Gaviota vs Epidemia & Heavy Boy
3) Eragon, Hijo del Pantera, Zatura vs Alan Extreme, Gringo Loco, Hijo del Signo
4) Brazo de Plata & Brazo de Plata Jr. vs Fuerza Guerrera & Juventud Guerrera and Hijo de Pirata Morgan & Pirata Morgan and Máscara Año 2000 & Máscara Año 2000 Jr. [IWRG IC TAG, semifinal]

JUVI! I can’t believe I forgot about Juvi, that’s up there with forgetting about Dre. You can tell it’s been a while since he’s been around, because I’m actually excited to see this.

indy (SUN) 01/24 Coliseo Tulancingo
1) Artikuz & Rocky Lobo vs Amnesia & DK
2) Chalapa, Príncipe Ketzal, Rex vs Amo de la Noche, Lalo Lokuras, Toro Deguanoro
3) Piloto Suicida, Rayo de Jalisco Jr., Rayo del Ring vs Pesadilla, Super Crazy, Taz el Feroz

Not really that interesting on it’s own (and the color codes aren’t much good on indy stuff like this), but Super Crazy has quite the weekend. Silas Young in Berwyn, Illinois on Friday, CIMA, Quackenbush and Jigsaw in Chicago on Saturday, and Rayo de Jalisco himself on Sunday (and he might be promoting that show for all I know.) I don’t think anyone else can possibly have those three days. Tulancingo is a 4:30 show, so I hope he’s getting an early flight out.

CMLL (SUN) 01/24 Arena Coliseo Guadalajara
1) Meteoro vs Skaxy
2) Astaroth & Saturno vs Acertijo & In Memoria
3) Hierro & Palacio Negro vs Mr. Trueno & Rey Trueno
4) Metro, Stuka Jr., Valiente vs Cancerbero, Pólvora, Raciel
5) Shocker & Volador Jr. vs Rey Bucanero & Último Guerrero

Rey Bucanero and Ultimo Guerrero as a tag team? Could that work? Maybe. If I told you that semimain would be a semimain two years ago, or even a year ago, you would not believe it.

Strange that the Magnum/Samurai stuff is dropped, or maybe it’ll be added yet.

indy (SUN) 01/24 Coliseo Tulancingo
1) Artikuz & Rocky Lobo vs Amnesia & DK
2) Chalapa, Príncipe Ketzal, Rex vs Amo de la Noche, Lalo Lokuras, Toro Deguanoro
3) Piloto Suicida, Rayo de Jalisco Jr., Rayo del Ring vs Pesadilla, Super Crazy, Taz el Feroz

01/17 AAA TV Results (Ecatepec)

AAA TV (SUN) 01/17 Centro Civico de Ecatepec [AAA]
1) Mini Abismo Negro, Mini Histeria, Mini Psicosis b La Parkita, Mini Charly Manson, Octagoncito
2) Amnesia, Black Abyss, Histeria, Psicosis III DQ Cuervo, Escoria, Espíritu, Ozz
3) Joe Lider & Nicho el Millionario DQ Extreme Tiger & Jack Evans
4) Electroshock, Silver King, Último Gladiador b Crazy Boy, La Parka Jr., Laredo Kid
5) Cibernético, Monster Clown, Murder Clown, Psycho Clown b Chessman, Kenzo Suzuki, Konnan, Zorro

2010 AAA TV Chart
Projected Air Date (#923)
Mexico: 02/01
US: 02/14

It’s been 30 days since the last taping, and it’ll be 17 days until the next one. I don’t promise to remember any of that by then. More relevantly, I don’t remember AAA to remember any of this by the next one. This has a lame duck status quo keeping feel.

Cibernetico chokeslammed Zorro for the win, thus ending all debates if the loss would’ve actually ended the streak or not. Hijo de Tirantes was the scheduled ref, and didn’t want to count the pin, but Piero did.

In a surprising turn of events, Electroshock did not beat cruiserweight Laredo Kid to win the semimain. He beat cruiserweight Crazy Boy instead. Silver King and Parka had issues after the match, as if that feud has been remembered.

Tiger got DQed for accidentally hitting Hijo de Tirantes, thus ending his quest to win the tag team titles. Had no idea he was on such a quest, but that’s what the recap says.

Dark Family got DQed for knocking out Black Abyss. Vipers are perhaps supposed to be tecnicos; the fans picked them of these two. Congrats to Escoria for making TV.

AAA’s recap has Mini Abismo Negro on both sides of the opener; he’s good but he’s not that good. Abismo got Octagon for the win.

AAA #920 (01/09)

taped @ Centro de Convenciones, Ciudad Madero, Tamaulipas, 12/11/2009

Jack Evans & Marco Corleone vs Joe Lider & Nicho el Millionario for the AAA World Tag Team Championship – really not much of a match; Marco couldn’t do much, and they didn’t really have a reason for Rocky to come out excpet they needed a fourth person for the match. Maybe they coudlv’e had Rocky just take Marco’s place in the match to start with, but this show went long enough, it was probably a good thing this one was short. Still think there might be a good Hermandad/Marco/Alex match if they’re all healthy – the Monterrey stuff was that promising – but don’t know if we’ll get it.

Latin Lover vs Zorro, La Parka Jr., Chessman, Teddy Hart, Octagón, Alex Koslov, Rocky Romero for the shot at AAA World Heavyweight Championship at Rey de Reyes – as far as eight man elimination matches for titles and title chances go, the minis match on this show was better than this one. Not sure why they had both, but it’s AAA. This didn’t feel like it had a lot to it for the time it went, especially with the final pinfalls going so fast, but the braclet as trophy is a neat idea.

Dr. Wagner Jr. vs El Mesías in a domed cage for the AAA World Heavyweight Championship, part 2, part 3 – my clock has this match at 36:29. Two thoughts

1) it felt roughly two or three times as long
2) it was said to go 40+ live, which means it was actually clipped! Poor, poor live crowd. No wonder the building was clearing out.

and Two Things To See

1) the Dramatic Structure article on wikipedia. Maybe someone could show it to these two guys. They seemed unfamiliar with the concept of building to a climax.

2) Mesias’ attack on Piero at the 12:53 mark in the video. There’s no reason for Mesias to be doing that in the context of the match, and Piero’s confused reaction to it makes it look like it was not at all planned. Piero took a bump on a kick to the hip in the first half of the show, so he’s probably taking a bump on a cane shot to the head if he was not totally surprised by it.

Piero was dumb not to just count that pinfall after the table broke, but that doesn’t give Mesias the right to do what he did, if it was indeed unscripted. Does make me wonder if that spot, and not the martinete, was the planned finish. The only really noticable clip in the match to me was right before that martinete – everyone working out a new finish?

IWRG on TeleFormula #9 (01/02)

taped 11/01/02 @ Arena Naucalpan

Edit: full show on megaupload

Best of. Father/son match reaired from the previous week, so I’m skipping it here. This was the a reair I missed the first time around:

911 and Jack explore the Castle of Terror – that’s the Smurf’s theme song, correct?

Jack vs Oficial 911, Tóxico, Máscara Año 2000 Jr., Tinieblas Jr., Trauma I, Olímpico, Xibalba, Fantasma de la Ópera, Bobby Lee Jr. in a cage match with masks on the line – a lucha cage match. Without context, it’s unclear why the Oficials want Yack, and specifically Yack, to lose this cage match but that may just be me. It is interesting that they booked this match around Jack getting killed often and looking like the sure loser, because that’s what it actually looked like going into it.