AAA-US: Listed as 2h30m right now. Last taping before the flu shutdown, with the four way for the title shot at TripleMania, Jack/Tiger (take one) and the Clowns, the minis, and the power of the north back on TV.
52MX: Maybe the minis match and Pesta Negra vs Mistico/Garza/Sagrado
LATV/FOX: we all find out together who won the tercera on Sunday, since they still haven’t put it up. I bet this the week the actually start the tag title program! Also, Guerreros vs Avernos continue the 100% success rate of the ‘if a wrestler bought a ticket to sit in the front row, he’s getting into a fight’ axiom.
CMLL: 3pm start, top 3. Look, Poder Mexica together (against two of the trios champs, hmm.)
AAA-MEX: Tapings resume with the cruiserweight semifinals, and maybe a surprise appearance.
C3: Guerreros vs Avernos. Sensing a pattern. Enjoy Hijo del Sicodelico’s debut.