Four more paragraphs about the You Vote Someone Off thing than I wore about Bob Holly: It's unfair because this is a show edited to show people as personalities, and not always as who they are. Actions become manipulated to tell stories, and viewers get perceptions of people who don't always match up. If this was Season 1, doing a fan cut after Chris Nowinksi was edited to be an evil character would have been tremendously unfair. Though it won't be as strong, the same will happen with this: We can only judge these people by what we see on the show, we only see on the show what the editors choose to show us, so we will be judging them on what they want us to see. It's a biased flawed system.

It's also pretty meaningless. Outside of the four winners, both Matt Morgan (season 2 - OVW) and Chris are currently employed in positions as good or better than the people who actually won the contracts in those seasons. Not winning the contract only means you won't get the one-two week legitimacy (of the show) push - you're still pretty much the same distance from making it, if you try.

Furthermore, the loser gets a character to run with for a while. Being a person who made into the finals of Tough Enough but didn't win makes you a novelty. Being the person who the fans voted out is a gimmick.

When they first mentioned this - and a lot of people in the week leading up to this apparently hadn't been paying attention and didn't note that in the pre-show hype, they specifically said they were going to let the fans have a vote in the end - I presumed that the vote would be to decide who WINS - so this is marginally better.


We start off with a black and white video package - the kids work out in an empty gym, while we see highlights off today, before, and their training. They all repeat one speech which I miss the start of so I won't bother writing down. Okay, the last two lines: "I'm in the kindergarten of Gods, and I want to flip. I'm just a kid - a kid with a dream. My life is ahead of me. What is life, without a dream?" This was really good, don't let me misguide you otherwise. 

As usual for this shindigs, we're at the World, we're live, and Coach is about to do a so-so hosting job. This is your season finale, and two contracts are about to be given out - but first, let's start with Senior VP of Talent Relations Jim Ross: [read off cards] "Thank you, ladies and gentlemen, we are in for a Slobberknocker of a night. For this old Oklahoman, there's no place I'd sooner be than here in New York City tonight, I can tell you that. Tonight, two new Tough Enough champions will be crowned. And, on behalf of World Wrestling Entertainment, we are very proud to be associated with MTV in bringing you this third season of Tough Enough. Tonight, two young people's lives will be changed forever, when their dreams will be realized when they are are crowned Tough Enough champions and awarded WWE contracts. So I want to thank you very much for being with us, tonight on MTV. I certainly want to thank all you folks braving the frigid weather outside and being here - this is one of those nights, so cold, this is one of those nights you can tell where your underwear ends, I'll tell you that. [joke gets no reaction] So, without further ado, as so often said on television, I would like to introduce our host for this evening. First of all, a man that has been prohibited from wagering on this contest [no reaction], he is the consummate ladies man [GET THE HOOK] Jonathon Coachman. And, because she paid me $100 to say this, she is the WWE's most eligible bachelorette, but, from my own experience, someone you would not want to go on a long car trip with, Tough Enough III instructor Ivory." Why did I transcribe that? At least Coach's sidekick is better suited to this than the last two times. I'm not a big fan of Ivory's dress. I have audio difficulties here, but unfortunately they cut out while Coach is talking. Anyway, making a cut is a tough responsibility, so they've abdicated and let the fans make the last one.

All the finalists come to the stage for more random feedback. Jamie's dress is sparkly and red. John really wants to look Randy Orton. While Jonah appears to be wearing that same dress up clothes we saw last episode, someone made Eric wear a suit and nice shirt here. This doesn't appear to be his idea, because the shirt isn't tucked in and it looks messy. Matt is the best dressed of the bunch. Crowd chants "chooch" for obvious reasons. Coach says we've got till :15 after to vote - which counteracts all the "we're eliminating someone at the TOP OF THE HOUR" lines they were giving previously. Coach runs down the names to ask who's gonna get kicked - Jamie and Jonah seem to be two most disliked by the crowd, but no one's strong. When Coach goes "Will it be John", John wisely shakes his head no.

People Who Got Cut montage - you can tell it's the microphone in the World that's having the feedback problem, because the buzzing goes away as soon as they switch to the montage. Here's the people who didn't make the first 13 cut. Jill - Jonah comes off as harsh on her (which he totally didn't when this aired) and we get Big's rant too. Lisa quitting - we get the stressed look in the phone room with Matt's dead on comments about her mind giving out before her body. Rebekah's home situation. Chad gets cut, being tall and too serious. Nick gets cut, not being Tough Enough. Scott stops being able to dodge the cut. Kelly walks home from Iceland. There's little bits of extra footage here are there - lots of interviews we heard five seconds of, we now get to hear the next five seconds. It does change things slightly. There's a bonus scene before the Justin cut where Big asks each of the trainers to pick the one person they'd cut right now, they all sigh, and we cut away before we get to hear 'em, which is very disappointing because that would've been cool. Jonah tells us that he thought he was cut when it was just him and Justin.

Coach reminds us that even if you're cut, you still can make it - there's Chris Nowinski. Chris heels it up to the fans enjoyment. 

Polls are almost closed - but we'll hold this over a break.

As we come back, we take a look at TEIII Justin's, also watching in the seating area.

Coach doesn't really explain it well, but he introduces Al Snow, who's going to do the sit down cut bit right on stage with the kids. They moved to the other side of the stage and got chairs during the break. Al's song seems so out of place here. Al isn't really eager to do this, as you might expect. "This night, and all of these people are for all of you. No matter what happens next, you have all learned this and deserver this, and I am proud of each and everyone of you. Please never forget - that your dreams can still live, that all roads take you where you want to go but for some of you tonight, it may just be a longer journey, and you're gonna have to make a decision if you want to do this. So let's do this." They play the Lowering the Cage music, which is to familiar to be dramatically useful here.

From left to right, we've got Eric, Matt, Jamie, Jonah, John. Al walks all the way to the end of the line, then back to Eric, then to Matt. "Matt, sit down." Either there are a lot of girls in the audience tonight or they are VERY LOUD. Jamie claps for him. She is scared. Jonah is trying not to die standing. Eric is looking at Al with "c'mon over here and tell me to sit down. Now. Please." John is very much going to win this and knows it. Al looks at Jamie. Al walks by Jamie. To John. John's only faintly feeling nervous here. Al stares all the way down at Eric. Matt's relived. Back to Jonah. "Jonah, sit down." Crowd cheers, Jamie claps again. I think she's resigned herself to her fate at this point. John is wondering why he's still standing over here. Look at Eric, look at Jamie, back to John. "John, sit down." John wastes no time sitting down. Jamie claps, but seems to be wondering why this moment has felt like 12 days already, with no way to stop it. Past Jamie. Back to Eric. Jamie looks over, waiting to hear those words. Back to Jamie. She may already be crying. In front of Jamie, Al turns to his left - "Eric, sit down." Crowd goes nuts. "I'm sorry Jamie." Jamie tries to take it well and quietly slip out as fast as she can, but the tears started ten seconds ago. She gives Big (who must've showed up on stage during this) a "I told you" look as he escorts her off stage. We get music as we follow her out of the stage, up stairs, and into the green room where her parents are waiting. There's a tearful group hug - I think Jamie purposely turns her back to the camera as her parents console her. It'd be what I'd do too, if I had the thought to do it. This seemed to linger a lot longer the first time I saw it, but I think that may just be me. I don't know that we needed to follow her into backstage to make sure she was crying.

Coach asks Ivory if they made a correct decision - she thinks Jamie has a great talent, but she's not ready yet, but we'll surely see here again. The Guys stand up to clap for her. Coach sends us to a The Season That Was montage. This was the hardest Tough Enough, they say. I like how they show Bill talking about the canyon "every week" when we only saw it like once. The toughness thing went away by midseason after the first half, it seemed. Jonah/Jill. The non-existent Kelly/Nick, mostly Nick's ego. Rebekah/Scott - well that's kinda different. This time, the scene is played more in Rebekah's favor. Kelly's injuries. Matt gets KO-ed. Nick's injury. Jonah's injury, and his rib. Payback. Scott gets phone numbers. Meat Eating competition and post-competition puking. Rebekah's wacky religion. Scott's stupor, but only the funny parts. Trip to Iceland. Tough Person Contest. Chooch. One night stand. Jamie has thought on that. Bill and Jonah have fun by the fire. Jonah self-doubts, and Big doubts him. Bob Holly. Moonsaults. SmackDown! Vince. 

Which one of these four will win? John mouths "pick me". Eric is killing time till he loses. Break.

Tough Enough 1's Josh Matthews talks to Jamie: "Um, well, [shrug] it's a tough decision that America had to make, but I guess I just have to come back and prove it back to them, I'm good enough and I'm Tough Enough! Yea!" Dream isn't over? "Of course - once you get a taste of this business, you can't let it go." She seems in a good mood, all considering.

Coach and Ivory set up a final look at the final four.

John. "I've always loved wrestling, but I never really saw it as a career possibility to me until I saw Tough Enough. And then, of course, I applied for Tough Enough II, and when I didn't make it, I was heart broken."  Al: "John's desire and - to do this for pure motives and reasons have been questioned since Tough Enough II, but I really believe John wants to do this, his heart is in the right place." Bill: "John is in a class by himself. Terrific in the ring, great attitude. John wants this." "I excel at doing the physical stuff in the ring. I'm really good at doing flips. I have a good sense of balance. I can control myself in the air." Among other highlights they've been showing, John does a top rope shooting star press, over rotates, and adjusts by corkscrewing himself over so he still lands on his stomach. Ivory: "John is a - just a natural in the ring. I mean, he's got such great background for wrestling. I wish the best for him, because he's very talented. He loves it." "If you think, 'well, I'll climb and see how high I get', you won't make it to the top. But if you before you go, you say to yourself 'I'm going to make it the top, I don't care what happens to me, I'm gong to do whatever I can to get to the top'" - and we cut him off before he completes the thought, but I think we got where he was going.

Matt. "When I first auditioned, I wanted to find something I could put my life into, my life. There is no better job to have and one you can say you love to do every morning." Big: "I think you could look at Matt and say he's technically sound and knows what he's doing. When he's in the ring, he looks like he' a natural. He's relaxed, he's calm, he feels wrestling in his veins." Ivory: "He's got a great look, he's a good listener, he's very humble. He's just picking up on it, with lighting speed. And that's what you look for." "The saying 'if it doesn't kill me, it just makes you stronger, I think definitely applies. Since I've been here, I think I've learned a lot about myself." Al: "Matt's got - he's got a lot of charisma, he's got a good sense of humor, he's got a good personality, he's a tough kid, he's got a enormous amount of heart. I think Matt's go the potential to be a WWE superstar." "I can honestly say that my reasons haven't changed for wanting to be a WWE superstar. Working in the ring with these superstars, and learning their trade is amazing, something that I'll never forget."

Jonah. "When I auditioned, I wanted to be in the WWE because I as a huge fan. When I got involved in it, it turned into something different." Ivory: "I love to watch Jonah. When he takes a front bump, my guts seem like they're gonna come out from under me. He's just so - impactful? - in the ring." "I think my personality outweighs my ability in the ring. If you don't have a personality, you're not gonna be a WWE superstar, plain and simple." "That's what I sincerely love about Jonah every day - is himself. He's a character, he's got charisma. He's till, you know, a knucklehead, but he's a more mature knucklehead." Al: "He's got a good build on him, he's got talent, he really wants to do this. He won't just succeed by winning. He'll actually become his dream." "Al, Bill, Ivory and Big have changed my life - for the better. I've changed from a 22-yer-old by growing into a 22-year-old man. Whether I win Tough Enough or not, they will see my face in the ring. And I will make it, because this is what I want to do."

Eric. "At first, I was a fan and saw it as something athletic. Every week, I found more and more that I enjoyed and I liked. And I know this is what I want to do, and I have a fashion for the business." Bill: "Eric is just all over it, he's a physical kid. Eric' s the man." Ivory: "And I think he is just well suited for this. He has a strong body. He's really great as far as the camaraderie in the group." "Everyone kind of game this title as perfect. I'm kind of a perfectionist. Any time you do something in the ring, you get that feeling. You can't really describe it. It feels good, like every thing's clicking. "He looks like a Greek god. He is very intense when he's in the ring. He's got talent, and charisma and a a look. He's got a tremendous amount of heart and really picks things up fast." "I'm such a completive person. I'm always said I was going to do this to win. So, of course, I definitely have confidence in myself. After ten weeks, I have so much passion to do this."

Let's look at the four again. John pulls a girl at his table into the camera view. He's by far the loosest of this, getting another family member on camera too. Coach promises a winner - next. Break.

Lots of Jonah support signs in the contract. We notice Tough Enough III's Kelly in the crowd. Coach: "Nice to see she got back from Iceland safely." Ivory: "I would think she'd still be walking." Kelly laughs, but has heard that joke a time or two. More audio difficulties, but Coach and Ivory introduce the first ever Tough Enough winner - Nidia. That must be some good gum! "Whassup everyone, how ya doing? Man. It's so great to be back here in New York. Yep, thank you. You know, this place brings back so many memoirs, just tow years ago - Two years ago, I was sitting right there, scared out of my mind for Tough Enough One [someone yells that she won] I sure did, thanks. You guys scared? You scared? Heck yeah, you should be. Do you know why, because tonight life's going to change dramatically for you two of you guys, absolutely. If you think Tough Enough is fun, just wait till you get to perform in front of 20,000 people live on SmackDown or Raw. [Nidia is an awful lot more Puerto Rican tonight than usual.] Do you know what, I can't wait. Can you guys wait? No, are you ready? All right, let's get this show on the go. Big? [she gets the card - deep breath.] Deep breath - are you ready. And the first WWE Tough Enough III champion is.......John."

For all his confidence boarding on cockiness, John is SHOCKED to hear his name. "WHOA" I believe is the quote. Hugs for everyone at the table. Eric seems to wish he was the one who got cut 20 minutes ago. John has a lot of girls at his table. "First of all, I want to the trainers, Al, Big, Ivory and Big - everyone involved in Tough Enough for giving me this operant! For the people in the Tough Enough with me - you're my family, everyone involved with the show and everyone out there at home, I want to you let you all know I'll make the most out of this. Take it as far as I can and try as hard as I can to be the beat I can be. [raises trophy over his head] Thank you all! WOOOO!" Okay, he was coming off less as Randy, more as Keanu for a second. 

One more contract. One more break. It works like that, you see. Eric's doing the Jamie "I'm not going to win this, could this please be over already?" clap from before, while Jonah's still trying to find a way for this to work.

Also in the crowd - Tough Enough III Scott. Sitting next to Al. Al looks thrilled.

Ivory and Coach set up a blooper reel - this a bunch more stuff we did and dint' see. I think my favorite part is Jonah chidingly tripping Matt, and Matt joking that he's trying to take him out of the competition. Bill scares the life out of Scott. Scott slaps Ivory's butt - "Say my name!" Whoa. Jonah: "[fart noise] I'm gonna be a diva.] Eric hits a cue ball into Matt's groin. Al, Bill and Big prancing out the kids and manically laughing into the confessional camera. Toilet paper for Jonah. Jonah and Matt say Dude many times. Eric: "When you write papers in school, do you put 'bro's and 'dude's in them?" Jonah: "And kids."

Well that was fun, so let's kill the mood by ruining two people's lives! I think Coach is wearing a mic that's interfering with the stage mics - they cut the sound here because the feedback gets so annoying. Maven is here to announce the second name. Maven is wearing black on black (on black!) "It's hard to believe that just a few season ago, I was standing up here and my dreams of becoming a WWE Superstar were beginning to take shape. But for everyone superstar who sets foot in that ring, they owe a huge debt of gratitude to those who came before them. And for those on Tough Enough, it starts with the trainers. So, before I announce the final champion of this season's Tough Enough, I would like to take some time to thank the trainers. First, a man who could not be here tonight because he's competing on SmackDown! - Bill DeMott. Next, the divas of all divas, and truly one of the toughest women on the planet, Ivory. And last, but certainly not least, the head trainer, Al Snow. Trust me, I, Chris, Nidia, Jackie, Linda - we all could not have done it without yet. But now - are you all ready? Let's do this. [gets the envelope from Big. Pause.] Matt."

Eric doesn't really react - same "wanting to get this over" reaction since Jamie got booted off. It doesn't help that Matt's table is right next to him and they almost run him over in celebration. Jonah is disappointed but brings himself together to clap and stand up. Matt is not as immediately euphoric as John is, more expiring it to be him right here. I get the feeling they might have had an impression how this was going to go. "WOOOO! First of all, all things are possible, through Christ. Through faith, I am here tonight. It's been a long journey, lots of trials and tribulations and many to come, but through faith I will make it. I want to thank the trainers of Tough Enough III - Al, Bill DeMott who's here in spirit no doubt, Ivory, Big, WWE, MTV and all of the other Tough Enough competitors who've paved the way! My family, I love you - my friends, the fans! Everyone watching at home, thank you! And last but not least, I want to mention tow people who couldn't be here tonight and are watching from home - my grandfather and Joe. Thank you and I love you." Joe?

Al interviews Jonah - how's it feel and will this stop him "First of all, I want to congratulate John and Matt - I love you guys, more than anything. Without you guys, I wouldn't have gotten through the competition whatsoever. It's been an emotional time, been the best six months of my life. [Al asks him if this is going to stop him to get him back on his track - must be short on time?] I want to make one thing clear and known right now, you will see me in the ring with those two guys very soon, and nothing's going to stop me."

Josh interviews Eric - same Qs. "Well, I'd be lying if I didn't say I was pissed, it definitely sucks. [crowd almost boos here] But, I mean, uh, the last six months and it comes down to the final days. But it's not over and I'll definitely be back. But big congratulations to matt and John, they definitely deserve it."

Coach congratulates the two winners on the stage, thanks us for watching and we get the final shot of them holding up the trophies. Confetti shoots off early. Show seem actually to end 1 minute early.

Hey, how did Josh get here but Bill couldn't? (Bill is hurting too much, probably.) I would have found it hilarious if Eric turned to Josh and said: "I dunno, how did it feel when YOU LOST?", but that may just be me. These two were a heck of a lot better in gracious losing speeches.