CMLL Forjando un Idolo, Part 1


My plan was to recap all the TV shows, since I’d effectively done half of all of them by watching these matches. But then then the TV shows never turned up and I’ve watched three dozen other matches since thinking about these ones. Alas.

#porraReyCometa (and the other guy)

Hijo del Signo vs Hombre Bala Jr., Arena Puebla, 04/11/2011: this was the match where Hijo del Signo really impressed me; maybe he’s a better singles wrestler, maybe he’s just better when he gets to b a good rudo, but this was a solid smart focused match that CMLL youngsters don’t normally do.

Diamante vs Puma King, Arena Puebla, 04/11/2011: That other match felt more IWRG style, this one was CMLL.

Palacio Negro vs Rey Cometa, Arena Mexico, 04/12/2011: This has spots that went well and some that didn’t go quite so.

Angel de Oro vs Escorpion, Arena Mexico, 04/12/2011: Not sure if they even know where they’re going with this idea (or if they are), but the UG/Rey Scorpion stuff is at least catching people’s attraction.

Fuego vs Pólvora, Arena Coliseo, 04/17/2011: Polvora really doesn’t interest me, but Fuego had a really strong tournament.

Magnus vs Angel de Plata, Arena Coliseo, 04/17/2011: Not a disaster! Hooray.