CMLL announces random 12 man cage mask match for 10/18

If you’re wondering if you missed an angle building this up, well, so I am.

Next Sunday is an Arena Mexico fan appreciation show, and apparently they’re back to trying to fill the house for those shows and those shows only. They’re actually running the cage match on the 18th, so it’s Sunday after this Sunday. It does, in fact, continue using the fan appreciation shows to build up a big match the following week, though this is still super quick.

That gives us this 12 man cage match:

  • Pegasso
  • Tigre Blanco
  • Skandalo
  • Hooligan
  • Ángel de Oro
  • Tiger Kid
  • Rey Cometa
  • Flash
  • Pólvora
  • Dr. X
  • Astro Boy
  • Arkangel

Gut reaction is Tigre Blanco, since we’ve heard the retirement talk and he hasn’t been as active in recent years. The Tuareg guys, even Skandalo, make a little sense. Otherwise, it’s just a random unbuilt up mask match with six thirteen days of build. These guys aren’t scheduled for this Sunday’s card – there’s a trios on Tuesday with some of them, but that’s it.

I’m sure this will totally turn around business.

Cibernetico & Konnan argue, “unauthorized video” posted to YouTube

According to YouTube, there have only been 373 views of this video since it was posted last night on Box Y Lucha. I do better than that! So, let’s note, I’m trying to help them out by getting this video to the people. I don’t know why AAA doesn’t love me, I care.

The idea here is this is really real real shoot security cam footage from Arena Monterrey, of Konnan exploding at Cibernetico at some point during or after Heroes Inmortales, and someone’s ripped it from the security and posted it online. The “unofficial” video accompanies AAA’s press release masquerading as an interview, which was sent to all the people who’d publish it Konnan amazingly doing the same exact rant on Cibernetico as he did with other magazines this week.

And now, my favorite parts of this really really real real super shoot unauthorized totally not an attempt at a viral video:

– Not only is there a security camera, you can clearly see a second camera man for the first half of the video, and you can see a light set up for the scene if you look at the mirror as they walk in. Also, the security cameras don’t typically pan across the room to pick up the action. But it’s in black and white and there’s a time stamp on it, so we know it’s totally totally real.

– If I had security camera access to AAA show, this is not the footage I’d be looking to put on the internet. Danger had better ideas. (1) Truly, the only thing missing here is the random filler shot of the crowd.

– Zorro gets more character moments in a fake shoot video on YouTube then he has on television since TripleMania. (2)

– La Parka is able to hold Cibernetico back by himself! You don’t really want to fight when it just takes Parka and his one good arm to hold you back. Sure seems like Parka is the only one who leaves with Cibernetico too.

– Gran Apache & Konnan are seen in the same room, which means they exist in the same universe. I’m always disappointed when that occurs, because it just reminds me all the Apache stuff will be crushed one day. Gran Apache seems confused the whole way thru.

– Joe Lider, bored with this and looking right at the camera for about 10 seconds. Why is his in his gear and Nicho is in his normal clothes? More surprised Lider wasn’t still wearing his belt here.

– This appears to building a Cibernetico vs Konnan match, which would make Gronda vs Gronda look like a classic. And I know at least Konnan knows it’d suck. Plus, Cibernetico just turned rudo – so would Konnan (currently blackmailing AAA for control) be turning tecnico? He’s sure treated that way here, but that wouldn’t make any sense in the short term, and if you’re not doing anything with in the short term, why do it?

Maybe AAA can not spend their time working the internet (3) and actually put on good television shows. As someone trying to go back over a month’s worth of shows, I’d really appreciate it.

(1) Maybe Danger’s the mysterious uploader! They have done GTV yet, there you go.

(2) Actually, before this all happened, I was thinking the other day about Zorro going to CMLL (yes, again) and how Averno’s really much more an Arn than a Flair because they’ve never given him a big win that’s stuck (like, instead of burying Leono six feet under, maybe Averno should’ve taken his hair first). Zorro would work – Zorro teaming with Terrible & Texano alone would work. Though, I must be totally wrong – clearly the better use of him is anonymous jobs and calming Konnan down.

(3) which Konnan told us they don’t do! So, again, this must be totally real.

Who’s the new CMLL opening match wrestler?

I think I could spin this bit off into it’s own blog. Typos on websites happen all the time – I don’t want to go read that DG recap, because I can only imagine. However, when the identity of the debuting wrestler has been a source of confusion for a week, it’d nice when it’s put to rest. CMLL goes the other way:

CMLL.coms Friday results's Friday results

I’ll stop now, I promise. (Unless it’s really bad.)

Who’s the AAA World Mega Champion?

I really don’t want to pick on AAA, but sometimes they make it impossible.

AAA quality control at work!

You know, just to preemptively respond to the inevitable veiled response, I wish AAA was more willing to laugh at their own mistakes, rather than lash out at anyone who might suggest they’re not most well run promotion in the world. No one’s expecting them to be that – no one’s going to express genuine shock over this in the comments, I’m sure – earnestly trying to be better, while humbly acknowledging mistakes, will win us over.