taped 06/24/07, aired in the US on 07/22/07
Corelone’s sure got a formula down. I think, with some good video editing software, he can actually stop wrestling at this point and they can edit in his opponents for this week. No one will know the difference! This is a larger diatribe for another time, but if the Arena Mexico fans are going to be booing Mistico for doing the same thing in every match, their throats really ought to be getting sore from booing most of the guys on the roster (and especially Wagner.)
Hope for Dos Caras Jr. fading….fading….. They do a disservice by making Dos wrestle like Tall Agile Guy instead of Tall Power Guy or Tall MMA Guy.
I would liked to been at the conversation where they told Goto and Ohara to act more Japanese. Or perhaps drinking was involved in that match, I dunno. I’ve liked Ohara better of late, but sometimes I wonder how this stuff exactly prepare him (or Goto) for being a big star in Japan someday.