taped 06/24/07, aired in the US on 07/22/07

Corelone’s sure got a formula down. I think, with some good video editing software, he can actually stop wrestling at this point and they can edit in his opponents for this week. No one will know the difference! This is a larger diatribe for another time, but if the Arena Mexico fans are going to be booing Mistico for doing the same thing in every match, their throats really ought to be getting sore from booing most of the guys on the roster (and especially Wagner.)

Hope for Dos Caras Jr. fading….fading….. They do a disservice by making Dos wrestle like Tall Agile Guy instead of Tall Power Guy or Tall MMA Guy.

I would liked to been at the conversation where they told Goto and Ohara to act more Japanese. Or perhaps drinking was involved in that match, I dunno. I’ve liked Ohara better of late, but sometimes I wonder how this stuff exactly prepare him (or Goto) for being a big star in Japan someday.

what’s on FSE

CMLL FSE #47 has
06/24 Coliseo: Leono, Mictlan, Valiente vs Goto, Ohara, Okumura
06/24 Coliseo: Dos Caras Jr., Marco Corelone, Rey Bucanero vs Tozcano, Ultimo Guerrero, Universo 2000

That’s the first one which aired in Mexico and not the US. So I guess we’re going to have a US lag now?

CMLL GdR on FSE #26

taped 06/17, aired 06/24

Hey, something relatively current!

I wouldn’t call this great, because I’m a horrible picky internet person, and I’m sure this combination is capable of better. Hey, yea, they were capable of better just last year. This was good, but this wasn’t last year. They went way overboard with the 6 minute segment of dramatic two counts and recoveries, but Averno & Mephisto breaking up the usual finishes was a nice touch, and the tecnicos hit their opposite finishers credibility enough.

Life would’ve been much better if they did some of those near finishes in the first two falls, instead of hammering them over and over until both the wrestlers and the fans are completely exhausted, and yet we’ve still got 4 more minutes to go. This match is marketedly improved at 4/4/10 rather than 2/2/14.

I think the main event might have quietly ended the Mictlan/Infernals non-feud, but who knows with non-feuds.

Such an empty building.

CMLL GdR on FSE #24

taped 01/27, aired 02/04

This was also replayed on FSE. It’s a little bit more interesting, because there’s a Loco Max/Metro feud teased here that never went anywhere. Was it just going to be just another Loco Max hair drop, or might have they killed off the Metro mask instead of letting it fade away?

When you look back at it, that whole sponsorship deal makes no sense. Why would you pay to put your name on a midcard guy who doesn’t particularly do anything? Why switch people under the mask, making it obvious that you made a change, without actually changing how the guy is used? I don’t see the point of any of this effort, except to get me to type all of this.

I think this was like the 4th straight Mistico main event I had seen at this point in a short time period, doing the standard Mistico match. No one’s going to look good like that – the better they have their match down, the worse off, really.

CMLL GdR on FSE #20

taped 12/17/06, aired 12/24/07

This was a disappointing La Nazi match. Okay, I know that doesn’t actually make any sense, but maybe saying it was disappointedly worked makes more sense. La Nazi has been at her best when she’s the monster bully, shoving the smaller tecnicas around. For whatever reason, and I’m guessing it was Lady Apache’s called, La Nazi worked this match like any other bumbling ruda, and that exposed her weaknesses. Hiroka’s interference not being caught was hilariously bad.

Also disappointing, more so actually, was Takemura in the trios match. He looked like a guy who had lost his passion for this, like a shell of what he was previously. I haven’t seen his Japan stuff at all, so I’ve got no clue if this happened back when he got dropped by NJPW, or if the following indy travels broke him, but this was a different man than the guy I enjoyed in ’01 and ’02. Maybe I’m reading way too much into one match, but it was one nothing match.

Sahori looked so much better in her workout gear than normal. She should totally throw out all her gear and figure out something else, because it’s doing her a disservice. Sometimes, the ‘hot’ outfits these women wear turn unflattering – Cinthia Moreno has this problem a lot, I think. But that’s me

My DVD doesn’t include the last show of the year, so no CMLL Women’s Title match recap, and I’m actually little disappointed about it. I’m sure it’d just be an angry rant at the end, but I still went thru the build up, would’ve liked to see it thru regardless. But I think I can move on.

Also, I’ve just noticed my January DVD has a defect on it, and the two first two episodes are irretrievable. Judging from the listings, it’s unremarkable winter stuff, so I’ll live.

CMLL GdR on FSE #19

taped 12/10/06, aired 12/17/07

Part two of the Hiroka/Lady Apache bit, which actually is more of a La Nazi/Dark Angel thing. I guess they wanted to set up the team of La Nazi and Amapola strong (for the two weeks it’d last) and give Nazi a big win before the title match, but they didn’t actually give a reason for it. I dunno.

Main event was Ohara randomly as a tecnico, Kenzo looking lost as a rudo and a messed up finish. So, yea, you can skip this one.