CMLL FSE #58, aired on 10/07 in the US, taped 09/09
So Emilio wins last week in two straight falls, screwing Purpura in the last fall, and then he wins this week 2-0, screwing Purpura in the last fall, and that’s the difference getting to watch the show makes. There’s no way Purpura isn’t winning the hair match next week, because no one would bother to bury a guy that much, they’d just drop him.
The story seems to be Purpura’s not in Emilio’s league, as shown in the finish and spoke about in Emilio’s promos. I guess the idea is if Purpura beats him, he rises to Emilio’s level – but I tend to believe it’ll be more like Emilio dropping to Purpura’s level. I guess we’ll see.
Opener wasn’t really really bad (it was just bad), and that’s kinda disappointing.