CMLL Viernes Mexico: 2016-08-19

Star Jr. tornillo
Star Jr. tornillo

Recapped: 08/19/2016

What happened: Rey Bucanero outsmarted Super Crazy, and La Mascara did the same to Dragon Lee (though he cheated.)

What was good: The first three matches were good. I think the opener might have been the best match on the show, a rarity in CMLL.

The two matches building up the Anniversary matches were the weakest on the show, but they were also clearly intended more to position people for that match than to be good matches tonight.

Where can I watch it:  It should be on CMLL’s YouTube channel, though they were having some technical issues.

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CMLL on 2015-11-06 

Zeuxis tries to put her boots thru Syuri

Recapped: 11/06/2015

What happened: The main event ended with Rush and Sombra fouling each other and agreeing on a singles match next week. Despite all of that, they insist they are still good friends. Thunder and Ultimo Guerrero continue to feud. The Panther & Super Comando do as well, though this week it was Puma who unmasked Fuego.

What was good:  The opener minis match was very good and the second match had a lot of fun guys. The main event continued the big story and had some really big spots in it.

Where can I watch it:  It aired live on ClaroSports (and wasn’t limited to Mexico this week.) It’ll be up on my YouTube channel eventually. Read More