great match round up, week of 2024-04-09

Some notes

  • I’ve caught up putting ratings in (even the many weeks I didn’t do one of these posts), and you can see what I’ve liked the most this year so far here.
    • I haven’t put many Big Lucha ratings in there, though I don’t think much are going to hit that list.
  • I feel like I’m underrating things to only have two Excellent matches so far this year.
  • I’ve reopened the luchablog drive under the same link. I’m not going to put anything from the last two years of CMLL this year. New AAA stuff is still going up, but mostly it’s a historical resource. I know that’s not the answer most of you want but it’s the answer I have for you right now.
    • If CMLL comes back and DMCAs the old stuff, then I’ll just move all the CMLL stuff off of there.
  • still watching the CMLL Sunday stuff even if I’m not streaming it or putting anywhere you can find it

Nothing jumped out from this week but there was plenty of watchable stuff.

rating match aired taped
good Mecha Wolf vs Octagón Jr. © for the AAA Latin American Championship AAA on Space
good Astro Boy Jr. & Novato vs Calavera Jr. I & Calavera Jr. II Hnos Calavera Jr I y II vs Astro Boy Jr y Novato ARENA MÉXICO CMLL (posted by Estrellas del Ring) Hnos Calavera Jr I y II vs Astro Boy Jr y Novato ARENA MÉXICO CMLL (posted by Estrellas del Ring) CMLL on TV Mexiquense
good Máscara Dorada & Místico vs Ángel de Oro & Templario CMLL on TV Mexiquense
good Gran Guerrero vs AvernoTemplarioTitánStigmaBárbaro CavernarioTerribleDragón Rojo Jr.Ángel de OroNiebla Roja for the CMLL Universal Championship and in a tournament semifinal match ¡Ya está en la final! Titán derrota a Templario en la Eliminatoria por el Campeonato Universal 2024 (posted by La Tijera Lucha Libre) CMLL - 2a. FASE ELIMINATORIA CAMPEONATO UNIVERSAL (CAMPEONES MUNDIALES CMLL)/ARENA MÉXICO / 12-04-24 (posted by VideosOficialesCMLL) Eliminatoria por el Campeonato Universal 2024 (posted by La Tijera Lucha Libre) Titan vs Templario FINAL ELIMINATORIA CAMPEONES MUNDIALES rumbo al CAMPEONATO UNIVERSAL/Arena México (posted by Estrellas del Ring) CMLL YouTube
good Flip Gordon vs Euforia in a lightning match CMLL - MATCH RELÁMPAGO / EUFORIA  VS  FLIP GORDON /ARENA MÉXICO / 12-04-24 (posted by VideosOficialesCMLL) En un recio mano a mano de colosos, Euforia derrota a Flip Gordon (posted by La Tijera Lucha Libre) Euforia vs Flip Gordon MATCH RELAMPAGO/ARENA MÉXICO/CMLL (posted by Estrellas del Ring) CMLL YouTube
good Blue Panther Jr., Dark Panther, El Hijo De Blue Panther vs Hijo de Stuka Jr., Hijo del Villano III, Villano III Jr. CMLL-H. DE STUKA JR.-H. DEL VILLANO III-VILLANO III JR. VS  DIVINOS LAGUNEROS /ARENA MÉXICO/12-04-24 (posted by VideosOficialesCMLL) CMLL: El Hijo del Villano III, Hijo de Stuka Jr. y Villano III Jr. derrotan a los Divinos Laguneros (posted by mluchatv) H. Villano III, Villano III Jr e H. Stuka Jr vencen a B. Panther Jr, Dark Panther e H. de B. Panther (posted by La Tijera Lucha Libre) Hijos del Villano III e Hijo de Stuka Jr vs Dark Panther e Hijos de Blue Panther ARENA MÉXICO/CMLL (posted by Estrellas del Ring) CMLL YouTube
good Legendario vs Forneo in a lightning match CMLL - MATCH RELÁMPAGO / FORNEO  VS  LEGENDARIO /ARENA MÉXICO / 12-04-24 (posted by VideosOficialesCMLL) CMLL: Legendario derrota a Forneo en match relámpago (posted by mluchatv) Forneo vs Legendario MATCH RELAMPAGO/ARENA MEXICO/CMLL (posted by Estrellas del Ring) Reporte CMLL: Forneo Vs Legendario duelo de jóvenes colíseinos (posted by La Tijera Lucha Libre) CMLL YouTube
good Hijo del Pirata Morgan vs Jack Evans Big Lucha World
good Flamita vs Argenis Big Lucha World


great match round up, week of 2024-03-26

The only OK match I had from H2L was the minis match (and the Angelito dive was still cool.) Other people seem higher than me on Zandokan/Esfinge and lower on the women’s trios. It was all worth checking out.

The CMLL B show stuff was fun but not must see. No non-CMLL/AAA watching this week.

Rating match aired taped
excellent Bryan Danielson, Claudio Castagnoli, Jon Moxley, Matt Sydal vs Blue Panther, Místico, Último Guerrero, Volador Jr. CMLL - AEW VS CMLL / ARENA MÉXICO/29-03-24 (posted by VideosOficialesCMLL) CMLL | Místico, U. Guerrero, Blue Panther y Volador Jr vencen a Danielson, Castagnoli, Moxley Sydal (posted by mluchatv) CMLL YouTube
great Máscara Dorada & Rocky Romero vs Atlantis Jr. & Soberano Jr. in a National Parejas Increible Tournament match and in a tournament final match CMLL - MÁSCARA DORADA - ROCKY ROMERO VS ATLANTIS JR. - SOBERANO JR./ ARENA MÉXICO/29-03-24 (posted by VideosOficialesCMLL) CMLL | Rocky Romero y Máscara Dorada ganan el Torneo Increíble de Parejas 2024 (posted by mluchatv) H2L: R.Romero y M.Dorada ganan el Torneo Increíble de Parejas derrotando a Soberano Jr y Atlantis Jr (posted by La Tijera Lucha Libre) CMLL YouTube
great Lluvia, Stephanie Vaquer, Zeuxis vs La Catalina, Tessa Blanchard, Willow Nightingale CMLL - LA CATALINA -WILLOW N. -TESSA BLANCHARD VS LLUVIA -ZEIXIS - S. VAQUER/ARENA MÉXICO/29-03-24 (posted by VideosOficialesCMLL) CMLL | Willow Nightingale, La Catalina y Tessa Blanchard vencen a Stephanie Vaquer, Zeuxis y Lluvia (posted by mluchatv) H2L: Willow Nightingale derrota a S.Vaquer y da el triunfo a su equipo Tessa Blanchard y La Catalina (posted by La Tijera Lucha Libre) Willow, La Catalina y Tessa Blanchard vs Zeuxis, Lluvia y Stephanie Vaquer CMLL AEW Arena Mexico (posted by Estrellas del Ring) CMLL YouTube
great Bárbaro Cavernario © vs Averno for the CMLL World Light Heavyweight Championship Barbaro Cavernario (c) vs Averno (r) CAMPEONATO MUNDIAL SEMI COMPLETO CMLL/ARENA MEXICO/H2L (posted by Estrellas del Ring) CMLL - AVERNO VS B. CAVERNARIO / ARENA MÉXICO / 29-03-24 (posted by VideosOficialesCMLL) CMLL | Averno derrota a Cavernario para coronarse como nuevo Campeón Mundial Semicompleto del CMLL (posted by mluchatv) H2L: Averno da cuenta con la “cavernaria” al Bárbaro Cavernario (posted by La Tijera Lucha Libre) CMLL YouTube
good Astro Boy Jr. & Hunter vs Dragón de Fuego & Forneo CMLL on TV Mexiquense
good El Audaz, Futuro, Max Star vs Dark Magic, Espanto Jr., Raider CMLL on TV Mexiquense
good Capitán Suicida & Diamond vs Raider & Vegas CMLL YouTube
good Esfinge © vs Zandokan Jr. for the Mexican National Light Heavyweight Championship CMLL - ZANDOKAN JR. VS ESFINGE / ARENA MÉXICO / 29-03-24 (posted by VideosOficialesCMLL) CMLL | Esfinge retiene el Campeonato Nacional Semicompleto ante Zandokan Jr. (posted by mluchatv) H2L: Retiene Esfinge su título Nacional Semicompleto ante Zandokán Jr (posted by La Tijera Lucha Libre) CMLL YouTube
good Magnus & Rugido © vs Brillante Jr. & Neón for the Mexican National Tag Team Championship CMLL - BRILLANTE JR. - NEÓN VS MAGNUS - RUGIDO/ARENA MÉXICO/29-03-24 (posted by VideosOficialesCMLL) CMLL | Magnus y Rugido retienen el Campeonato Nacional de Parejas ante Neón y Brillante Jr. (posted by mluchatv) H2L: Rugido y Magnus retienen sus campeonatos ante Neón y BrillanteJr (posted by La Tijera Lucha Libre) CMLL YouTube


great match round up, week of 2024-03-12

I’ve got a draft from August, where I started to do this and just never got it done again. No promises it’ll be more than this one. This is mostly an outlet to get my thoughts on the “extra” matches CMLL is putting out now. It’s like a full extra show:

  • 4 matches from Sunday shows (3 airing on AMX/TV Mexiquense, 1 going up as a free match of the week)
  • 2 matches from Coliseo (usually up Thursday nights)

This was not a great week for high end up stuff. I think Akuma/Dulce vs Rocky/Dorada is the match I’d recommend strongest, but it was just a fun 7 minute match rather than something superb. The “extra” matches gave me more to write about.

  • Cancerberos/Ola Negra had far more life than it looks on paper. Cancerberos played really good rudos and Akuma’s power moves played as tecnico spots. You will never hear Espanto Jr. and Dark Magic cheered this loudly again.
  • The Fuerza Tapatia was helped by me expecting everyone to sleep through it, and that not happening. Felino and Gemelo Diablo II had a top rope huracanrana/top rope splash combo finisher, not sure what got into them. Hechicero looked good and the tecnicos seemed motivated.
  • Maya/Difunto did not come across as the MOTYC as hyped live, but I can accept people in the building feeling that way. That Coliseo crowd was super into the match, cheering loudly for Difunto to pull the upset. The match itself was worked like a throwback title match, lots of mat work early and slow build to a finish. A Difunto springboard spot late went badly wrong and I never got to the point where it felt a title change was coming, but those fans sure thought it could happen.
Rating match aired taped
good Cancerbero, Luciferno, Virus vs Akuma, Dark Magic, Espanto Jr. CMLL on TV Mexiquense
good Esfinge, Fugaz, Star Black vs Felino, Gemelo Diablo II, Hechicero CMLL on TV Mexiquense
good Guerrero Maya Jr. © vs Difunto for the Mexican National Middleweight Championship CMLL: Difunto Vs Guerrero Maya Jr por el Campeonato Nacional Medio (posted by La Tijera Lucha Libre) CMLL YouTube
good Máscara Dorada & Rocky Romero vs Akuma & Dulce Gardenia [Torneo Increible de Parejas] and in a tournament quarterfinal match Máscara Dorada y Rocky Azúcar Romero avanzan en el Torneo Increíble de Parejas (posted by La Tijera Lucha Libre) CMLL YouTube
good Akuma & Rocky Romero vs Ángel de Oro & Gran Guerrero [Torneo Increible de Parejas] and in a battle royal match CMLL YouTube
good Flamita & Ricky Marvin vs Emperador Azteca & Limbo Flamita vs La Black Generation | Big Lucha World EP. 11 T.4 (posted by BIG LUCHA ) Big Lucha World