2005 Tapatia Ideas

Tapatia - via luchawikiWe’re NOT voting yet, or probably not even till December. This is just an early warning to give you time to think about it (and because it’s Friday and I’ve got not enough to do.) We’ll try a nomination thread before voting as well, so hold off on hyping particular people until then, though feel free to discuss – one of things that prompted this is an internal debate over who’s the Mexican Wrestler of the Year.

I want to emphaize, I don’t want to limit this just to people who’ve watched every single tape over the last year, because it would just be Robert giving his opinions. Personally, I know there will be plenty of lucha I won’t get time to see, unless I quit my job. If you feel you’re familiar with what’s gone on, go ahead and vote.

Here’s last year’s winners, in case you’ve forgetten.

Best Wrestler: L.A. Park
Best Match: 09-03 Averno vs Zumbido
Best Tecnico: L.A. Park
Best Rudo: Hector Garza
Best Tag Team: Ultimo & Rey
Best Trio: GdI
Best Promotion: CMLL
Best Rivalary: Santo vs Perro Aguayo
Best Legend: Santo
Most Improved: Olimpico
Most Underrated: Olimpico

Legend was any wrestler over 40. As last year, anything from 2004 which didn’t turn up on Gala to 2005 is eligible, as well as stuff which hasn’t aired on GALA yet but you’ve seen.

Thoughts on new categories or changes? Now’s the time to sell me on ideas I wouldn’t listen to last year.

I’m only listening to “Best Rookie” if you can give me 8 guys we can agree on being rooks. That’s your challenge.

I think I’m changing Underrated to “Under Utilized”.

Best Outsider, perhaps?

I’m not too high on Tag Team/Trios awards, because those have been relatively dead categories this year. I can guess the winners, but it’s a By Default situation mostly.

I’m thinking about adding “Best non-CMLL wrestler” and “Best non-CMLL match”, just because I want more AAA/IWRG/Tijuana/wherever action to be represented.

Feel free to throw an off the wall suggestion in. I’m gonna listen to anything.