CMLL 81st Anniversary show (09/19/2014) 
Recapped: 10/15/2014

Match 1: Blue Panther, Cachorro, Dragon Lee vs Felino, Puma, Tiger
Arena México, 09/19/2014

  1. técnicos
  2. rudos
  3. técnicos

Winner: tecnicos (2-1)
Match Time: 19:41
Rating: good
Notes: Referee is Pompin.

1: Tiger and Panther start, exchanging holds without either man getting one for long. Tiger even tries a cradle and can't get 1. Tiger's piggy back chinlock is pretty fun. Panther reverses to that into a tirabuzon cradle for one, then Tiger holds him down on the mat. Panther used a double wristlock to set up Tiger to be kicked away, then tries for a nudo lagunero only for Tiger to sunset flip his way thru. Panther rolls back, and it's back and forth for a couple quick one counts and a standoff. Cachorro, who looked live like he was wearing Triton colors but looks more Delta-ish on video, comes in to face Felino, who runs all around to show he's still fast. Armdrags, armbar, Cachorro rolls thru and fights for a takedown, then rolls Felino back to his feet. Felino armdrags him away and oles. Tags to Dragon Lee and Puma, and Puma knocks down the tecnico with a big chop. Stomps and a yell to the crowd. Whip, Dragon Lee cartwheel over, Puma off the ropes, Puma German suplex, Dragon Lee rolls thru and Puma flips him with a clothesline. The smoke from the opening fireworks has drifted over – it was noticable live but looks really weird on TV. Cachorro clotheslines puma out, Cachorro kick misses Tiger, Tiger rolls over Cachorro’s back and upkicks him, Dragon Lee headscissors on Tiger. Dragon Lee over the top dropkick on Puma, Cachorro headscissors off the apron onto Tiger is mostly missed by the camera. Panther and Felino in, both points and circle, and Panther quickly gets Felino with a nudo lagunero.

They do catch Cachorro's diving headscissors on the replays.

2: Felino and Panther resume, exchanging chops. Felino misses a running kick, Panther clotheslines him. Draogn Lee in, and Panther drops Dragon Lee for a big splash on Felino. Dragon Lee tries to roll off, Blue Panther pushes him off a different way, then covers, then decides not cover. Indecisive. Corner whip, Felino charges in Panther's boots, Felino bends over, Puma runs in and leapfrogs over his dad to dropkick Panther out in a neat bit. Cachorro top rope plancha onto Puma, but Tiger pulls Cachorro down by the back of his head. Tiger holds up Cachorro in a wheelbarrow, and Felino adds a frontcracker. Codebreaker on Dragon Lee by Puma, and now the cats are just rolling. Lee tied up in the ropes for Tiger’s running low blow kick. Panther back in but kicked quickly by Tiger. He holds Panther for a Puma chop. Panther fights free to chop and swing, but the numbers eventually wear him down. Puma taunts the crowd while he and Felino choke Panther on the ropes, and Felino adds a stunner over the top rope. Corner clothesline for Cachorro, Puma tosses him into a Felino flying clothesline. Puma sits on top of Cachorro for three.

Puma drops Blue panther in the center of the ring, Felino top rope elbow drop, Mouse trap and Tiger stays on top for the win.

3: Tiger holds Panther in the corner for chops, then walks him to his corner so his family can help. Tiger and Felino hold Panther for a Puma chop, then Puma snap mares and dropkicks him in the face. Panther takes a forearm from the middle rope to the back and rolls out. Cachorro in, and Tiger sets him on the top rope to go after his mask. Tree of woe dropkick for Cachorro. Tiger celebrates, then grabs Dragon Lee. Corner whip, evasion, upkick, superkick by Tiger. Dragon Lee's dragged into the rudo cover. Tag to Puma, whip, reverse, Dragon Lee rolls backwards into a slightly misaimed dropkick to the backside. Dragon Lee tries to tag out, but Puma brings him back and gives him a kneebreaker. Dragon Lee tries to escape again, but Felino grabs him in time. Tecnicos argue and Felino taunts them by holding Dragon Lee just short. Dragon Lee's mask tail has Tala written on it, his hometown. Felino drops Dragon Lee and covers for two. After all that holding Dragon Lee back, Felino just throws Dragon Lee out and Panther comes in. Felino trips off his vest and taunts Panther, setting him up for a Puma attack from behind. Tiger contributes a shot to the back. Rudos beat down Panther, taking him to the mat for punches. Corner whip, Panther kicks Felino away on the charge, Dragon Lee in with a top rope sunset flip on Felino, everyone in, Puma and Cachorro also get sunset flips, everyone kicks out at two. Rudos go for bulldogs and the tecnicos shoves them off into each other. Star on Felino and Puma, loose Dragon Lee huracanrana on Puma into the center, one two NO. Puma chops Panther back, whip, reversed, Panther backdrops Puma. Monkey flip sends Puma into the center of the ring. Puma just gets up and tries dropkicking Panther, Panther kind of ignores it and catapults Puma out of the ring. Puma backs up as if for a dive, but Dragon Lee instead comes, off the apron with a headscissors. Tiger in and superkicking Panther. Tiger tires to pick up Panther, but Panther won't get up, one two NO. Corner whip, Panther with a reverse springboard plancha. Panther up and looking around, then taking an odd route into a sunset flip. Tiger rolls back out of it, and gets to his feet, Panther starts rolling out but goes right into Dragon Lee's path, and Dragon Lee wildly misses dropkick on Tiger. Tiger had already moved from the space Lee was dropkicking. Tiger stomps Dragon Lee and pulls him up for chops, which go back and forth until Lee gets in a heel kick. Whip, reversed, Lee with a waistlock, Tiger shot into the ropes, takes a knee lift, and the Dragon straight running kick to the face knocks Tiger over. One two NO. Tiger shakes his head. Corner whip, Lee charges in, Tiger boosted to the apron, Lee chops Tiger back and climbs up, Tiger swing kicks Lee and goes up too, Lee shoves him over and lands the top rope hanging double stomp on Tiger. Tiger down in the corner, so Dragon Lee gives him a sliding dropkick too. Felino knocks down Lee with a back elbow, then lifts him up. Crucifix powerbomb is rare for him, but he gives out one here. Panther breaks up the pin, tries his own, then rolls out of the way so Cachorro can get in a plancha. Cachorro armdrags and casadora armdrags Felino around. Cachorro dropkicks Felino out of the way, then landing a crushing tope on him. Blue Panther charges Tiger, Tier backdrops, then launches onto Cachorro with his own running tornillo. Puma superkicks Panther to the apron, Dragon Lee rolling sunset flip shrugged off, Dragon Lee charge, and Puma boosts him into a big tope con giro on his brother. Puma and Panther in, Panther flips Puma to the apron, Puma up top with a dropkick where he didn't get his legs out until late, one two NO. It was like Puma thought he had much farther to go. Panther keeps Puma down and hooks on a tapatía. Pompin actually counts Panther down, then Panther rolls them so both set of shoulders are covered, then Felino and Cachorro run into cover (which seem unnecessary) and the others break it up. Cachorro with a torito on Puma, everyone goes to break it up, the tecnicos roll up the rudos and everyone kicks out at two. Everyone clears out, and Tiger superkicks Cachoror after a whip. Whip the other way, and Cachorro lands a running big boot, then rolls Tiger into the center for his double springboard dropkick to the face. Cover, only two. Tiger of the ropes, over, under, rolling and leveled by Tiger's low dropkick to the chest. One two NO. Rudos aren’t happy with the speed of the count – and Cachorro grabs Tiger into the fujiwara. Tiger gives.

Felino in, Cachorro gives him a quebradora con giro. Cachorro goes up, but Felino shoves him to the floor. Panther in, shoulderblock, Felino misses a handpsring back elbow (!), Dragon Lee boosts into a dropkick on Felino. Panther runs – tope. Panther spins around on the ground, gets back up, runs - and topes Felino a second time. Panther hurries to his feet again, , stumbles into the ring, and the crowd goes wild as Panther runs for it – tope, for a third time, just out running Puma's effort to stop him. Dragon Lee pops back to life buts runs into a back flapjack, landing on his face. Puma covers, one two NO. Lee clothesline blocked, Lee high spin kick ducked, Puma hip checked, Lee heel kicked connects, Lee scoops up Puma and pulls him over for an awkward Power-Plex, one two three.

Match 2: Goya Kong vs EstrellitaMarcelaPrincesa SugehitAmapolaZeuxisTiffanyDallys la Caribeña [Copa 81 Aniversario]
Arena México, 09/19/2014

  1. Princesa Sugehit pendulum backbreaker Tiffany E (11:27)
  2. Amapola Devil's Wings Estrellita (13:24)
  3. Goya front slam Dallys (15:18)
  4. Zeuxis La Roca Princesa Sugehit (16:57)
  5. Zeuxis tornillo moonsault Goya Kong (17:33)
  6. Marcela Michinoku Driver Amapola (18:28)
  7. Zeuxis La Roca Marcela (20:40)

Winner: Zexuis
Match Time: 20:40
Rating: good
Notes: Referee is Edgar. Magadan refers to him as part of the new generation of referees, but generations usually mean more than one person.

Zeuxis and Estrellita start off after everyone else clear out, and Estrellita almost immediately struggles with a wristlock spot. I have no idea what was supposed to happen there, except not what actually did. Zeuxis eventually armdrags Estrellita away. More quick holds are exchanged, with Zeuxis cradling Estrellita for a 1 count at one point. Zeuxis charge in a corner headscissors and Estrellita follows right away with a tope. Marcela and Dalys are next, Marcela rolling Dalys into an armdrag easily. Dalys takedown, Marcela rolled to her feet and Dalys armdrags her away. Marcela comes back with a middle rope headscissors and her double underhook backbreaker. Dalys rolls out, and Marcela rolls to a pose. Sugehit evades Amapola a bit, then armdrags her around and front rolls to a pose. Amapola's armdragged around, and Sugehit tries for a modified cruz nipona before Amapola is able to kick her away and tag out. Sugehit gets in another tecnica rolls an armdrag, then shoulderblocks Amapola down a few times before another pose. She's trying hard to be a bouncing babyface. Goya and Tiffany are last. Tiffany waistlock does not work at all, headlock almost gets her dropped on her head. Tiffany finally get a drop hold to (awkwardly) work, but Goya is up quicker and elbow drops Tiffany. Corner whip, Goya charges in, no one home, Tiffany inside cradle one two NO. Tiffany clothesline misses, Goya smacks her into the ropes. Whip, Tiffany sunset flip, Goya sit misses, Tiffany sit, running dropkick to Estrellita back. Tiffany off the ropes, Marcela ducks her clothesline and lands a walk up the ropes dropkick. Zeuxis misses a clothesline, Marcela dropkicks her. Whip, running knee smash. Corner whip, reversed, and Zeuxis beheads Marcela with a boot to the face. Corner whip by Zeuxis, her corner charge misses, Marcela pull Zeuxis down by the hair from the apron and lands her missile dropkick. Zeuxis tries to roll out, finds the post in her way, and escapes before Marcela can do any more. Sugehit charges Dallys and misses, hitting the corner. Dalys mocks her a little bit. Dalys recovers for a loose fireman's escape headscissors. Dalys rolls backwards into a Sugehit, then Sugehit adds a kick to the chest. Off the ropes, and Tiffany trips up Sugehit and pulls her out. The four rudas pound on Sugehit until the tecnicas make the save. Goya is last, running it to the collection of people and hurting both técnicas and rudas in the process. Amapola and Estrellita resume, Estrellits dropkick connects. Estrellita does her dance. Whip, reversed, Estrellita back with a headscissors. Estrellita and Amapola go for different things but work it out for a whip and an Estrellita middle rope headscissors. Estrellita celebrates for a moments before Amapola lands a spear. Corner whip, Amapola charges into to boot, the charges again into the post. Estrellita run up the corner – slip, climbs back up, and plancha off. Zeuxis goes for her own dive, but Goya pulls Zeuxis down by the hair. Sit down powerbomb, but Goya doesn’t hold on for the corner. Running splash - and Zeuxis moves just in time. Zeuxis runs over and kicks Goya in the robs. Tag to Tiffany. Tiffany and Marcela evade, and Tiffany gives Marcela a hair pull reverse faceslam. Corner whip, reversed, Tiffany clothesline ducked and Marcela pulls Tiffany down by the hair. Cartwheel double knee drop. Marcela walks away, then come back to cover for two. Marcela casadora turning into a Tiffany wheelbarrow faceslam. Tiffany says that’s it, Marcela ducks a punch and inside cradles Tiffany for two. Marcela with stomps, and then start to head up. Tiffany cuts her off with a slap, inverted crucifix powerbomb, One two Tiffany turns over the pin just in time for Sugehit to kick her partner by mistake. Chops between Tiffany and Sugehit. Whip, Tiffany slips behind for an inside cradle for two. That was awkward. Tiffany gets in a dropkick next, then they seem lost on the next spot. They get it back together for a slow hurcanarana by Sugehit, Tiffany rolls thru one two NO and Sugehit nails Tiffany in the side of the head with a kick. Estrellita elbow drops one two NO. Sugehit off the ropes, into an Amapola takedown. Kicks. Tiffany off the ropes, clothesline blocked, Sugehit pulls her into the pendulum backbreaker and gets the submission. One down.

Dalys in, and Goya does muscle poses. Dalys tries chops, which have moderate effect, and Goya's work better. Corner whip, reverses, Dalys charges in, Goya put her on top, Dalys back up Goya with a kick and lands a silla. Dalys rolls to her feet and runs back over to spine kick Goya. Corner whip, reveres, Goya charge in, Dalys manages to flip her to the apron and shove Goya to the floor. Zeuxis climbs up – moonsault to the floor! Estrellita in with Dallys, knocking her out of the ring with a dropkick to about the thigh. Amapola in and run over by Estrellita. Clothesline. A second one. Amapola suits up in time for Estrellita to land a dropkick to the chest. Estrellita drags Amapola into the corner of the ring covers her for two. Estrellita tries her backside, Amapola gets free – Devils' Wings. One two three. Two down.

Sugehit gets in and charges Amapola as soon as Estrellita leaves. Evasion ends with a tighter Sugehit headscissors and a kick to the back. More spine kicks of the ropes, and Dalys trips up Sugehit from the outside. Amapola a dropkick, Dalys slingshots to in with a splash. Chop for Sugehit. Corner whip, reverses, Amapola charges in and shoulders Sugehit in the midesection. Amapola puts Sugehit on the top rope, and Dalys lands a running jumping knee to the back. Goya in and running over Dalys. Goya off the ropes, running elbow drop – misses? I guess it misses, though Dalys only barely got out of the way. Dalys armbar and kicks to the midsection. Off the ropes, onto Goya’s back – Code Red? Code Red is now killed dead, one two Goya grabs the bottom rope. Corner whip, Dalys charges in, Goya flips him to the apron, Dalys kicks Goya away, climbs up and is caught on a plancha. Goya looks around and front slams Dalys, one two three. Three down.

Zeuxis in and kicking Goya. Whip, running with Goya to trip her into the ropes and following with a double knee smash to the back. Zeuxis adds a dropkick as Goya slides down to the mat, sending her out. Sugehit in, Zeuxis misses a high kick, Sugehit ties Zeuxis into the ropes, front cracker causes Zeuxis to fall at an odd angle headfirst. Sugehit covers, but they're in the ropes. Sugehit moves on, sitting Zeuxis in the corner and laughing in with a rolling back press. Sugehit pulls Zeuxis away from the ropes, one two NO. Zeuxis misses a punch, Zeuxis chop, corner whip, reverses, and Zeuxis bounces right back out with a big back elbow anyway. Zeuxis starts grabs, Sugehit reverses to grab her in the pendulum backbreaker. Zeuxis escapes, and right to the package piledriver. One two three. Down to Marcela & Goya vs Zeuxis & Amapola.

Zeuxis charges, miss a clothesline, and gets smushed into the corner by Goya. Corner whip, reversed, Amapola missile dropkick Goya. Amapola stomps Goya towards a corner and Zeuxis goes up – tornillo moonsault! Amapola on top one tow thee.

Marcela top rope, plancha connects, Amapola rolls thru one two NO. Marcela off the ropes, headscissors into a small package one two NO. Marcela clothesline misses, Amapola back suplex into a powerbomb, one two no. Amapola double underhook, Marcela escapes, Marcela Michinoku Driver one two three.

Zeuxis misses a dropkick, and Marcela lands a springboard double knee drop. Crushing dropkick to the face connects, out goes Zeuxis. Marcela apron dropkick knocks Zeuxis over at ringside. Marcela throws Zeuxis back in, and goes up top herself. Marcela throws Zeuxis back in and goes up, but Zeuxis cuts her off and superplexes Marcela. Zeuxis back up, charges, and nails Marcela with the double knee smash. One two NO. Marcela scoops up Zeuxis and slams her. Middle rope double knee drop! Marcela going up again, top rope double stomp crushes Zeuxis. One two NO! Marcela keeps moving, grabbing up Zeuxis’ legs and pulling her back in to a tapatia. Zeuxis shakes her head no. Both shoulders down one two No. Not sure who would get the cup there. Both swing their arms, their hands kind of hit, Marcela grabs Zeuxis for the Michinoku Driver, Zeuxis escapes – La Roca! Marcela far less protected than Sugehit was. One two three.

Match 3: Máscara Dorada, Valiente, Volador Jr. ©  vs Euforia, Mr. Niebla ©, Thunder
Arena México, 09/19/2014

  1. técnicos
  2. técnicos

Winner: tecnicos (2-1)
Match Time: 9:03
Rating: OK
Notes: It sure is weird to see Valiente enter to Volador's theme. Referee is Terror Chino. Volador shoves Thunder and gets beat up before the match.

1: First fall has Valiente and Dorada get in brief showcase spots before Thunder blows them up with clotheslines. Volador dropkicks out a posing Thunder, who no sells and Valiente and Dorada’s dive and then is almost too far back to catch Volador (with Valiente pushing him in to place off camera.) Valiente hurries back and an takes out Euforia with the Valiente Buster and Dorada beats Niebla

2: Tecnicos go back on showcase offense, with Niebla's offense only coming to set up dancing. (Euforia has no dance, does not get offense.) Thunder comes back in takes out Volador easily with as swinging side slam, then throws Volador in the corner for a poor slap. Thunder takes fore to miss a charge, and seems to get lost in the next set of spots with Volador. Volador's superkick is almost no sell, but Thunder throws himself out right after anyway. Volador slings out of the other side of the ring, taking out Euforia with a headscissors. Niebla finally takes over for the rudos by just slapping everyone. Dorada takes his second big backdrop of the night. Corner clotheslines and slap for Valiente. Niebla tries to get Monito, but he hides just out of teach and Niebla has to settle for Volador. Volador handspring into a Thunder waistlock, but Niebla starts hitting his teammates by mistake. Dorada takes Niebla out with the ramp running headscissors. Valiente is supposed to do the Valiente Special next, but Thunder is in the way in the corner and slow to realize it. He moves, and Valiente lands on Euforia with the springboard moonsault. Brillo Dorado onto Euforia looks great. Thunder and Volador back in. Thunder rip off his shirt – though it's still stuck to his hands - and misses a running boot. Volador rolls over the top rope to apron, blocks Thunder's punch, swing kicks him, and goes to the top rope. Volador plancha is caught, pressed, and tossed out onto the other four guys. That's a DQ, though Thunder has no idea or doesn't care.

Match 4: Rey Cometa vs Bárbaro Cavernario for the hair
Arena México, 09/19/2014

  1. Cavernario springboard reverse splash (1:10)
  2. Rey Cometa 450 splash (3:18)
  3. Cavernario cavernaria (12:53)

Winner: Cavernaria
Match Time: 17:21
Rating: excellent
Notes: Cavernario starts yelling at Cometa before he even gets close to the ring and tries charging him. That just gets Cavernario headscissored. Cometa ducks a clothesline and quebradora Cavernario near the top of the ramp. Cometa throws Cavernario by his hair and goes up to the top of the stage. Tirantes is referee and there's the whistle just in time

1: Moonsault off the ramp! Replay of that. Back live, Cometa backdrops Cavernario in the ring, backs up again, leaps in the ring and rolls over Cavernario. Cavernario waves Cometa into the ropes, Cometa handspring and Cavernario flattens him with a spear. Cavernario first up Cometa – crucifix powerbomb into the buckle. Cavernario off the ropes, pump splash, one tow three.

2: Cavernario chops Cometa down in the corner as the fall starts. Cavernario walks around making face to the crowd, then dropkick Cometa right in the face. Cover for two. Cometa set up on the top rope, and Cavernario yanks around Cometa's face. Tree of Woe, Cavernario takes his time, then charges – spear hits the post as Cometa pulls himself up in plenty of the time. Cometa off the post tope con giro takes out both men. Replays of that. Cometa bring it back inside, where he's already to his hangs. Hard chop to Cavernario, whip, Cavernario rolls out and taunts Cometa into coming. Cometa turns – sliding dropkick, Cavernario moves and whips Cometa into the barricade. Cometa's stood up against the barricade, and Cavernario lays him out with a great superkick. Replay of that. Whip, reverses, Cavernario goes into the barricade and Cometa dropkicks him. Cometa tries to bring it in again. Whip, reversed, Cometa over, into a clothesline - that flips him out. Cavernario slaps Cometa in the corner. Corner whip, Cavernario charge sin and miss a dropkick as Cometa squeezes out. Cometa up top quick – 450 splash lands one two three.

3: Cometa misses a wild corner charge and Cavernario chops him repeatedly. Cometa turns it around and chops Cavernario himself. Cometa evades, but gets taken down by a Cavernario clothesline. Two count. Not many near falls in the first two falls, probably all to come. Cavernario headbutts Cometa in the corner. Chops. Corner whip, Cometa flips himself to the apron, Cavernario cuts him down with a springboard dropkick. Cometa pulls himself up on the floor but Cavernario’s already running – tope thru the corner works! Cavernario brings Cometa back in front chops. Whip, Comet grabs her ropes, Cavernario charges, stops and Cometa kicks him. Clothesline misses, Cometa running Canadian Destroyer. One two NO. Reply of that move, which landed a bit unusually. Cometa up first, both guys slower now. Corner whip, Cavernario hops to the middle rope and hops off for a missile dropkick on Cometa. Cavernario dropkicks Cometa on the mat. One two NO. Cavernario kicks Cometa, then picks him up. Whip, and Cometa captures Cavernario in the middle rope Spanish Fly. Porra Rey Cometa sign appearance once. Cavernario kicks Cometa away, Cavernario charges and Cometa places him on to the top rope, keeping him there with a chop. Cometa up top – springboard twisting into a top rope huracanrana, that looks really tough on TV one two NO. Cavernario grabs Cometa, cradle suplex, with a bridge, one two NO. Cavernario pounds the mat in frustration. Replay of the suplex. Cavernario boots Cometa and forces him into the corner. Snap mare, dropkick to the side of the head. Cavernario turns Cometa over one two NO. Cavernario freaks out. Cavernario walks around and looks at the crowd. Cometa picked up, crucifix powerbomb into the corner! Cavernario stomps Cometa in the face on the corner, raking Cometa's face with his boot. Cavernario running at Cometa for more, but Cometa dropkicks him out. Cometa claps his hands and the crowd boos, then runs – Brillo Cometa! Cavernario in, Cavernario charges Cometa, Cometa swings kicks Cavernario away, Cometa top rope tornillo lands, but Cavernario’s up quick. Cometa handspring – right into a Cometa dropkick. Cavernario slowly gets up, and drags Cometa round instead of covering. Cavernario screams, off the ropes, pump splash connects, even though Cometa tries to move. One two NO. Crowd thought that was it, Cavernario thought it was it. Cavernario gets himself together and lands a legdrop Cometa. Cavernario poses on the middle rope, looking around at the crowd and shaking his head. Cavernario on the outside of the ropes and cut off with Cometa slaps. Crowd boos, and Cometa mocks the boos before bringing Cavernario all the way up – top rope Spanish Fly. Cometa in pain, but covers one two NO! Now Cometa can't believe it. Cometa shoulderblock, handspring, Cavernario slide out past him, Comet slides outa after him and Cavernario clotheslines Cometa on the floor. Cavernario looks around, then drags Cometa away from the ring. Cavernario hurries to o the top rope – top rope splash to the floor! Crowd goes wild. Replays of that and crowd shots as both men recover. Cometa makes it in first, Cavernario right behind, both guys are out on the mat. Tirantes checks both men and threatens to count them out, but they start moving before he does. Cavernario huracanrana, Cometa rolls thru one two NO. Porra Rey Cometa sign appearance #2. Both men slow up, Cometa tilt-a-whirl – no, Cavernario slips behind, cavernaria – and Cometa gives.

Cavernario celebrates. Cometa is in denial, then cuts off his own pony tail. Cavernario knows how to use scissors!

Match 5: La Máscara & Rush vs Negro Casas & Shocker © for the CMLL World Tag Team Championship
Arena México, 09/19/2014

  1. Ingobernables
  2. Negro Casas & Shocker
  3. Negro Casas & Shocker

Winner: Negro casas & Shcoker (2-1)
Match Time: 20:35
Rating: good
Notes: Assuming Mascara got to pick the outfits. Rambo is the commissioner. Tigre Hispano is referee.

1: Match takes a minute to get started as Rush slowly takes off his pull away pants. They try to hide it, so it's clear it's a Rush problem and not a stall tactic. Rush and Shocker start. Rush and Shocker lockup in the ropes, and Rush flinches on a chop tease. Lockup, into the ropes, and Rush does slap shocker, then kicks at Negro too. Waistlock, reversals, chops, they go chest to chest and Mascara breaks it up. Mascara clams down his partner, and demands Casas. Crowd loud for Negro. Lockup, Negro headlock, shot off, Mascara doesn't go down and waves his finger instead. Máscara kick, Negro heel kick. Headlock, shot off – no, Negro yanks Máscara round by his eye holes. Mascara up and angry and superkicking. Casas flips Máscara to the apron, Mascara slaps Negro. Mascara poses and takes a heel kick. Caught in the ropes and kicks in the chest multiples times. Máscara finally catches one, and Dragon screws it thru the ropes. Negro limps around as Mascara comes back in. Armdrag, hiptoss, and holding on for another armdrags. Not exactly fearsome rudo offense. Máscara poses, and tells Shocker to back off as he comes in. Negro and Mascara go at it again, Negro with a heel trip, zero pins, Mascara offer a handshake, and Negro considers it. Negro reaches to accept, Máscara pulls it away and tells him off then sneaks in a kick to the chest. Macara taunts Shocker and puts on a chinlock. Whip, sleeper, Rush comes in without a tag and puts on an armbar. Kick to the chest. Armbar, forcing Casas to his knees, then turn it over for a wristlock. Whip, Negro kind of stops short of Rush's shoulderblock, so Rush ends up just chopping so hard instead. Kick, corner whip, charge in, and charging clothesline. Negro is less than responsive right now. Rush headlock, Negro sleeper, Casas rolls out of it and tags in Shocker. Rush charges right into a Shocker high kick. . Máscara in and clotheslined. Rush up and obliterating Shocker with a dropkick. Mascara and Rush double team Shocker with chops in the corner. Corner whip, Mascara corner clothesline, Rush corner clothesline. Mascara running heel kick to the face, Rush corner dropkick one two three.

Negro in and kicking Rush in the chest. Off the ropes, Mascara casadora into a campana, and that's that.

2: Ingobernables stay in control. Kick, superkick, German suplex sequence on Shocker, with Negro rushing in to break up the pin. Rush challenges Negro to hit him, Negro obliges, Rush no sells and chops casa down. Corner whip, corner clothesline, and back out into a Mascara superkick. Rush pins Casas with one foot, which turns out to be not enough. Two man hanging suplex. One two and Máscara pulls up Negro this time, only for shocker to walk in and boot Mascara in the side of the face. Shocker tries to out chop both men, and it doesn’t work for long. Rush stomps all over Shocker as the crowd chants for Shocker. Corner whip, and Shocker turns around to quickly spear Shocker. Negro pulls Mascara outside and throws him hard into the barricade. European uppercut by Shocker. Rush puts Shocker on top and chops him a few times, knocking him to the apron and the floor. Negro takes advantage to get in a few punches, and then both champions taunt the challengers from inside the ring. Mascara returns only to be booted down. His clotheslines don't work, and Shocker chops him back. Mascara off the ropes, clothesline misses and Shocker pulls him into the tirabuzon cradle one two three. Negro's dropkick on Rush is very low – about his shins, but it's enough to knock Rush down in the corner. Corner dropkick, one two three.

3: Rush and Casas start, chopping until Rush sneaks in a kick. Snap mare, hard spine kick. Casas yells but rises up to snap mare Rush and kick him in his spine too. Negro on Rush with chops to the side of the head, which I guess are legal. Máscara kicks Casas from behind and chops him to let Rush take back control. Rush slaps Negro around. Whip, Rush runs in, Negro trips Rush up into the corner, where he falls oddly. Negro stomps Rush, Mascara breaks it up, and Negro kicks him down in the corner. Running corner dropkick to Rush, same to Mascara. Negro runs around celebrating, and Rush takes his head off with a clothesline. Rush stomps Casas, then kicks away the invisible football. Rush kicks away Shocker, and then kicks Casas Máscara hold him. Rush holds Negro in a seated chinlock, for Mascara to be Dragon Screwed and pulled into a half crab by Shocker. Rush breaks that up and kicks Shocker in the chest a few times, but Shocker catches one and trips Rush up. STF by Shocker. Mascara looks at that and charges Casas in, and Casas grabs him in an ankle lock but Mascara has the ropes before it’s really locked on. Mascara throws Casas out as he lets of go of the hold, then punches Shocker many times to break his hold. Shocker fights back against both with chops. Rush and Mascara double dropkick lays out Shocker. Mascara mocks the fans and gets clubbed from behind on Negro. This is just without much of a pause. Chops. Rush kicks Negro into the corner, Negro charges in, Casas flips him to the apron and headbutts Casas to the floor. Casas silla – no, Rush walks around the corner avoid it, only for Shocker to blow him up with a tope. That was nicely done. Mascara hits Casas to get him out of the way, sets up for his own dive, waits, waits, waits, and then gets up for a moment and looks around. Finally he runs, and topes Shocker. Casas sets up for his silla, Mascara tries walking the other way, but Casas just runs to the other corner, turn around and dives at him with a tope con giro. Rush back in, and Shocker behind him – spear in the ring. Shocker stomps Casas. Shocker off the ropes, Casas flips him to the apron– no, Shocker tumbles all the way to the floor. Rush to the apron, and laying him out with an off the apron dropkick. Máscara and Casas kick back and forth on the opposite apron, with Casas finally tripping Máscara off with a dropkick to the shin, then finally gets in that silla, taking him crashing into the video board. Rush chops, chops, and Shocker drops him with a stunner. Shocker up top, but Mascara crotches him. Rush up with him, and doing a lot of the work on the superplex. Mascara top rope plancha, one two Casas breaks it up. Rush dropkicks Casas immediately, then gets up to pose about it. Máscara easily grabs Negro as Rush goes up, and this smells like a poor idea. In fact, Casas breaks free, crotches Rush on post, flips Mascara to the apron and cuts him down with a kick to the knee, and tries a superplex. Máscara breaks that up, grabbing Casas, and powerbombing him while Rush goes over the top rope missile dropkick Shocker. Referee stats counting Casas/Mascara, but Máscara picks up Negro to deadweight powerbomb him once more in the center of the ring – one tow NO. Rush argues about the count, as he is wont to do. Rush chops Shocker and grabs him as Mascara disposes of Casas. Mascara tries a superkick – like, it's clear it was supposed to accidentally get Rush, only Shocker didn’t move out of the way and Mascara couldn't follow thru. Here, it's more of an incoherent mess. Rush waits on one knee now for no reason as Shocker poses and Máscara looks around, which really makes the bad moment sink it. Shocker Dos Cara clutch on Mascara, one two Rush pops back to life to stop the count, then breaks up the pin. Rush stomps Shocker out. Rush with kicks, Negro dropkicks him in the knee, casita, one two Mascara pulls Tigre Hispano away to break up the count. Tigre Hispano threatens throwing Mascara out, which seems unfair. Stereo spots end with champions inside cradles, one two NO. Rush & Mascara corner clotheslines, dropkicks in the corner one two NO. Shocker starts walking way up the ramp, Rush charges, swings, misses, and takes German suplex on the apron. Inside the ring, Mascara catches Shocker for the campana, but Shocker breaks it up. Rush back in, kicking Shocker and trying to lift him for the Rush Driver, but Shocker doesn’t go up and falls out of Rush’s grip. Negro breaks it up anyway, but that looked bad. Mascara clothesline caught by Shocker into the reinera by Shocker, Rush and Negro actually miss each other running by, Rush chops Casas, Casas drop toe hold, casita one two three.

Match 6: Atlantis vs Último Guerrero for the mask
Arena México, 09/19/2014

  1. Ultimo Guerrero crucifix cradle (3:14)
  2. Atlantis Pulpo Guerrero (1:30)
  3. Atlantida (13:07)

Winner: Atlantida (2-1)
Match Time: 17:51
Rating: Excellent
Notes: Atlantis and Ultimo Guerrero were shown lacing up their boots earlier, and the match is preceded by two music performances. Ultimo wears a giant headdress to the ring, teases taking it off, cheap shots Atlantis instead, then tosses it to the two women who'd be waiting for it to be handed to them. (The tease is not shown on video.) Referee is Babe Richard. No seconds, as has been the case all night.

1: Stomps and chops. Back elbow to knock Atlantis down, as Ultimo sheds the rest of his entrance gear. Whip, running back elbow. UG shoulders Atlantis out of the ring, then throws him into the barricade. Kick to the head. Chops. Atlantis into the post. UG throws Atlantis in. Snap mare, Ultimo goes for the mask but Babe Richard backs him off. They exchange words. Atlantis is slow to his feet, and UG kicks him down before he gets up. Once again, boot square to the head. Whip, back elbow keeps latina down. Chop s into the corner. Kicks, and boot choke in the corner, standing on Atlantis to force it in. UG goes for the mask rip again, and is warned for being in the ropes. Corner whip, UG charges and misses a splash, Atlantis quebradora con giro, a second, and he's fired up. Inside cradle, UG rolls thru to reverse, Atlantis keep rolling thru on his back, UG crucifix him one two three.

2: Ultimo Guerrero strikes first with a clothesline. UG misses a clothesline, Atlantis drops him with a plancha. UG shoulder tap shoulderblock, Atlantis monkey rolls ends UG tumbling out. Atlantis runs for a tope, but UG bails inside just as Atlantis slides out. Atlantis takes a moment before going back in, which seems wise. UG misses a clothesline, Atlantis takedown, Pulpo Guerrero, and UG is done quick. If you had 90 seconds in the Ultimo Guerrero second fall guessing game, you win.

3: They gave a little more time between falls than usual, though it didn’t at all fell that way live. Atlantis winds up his arm, but UG forces him into the corner for chops. Atlantis turns it around for chops of his own. Clothesline drops UG. Atlantis kicks, UG catches, spins him, clothesline, one two NO. UG on one knee, Atlantis kicks UG in the side of the head, UG catches a kick, Atlantis huracanrana one two NO. That felt like Atlantis was just baiting him with the kicks, hoping he'd catch one to set up the next spot. Of all the crowd shots, the one with the Atlantis and UG fans sitting next to each other is the best. There are money of them, though. Atlantis corner whip, charge, UG corner sunset flip, one two NO. UG kicks Atlantis into the corner, charges, and takes a knee bump. Atlantis runs – tope sends UG into the barricade. Atlantis shoulder UG, goes up top, and leaps into an Ultimo Guerrero dropkick one two NO. Both slow to recover, but the crowd in carrying them right now. Whip, Atlantis puts his head down too soon, UG pulls him into an inverted Gori Stretch. Atlantis shakes his head no, fees his arms, sits up, and rolls thru to a victory roll - and Ultimo Guerrero rolls back on top one two NO. UG jumps on Atlantis’ shoudlers, victory roll of his own, Atlantis reverses it himself one two NO. Atlantis' cradle was better than UG there, but we're in straight two count mode. UG is disoriented as he gets up, and Atlantis attacks him from behind. Whip, UG won't go, so Atlantis gets him up in the corner instead. Atlantis climbs up with UG - and get front superplexes off. That's the checklist. One two NO. UG gets up - and runs into the Atlantida – and escapes out with an inside cradle one two NO. JCR just had mentioned how no one but Villano III had ever escaped that in a mask match, I think. Ultimo Guerrero just did the same and almost beat Atlantis. Both are slow up and look around at the chanting fans. UG kicks Atlantis in the corner, senton de la muerte. UG backs up, hurting, but runs for another – and Atlantis shoves UG off. UG hits the apron hard and goes to the floor – Atlantis plancha to the floor. JCR has a list of Guadalajara and Lagunero wrestlers who lost on Anniversary shows and he will get it in here. Atlantis shoulders UG into the midsection and climbs up – plancha, UG rolls thru, one two NO. Atlantis grabs UG, whips him into the corner, sets him up on the top rope, and sets himself into the superrbomb. One two NO. Crowd chanting along loudly on that one. Both men very slow up, but Ultimo up first and smiling. Also stumbling around like a drunk man, but up first. UG charges – into the Atlantida, - but UG grabs the ropes and falls free of the hold. Both are wiped out, but UG up first again. Slam. UG goes up, but Atlantis catches up to him – super armdrag, with Atlantis seemingly doing more of the work than usual on that one. One two th-NO. Crowd loud for Atlantis. Atlantis up first this time, puling UG up with him and slamming Atlantis goes up for a moonsault, but again UG trips him up – Guerrero Special! One two thre-NO. Both up, Ultimo charges, Atlantis, Atlantis to his knees right away, and Ultimo Guerrero gives. Crowd explodes (and like with other matches, they unleash the crowd noise over the announcers right after the finish.)

Atlantis slowly celebrates. Ultimo Guerrero circles on his mat. Women crowd in the cry – they're later revealed to be UG's family members. Ultimo's name is announced. Ultimo Guerrero pays respect to Atlantis, tearfully gives him his mask, congratulates Atlantis for the win, apologizes to his fans for losing and thanks them the same. Olímpico appears from backstage to rush up and hug Ultimo Guerrero, which prevents Atlantis form getting in his lines. Atlantis says Ultimo Guerrero is one of the best of CMLL, thanks the fans for their support, Ultimo's mask is great, and he'll put in a very special place. They raise each other's arm. Fans rain the ring with cash, which is really not as noticeable on video (except for UG getting a coin stuck to his chest.) UG's father comes in the ring and hugs him. Ultimo's daughters are still crying much later. UG walks around the ring high fiving and shaking hands, and Atlantis does the same. Replays and they warp up.