CMLL Guerreros del Ring on 52MX #456 (08/16/2014) 
Recapped: 08/16/2014

Match 1: Gallo, Omar Brunetti, Smaker vs Disturbio, Olímpico, Virus
Arena Coliseo Guadalajara, 08/05/2014

  1. rudos

  2. técnicos

  3. rudos

Winner: rudos (2-1)
Match Time: 10:01
Rating: ok

Match 2: Black Panther, Blue Panther, Cachorro © vs Felino, Puma ©, Tiger
Arena Coliseo Guadalajara, 08/05/2014

  1. Felinos

  2. Panthers

  3. Panthers

Winner: Panther
Match Time: 11:36
Rating: good

Match 3: Rush vs Último Guerrero
Arena Coliseo Guadalajara, 08/05/2014

  1. Rush corner dropkick (2:11)

  2. Pulpo Guerrero (1:42)

  3. Ultimo Guerrero Guerrero Special (5:41)

Winner: Ultimo Guerrero (2-1)
Match Time: 9:34
Rating: ok/good
Notes: Ultimo Guerrero attacks Rush from behind on the way to the ring because of course he does. Whistle is inaudible as ever, so time starts from when UG steps thru the ropes

1: and Rush kicks UG in the chest. Stomps. Maybe making Rush angry is not the best plan. Boot choke. Rush stops to yell at the referee, then turns and chops UG down as he gets up. Corner whip, Rush charges in, corner clothesline, UG thrown of the corner and dropkicking in the shoulder. Fall graphic is a bit late! Rush chases UG out of the ring and that backfires on Rush, UG knocks him down as Rush comes out and stomps him on the floor. Into the post for Rush. Chops. UG throws Rush back in, and that's the tide turning again, Rush kicking and chopping UG as he steps thru the ropes. Corner whip, reverse, UG clothesline, Rush sits down, UG rolls back, runs forward, senton de la muerte. UG hands a while before landing it. UG is fired up, Rush is slow to get up. Clip here? UG is suddenly coming back in front outside the ring, though Rush isn’t moved much. Rush chops UG hard in the chest. UG back. Rush chops UG hard and demands UG hits him very hard. UG does, though Rush spins him around before a third, send him into the corner, corner clothesline, trip and forearms in the corner. Rush back up, charges, and dropkick him right in the face. Three count.

2: Under/over on this fall length is 55 seconds. Rush throws UG back in form outside, so we've missed some more. Rush stands around and makes faces at the crowd. UG gets to his feet, and Rush chops him again. UG chops back. Rush loud chop drops UG to one knee. UG gets up and slaps. Rush shoves, UG shoves, Rush dropkick UG down. Invisible football kick – Rush is really not following thru, more of a chop. Perhaps an onside chip? Rush poses for a while, dragging us past 55 seconds. Whip, Rush misses a clothesline, UG does not. UG whip, clothesline misses, Rush belly to belly overhead suplex, spine kick. Rush wagging his finger at the crowd. Whip, reversed, UG spinebuster, Pulpo Guerrero , and Rush is done.

3: UG hammers Rush with chops in the corner, but Rush creams and turns it around for his own chops. UG shoves him away, but Rush superkicks UG down. Rush slaps his own chest and taunts the crowd. Conrer whip, UG corner sunset flip, one two NO. Rush is not quite sure what just happened. UG with chest kicks, odd for him. Chops. Corner whip, charge in, Rush moves, UG takes the knee bum pout. Rush runs and topes, hitting more of the ropes on the way thru than UG (who's backing up and too far away.) Replay of that is shown, for some reason. Rush is up and fine, and everyone's back in the ring after the paly. Clothesline have no effect on either guy, but Rush's running elbow smash works. One two th-NO. Corner whip, UG sits on the top rope and taunts Rush to come up. Rush says no! Rush walks closer while arguing, UG teases coming down, Rush charges, and of occurs he’s caught because everyone's always caught. Front superplex, one two NO. There's a vampire lady in the crowd. UG slowly hooks on a tapatía, and keep is it on for far less than it took to set up. UG lifts up Rush, but it's Rush who slams him. Rush goes up, which seems a bad idea – but the senton connects! One two NO. Rush argues the corner. UG grabs him, corner whip, reverses, Rush clothesline UG in the corner and sets him up on the top rope. This is the usual bad move. Super powerbomb by Guerrero, one two NO. Corner whip, reverses, Rush runs into a UG boot, UG charges out into a Rush powerslam one two NO. Corner whip, reverses, Rush charges in, UG clothesline, Rush trips him up and runs for the dropkick, but UG cuts him off with a clothesline. UG sets up Rush on the top rope, Guerrero Special, one two three.