CMLL on Fox Sports (Mexico) #418 (08/09/2014) 
Recapped: 08/12/2014

Match 1: Marcela & Princesa Sugehit vs La Seductora & Princesa Blanca for the mask and for the hair
Arena México, 08/01/2014

  1. rudas
  2. técnicas
  3. tecnicas

Winner: técnicas (2-1)
Match Time: 13:12
Rating: great
Notes: Princesa Sugehit gets fireworks – then attacked from behind by the rudas. Blanca rips up Sugehit’s gear. Marcela tries to make the save, gets knocked down.

1: Seductora throws Marcela around on the ramp while Blanca does the same to Sugehit on the floor. Blanca leaves her opponent and throws in Marcela, holding her for Marcela's kicks and a choke. Whip, Seductora back elbow. Marcela out, Sugehit in, faring better. Corner clothesline and corner chop for her. Blanca throws Sugehit around by her hair, pulling her off the mat and then spinning her hard. Seductora adds a choke. Whip, Kicks sends Sugehit in. Marcela attacks Seductora from behind, but the rudas quickly get a hold of her. Lots of wide crowd shots, which is lit more than usual. Seductora dropkicks Marcela, which gets a replay. Seductora armbar on Marcela's left shoulder, then holds her for a Blanca kick. Sugehit rushes in with a dropkick, but the rudas move of the way. Whip, trip, dropkick sends Sugehit to the ropes. Marcela dropkick misses, and back elbow drops her. Blanca slaps Marcela in the backside and shakes her around. Corner whip, Blanca slaps Marcela down too. Corner whip, Marcela runs up the corner and missile dropkick Blanca. Running dropkick sends Marcela rolling out. Marcela to the apron – but misses on the apron tope con giro! Sugehit going in at the other time, attacking Seductora, but Seductora evades and forearms her. Seductora whips Sugehit into a Blanca dropkicks, then Blanca sends Sugehit into Seductora’s top rope silla one two three. Blanca press sit down powerbomb, with Seductora putting her boot on Marclea's face too, then removing it when Edgar won’t count. Three count anyway.

2: Rudas whip Sugehit around, sending her into a Blanca high kick and a Seductora spinning back elbow. Marcela rushes in while the rudas stomp Sugehit, but only gets kicked down by Seductora. Técnicas can't get going at all. Blanca rips and pulls Sugehit’s mask, almost taking it off. Seductora holds Marcela back with a boot choke, though Marcela isn't fighting much. Seductora kicks Marcela out as Blanca puts Sugehit on the op rope and rips at her mask again. Corner dropkick for Blanca. Marcela back in again, and again stopped by the 1 on 2 disadvantage. She' rammed into the corner and kicked. Sugehit jumps on Blanca's back and just starts swinging, but Blanca backs her into the same corner and fights her off. Break.

Match seems to have moved a long during the break. Blanca dropkicks Marcela, but miss a second. Marcela off the ropes, and dropkicking Blanca hard in the chest. Harder one to the face. Crowd is a lot louder than they were before the break. Marcela Michinoku Driver one two three. Seductora misses a dropkick, Sugehit Michinoku Driver for her, running flip senton, elbow drop, elbow drop one two three.

3: Joined in progress. Sugehit kicks a downed Blanca, then stands her up. Whip, reversed, Sugehit sunset flip, Blanca rolls thru but misses a dropkick, Sugehit kicks, Blanca ducks, Sugehit keeps spinning and hits her on the second try. They're moving fast. Front cracker, Sugehit senton one two Seductora break it up with plenty of time. Seductora pulls Blanca off the cover. Running boot to the face, one two NO. Seductora charges, Blanca inside cradle, Seductora around to the armscissors - wow, everyone does that sequence now – and Marcela blows up Seductora with a dropkick to the back of the head. Another long crowd shot here, maybe a clip. Sugehit gives Seductora a running kick to the ribs to send her out, then slowly sets up an Asai dive. Seductora stands, watches and just shoves the middle rope to trip up Sugehit. Back inside, Blanca and Marcela charge, Marcela double underhook, Blanca escapes, Marcela lifts Seductora back over her shoulder and drops her with a front backbreaker, one two NO. Marcela a bit frustrated. Michinoku Driver, right in the corner. Marcela goes up, but Seductora shoves her off the top rope. Blanca grabs her – hey, one more running powerbomb for the road. One two NO. Blanca unconcerned. Seductora traps Marcela in a hammerlock with her leg, forces her other arm underneath, and puts on a half crab, and Marcela taps. Big reaction, everyone (but the rudas) a bit surprised.

Sugehit, half conscious, is rolled in. Seductora stomps and kick her while Blanca poses. They're casual at this point. Clip. Sugehit rolls to scape something from Seductora, and puts her in the pendulum backbreaker. Seductora gives up.

Blanca dropkicks Sugehit right away. She's fired up and not concerned. Marcela yells encouragement. Blanca wants for Sugehit to get up, charges, Sugehit corner sunset flip one two Blanca barely rolls out. Sugehit gets to her feet first, and batters Sugehit with kicks to the chest. Third kick misses, Blanca trips up Sugehit and drops an elbow. Blanca picks up Sugehit – spinning powerbomb! One two thre-NO. Crowd thought that was it, and Blanca did too. Blanca reaches down to pick up Seductora, but Seductora small packages her, one two NO. Both slow up. Sugehit misses a clothesline, Blanca inside cradle, then rolls thru it all the way – she’s still on top, but closer to the ropes and grabs them. Seductora rushes over to help with leverage, Marcela wipes Seductora out, and Blanca lets go due to the distracting altercation. Sugehit inside cradle one two three! People are jumping of their seats excited.

Sugehit is in tears. She sits up, but Marcela knocks her over with a hug. Blanca pulls herself up in the background. Referee Edgar raises Marcela and Sugehit's arms – and Blanca dropkicks him! Blanca goes after Sugehit, with kicks and punches, but Marcela backs her away. Fireworks go off as Blanca walks out. Blanca stands at the ramp with Seductora, who vanished for a moment.

Replays. Back live, Blanca holds her longer together to be all cut at once, and then gives half to each woman. She sits down to get her head shaved, looking like someone trying to show none of this is getting to her while it really is getting to her. Seductora unmasks herself, saying a word to the sky before posing to the camera. The tecnicas pose with the mask and the hair.

Match 2: La Sombra © vs Volador Jr. for the NWA World Welterweight Championship
Arena México, 08/01/2014

  1. Volador Jr. backcracker (0:48)
  2. La Sombra double moonsault (0:19)
  3. Volador Jr. Volador Spiral (12:24)

Winner: Volador Jr. (2-1)
Match Time: 13:31
Rating: good
Notes: Joined after the belt presentation, and after Volador has evidentially knocked Sombra from the ring. Volador slingshot tope con giros into him, both still in their entrance gear. Ivan calmly finishes his introduction. Volador rolls back in, and dives out with another tope. Mascara pleads for a moment of protection for Sombra. Delta turns up as Volador's second.

1: Voaldor's back in and posing, as Sombra takes off his jacket and button up shirt. Why is Tirantes wearing white gloves? Shirt still on, Volador charges Sombra as he comes back in, Sombra sidesteps the charge, catches Volador on a handspring, German suplex, Volador lands on his feet, Northern lights suplex, Sombra flips out of that, Volador superkick, Sombra stumbles backwards into a backcracker one two three.

2: Volador's dumped out of the ring before the fall starts. Sombra, now in his t-shirt, poses, then charge into a swing kick. Volador up top, plancha connects. Both up, Volador off the ropes, caught into a Sombra powerslam, Sombra double moonsault connects, one two three. Loud boos – for the fall, or for Sombra wining, I'm not sure.

3: Sombra repeatedly knees and kicks Volador in the face in the corner. Sombra pulls Volador up for a kneelift and a kick to the face. Sombra kicks Volador in the face. CLIP. Whip on the outside, Volador turns it around, and Sombra goes spinning over the barricade into the crowd. After a replay of that, Volador dives in with a tope con giro into Sombra. This would be a good time for a clip, but we instead watch them come back in. We do see Volador walking far up the fan aisle into the crowd with a lot of people cheering, so maybe good call showing that. CLIP to both guys on the ramp. Sombra picks Volador up, walks with him, but Volador fights out of the powerbomb. Volador rushes up the stairs, waves to the fans, who do cheer, and dives off with a plancha onto Sombra. Sombra actually makes it back in first, Volador taking his time following. Crowd loud for Volador. CLIP. Sombra rolls out, Volador tope con giros after him. CLIP. Volador in, Sombra stands near him, Volador jumps up on Volador’s shoulders but gets pulled into the big German suplex, one two NO. Sombra can't believe it. Sombra up and arguing. Sombra swings and misses, Volador tries for the front cracker, Sombra blocks and powerbombs him. Sombra grabs Volador again, and extends his arms before dropping Volador again one two NO. Máscara thought that was it, and Sombra argues it should’ve been three. Volador dragged near the corner. Sombra goes p top. , Volador catches Sombra with a boot. Volador up top, flying headscissors takes Sombra off the apron and to the floor. BREAK

Sombra throws Volador into the barricade. Whoever inserts the fake whistle doesn't realize this is not the start of a fall. Sombra back in the ring up top, posing with his armscissors and coming off with a moonsault onto Volador. Sombra poses on the apron. Both battle on opposite sides of a corner, fighting to the top rope a Volador off the top rope headscissors one two NO. Volador hurracanrana, Sombra rolls thru, Volador casadora, Sombra escape and runs over Volador with a knee to the face. Sombra tries cover, but they're both far into the ropes. Sombra again agues and this time exchange light shoves with Tirantes. Sombra up to the middle rope, still gesturing at Tirantes. Sombra wait for Volador to get up, waits some more, and then drops back on the mat to walk over to Volador. Volador is dramatically semi conscious and slow to get up. Crowd chanting for Volador, which helps Volador finally get to his feet and distracts Sombra. Volador gets in a punch on Sombra, kicks away Sombra’s arm, and turns a reverse bodyscissors into a Code Red one two NO. Both slow up, Sombra corner clothesline, Volador superkick comeback. Volador resting, Sombra gets up and sort of hits him with the cartwheel double kick. Crowd boos, which Sombra soaks in. Sombra forces Volador into the corner, backs up, charge and lands the double knee smash to the face. A second time! Sombra pins Volador with one knee, one two NO. Off the rope evasion, Volador headscissors DDT one Mascara distracts Tirantes. Volador can't believe it. Volador argues, Sombra Shadow Driver one two NO! Sombra can’t believe it. Sombra is mad at himself this time. Sombra dives in the corner, Volador moves, Volador Spiral, one two three.

Sombra takes the belt and throws it in the crowd after the match. The fans hand it back to Volador, and Volador poses on top of the barricade with the belt.

Match 3: Atlantis ©, Dragón Rojo Jr., Máscara Dorada vs Rey Escorpión, Shocker, Último Guerrero ©
Arena México, 08/01/2014

  1. rudos
  2. rudos

Winner: rudos (2-0)
Match Time: 10:05
Rating: ok/good

Match 4: Rush vs Negro Casas for the hair
Arena México, 08/01/2014

  1. Rush dropkick to the face (2:36)
  2. Negro Casas casita (2:15)
  3. Rush foul kick (7:03)

Winner: Rush (2-1)
Match Time: 11:54
Rating: excellent
Notes: Toro Blanco is out in an all white suit when hat. He's got a cigar too. Negro is more normally dressed – he's wearing silver trunks, Zacarias is wearing black (“2:20”). Rush charges at runs him over with a kick. Kick for Zacarias too. He hasn't taken many of those lately. Rush, with no shirt but pants, drags Negro down the ramp and to the floor. Into the barricade for some chops, thrown into the apron, and there's the whistle.

1: Crowd has a favorite color, and it isn't white. Negro makes it back in while Rush takes off his tearaway pants, then takes back over in the ring. Kick, Negro shoves in the corner for a chop. Corner whip, Rush corner clothesline, corner whip, corner clothesline, Negro thrown down and obliterated with a dropkick. Rush drops to his knees for a pose while Casas rolls out. Rush invites Casas back in. He won’t come, so Rush kicks him in the head and throws Negro in. Rush challenges Negro to bring it, Negro with chops and kicks the chest, off the ropes, Rush slips behind and takes out Casas with a clothesline. Football kickoff pose. Rush kicks Casas in the chest. Rush invites Negro to hit him, Casas forearms him in the chin as hard as he can twice, Rush forearms Casas back repeatedly, knocking him down in the corner, and kicking him the face. Negro casas seems really screwed here. YOSHI-HASHI mention. Rush starts to walk away to set up the dropkick, but turns them around and forearms Negro from his knees a few more times – to keep Casas there or to just be cruel, it’s not clear. One more stomp, then Rush runs to the opposite cover, runs back, and blows Casas up with a dropkick. One foot pin. One two three.

2: Negro tackles down Rush to start the fall, and smashes his knee into the mat a few times. Hurried but heavy kicks to the chest, and dropkick to the chest. Announcers going over Casas' hair match win as Negro dives in on Rush in the corner and forearms him in the face. Rush puts a stop to that with a headbutt. Rush kicks Casas away. Kicks to chest, and a big stomp to put casa down. Rush stops to pose, Rush turns around into headbutt to the midsection. Negro heel kick, more kicks to the chest, knee smashes, to the ropes – no, Rush pulls Casas down by the hair and stomps him. Random threatening move towards the referee. Rush grabs Negro, Negro fights back with slaps, Rush slap misses, Negro sends him into the ropes, spinebuster, and Negro geos on top for forearms to the chest. Headbutts? Casas turns Rush over, puts on a STF. Rush pounds the mat but that's not a submission. Casas lets go and points to the ramp – La Sombra is walking down with a chair. Sombra slams it on the ground to get the refs and Casas' attention. Rush takes advantage – kick, big sit down powerbomb. Sombra points back into the ring to get Babe Richard to turn around, but he won't until Sombra laves, and by then it's too late. Rush argues, Negro dropkick to the knee, casita doesn't totally work at first, but Casas pulls him over, one two three.

3: Rush stalls on the outside, scaring away photographer Alexis. Negro leads chis chant. Rush comes back in and slaps Negro hard, then offers him a shot. Chop fighting ends with Rush pulling Negro down by the hair and kicking him in the spine. Negro does the same, pulling Rush down by the hair and kicking him, but Rush pops back up. Negro forearms Rush in the face and kicks him in the face many times. Running kick to the face, and Rush seems hurt for the first time in this match – but then he just pops up again and chops and kicks Rush down in the corner. Lots of boos as Rush stomps all over Negro and poses. Rush backs up, charges, Negro flips him to the apron and headbutts Rush off Casas back all the way up, charges, and Negro runs him over with a big silla. Rush rolls in first, and catches Casas with a big kick. Whip, running dropkick to the face sends Casas tumbling thru the ropes. Rush follows out of the ring, scaring away Babe Richard from checking on Casas. Casas tries to get away, but there is not getting away. Casas thrown into the barricade. Rush in, teases the tope, holds up at the ropes, and instead blasts Casas with a dropkick off the apron. Rush throws Casa back in, Casas pretty much just falling over from a seated position and Rush covering him for two. Crowd rallies for Negro one more time, though maybe as consolation. Rush slams Negro, double stomp, and goes up top. Top rope senton – misses. Casas hooks a leg deep, one two NO. Casas was leaning back in an odd position, almost pinning himself. Casas asks for support once more. Armabr, step over armbar, spinning into a cross armbreaker. Linares drops the judo name, of course, but Rush won't quit. Negro legs to. Double underhook – no, Negro tries to the crossface again. Rush starts moving, Negro switches to choke, and Rush headbangs to indicate he doesn’t give up. Casas tries something else – arm trap under the knee, and twisting the fingers on the other arm. That leaves Rush’s legs free, and he snaps off a kick into Casas’ back to break free. Rush up and chopping. Negro hooked in the ropes for a series of punches to the face, knocking him down. Rush forces Negro down in the corner, runs to the opposite corner – and Negro cuts him off with a dropkick. Casa waves to the sky, runs and dropkicks Rush in the face. Replay shows Casas caught him square. Casas tries a casita, Rush shoves him off into Babe Richard, casita again, Rush shoves off Negro, and Rush fouls Negro. Straight front kick. Rush covers, sticks out his tongue, and Babe Richard turns out to count. One two three. There's cups in the ring before Babe Richard can even try to raise Rush's arm (and he doesn't want Babe Richard to touch him.)

Negro gets his hair cut as La Mascara and La Sombra come to the ring with champagne to celebrate. Replays. Announcers debate the country's origin of the champagne – Magadan is sure it's the good stuff from Paris. Anything more with the rudos is not shown.