AAA on UTDN #101 (10/17/2013) 
Recapped: 10/25/2013

Previously: Australian Suicide debuted. Texano/Psycho. TA mixed trios.

Copa Pena preview includes Blue Demon. Hmmm.

Later: more of the tag team tournament, another Gringos vs undercard rudos match, and Clowns vs Texano, Chessman and Silver King. Psycho Clown does a run in on the announcers to annoy Jesus (who is not so thrilled with him.)

Noti AAA: Antonio Pena mass.

Upcoming Shows – new graphics again!

10/18: Puebla for Heroes Inmortales
11/03: Tonala, Jalisco
11/15: Queretaro

Match 1: Aerostar, Octagoncito, Pimpinela Escarlata vs Black Mamba, Gran Apache, Mini Histeria
Auditorio Miguel Barragan de San Luis Potosi, 10/02/2013

Winner: técnicos
Match Time: 11:32 (0:21+11:11)
Rating: ok/good
Notes: Aerostar has TWO fire cans. He's clearly moving up in the world. Referee is Pepe Casas. Pimpinela mugs Jesus but we don’t get to see the kiss (if there was one.) I guessed this match, after the entrances, would start 5:40 into the file and I am actually dead on! The weird things I do for entertainment value. And then they go to break before the match really gets going.

Daga & Psicosis Copa Pena promos.

Upcoming Events

Octagoncito shows off the multiple kip up armdrag with Histeria, and they battle to a stalemate. Aerostar and Mamba have quite different poses before they fight. Mamba slaps Aero down and works hard to get people to change for him, the rudo. Aero rope flips to escape out of a corner whip, then headscissors Mamba into the ropes. Apache puts Aero down with a slap. Aero breaks thru a double clothesline just by hitting hit, and there's a big obvious clip instead of the next spot. Pequeño Histeria falls off the apron to distract from whatever botch just happened, but the cameras totally miss it (and so do the fans, based on the reaction.) Mamba goes to kiss Aero and gets Apache, Apache gos out, Mamba looks thru the rope sat him and takes a 619. Aero back in with a springboard headscissors, Mamba out, Aero out with a Brillo Dorada. (Or maybe it should be a Brillo Aero.) Histeria and Octagoncito slow things down before a sunset flip – Pepe Casas doesn't count, and Histeria escapes stomp Octagoncito low, so something seems off. Octagoncito headscissors Histeria out, flips out of an Apache casadora, and gets him rolling out with a rolling armdrag. Octagoncito fakes the dive and flips off the middle rope. Pimpinela in for the first time, to face Mamba. Chop fight. Pimpi pulls down Mamba by the hair, but runs (sort of) into a Pimpi slap. Pimpi slaps Mamba and rope walks into a leaping armdrag on Apache. Apache swings and hits Mamba by mistake, then then runs into a Apache armdrag. Mamba, Apache and Pimpi get lost in a sequence, everyone's not sure where they need to be for a moment, and it makes for a bad series of offense. Apache gets things back under control with a lots of slaps, then takes an armdrag out. Histeria comes in, ends up kissed and Pimpi tags out. Aero in, but slapped down from behind by Mamba. Mamba clears off the apron and apache helps slap, so it's beatdown time. Kicks and stomps. Corner charges and slaps for Aerostar. Octagoncito grabs Mamba by the hair only to be kicked in the head a bunch. Lots of slaps to the face in the match. Rudos don't really do much on the beatdown besides slaps and other strikes and goes on for a while. Crowd calms down. Pimpi butt smash starts the comeback, as always, with Octagoncito and Aerostar flying in to help. Aerostar chases Apache around the ring, then decides it's easier if he just turns around and goes the other way. This seem to work, though AAA is not well timed in keeping up with it. Pimpi throw Mamba around by his hair on the floor many times. Match calms down with Mamba dancing and Aero kicking him from behind. Time for everyone to break a move? Nah, Histeria breaks it Octagon gets a nice headscissors on Histeria and follows with a nice tornillo. Pimpi dropkicks Apache out, and Aero knocks him over with a no hands tope to the floor. Exoticos left, Pimpi sunset flip for two – first pin of the match? Pimpi small package one two NO. Pimpi battle to a missile dropkick. Apache in, swing miss, and Pimpi kiss him. Apache dropkicks Apache out by mistake, Pimpi cradles Mamba one two three.

Juvi explains his role in putting making the Mexican Powers – though Crazy Boy & Joe Lider seem to think it was Antonio Pena's idea, and they made it great while Juvi was away.

Upcoming events.

Perro Aguayo promo for Copa Junior.

Match 2: Axel & Fénix vs Pentagón Jr. & Último Gladiador and Dark Scoria & Dark Spíritu
Auditorio Miguel Barragan de San Luis Potosi, 10/02/2013

Winner: La Secta
Match Time: 8:17
Rating: ok/good
Notes: Ultimo Gladiador has no mask and not much here. Scoria has a shoulder brace of some kind under his shirt, more visible this time because he's cut off the sleeves. Fenix's music sounds different, may not be actually different. He and Axxel enter together. Piero is referee.

Axel & Pentagon start, just to demonstrate polar opposites. Or maybe they hope Pentagon is great enough to make Axel look good. Axel does not appear to be have been working hard in the gym in his time away, but does manage to fight off both Gladiador and Pentagon at the same time with a series of one on two spots. Crowd makes no noise. Rudos are sent out to the same side, Axel rolls over the ropes to the apron and dives off the apron for a headscissors that Pentagon totally makes work. Axel comes in and poses to no reaction. Crowd is dead for whatever reason, they were much more into the previous match. Escoria assaults Fenix with kicks to the chest and side. Corner whip, Fenix spins to the apron, shoulder to Escoria's gut, Escoria backs away too far from whatever Fenix wants to do next, so he does a springboard into a handgrab roll off the rope instead. Fenix for the ropes, into a Escoria heel kick, and Fenix flips on impact. Espiritu clotheslines Fenix and takes a shot at Axel. Secta stomp Fenix together. Whip, Fenix reverses it on Escoria kicks Espiritu, Escoria comes to a stop at the other corner, Fenix tries a springboard kick, Escoria ducks that but gets kicked on the next try. Backflip kick for Espiritu, who rolls out. Pentagon in, tossing Fenix hit in the air for flapjack, then leaping off Fenix's back and dropping down with a hard double knee. Pentagon off the ropes, and right into a Fenix clothesline because selling is dumb. Pentagon immediately clotheslines Fenix, and Fenix does his his best to land right on his head. Gladiador pulls Fenix out to hand off the apron, and Pentagon lands a slingshot double stomp to Fenix's midsection. Espiritu to on the apron, kicking Gladiador away and Asia moonsaulting onto Pentagon. Gladiador and Axel in, Axel taking down Gladiador and landing a sort of rope flip moonsault on Gladiador. Gladiador kicks out quickly. Axel fights him off and lands a corner tornillo bodybock, then tries to put on a camel clutch. Gladiador fights and successfully escapes, while the announcers are subtly (or not) taking shots at Santo. It's the one hold they can correctly name every time, as long as they don't use his name for it. Axel gives Gladiador a horrible quebradora, missing his own knee completely. Gladiador rolls out. Secta rush in and stomp own Axel. Double chop, two man wheelbarrow DDT one two NO. Escoria sunset flip hold, Espiritu running knee to the head of Axel one two NO. Secta stomp Axel out of the ring, right in time for Pentagon to come in and swing a chair. Guess the announcers must've made a match no DQ. Shot of Espiritu, and Escoria ducks the first one to run into the second one. Pentagon lays the chair on top of Escoria's bad arm, and Gladiador connects on a top rope legdrop, then punches the arm. A secret tournament deserves a secret injury angle. Escoria is in pain and taken away. Meanwhile, Fenix holds down Gladiador for Axle's tope con giro,a dn Axel almost rips and falls down when he gets up. He can't do the tope, so he goes out to the apron dropkick Pentagon. Gladiador with kicks a leg DDT for two. UG corner whips Fenix, but runs right into a heel kick. Fenix up top, tornillo senton one two three. Wow, that was sudden.

OH, because this is suddenly an elimination match. Huh. Espiritu rushes back in and clotheslines both técnicos. Espiritu gets the crowd crowd to make a reaction by staring at them. Everyone stands around for a moment, then técnicos kick Espiritu. Fenix puts more force and move yelling in his. Corner charges, Axel dumps Espiritu into the corner, Fenix goes up – and Cuervo runs out a bit late to distract. Espiritu walks the ropes into a kick on Cuervo, then divs out on him with twisting tope con giro. Ozz is in the ring – apparently coming thru the crowd – and he gives Axel a Ozz Driver while Piero is looking outside the ring. Espiritu covers for the win.

Secta celebrate, with Espiritu stopping to beat up Fenix.

Los Perros – without Daga – hear some noise going on in the medics offense. They rush in, close the door, we hear noise, and there's a filing cabinet on Escoria' shoulder. Escoria moans a lot.

Hype for the main event.

Upcoming events.

Chessman Copa Antonio Pena bracket.

Match 3: Angélico, Australian Suicide, Jack Evans vs Carta Brava Jr., Eterno, Steve Pain
Auditorio Miguel Barragan de San Luis Potosi, 10/02/2013

Winner: técnicos
Match Time: 14:22
Rating: great
Notes: Tirantes is referee. Whistle blows at 6:52, and after Jesus has oddly conditioned the crowd to cheer for the rudos. I know he's a rudo but still.

Eterno and Angelico start, Angelico escaping Eterno's hold for an armdrag, before going thru a long counter sequence to end in dueling dropkicks and poses. Suicide and Carta are next, with Cart helpfully laying down and staying down so Suicide could moonsault on top of his back. Oklahoma roll gets 1, Suicide pulls out of a school boy trip, flips over Carta, misses a high kick when Cart rolls under, and Carta takes out Suicide's knee with a dropkick. Hard chop to the chest. Whip, reversed, Suicide heel kick, flip kick to the face, duck under a clothesline jawbraeker, and running knee sort of the back of the head. Running twisting senton on Carta to finish. Carta rolls out, Suicide tags in Jack. Pain in to face him. Again, Jack dances and Pain dropkicks him. Jack might want to rethink it. Hard chop knocks Jack down. One more hard chop. Whip, Jack cartwheels past Pain, flips under a clothesline, rolls over Pain's back and lands spinning toe kick in Pain's face. Jack slams Pain, Viva Mexico moonsault meets feet. Whip, Jack flips to the apron, Jack kicks Pain, and slings into headscissors Pain out smoothly. Jack celebrate, then tries a pescado - caught by pain. Rudos immediately take out the other two, hanging Suicide suicide in a tree of woe for a dropkick. Eterno hurries and moonsaults Angelico on the floor, while Pain carries Jack around before dropping him on the floor. Eterno back in quick, and slapping him hard. Lots of chops for Suicide. Pain tosses Suicide up and Eterno dropkicks him in the face when he lands. Pain tapatía, Carta dropkick hard to the side of the head. Replay shows Suicide's head being jerked away. Jack in and stomped. Jack chopped very loudly. Pain hasn't figure out the trick to make it sounds as loud as his partners. Double side backbreaker for Jack, then stood up for a Carta backcracker. Rudos stop to pose. Angelico in and punching everyone until Eterno punches him in the face. Lots of stomps. Corner whip, Eterno dropkicks Angelico into the corner, Pain with his corner fake out dropkick, Carta hits his dropkick and Pain follows with his dropkick to the face. Rudos are a well oiled machine. Suicide slides in in, but Carta gets him and stomps. Suicide gets slapped hard again. Corner whip, Suicide kicks away Carta, elbows away Eterno, knee smash for Pain, Suicide goes all the way up for a top rope plancha – which misses, the rudos moving out of the way. Vicious stomping. Jack in and and attacking, but Pain forearms him down. Angelico cheerleads from the apron as the rudos step on the back of Jack's neck. Whip, Jack rolls over the double backdrop into a kick on Pain. Jack ducks the double clothesline and springboard into a flipping double elbow on the rudos. Jack tries to make the tag, Pain grabs his leg, Jack flip kicks him in the head and tags in Angelico. Clothesline for Carta, clothesline for Pain, clothesline for Eterno. Back elbows for everyone, then a big clothesline to flip Pain head over heels. Suicide back up, and Angelico boost him into a boost dropkick on the other two. Jack up top, tornillo moonsault to the floor on them. Slow motion replay of that. Angelico kicks over Eterno, suicida adds his spinning tornillo splash, and Angelico suplexes jack on top, one two rudos return to break it up. Rudos take the ring, whipping Suicide around and dropping him with a powerbomb/backbreaker combo by the IWRG pair. Eterno slams Suicida, Carta holds Suicide legs and Eterno lands the low blow dropkick. Rudos cover but Angelico breaks up that pin. Whip, reversed, Angelico rolls over Eterno back, pulls off he slide kick and the running knee to the head. Pain's turn to break one up. Angelico gives Pain a one finger salute, but runs into a big kick. Pain powerbomb, double stomp, standing moonsault, one Jack break it up with a springboard axhandle. Back corner whip, reversed, Pain charges in to double kick, Jack boosting himself to the apron in the process. Jack climbs up, but Pain crotches him. Pain all the way up, jack crotches him and hangs pain off – no double stomp, a crushing kneelfit to the face on two NO. Crowd into it, and unhappy that wasn't three. Tirantes gives a look to the crowd. Pain up and kicking Jack in the chest, repeatedly. Double pumphandle broken up by a Suicide dropkick. Eterno in, suicide ducks clothesline and Jack use the ropes to sort of headscissors Eterno out. Tecnicos out, Suicide tornillo, Jack tope con giro onto the two unmasked técnicos. Back inside, Carta plans Anglieco with a tornado DDT, one two NO. That looked sharp. Carta climbs up, but that's a mistake – Angelico kicks him in the back, and pulls him off. Combo time – crucifix powerbomb into the opposite corner, Jack 620 senton, suicide tornillo splash, one two three.

Texano & Psycho promo

Match 4: Monsther Clown, Murder Clown, Psycho Clown vs Chessman, Silver King, Texano Jr.
Auditorio Miguel Barragan de San Luis Potosi, 10/02/2013

Winner: Texano
Match Time: 12:01
Rating: ok
Notes: Silver and Texano enter together. Rudos attack the Clowns in the aisle. Referee is Piero.

Brawl around ringside. Silver backdrops Mini clown in the ring. Texano uses a chair – announcers must've said this is a no disqualification match. Psycho's mask is ripped apart, explaining to the top part of his face, and he bleeds a lot and early. Absurd double leapfrog spot with Monster, who then gets whipped with the lasso. Piero takes that way, because apparently a lasso is no good but a chair is totally cool. Texano holds Psycho's head for the photographers. Corner charges for Monster. Murder starts the comeback (??) by flipping Texano away, back elbowing Texano Silver, and Chessman just takes a bump from nothing. I guess Murder was supposed to dropkick him. Psycho jumps on the barricade and jumps off to headscissors Texano on the floor. Psycho gets his own chair, then drops it to run Texano in to a post instead. Texano obviously cuts himself with a blade here, and AAA is slow cutting to a shot to hide it. Texano and Psycho back in, and Texano kneels down so Psycho can hit him on the top of the head with a chair. Psycho celebrates until Chessman hits him in the face to stop him. Other Clowns attack and Chessman's triple teamed. Flying sit on Silver King. Psycho and Texano end up in alone, Texano lands a superkick, Psycho flips him to the apron soon after and fights him off with a dropkick. Tope takes both of them out for the moment. Other four all in, and the Clown wine the fight. Chessman is sent out by a Murder boot, and Monster rope grab tope con giros here. Murder and Silver brawl, Silver takes Murder down to one knee with a dropkick, Murder breaks free, kicks Silver and presses him into a buckle. Clothesline, splash, but no one home. Silver tries a monkey flip, Murder clocks and throw Silver out. Murder to the apron, silla is ill considered but Silver does his bet to catch it. Back to Texano and Psycho, probably to end it. Texano swing and misses with the lasso, Texano casadora cradle one two NO. Texano clotheslines psycho and goes for the lasso, but Piero takes it away again for some reason. Piero goes to put it away, and misses Texano pulling Psycho's mask. Cradle, one two three. Wow, Psycho lost right before his big match.

Promos back and forth, and then Texano/Psycho face to face is repeated in long form one more time. Announcers recap SLP and argue about what's going to happen at Puebla.