AAA on Televisa #1107 (07/27/2013) 
Recapped: 07/28/2013

Previously: Texano defeated Blue Demon. (Texano's follow up loss to Blue Demon appears to wiped out of history, as if it was only a concession to get Demon to lose the first match and something they really didn't want to do to.) Texano defeated Heavy Metal straight to his usual six month break.

Announcers discuss the matches tonight.

Noti AAA: Joe Lider & Crazy boy invited Niño Hamburguesa, Atomic Boy, Alebrije and Cuije into the Mexican Powers.

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Jesus talks to Drago & Fabi Apache, who apparently have a lot of fans on Twitter. They thank the fans for their support, and are interrupted by Halloween with Mary Apache trailing behind. Holy smokes, they're actually setting up this match. Halloween is very, uh, unsteady. Halloween says Mary is the real champ. Jesus tries to calm him down, but Halloween challenges Drago & Faby to a mixed tag title match. Mary likes the idea and so do the técnicos, though it turns into arguing with each other. Gran Apache is apparently watch this from just off camera (so they switch cameras from his view.) “Maestro de Maestro” is said, and he wants a title shot for Mary should he won. Faby agrees while calling one of the rudos argue, and they all argue – and pin it in Jesus.

Match 1: Lucky Boy & Niño de Ébano vs Carta Brava Jr. & El Apache
Polideportivo La Huizachera, Tehuacan, Puebla, 07/15/2013

Winner: rudos
Match Time: 14:01
Rating: good
Notes: Referee is Pepe Casas. Maxima Velocidad have new purple and black gear. They have different gear enough that I might be able to keep them separate if I knew which one was which to begin with.

Apache immediately traps Let's Say Lucky Boy (because the crowd is loud as if it's the hometown kid) in a leg lock, but he gets to the ropes. Lucky boy chops, but Apache breaks free and drops him on the mat. Complicated suspended submission and Niño de Ebano really has no choice but to break it up. Chop knocks Apache back. Corner whip, reversed, Apache charges in, Ebano kicks him away – hey, they do have their names on their gear – and puts on a step over tirabuzón. Announcers decide this is a cobra twist. Apache moves it to the ropes and grabs on. Weird to see holds and breaks with these guys. Ebano drops Apache and puts on a sort of modified suástica. Carta Brava disrupts it. Hard slap by Carta on Ebano. Whip, reversed, evasion spots seem off, and Carta flips Ebano with a dropkick to the knee. Reverse figure four, but way close to the ropes, and Ebano grabs on for the break. Carta slaps Niño down hard. Whip, Niño tossed up, he tries a huracanrana, Carta rolls thru and around for a bridging neck submission, and Lucky breaks that up with a middle rope stomp. Whip, sunset flip reversal bits lead to a Lucky Boy flipping dropkick. Modified kneebar, but Carta gets to the ropes. Lucky with an upside down double leg hook submission. Apache teases breaking it up, and Lucky decides it's easier just to let go and face off. Lucky offers a handshake, then thinks it over. Yes? No? Thinking it out. Lucky instead ducks a clothesline, which is a problem because Apache does not try a clothesline. Apache is hesitant, then just chops. Lucky chops back. Evasion, Lucky Boy trips up, cartwheel backflip over, under a leapfrog, over a backwards roll, backflip into a headscissors, just barely getting the head on that. Lucky rope bounce armdrag sends Apache out. Lucky teases the dive, but handsprings and poses instead. Carta and Niño in. Evasion, Niño flipped to the apron, in with a slingshto casadora armdrag. Niño flipped to the apron again, Carta misses a charge, Niño with a double springboard into what's meant to be a headscissors but comes up a little low. Oh well. Niño handspring poses and celebrates, and Apache slaps him down before mocking the celebration. Rudos slap Ebano hard in the chest. Apache lifts Ebano up – and press slams him dangerously backward to the floor, Ebano landing dangerous and grabbing his knee. That looked painful. Lucky fights both rudos, but a Apache slap puts him down. Slam and dropkick to the face for him. Lucky tries to leave, but Carta throws him back in and stares at the crowd. Crowd shot as the rudos stretch Lucky over the ropes and bite his arm. Double whip, double clothesline, Lucky Boy breaks thru the double clothesline and Niño de Ebano springboard dropkicks both. Ebano can barely walk, his right knee is messed up. Tecnicos still slap the rudos for revenge, only for the rudos to turn it around. Técnicos whipped into each other hard. Rudos do the double headlock spot, pass each other by instead (?) and Lucky beats runs Carta Brave into the buckle. Apache has no problem, slapping down Ebano and then Lucky Boy. Carta walks over to help and gets lapped too. Lucky standing moonsault on Carta, Apache elbows drops his partner by mistake, técnicos repeatedly splash the rudos, rudos still kick out. Crowd into it. Lucky dropkicks Carta and puts him in a hold while Apache slaps Ebano out. Apache waits, teases the slap and pokes Lucky in the eye instead. Works. Rudos discuss their plan. Flying sit – only Ebano breaks it up with a dropkick and lucky headbutts Apache in the midsection. Ebano holds on, Lucky runs again, both rudo and técnicos move, and Lucky dives out onto Carta Brava with a twisting dive. Ebano (looking better, but not 100%) steps up to Apache's shoulder for an armbar, dragging him to the mat. Apache slips free and covers, Ebano slips out at zero. Ebano casita, Apache turns it into arm trap armbar. Lucky breaks it up with a dropkick. Lucky puts Apache on the top rope, Carta pulls him off, powerbomb, and Apache senton con giro. Carta covers, Apache has to wait for Apache to get out of the way, one two NO. Carta goes for a crucifix drop, Lucky breaks free and lands a spinning kick to the head. Lucky running shooting star press, Apache tells Pepe not to count, then breaks up the pin. Niño de Ebano back in with a top rope dropkick on him. Carta misses with clothesline and back elbow, and Ebano headscissors him out. Ebano runs – fakes a dive, Carta runs around the corner, Lucky charges Apache on the apron, Apache flips Carta into a tope con giro on Carta. That was incredible. Niño de Ebano runs up the corner, and come off with the top rope with a tope con giro of his own. Everyone slow back in. Ebano and Apache make it first. Ebano kicks Apache in the face, sets him on the top rope, chops him, Carta interrupts but still tosses Ebano to the top. Ebano turns and comes off with a plancha on Carta, then tosses Ebano in the opposite corner. Ebano charge, Niño de Ebano loads him up, Air Raid Crash while Apache superbombs Lucky Boy. One two three. Well, that makes no sense.

Texano Jr. runs in and attacks both técnicos. Rudos are confused. Tirantes trails behind with the Mega title. Both guys are bulled whipped. Powerbomb on Lucky Boy, Hijo del Tirantes counts one two three. No bell was ever rung. Texano declares it's another title defense. Texano says he's beat Mesías, Blue Demon and Villano will be next. (No mention of Metal, though the announcers bring him up with Zumbi and Argenis) Texano's surprised by Psycho Clown interrupting. Psycho defends the people, points out he's trio champion because they beat Consejo, and says it's time for a new megachampion – Psycho Clown. Texano says he's not worthy, Psycho Clown says he'll prove he is tonight.

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Texano/Psycho interviews with previous Consejo/Psycho highlights. It appears the Clowns won the belts without any Toscano help in this universe.

Match 2: Monster Clown, Murder Clown, Psycho Clown vs Máscara Año 2000 Jr., Silver King, Texano Jr.
Polideportivo La Huizachera, Tehuacan, Puebla, 07/15/2013

Winner: Clowns
Match Time: 11:45
Rating: ok
Notes: Consejo enter as a group this week. Titantes is referee. Mini Clown is with the técnicos, and Consejo attack them right way.

Brawling beatdown. Consejo aren't afraid of using weapons. Monster Clown is crotched into the post. Texano unties Psycho Clown's mask. Jesus thinks the mask is horrible. Silver slaps Mascara by accident, allowing Psycho Clown to make the one clown comeback – until Mascara pump kicks him anyway. That ends that for a few moments. Rudos whip Psycho, then just have him run, and run, and run some more, and then no one seem quite sure what they want to do with him. Psycho just leans into the ropes and stops running. Catapult into a double dropkick goes better. Double dropkick on Murder. Testicular claw on Monster Clown. Rudos take way too long whipping Murder, he breaks thru a double clothesline and he and Monster runs over Silver and Mascara. Texano's left with Psycho, they counter each other, and Texano just takes off. Texano stalls on the stage, taunts Psycho, and has Tirantes block the técnico off. Texano comes back, and leaves. Clowns do their bit with the other rudos. Mascara takes a chair shot to the back. Chairs must've been announced as legal by the announcers. Texano finally comes in, and he and Psycho are an even match for each other. They knock each other down, they evade the other guys trying to splash them. Mini Clown attacks Texano, and takes a kick out. Psycho dropkick Texano out, Mini planchas him, Texano dumps Mini on the barricade and Psycho topes Texano. Other rudos knock down Monster, but he comes back with a dropkick on Mascara and a push off armdrag on silver. Máscara trips up Monster, but Silver misses the dropkick, gets up in time to take a Murder spear. Mascara is kicked coming in, but flips Monster to the floor and topes him there. Silver left with Murder and begging off. Murder press slams Silver, holing up for a while and dumping him on the buckle. Silver out, Murder climbs up, and Texano attacks Murder from behind and tosses him out. Psych sneaks in behind Texano, and Texano backs into him. Texano swings and misses, Psycho casadora cradle, Texano gets his trunks puled down and gets free (again.) Psycho flapjack, Texano gets the bull rope, and this Texano with hit. Texano gets right back up after taking it. Psycho goes for another shot, Tirantes pulls the ropes away, Texano runs and almost kicks Tirantes, Psycho kicks Texano and powerbombs him. Announcers think it was a foul, and Texano sells it a such. One two Silver pulls Psycho off. Mascara rushes over , but hits Silver by mistake, Monster take down Mascara, Clowns press Máscara up and hold his up while Murder starts climbing up. They drop Mascara and drags him close to the corner, Murder top rope splash, one two three.

The doctors check on Mascara, while Texano points out he didn't lose, so no title shot for Mascara. Psycho says he's going to make sure Texano loses the title.

Announcers recap the show.

added from UTDN

An Octagoncito highlight video! For no apparent reason!

Match 3: Faby Apache, Octagoncito, Pimpinela Escarlata vs Mamba, Mini Abismo Negro, Taya Valkyrie
Polideportivo La Huizachera, Tehuacan, Puebla, 07/15/2013

Winner: técnicas
Match Time: 11:17
Rating: okay
Notes: I forget Pimpinela still is around sometimes. Maybe so do they. Referee is Tirantes. Jesus, when he's a safe distance away, leads chants for kisses. It takes 6:53 to get to the whistle.

Pairs are Faby/Mamba, Octagoncito/Abismo, Pimpi/Taya.

I believe Mini Abismo knows many martial arts, but it's tougher to believe when he's doing a mocking crane pose. The minis team up for an unusually bad headscissors. Pimpi/Taya is not good. Pimpi goes thru the rudos, kiss Mini Abismo, teases kissing Tirantes, and the rudos all finally attack him. Rudos take over from there, but the técnicos turn it back around quickly. Mamba misses a charge (Right after Taya lands on) and headscissors Abismo. Faby superkicks, Abismo and quebradoras Taya. Mamba stays bent over in the corner until someone spanks her. Rudos all succeed in hitting each other and setting up the técnicos for moves. Octagoncito and Mini Abismo struggle on another headscissors. Faby headscissors Mamba around. Pimpinela struggles on a complicated boost spot, but lands the tope con giro off the apron onto Mamba. Octagoncito gets Mini Abismo with a snap 'rana for two, but the spinning armdrag is blocked and turned into a powerbomb amazing. Faby gets him with a silla and a kick to the head. Mini Abismo kicks Faby away, and climbs up, Faby fights to join him up top and pulls him off with a super huracanrana. Taya breaks the pin with an elbow drop and adds a northern lights suplex for tow. Mini Abismo blows Taya up with only slightly miss a missile dropkick, Octagón spinning armdrags him out, and follows with a nice spinning thru the ropes dive. Faby Devil Wings on Taya, sits on top for the pin, but Mamba breaks it up. Mamba brainbuster on Faby one two Mamba stops the count? Crowd chants for Faby as Mamba pulls her up. Mamba slaps Faby , dances runs, and gets pulled into the rolling armscissors. Mamba gives.

Faby and Tirantes have their argument after the match. They didn't get around to it during the match. Tirantes gets kissed rolls away

Perro vs Cibernético feud video package makes a return!

Match 5: Cibernético & El Mesías vs el Hijo del Perro Aguayo & Psicosis
Polideportivo La Huizachera, Tehuacan, Puebla, 07/15/2013

Winner: técnicos by DQ
Match Time: 15:18
Rating: ok
Notes: Cibernético dramatically removes his mask on the stage (after wearing it for the last month), to show a normal buzzed hair cut. Everyone starts brawling as soon as the names are announced. Referee is Piero.

Perros get the better of it. Perro tries to throw Cibernético over the barricade, but Cibernético holds up. Perro grabs chairs instead. Psicosis staples Mesías. Chairs are used. Fans seem anti-Perro here. More fooling around outside. Perro slides in a table. Break quickly into this.

So many promos for the 08/02 show. They never really push the matches, just that there's an AAA show.

Rudos tease ramming Cibernético thru the table, but Cibernético turns it around and Psicosis is thrown into a chair. Técnicos whip Perro at the table, he slides to a stop, and Cibernético spears him thru anyway. That's a good spot to end the match. Match is not ending. A bit of revenge brawling. Ringside crew cleans up the ring while the rudo stall on the outside. Everyone calms down, goes to their corner, and a normal match breaks out. Or what passes for one, anyway. Crowd makes noise, but it's low intensity compared to before, as if they shifted into spot show gear. Mesías gets in his offense on Psicosis, because Psicosis goes bigger for the spears. Mesías crushes him with a top rope elbow drop, and Perro breaks up that pin. Mesías ends up giving Perro the Straight the Hell, and it's Perro's turn to break up the pin. I keep expecting fo the rudos to take control, and it's just Mesías alternating which one he's beating up. Mesías does a top rope superplex to set up Cibernético and Perro both pinning them and them both kicking out. Rudos take a brief advantage after that, but Cibernético moves out off the way for a double stomp and gives him a stunner. It's amazing how little reaction there is to that. None at all, crowd goes dead quiet. Psicosis breaks up the pin, then he and Cibernético breaks up a spot. Psicosis decides on an ankle lock, and Mesias breaks that up. Perro and and Cibernético face off, crowd picking up. Perro kicks Cibernético, snap mare, dropkick to the side, Mesías breaks up the pin, running all the way around to get Perro's legs. Psicosis throws a chair at Mesías. . Perro gets up, and Cibernético spears him. Psicosis just walks over and this him with the chair. Mesías dropkicks Psicosis out, and follows with a tope, that sort of hits Psicosis and isn't really caught (but probably wasn't intended to because Mesías puts his shoulder down again.) Piero looks outside and counts out those guys for no particular reason, because Cibernético and Perro are still in. Cibernético hits him with some shots, goes for the chokeslam, Perro easily gets free, Perro obviously fouls him, and cradles him. Piero looks around, signals foul, drops down, counts one, then kicks at Perro get him off the pin. Make up your mind.

Perro and Psicosis stomp Psicosis. Mesías returns and hits Psicosis with a chair. Perro escapes and stands outside making faces. Replays. Post match posing.

Announcers debate foul or no foul and talk about Texano. Show recap – mixed trios is listed as an Atomicos? - and done.