CMLL on Televisa #1162 (07/13/2013) 
Recapped: 07/17/2013

Announcers are Magadan, Linares, and someone named Diego Renteria. A well dressed Volador Jr. is guest announcer for the show. They preview the show and the cage match. Volador thinks Rush is going to lose.

Match 1: Diamante Azul, La Máscara ©, Thunder vs Dragón Rojo Jr., Mr. Niebla ©, Pólvora
Arena Mexico, 07/05/2013

  1. rudos

  2. técnicos
  3. técnicos

Winner: técnicos
Match Time: 14:47
Rating: below average
Notes: Referee is Pompin. Zacarias is the rudos, Monito with the técnicos.

1: Azul and Pólvora start while Volador goes on about his Rush theory. Rush hasn't been in cage matches and doesn’t have técnico & rudo experience like other guys in the match. La Mascara and Dragon Rojo struggle doing even spots. Mr. Niebla runs cross ring and forearms Thunder while the other two are circling around, and the beatdown starts there. Pólvora gets Azul's mask off and gets away with it. Zacarias lands the 619 on Máscara, and Niebla legdrops Monito. Dragon and Pólvora seem to miss up a double hiptoss, or just did it very oddly. Niebla splashes La Máscara to end it. Azul pulls Monito to safety.

Infierno en el Ring

80th Anniversary logo has a 62 Days bumper

CMLL Cartela: Sunday @ Arena Mexico - Rush, Máximo, Blue Panther vs Negro Casas, Mr. Aguila, Rey Bucanero

2: Rudos stay in control. Dragon Rojo gets in his corner dropkick. Revolucionarios do a sunset flip reversal dropkick bit. Dragon Rojo dropkicks Thunder a lot. Rudos double suplex Thunder and go for the Niebla splash again, but Mascara trips him up. Rudos take him out, but Azul starts giving out quebradoras. Thunder awkward double clothesline the rudos, and follows with a tope con giro almost completely over them. Niebla clothesline the técnicos and dances, which allows Azul to sneak behind him for a German suplex.

Tecnicos help Monito get a top rope splash on Mr. Niebla.

3: La Mascara gets his showcase, while the new announcers suggests La Mascara is Volador's rival. Volador dismisses the thought, saying La Mascara's rivals are the guys in the ring. Niebla takes out Mascara long enough to catch his spit, still takes a headscissors out. Thunder versus the Revolucioanrios is not a great exhibition in lucha libre. Niebla/Thunder is mostly comedy and finally a chokeslam. Azul gets in his showcase too, and this feels like a very long fall. Niebla is able to shoulderblock Azul out to the ramp, but that's clearly just setting up a dive. Zacarias attacks Mascara, and into spears Zacarias. Zacarias goes out, and Monito planchas him. Mascara superkicks Niebla and scares him around the corner, where Azul is in no hurry to good for his dive but eventually gets in position and dives off the ramp. Other four in, técnicos fight of the rudos and finish them off.

Infierno en el Ring promo

CMLL Cartela: Tuesday @ Arena Mexico – Mascara Dorada, Delta, Guerrero vs Morphosis, Olímpico and Namajague. Which wasn't the actual main event, huh.

Mr. Niebla & Zacarias handle the Invitado Especial. Niebla doesn't want Shocker to lose in the cage match so he can beat him himself.

Match 2: Shocker vs RushMáximoBlue PantherSuper PorkyNegro CasasAvernoMr. ÁguilaRey EscorpiónRey Bucanero in a cibernetico match
Arena Mexico, 07/05/2013

  1. Rey Escorpion top rope legdrop Super Porky (6:45)

  2. Blue Panther wristlock Averno (7:54)
  3. Máximo super armdrag Mr. Aguila (8:43)
  4. DQ Máximo [Rey Bucanero faked foul] (9:15)
  5. Negro Casas DDT Blue Panther (9:42)
  6. Rey Bucanero senton Shocker (10:45)
  7. Rush Driver on Rey Bucanero (11:18)
  8. Rush sit down powerbomb Negro Casas (12:56)
  9. Rush Driver on Rey Escorpion (14:57)

Winner: Rush
Match Time: 14:57
Rating: good
Notes: Rush's music leads out the técnicos, though not Rush – he lags way behind the rest of them. Shocker walks back up the aisle to confront Rush on the way. Rush punches first, and they start hair grabbing. Bucanero and Negro jump out to attack both of them, with Bucanero and Shocker falling off the ramp into the crowd. The técnicos watch the fights from the ring, and the other rudos run in from the crowd to attack the técnicos from behind. Mr. Aguila runs all that way, and there's no one for him to fight when he gets there, everyone else is paid up or down. Rey Escorpion takes off his mask, puts it on Super Porky, and keeps hitting him. I don't know. Referee is Babe Richard, who has no control of this (now or at any point to come.)

Brawls inside and outside the ring by everyone. Aguila's over the barricade for a moment before he makes it back to safety. Porky suplexes Negro and drops a splash, but picks Casas back again. Everyone else heads to their corners. Negro with kicks and a tirabuzón, but he quickly lets go. Armbar, Negro letting go to stare at Rush. Escorpion comes in and takes off with chops on Porky, and Porky knocks him down. Escorpion has new gear this week. Whip, Escorpion backdrops Porky, and they both go down. Camera shakes too. Porky turns it around to splash Escorpion in the corner. Escorpion goes out, but to the técnico side, and Porky splashes him off the apron. Volador is picking (his buddy) Averno to win this match. Negro armdrags Negro and sets up for the blocks everything kiss bit, but Negro does land a heel kick to cut it off. Máximo shoves Negro off, into a Rush chop and stomps. Shocker comes in to face Rush, which makes no sense since they're supposed to be partners. Rush bails and poses, and Shocker kicks down Aguila from behind. Shocker repeatedly pulls down Aguila by the hair who gets out of there. Panther and Averno in, with Panther taking Averno down and punching him in the face. Babe Richard pulls Panther out, and Averno uses the opening to get a shot and kicks Panther a bunch. Shocker tries to get involved, but Averno orders him out. Averno and Panther brawl more, Panther backdrops Averno, then flips him all the way to the floor. Bucanero in, enziguri sends Panther out. Rush in and slapping back and forth with Bucanero. Dropkick knocks Bucanero down and Rush batters him with kicks. Rush threatens Babe Richards, for no particular reason, then belly to belly suplexes Bucanero. Rush dropkicks Bucanero out, and the crowd gets loud when Negro comes in and takes Rush down with kicks. Negro kicks Rush in the corner, and the rudos pulls Rush by the hair to keep him own. Negro hits his dropkick, but Rush gets back up and punches and throws Negro around. Rush goes out on the rudo side and tries to fight everyone, but that doesn’t work. Tecnicos rush over, and Porky planchas a bunch of people in the brawl. Replay of that. Escorpion and Porky in, Escorpion chops Porky. Whip, reversed, Escorpion sunset flip, sunset flip actually works (!!), but Porky rolls thru and splashes Escorpion for a one count. Escorpion gets up on his own, Bucanero kicks him, slams him, and Escorpion lands a top rope legdrop for the pin.

Máximo headscissors Escorpion out and follows with a tope. Aguila waits for Máximo to go around the corner, and gets him with his corner tope con giro. Rush stomps Aguila for no particular reason. Averno and Panther back in again, Averno knocks down Panther with a back elbow. Averno with a bad looking F4 one two NO. Averno picks up Panther by the arm, and Panther turns it into a wristlock for a instant submission.

Mr. Aguila kicks Panther out and slaps Máximo around. Corner Aguila gets flipped to the apron on a corner charge, slaps Máximo and pulls him around by the mohawk even more. Aguila slow to the top rope, and Máximo pulls him off with a super armdrag. One two three.

Rey Bucanero immediately rolls up Máximo from behind, bu can only get two. Máximo blocks everything and kisses Bucanero. Bucanero goes for a foul kick, Maximo blocks it, and Bucanero decides to fake a foul instead. Ref is busy with Rush and misses it. Máximo knocks he's in trouble, tries covering Bucanero, but the ref still calls the DQ.

Máximo protests, to no avail. Negro and Panther take over, with Negro getting in his heel kick and a DDT for a sudden three.

Rush storms in to get Negro, but Shocker pulls him away a couple times. Rush swing at him, misses, and Shocker hits him back. Rush fights Shocker with punches, Shocker uses his hair to punch and forearm back, then slides out brawls with his own partner on the outside. Rush demands they return to the ring, and almost knocks over a cameraman while doing it. Rush and Shocker circle. Babe Richard seem not concerned about this. Shocker misses a clothesline, Rush points towards the stage, Babe Richard turns (but not for long enough), Rush foul kicks Shocker. Bucanero eagerly sentons Shocker, and lays on top for the pin.

Down to Rush vs Negro Casas, Rey Escorpion, and Rey Bucanero. Tormento Bucanero on Rush, but no pin. Rush hits Bucanero with chest kicks, off the ropes, and into Rush's superkick. Bucanero stays on his feet, and Rush gives him a messy looking Rush Driver.

Rush poses and smiles. Escorpion misses a dropkick, and Rush kicks him around. Powerlsam on Escorpion, and Negro breaks it up. Negro encourages Rey Escorpion to stay on Rush with kicks, though Escorpion has to yell at the crowd. Escorpion holds Rush, but Negro's dropkick gets his partner by mistake. Rush on Negro with kicks and punches. Chops and punches and the dropkicks to the face in the corner. Negro's in trouble again. Negro make it back in to his feet and chops, but they don't have much effect on Rush. Rush headbutts Negro back. Whip, Negro dropkick, casita, Rush shoves him off barely, Negro headscissors, Rush blocks it, lifts him up, takes a second try, and drops him with a sit down powerbomb.

Rey Escorpion seems less than eager to get in, but does knocks Rush over with a missile dropkick. Escorpion positions Rush, hurries to the apron, stops to pose (no) and still lands the top rope legdrop. One two NO. Escorpion tries chopping Rush, but Rush headbutts him down then dropkicks him in the face. Rush leans back to cover one two Escorpion grabs the ropes. Escorpion tries to figure it out, but looks hurt. Clothesline blocks, Rush back suplex, senton, one two NO. Crowd noise has quieted down a bit. Rush clothesline caught into Escorpion's double underhook, but Rush escapes, knees Escorpion, and drops him with the Rush Driver. That one looked better. One two three.

Volador says Rush won tonight, but he's going to lose in the cage match and that's what he want to see happen

Infierno en el Ring promo to end it.