CMLL on CadenaTres #289 (06/15/2013) 
Recapped: 06/23/2013

Announcers introduce the show.

Match 1: Höruz & Oro Jr. vs Guerrero Negro Jr. & Ramstein
Arena Mexico, 06/11/2013

  1. rudos

  2. técnicos
  3. técnicos

Winner: técnicos (2-1)
Match Time: 15:43
Rating: ok/good
Notes: Referee is Pompin.

1: Guerrero Negro and Oro have a good opening sequence, ending with Negro getting the best of Oro repeatedly but Oro demanding they continue. Oro finally gets in a slap to the face and Negro rolls out to end it. Ramstein and Höruz battle over leg holds, and their bit again ends with the rudo getting slapped in the face. Negro trips up Oro climbs the ropes, drops him in the ring, and Ramstein lands a top rope splash. Pompin won't count, because Ramstein isn't legal. Ramstein gets up, slaps hands with Negro, and Negro adds his own senton and covers. Pompin starts to count, Oro's shoulder is up, and so Pompin still won't count. Höruz breaks it up anyway. Negro gives Höruz a hammerlock DDT for three.

That's not the end of the fall, because of the amateur hour with Oro Jr. before. Ramstein fixes it with a Michinoku Driver. Ramstein nearly stops covering before three.

2: Rudo beatdown includes a big backdrop for Oro Jr. Höruz flips Oro Jr. to the apron on a corner whip to start the everyone hitting everyone comeback. Oro Jr. pulls out a tornillo armdrag, then the moonsault bodyblock for the win. Höruz holds Ramstein in position for a long moment before giving him a northern lights suplex, then appears to be limping after the fall.

3: Oro nifty kip under a Ramstein clothesline and pops up with a slap to the face. Oro doe a s flip to the floor to set up a tornillo armdrag off the apron on Ramstein. Negro lays out Höruz with a corner clothesline. Höruz comes back, including a missile dropkick, and doesn't appear to be limping this fall. Ramstein kicks him in the head as he poses, Oro headscissors him, then puts him in La Dorada for the submission.

Match 2: Astral, Eléctrico, Fantasy vs Pequeño Nitro, Pequeño Olímpico, Pierrothito
Arena Mexico, 06/11/2013

  1. rudos

  2. técnicos
  3. rudos

Winner: rudos (2-1)
Match Time: 12:50
Rating: ok/good
Notes: Referee is Tigre Hispano.

1: Astral has worked very hard on dressing up his hoodie, which would be more impressive if it wasn't June and he wasn't wrestling indoors. Still, nice hoodie. He and Olímpico exchange holds. Fantasy looks very big against Pierrothito, but the rudo sends him out with a casadora armdrag. Eléctrico – his hoodie matches Astral, ah! - pulls off an armdrag into a headscissors to clean up Pierrothito, then a slingshot flip into a headscissors on Nitro. Nitro comes back with his hanging backcracker. Astral springboard armdrags him, then backflips off the apron to avoid a punch. If that wasn't excessive enough, Nitro tries to casadora him, and Astral spins him around to ram him in the barricade. Rudos immediately submit técnicos anyway.

2: Fantasy takes a big corner flapjack from Olímpico. Nitro double stomps Astral, and Pierrothito pulls up his hoodie slap him in the midsection. Olímpico kicks Eléctrico around. Pierrothito punches Fantasy down in the corner, then tags in both his partners for a failed corner whip. Fantasy predictably moves out of the way for Nitro to spear the post, then takes care of the other two himself. Fantasy is nice enough to send until Pierrothito gets back up so they can have a chop fight. Técnicos trip up Pierrothito on the outside, rudos trip up Fantasy on the outside. Tecnicos stand on the apron and wait for the rudos to walk right over to them for springboard dropkicks. Dive tease, but Pierrothito clotheslines both of them. Pierrothito poses, Fantasy dropkicks him. Evasion, Fantasy dumps Pierrothito in the center of the ring, tags in both his partners, and Astral does his shoulder bounce into the ropes into a moonsault, and Eléctrico adds a springboard elbow drop for the win.

3: Olímpico still bullies Eléctrico around, then they get tied up when Eléctrico tries to slide thru his legs. Eléctrico comes back in with a headscissors and sends Olímpico out with an armdrag and a dropkick. Astral flips off Pierrothito, then quebradoras him. Astral is wrestling with his hoodie off now; didn't realize bodybuilding season was so close. Fantasy walks up the ropes to armdrag Nitro out, but Olímpico knocks the rope away on an Asai attempt. Rudos double team Astral and double dropkick him out. Pierrothito slaps Electrico hard, Olímpico lifts up Eléctrico in a wheelbarrow, Nitro springboard sillas him to the ground, and Pierrothito puts on the Pierrothina for the win.

Match 3: Delta, Diamante, Hijo del Fantasma vs Cancerbero, Nosferatu, Raziel
Arena Mexico, 06/11/2013

  1. técnicos

  2. rudos
  3. técnicos

Winner: técnicos (2-1)
Match Time: 14:41
Rating: ok/good
Notes: Tirantes is referee.

1: Pairs are Delta/Raziel, Fantasma/Cancerbero, and Diamante/Nosferatu last for some reason. Everything involving Nosferatu is “for some reason.” Diamante powerslams Nosferatu and seem to stop covering at 2, but that's he's on hurrying to his next spot. Multiple bounce armdrag, tope con giro. Fantasma dumps Cancerbero in position, waves Delta in, and Delta lands the moonsault and gets a three count before Fantasma can get his armscissors. Both count, so it's fine.

2: Hijo del Fantasma & Delta take advantage of the Cancerberos bumbling, then Diamante misses a plancha on Nosferatu and the momentum swings. Cancerbero brings Delta into the rudo corner for punches, and Raziel bites his hands. Tirantes disallows a Delta tag, and Raziel immediately pins him with a butterfly suplex. Rudos beat up the técnicos rather than get their arms raised.

3: Rudos throw around the técnicos at ringside, then continue in control in the ring. Holding and hitting, not the team spots they sometimes tend towards. Hijo del Fantasma runs to the steps while the rudos are still beating up Delta, which is kind of a tell all the fans and the spotlight guy pick up on. Diamante pulls Raziel out, and Delta breaks free to tope him, then Fantasma Phantom attacks Nosferatu. Cancerbero stands around for a moment, and the camera are caught between that and Diamante doing a tornillo moonsault off the ropes too. Cancerbero sends Fantasma to the apron, knocks him to the floor with a stunner, and follows with his own tope. Delta puts Raziel in his modified campana for the win.

Match 4: La Máscara, Super Porky, Thunder vs Gran Guerrero, Mr. Niebla, Terrible
Arena Mexico, 06/11/2013

  1. técnicos

  2. técnicos

Winner: tencicos (2-0)
Match Time: 8:50
Rating: below average
Notes: Rudos have jumped the técnicos before we pick up. Referee is Bestia Negra. La Comandante is back with TRT and Zacarias is with Niebla.

1: Niebla goes for La Mascara's mask. Porky argues, but he's sent out quick. Thunder is dragged around, is a drag. Double boot for Porky to send him to the ramp. Stomps for Mascara. Everyone chops Thunder and boots him out. Porky loses a chop to Mr. Niebla, tries to leave, and the rudos try to pull him back. It takes all three, because Porky is tough to move. For a split second, it looks like the rudos might be setting up to superbomb Porky, which would be not a great idea. Slaps instead. Porky is so fast (?) that he evades a corner charge to start the comeback. Thunder nearly falls down on his own big boot. Niebla slaps him, slaps Mascara, and does the spit - missing completely! I've never seen him miss that badly before. Mascara immediately beats him with a huracanrana.

2: Mr. Niebla stalks edecan Jaanika. Gran Guerrero takes a big backdrop to the floor, and Comandante checks to make sure he's alive. Mr. Niebla does something the announcers and crowd react to but we don’t see. Thunder is too strong for Terrible's chops and comes back with a punch to the face. They start rope running, which allows Thunder a chance to screw up, and he seizes on that chance. They fix it with armdrags and an awful Thunder clothesline. Crowd boos. Niebla kisses Terrible, and the cameras miss it on a crowd shot. Mascara does tries to do the La Mascara sequence, but Niebla is out of position for the flying armdrag. Tope to him after a superkick. Porky flattens Gran Guerrero a couple times, an pd puts him in time killing holding. Terrible and Thunder go for a awhile, Thunder puts on a half crab, Terrible holds, and Mr. Niebla comes back in to take off La Mascara's mask for the DQ.

Stellar Moments

Tecnico: Pegasso torito on Cancerbero

Sensacional: Thunder tope con giro on Pólvora

Triunfo: Azul ramp tope con giro on Mr. Niebla, Atlantida on Ultimo Guerrero

Espectacular: Operacion Dragon on Euforia

Rudo: Volador pulling off Sombra's mask.

Match 5: Máscara Dorada, Mistico, Valiente vs Averno, Ephesto, Mephisto
Arena Mexico, 06/11/2013

  1. rudos

  2. técnicos
  3. rudos

Winner: rudos (2-1)
Match Time: 15:19
Rating: good
Notes: Dorada make belt motions. You're already champ! They don't have the trios belts they just won, or other titles. Avernos enter together. Rudos immediately before the whistle. Referee is Tigre Hispano.

1: Rudos go for the técnicos masks, except Mephisto is content to punch Místico around on the outside. Things settle down to Místico being trapped alone in the ring, whipped into (walking very slowly) into boots and slapped down by Mephisto. Averno throws Místico out, hits Dorada as he comes in, and sets him on the top rope to rip up his mask. Ephesto takes over when Averno gets ejected, and Averno comes back for the flapjack and dropkick bit. Mephisto picks Valiente and walks him around for Devil's Wings. Ephesto gives his move to Místico at about the same time.

2: Rudos still in control, clotheslining Valiente around, then kicking him in the face. Flapjack and kick to the for Místico. Dorada sneaks in a headscissors on Averno, but the other rudos put him down. Double hiptoss to the ramp looks even more painful than usual. Crowd loud for Valiente, but he's attacked from behind by Mephisto. Rudos kick Místico out and do the triple pose spot – and Valiente breaks that up with a dropkick. Valiente evades, Místico in with a springboard headscissors, Místico evades, and Dorada in with the floating headscissors. Averno out, Dorada runs, leaps off the top rope, and out with a big plancha to the floor. Other four in, Místico's bit goes find, the Valiente springboard backflip into a Valiente Buster takes a bit more work.

3: Evasion with Valiente includes the hop. Springboard armdrag, springboard dropkick sends Ephesto out. Dorada in, but Averno walks away rather than fight him. Místico tags in instead, crowd split but more favorable in on him. Announcers try an Averno chant. Místico flipping run, then he's kicked in the back by Mephisto. Averno boosts Místico into a ramp headscissors on Mephisto, then Místico swats Averno away and comes back in with a springboard headscissors on him. Dorada in again, but the rudos don't want to fight or are buys annoying the crowd. Ephesto comes in and knocks over Dorada with a jumping shoulderblock. Dorada comes back with a rope grab headscissors. Mephisto in, Dorada does something similar to him. Averno stuck coming in, and not very happy about it. Sarcastic claps. Dorada double bounce casadora into an armdrag. Tecnicos set up - double tope con giro, Valiente Asia moonsault again. That's their triple dive. Dorada and Averno back in, Sling Blade for two with Mephisto making the save. Mephisto gives Dorada a Rosa DDT, and Valiente breaks it up. Valiente always pulls his mask out when he yells. Valiente with an over the shoulder faceslam, dropkick to the face, and covers, but Ephesto is in before he can do that last part. One more shoudlerbreaker, Mistico's turn to break it up with a springboard legdrop. Evasion, Místico makes the mistake of sliding out on Ephesto, Ephesto runs – and Valiente cuts him off with a kick! They were ready for Ephesto's dive! Dorada springboard splash one two NO. Dorada huracanrana, rudos break it up. Valiente planchas the rudos, but runs right into the triple powerbomb. Ephesto covers for the elimination.

Dorada in and springboard planching the other two. Spinebuster and Dora reaces down, Ephesto tries the Ephesto cradle but Dorada slips out and sits down on top for three.

Rudos come back to kick Dorada down, and sidestep Mistico's dropkick. Místico ducks a clothesline and boost dropkicks Averno out. Slow headscissors on Mephisto, Mephisto almost taking out the referees legs while sliding out. Místico up top – moonsault to the floor. Dorada and Averno in to finish it. Averno unphased, Dorada very Dorada. Dorada torito one two NO! Dorada's hair spilling out of his cut mask. Dorada sets Averno up on the top rope, slaps him, climbs up, Averno punches him once, grabs the arms, Super Devil's Wings one two three.

Averno gets the microphone, after a moment, and says Dorada got in lucky shot and won the world welterweight championship. There was no lucky shot today, and Averno proved he was better. Crowd disagrees. Averno wants a title shot. Dorada says Averno is one of the best in CMLL, but he's champion, he'll prove his quality, and titles are meant to be exposed. Averno gets his shot, but Mascara Dorada wants a hair vs mask match after. Averno tells Dorada to look at him in the eyes, then foul kicks. Averno gets in one more shot on the microphone and leaves.

Announcers wrap up, and that's it.