CMLL on CadenaTres #287 (06/01/2013) 
Recapped: 06/09/2013

Enrique and Karla introduce this show.

Match 1: Bengala & Robin vs Cholo & Zayco
Arena Mexico, 05/28/2013

  1. rudos

  2. tecnicos
  3. técnicos

Winner: tecnicos (2-1)
Match Time: 11:08
Rating: below average/ok
Notes: Cholo has proper gear. So weird. He used the big winnings from his last place showing in the Gran Alternativa, I guess. Referee is Bestia Negra.

1: Pairs are Robin/Zayco and Bengala/Cholo, with the last two doing more the first time thru. People start knocking each other out of the ring the second time thru, leading to Cholo landing a corner springboard second rope moonsault (!!) for his pin.

2: Rudo beatdown includes a lot of attacking of Robin's right knee. Rudos hit each other aiming for Bengala to start the turn around and the técnicos wrap up quick after that.

3: Beatdown include a lot of Robin headscissors. Bengala does a run up the corner armdrag, and a loose headscissors on the outside. Cholo entertains himself and kills some time by shoulderblocking Robin out as soon as he comes in. Zayco stomps Robin and Robin just never comes in. Bengala firemans drops Cholo, Robin senton con giro misses, Cholo slowly stands Robin and puts him in a hold, and Bengala misses on a plancha to Zayco.

Match 2: Bam Bam, Fantasy, Shockercito vs Mercurio, Pequeño Nitro, Pequeño Olímpico
Arena Mexico, 05/28/2013

  1. técnicos

  2. técnicos

Winner: técnicos (2-1)
Match Time: 14:44
Rating: ok
Notes: Referee is Terror Chino.

1: Fantasy does a good job of throwing Pequeño Olímpico around to start the match, including some armdrag/monkey flip hybrid which seems to shake Olímpico up. Olímpico does rally back to do his own version of the move before tagging out. Fantasy demands Olímpico come back in again, and Olímpico eventually agrees. Slower armdrags this time, and Olímpico looking out of breath. Olímpico gets own armdrag, an arm hold, an roll into a crucifix hold. Olímpico armdrag leads to another standoff. Shockercito and Nitro are next, and much simpler. Bam Bam and Mercurio are last and evading at high speed. Zero trips leads to a Mercurio headscissors from the mat, sending Bam Bam out. Fantasy In, Mercurio ducks and superkicks Fantasy. Mercurio brings Fantasy into the rudo corner for some free shots from everyone. Flapjack and a dropkick to the face sends the técnico out. Shockercito's brought in for Nitro's usual frontcracker. Bam Bam in, and ends up taking down Olímpico for punches on the mat. Olímpico fights back with headbutts and celebrates escaping. Bam Bam's whipped into a Nitro kick. Rudos kick Fantasy around, set up the usual spot where they chop their partner by mistake, but Fantasy doesn't move and they get the right guy. No one seem thrown, rudos hit the ropes, técnicos pull them out. Fantasy reverse springboard plancha Nitro in the ring, but only can get two. Nitro pulls of Fantasy's mask, and that's a DQ. I didn't even realize it was untied. Announcers give the second fall to the técnicos, which is tough in the first fall.

2: Tecnicos return to control. Shockercito does a headscissors into an armdrag on Olímpico. Fantasy knocks down Mercurio with a big slap and uses a run up the corner armdrag to send them out. Bam Bam superkicks Olímpico on the apron, swing kicks Nitro then comes in with a springboard plancha on him. Nitro fares no better, but Olímpico smacks Bam Bam in the back of the head to stop him, then ties him in the ropes for charges. Bam Bam moves out of the way of Nitro, who instead tumbles to the ropes, and Olímpico dropkick him sent the ropes. Bam Bam almost can get there on his springboard guillotine legdrop, only touching Olimpico's shoulder with his leg. Fantasy's dived off the apron with a dropkick on Nitro in the meantime. Mercurio attacks Bam Bam, Shockercito flies in with a headscissors on him, Shocker flipping armdrag shoved off, and Mercurio straight foul kicks him. Mercurio is completely fine with the results.

Fantasy is the one who gets to challenge the rudos for next week. He's a bit quiet. Mercurio yells as to not have that problem.

History Capsule: Cien Caras – “Fred Blassie” mention. Lots of footage of the mask match – or the same 40 second clip repeated a few times.

Match 3: Hombre Bala Jr., Sagrado, Tritón vs Arkángel de la Muerte, Hooligan, Skándalo
Arena Mexico, 05/28/2013

  1. técnicos

  2. rudos
  3. técnicos

Winner: técnicos (2-1)
Match Time: 14:41
Rating: below average/ok
Notes: Referee is Bestia Negra. Isis is with the rudos, though not seen much early.

1: Pairs are Bala/Arkangel, Triton/Skandalo, Sagrado/Hooligan, with the usual escalation of moves and decrease in length. Sagrado headscissors Hooligan out quickly, then fights off Arkangel with a quebradora. Arkangel spends more time rolling on the mat than Hooligan seemed to spend in the ring. Skándalo goes out after another, and Sagrado topes him. Triton with a plancha on Skandalo waiting for him, kicking him in the ropes (Skándalo doesn't land right and has to adjust himself as Triton climbs up), and landing the guillotine legdrop. Bala gets in a springboard reverse tope before his finish.

2: Bala gets himself in trouble arguing with Isis, but rallies back for an awkward headstand on the apron into a headscissors on Arkangel. Triton's showcase includes a back roll over the ropes to set up a springboard tornillo armdrag back in. Sagrado/Hooligan chop battle includes a Sagrado slap to the face which causes Hooligan to shake from for eight whole seconds. Hooligan turns it around anyway, by one clothesline on Sagrado, and the fall is a rudo one from there. Low blow dropkick #1. Referee won't count a pin with two people covering, they stop covering, Hooligan pulls him up at 2 anyway. Thanks for wasting my time. Cavernaria double dropkick spot is at least interesting. Hooligan gets the pin, then is too busy celebrating to notice he's blocking the group photo the rest of the team is trying to set up.

3: Isis tries to get in shots from the outside, Sagrado tries to kick at her. Rudos take control of the situation so Isis can only get in shots. Low blow #2. Low blow #3 includes Triton being knocked over the bottom rope backwards. Everyone stomps Sagrado, then everyone stops stomping Sagrado. Sagrado evades an Arkangel corner charge to start the comeback, though Arkangel is up right away to be part of everyone hitting everyone. Match slows way back down again, Skándalo gets the advantage long enough for the técnicos to come back for the low blow dropkick. That's enough for a pin. Triton's springboard moonsault to the floor looks great. Sagrado dropkicks Arkangel a couple times, gives him a hurracanrana, and that's it.

Match 4: Delta, La Máscara ©, Rey Cometa vs Niebla Roja ©, Pólvora, Puma
Arena Mexico, 05/28/2013

  1. rudos

  2. técnicos
  3. técnicos

Winner: técnicos
Match Time: 16:04
Rating: good
Notes: Referee is Tirantes.

1: Cometa and Pólvora start. Pólvora is doing the shirt/skirt thing his usual partner like to do. Cometa armdrags Pólvora around and tries to invite Puma in, but Puma's not interested. Niebla Roja and Delta can't get a hold each other for too long, and end up with quick zero pins. Niebla Roja pulls his hand back at a handshake. Puma tries to get a handshake from Mascara, doesn't get him, does land the dropkick to the backside. Mascara comes back with an enziguri , but gets pulled out of the ring and stomped by the other two rudos. Meanwhile, Puma does meet up with Cometa after all, swinging him into the barricade like old times. Niebla Roja lands the flapjack kicks on Mascara, but Pólvora shoves him away to take the pin himself! Ah, they do remember they don’t like each other. Niebla Roja held up at breaking up the pin, but is clearly unhappy after the fall. Puma is either oblivious or doesn't care.

2: Rudos take care of the rudos all at once, but settle down after a Tirantes warning. Pólvora drags Delta by the back of his mask and slaps him down. Pólvora runs Delta from corner to corner with clotheslines, bulldogs him in the center of the ring, and knocks the técnicos off the apron. Rudos won't let Delta tag, but do kick him out the other side. Niebla Roja pulls up his own mask so he can bite Cometa on the forehead. That's different. Flapjack kick for him too, and elbow for Máscara. Mascara comes in and helps Cometa out without a tag. Tirantes argues, then gives it up. Niebla blocks a kick, and Puma kicks Mascara's leg to knock him down. Whip, Máscara ducks under a double clothesline and rolling dropkicks Puma out. Delta in with a springboard forearm on Pólvora, Niebla Roja knocks him down, Cometa gives him a springboard headscissors and Máscara follows out with a tope. Other two finish up on the same side of the ring at the same time, and it looks like Delta does a dropkick just so he'll be more out of Cometa's way for his finish. They are close to each other anyway. Puma presses Cometa up before his frankensteiner, which makes it look higher up.

3: Comet and Puma remain very good together, with Cometa pulling out a springboard flipping headscissors as an early highlight, then jumping off the top rope to headscissors Puma off the apron and to the floor. Pólvora wins a chop battle with Delta and stomps him down viciously. Delta comes back with his own bit of flips around to the apron and a back spin headscissors to send Pólvora out. Roll over the top rope headscissors added on. Niebla Roja connects a little low on a superkick, but still connects. Mascara's kicked to the apron, but catches Niebla with a swing kick to set up the usual flying armdrag back in. Rudos try to cut him off and only boost him into a headscissors on Puma. Mascara gets his own on Pólvora and the técnicos out with triple topes – Delta a couple seconds behind. Mascara and Roja make it back in for quebradoras. Máscara casita, Pólvora breaks it up. Pólvora Driver on Mascara, Delta breaks it up. Delta's move is a Michinoku Driver, and Puma stops Tirantes from counting instead of trying to break it up. Puma gives Delta big sit down powerbomb, and Cometa runs in to kick Puma in the face. Cometa torito, Puma rolls thru, powerbomb, no Cometa reverses to a huracanrana one two NO. Niebla Roja cristo double knee gutbuster looks painful, and Mascara breaks it up to complete the loop. Mascara rolling dropkick sends Niebla Roja out, rudos knocks him down, Delta in and missing a dropkick. Seems like we've been here before too. Pólvora spot the post on a missed charge, Delta flips Puma to the apron and Cometa superkicks him out. Delta and Cometa a climb up together, stereo corner moonsaults. Máscara and Niebla Roja in one more time. Crowd seem into it. Máscara superkicks Niebla Roja, up on his shoulders, forward roll into the campana, and that'll do it.

Mascara seems angry at Niebla Roja after the fact. Delta is in pain on the outside. Replays shows his legs got trapped underneath Pólvora as they both fell.

Stellar Moments

Llave: Sensei lock on Super Comando

Triunfo: Blanca double kick to the chest and spinning powerbomb on Marcela

Alevoso: Averno fouling Blue Panther

Tecnico: Brazo de Plata plancha off the apron on Volador Jr.

Admirable: Atlantida on Ultimo Guerrero

Match 5: Diamante Azul, Rush, Thunder vs Dragón Rojo Jr., Rey Bucanero, Terrible
Arena Mexico, 05/28/2013

  1. técnicos

  2. técnicos

Winner: técnicos (2-1)
Match Time: 6:28
Rating: ok
Notes: Azul is first out, Bucanero attacks him from behind, the edecanes don't react and keep on dancing. Thunder slowly process what's gone on but opt just to point at the fight. Terrible and Dragon Rojo hurry out to attack Thunder. Rush also could care less, though the fight is nice enough to come to him. Referee is Tirantes.

1: Rudos beatdown the técnicos everywhere. Terrible wanders the ring while Bucanero unties Azul's mask, which gets Tirantes to put a count on. Terrible leaves and throws Dragon Rojo into the guardrail instead. Rey stands Azul up, whips him, and pulls off his mask. That was easy. Bucanero tries to argue this for some reason, while his teammates just keep beating up the técnicos. Tirantes puts the mask back on Azul, Bucanero takes it off, and Tirantes gives it back again. Bucanero's shirt has an ad for; hope he's getting a discount.

2: Beatdown continues. Bucanero switches to ripping up Azul's mask and gear. Azul sidesteps a corner charge and superkicks Bucanero to start the comeback. Quebradora on Dragon Rojo, tope to Bucanero – only Rey moves and Azul ungainly crashed into the barricade. Rush comes in to double stomp Terrible and kick the invisible football. Tirantes fights back with slaps, but Rush wins with a kneelift. Corner whip, reversed , Terrible lands the charging slap. Dragon Rojo kicks at Rush from a safe distance, but Rush still dropkicks Terrible out. Rojo dropkicks dropkicks. Terrible out, but Thunder comes in to face him. This is a bad idea! Dragon Rojo tries to chop the giant. Doesn't work. Kicks work a little better. Thunder forearm to Dragon Rojo's face actually looks good. Corner whip, reversed, Thunder kips up, sets himself, and armdrags Rojo. A second. A Dragon Rojo clothesline is shot very carefully. Terrible stops Thunder with a dropkick, and Bucanero grabs him, Rojo over to help – double suplex Terrible plancha, Rey Bucanero senton one two three. Announcers believe Thunder is the captain, and so does Tirantes, but Bucanero tells him Rush is. Rush comes in and swats at everyone, Thunder slaps Bucanero, Rush superkicks Dragon Rojo, sidesteps a Terrible charge, Terrible goes out, Rush out after him with a tope con giro. Azul in and missing a dropkick against the rudos. Whip, Bucanero leaves him to Dragon Rojo, Dragon Rojo misses a clothesline and Azul German suplexes Rojo while Bucanero celebrates. Three count.

Bucanero does not like what he sees, but charges, misses and takes two quebradoras. One more spin for the escuedo - but Azul loses Bucanero and slams him instead. Three count works.

All the tecncios leave as Diamante Azul challenges for the title. Bucanero asks the crowd again if they want to see the match, and this time he accepts it . Bucanero offers a handshake – no, slap to the face, mask pulled off. That was fun. Someone must've thought Rey wasn't clear about actually accepting it, because he's back on microphone during the replays to make it clear he accepted the challenge.