CMLL Guerreros del Ring on 52MX #391 (05/18/2013) 
Recapped: 05/26/2013


Match 1: Blue Panther vs Virus in a lightning match
Arena Coliseo, 05/12/2013

Winner: draw
Match Time: 10:05
Rating: great
Notes: Referee is Bestia Negra.

Virus trips Panther in a headlock. Panther puts his foot in the back of Virus' knee to break free to an armbar. Virus trip up Panther and starts a leg lock, Panther rolls back the other way, and sets up a bodyscissors on Virus on the mat. Panther tries to a headlock, but Virus fights free. Panther switches around for an armscissors, but Virus keeps his arm in. Virus out to a surfboard, knee to Panther's back. For a moment, around into a sort of tirabuzón, but it's not locked on all the way. Panther slip free and takes them both down, putting on a front facelock. Virus escape to an armbar, Panther trips him up and sets up a step over toehold. Virus is in pain, but moving. Crowd chants for Panther as Virus moves towards the ropes – but doesn't grab him. He escapes the hold instead, hooking on a modified scorpion. Panther breaks free and, slips out the back and trips Virus cover for a cover. Zero count, face off. Panther and Virus circle. Wristlock to take Virus down. Virus back up, tries to escape, and Panther hooks him to armbar from underneath. Virus with a step over flip to escape, but Panther hooks the hold back on. Virus tries to hiptoss free, but Panther holds on to the armbar. Virus back up again, headscissors, Panther pushes Virus off – but Virus is able to get the headscissors back on the mat. Virus pulls Panther's arm while he's at it. Virus pulls Panther's neck back, but that just gets Panther some room to headstand back and forth and get free. Panther with a legs spread, diving in for a facelock, Virus moves, and another standoff. Circle, Virus with a hammerlock from the front. Panther rolls to the mat. Virus hold on as they get back up. Panther tries to bodyslam his way free, but Virus still will not let go. Past five minutes now, though no call.

Virus gets up, hammerlock till on,. Panther trip, Virus rolls thru and keeps the hold on. Panther in trouble, and a couple arms lengths away form the ropes. Panther turns, gets on his knees, and gets back up. Panther tries to reverse out of the hold, but Virus just turns into an armbar. Panther falls back as (but before Virus trips him up) and they battle over leg locks. Ring announcer with the six minutes call during that. Panther breaks free and tries to put on a tapatía, but Virus fights him from getting it on, Panther tries a toe hold, then tries up the legs and holds Virus down by them on his back. They at probably should be a pin count, but Virus is setting up to escape anyway, and yanks Panther's head back to fight free. Snap mare, into Virus' new favorite double armscissors, Panther forced to bridge back. Panther can't get out but he can rolls thru, only Virus rolls thru too to a double bridging cover, both down, one two NO. Virus rolls free, grabbing his knees, and it's another face off. Circle. Crowd chanting for Panther. Eight minute mark. Panther with an armbar, Virus tries to roll free, can't, and Panther holds him half turned over on the mat. Virus turns on his back and trap Panther in a headscissors. Virus backed up and stood on his head. Panther breaks free of the headscissors and backs Virus up on his shoulder for a couple two counts, Virus turning to got get a shoulder up or standing on his head. ON the last one, Virus pulls himself up and over for a sunset flip, Panther and Virus reverse thru the cradles before a count can be made, and get up to another standoff. 40 seconds left. Virus grabs Panther into a tirabuzón. Panther reverses to one of his own, back into a cradle one to – maybe not even two before the scape. Virus sets up an Indian deathlock, adding on a facelock, but Panther refuses to give. Announcer counts down the time – which seem late to me. Panther gets Virus in an armbar just as time was running out, but the armbar didn't look like it was going to end it. Crowd cheers the draw when it's announced. Panther seems vaguely confused by the rules.

Post match interview with Virus and Panther (who has a cup full of money). Panther talks about who great Virus is, JCR wants to talk about en Busca de un Idolo, Virus wants to talk about how great Panther and then says all four rudos are moving on in the tournament.

Rudos talk about this match, or just yell catchphrases.

Tecnicos interview too.

Match 2: Delta, Guerrero Maya Jr., Super Porky vs Kráneo, Rey Bucanero, Rey Escorpión
Arena Coliseo, 05/12/2013

  1. técnicos

  2. rudos
  3. rudos

Winner: rudos
Match Time: 15:51
Rating: okay/good
Notes: Referee is Rafael el Maya.

1: Delta has given into the técnico herd and has a message written on the back of his shirt. At least it's not forty words long. Paris are Delta/Escorpion, Porky/Rey Bucanero (of course) and Maya/Kraneo (of course!) Bucanero and Porky seem to have the same match 3 times a week since Bucanero came back. Maya leapfrogging and powerslaming Kraneo is sort of amazing. Maya run up the ropes armdrag sends Kraneo out, but Mije cuts off Maya's dive and kicks Maya in the legs. Maya sells for Mije, because he's a great man, and throws Mije onto Kraneo. Kraneo puts him down, and get run over by the Maya tope con giro. Other técnicos beat the other rudos. A kid in a Volador outfit is very happy to do Volador poses.

En Busca de un Idolo promo

2: Escorpion slaps Porky on the chest hard, and his partners slap some sense into Porky. Escorpion tries the sumo spot, and it goes badly for him. Escorpion tries this again, and it doesn't work. Escorpion goes back to slaps, and Porky chooses to get the crowd to chant at Escorpion. Escorpion does not like this at all, also does not like getting squashed in the corner and slid out. Delta does the Garza stop sign strip spot in the middle of headscissors the Reys. Kraneo takes dome dropkicks out and Mije is kicked in the back. Bucanero runs into armdrags and quebradoras from Bucanero. Maya drops down too soon against Kraneo, and Kraneo squashes him flat. That's enough for the rudos to take over., Delta boosted into an Escorpion sit down powerbomb and Kraneo throws Mije on top of Maya as Bucanero slams Porky.

3: Maya takes a Kraneo corner charge and a Reys double bulldog. Escorpion flying forearm to Delta's back. Porky held up and kicked by everyone. Kraneo slams Maya and dances over him, then poses on the middle rope. Maya ducks a double clothesline and dropkicks Kraneo out. Rudos double Maya, Delta dropkicks Bucanero, Escorpion misses a senton, Porky does not miss a splash. Porky out to the apron to plancha Bucanero from there. Delta back in and huracanrana Escorpion, Escorpion rolls thru for a two count. Delta leaps backwards into Escorpion's shoulders, turns around for a huracanrana one two NO. Delta trip, casita, one two NO. Escorpion argues, Delta inside cradle, Kraneo breaks up the pin. Kraneo tosses Delta up into a dropkick on Escorpion, and Maya flies in with an armdrag on Kraneo. Delta looks around, runs up the corner, balances and jumps off with a moonsault onto Escorpion. Kraneo slaps Maya into the corner, corner whip, May moves, Kraneo hits the corner hard, Maya heel kick and a suplex of Kraneo (!)but meanwhile Rey's fouled Porky. Both cover at the same time, and Maya's turned the wrong way so he know what's happened until it's too late. Maya tries to claim his pin should count, but it was too late.

Escorpion dismisses any claims of cheating – the rudos are just better.

An all to brief snippet of Negro Casas, Felino, Zacarias and Nakamura's prematch party.

Titan, Mascara Dorada and Rush calmly talk about doing it for the people. Well, not so much Rush. Rush just wants to beat up Nakamura.

Match 3: Felino, Negro Casas, Shinsuke Nakamura vs Máscara Dorada, Rush, Titán
Arena Coliseo, 05/12/2013

  1. rudos

  2. técnicos
  3. técnicos

Winner: técnicos (2-1)
Match Time: 10:52
Rating: okay/good
Notes: Referee is Tigre Hispano. Zacarias is with the rudos.

1: Felino and Dorada start on the mat, with Felino in fully stinky mode. Dorada tries to fight with his own armpit, but that just doesn't work with Felino. Negro Casas is in an equally wacky mood before starting with Titan. Negro exchanges holds when not chatting with Felino. Rush and Nakamura are the last pair. Rush goes to lockup, and Nakamura kicks him hard. Lockup two leads to more hold versus hold. Nakamura messes with Rush on a rope break. Rush chops him. Nakamura comes back with kicks to both arms. Kneelift, Rush thrown down, but rolling away from a stomp, ducking a kick, and dropkicking Nakamura over. Kicks on the mat. Kicks to the corner. Corner whip, Rush charges into a Nakamura kneelift. Nakamura sets Rush over the top rope and lands a running knee. That cues the Casas brothers to attack the other técnicos. Zacarias lands a 619 on Dorada while the other guys brawl on the outside. Casas double underhook suplex, armscissors, that seems like it should be it, but Negro switches to an arm trap armscissors for the submission. Zacarias gets in another 619 on Titan.

Rudos continue to beat up on Dorada, even though he's eliminated, and eventually they figure out he's the captain and the fall is over. Graphic person doesn’t seem to know until the rudos gets his arm raised, and it takes them a couple minutes to consent to that.

2: Rudos still in control. Felino lands all his weight on Rush on what should be his elbow drop, because Rush was still moving while he dropped it. Felino holds Rush in a chinlock for a moment, then Rush gets up and attacks everyone before the rudos get a handle on it. Titan takes a back elbow and the rudos talk a bit before doing more. Double back elbow, Felino with a whip, Titan back with his handspring side kick. Nakamura kicks Titan, Rush superkicks Nakamura, Negro forearms him, and Dorada springboard dropkicks Casas out. Dorada running – tope to Negro Casas to drive him up the aisle. Rush catches Nakamura in waistlock, Nakamura back elbows around, Rush still takes him over for a Northern Lights suplex. They're near the ropes, but Tigre Hispano decides it's good enough. Titan takes care of Felino for the other pin.

3: Titan drops down too soon and takes a Felino kick to the face but comes back with his a handwalk headscissors cradle – for three. Wow, edited.

Nakamura works over Titan with kicks, Titan catches one and takes an enziguri to the head. Nakamura goes for an inverted powerslam, Titan breaks free, ducks a clothesline, and knocks over Nakamura with a leg lariat. Titan poses, off the ropes, knee to the midsection. Nakamura grabs Titan again, fireman's carry into a front backbreaker. (Wikipedia says this is a Samoan Driver.) Nakamura sets up – Boma Ye, one two three.

Rush and Nakamura face off. Chop fight, forearms back and forth, Nakamaura gets in the biggest forearm, but Rush comes back with a headbutt. Nakamura reverses a whip a kneelfit and a kick to he top of Rush's head. Rush rolls to the corner, Nakamura follows with more kneelifts. Shaky choke? Odd. Nakamura backs up, charges, but Rush knocks him over with a wheel kick. Rush back suplex, cover, one two NO. Rush threatens Tigre Hispano because he's kind of just that way. Nakamura slide out, and kicks Rush in the head while he tries to grab him. Rush to the floor, Nakamura adds a kneelift. Dorada and Negro chop fight, clotheslines, neither manages goes down. Dorada swings again, Negro ducks under, dropkicks to the knee, casita, Dorada rolls thru, casita of his own one two three.

Nakamura breaks with the técnicos on the outside. Dorada makes his challenge as they show replays.