CMLL Guerreros del Ring on 52MX #387 (04/20/2013) 
Recapped: 04/23/2013

JCR and Signo (Sr.) introduce this match

Match 1: Metálico vs Hijo del Signo in a lightning match
Arena Coliseo, 04/14/2013

Winner: Metálico
Match Time: 8:09
Rating: eh/ok
Notes: Referee is Tigre Hispano

Metálico chops Signo, and Signo decides he's better of running. This works for him, as he catches Tigre Metálico with a boot on the way in. (He's wearing the Tigre Metálico mask, I can call him that.) Metálico turns around on the apron, smacks Signo into the buckle and comes in with a plancha. Signo misses a clothesline, does not miss on a dropkick. Corner whip, Metálico hits the corner chest first, and Signo clotheslines him as he comes out. Same face first corner whip to the opposite corner. Metálico held up in the corner and chopped in the chest. Punches and kicks. Corner whip, Metálico stops short, back elbow up to stop Signo, Metálico sunset flip, Signo sort of rolls free, they both roll on the mat without getting anything. Metálico up and striking with a chop fight. Corner whip, Signo bends over, Metálico goes over his back for something, Signo gets up and Metálico's thrown to the mat. That didn't seem right. Whip, reverses, Metálico quebradora, falling backwards as delivering it. Dropkick send Signo down, and then rolling out. Not a smooth sequence right now. Signo out, Metálico out after him, rolling on the apron into an armdrag on Signo. It's a neat spot that gets no reaction. Metálico back in, tope thru the ropes knocks Signo down. Replay. Metálico brings Signo's back to the ring, and covers him for two. Metálico with an odd looking side slam, into the start of a cristo negro, but turned into sort of a double arm DDT. Two count. Step over armbar reversed after a beat into an inside cradle for two. Signo argues the count, gets nothing out of it. Kick to Metálico's head. Whip, quick reverse, Signo evades and dropkicks Metálico out. Signo Asai turning jump. Not really a plancha, he was still standing straight up as he went down. Weird, mostly. Replays and then back in for a two count. Signo complains loud enough for the microphones to pick it up. Signo takedown, kicked off going for a figure four. Metálico charges, Signo takedown, kicked off trying to for a figure four. That seems familiar. Signo walks over to Metálico, Metálico with a tricky cradle one two NO. Crowd getting bored. Signo awkwardly lifts Metálico up on his shoulders, and unimpressively spins him off to his side. That move doesn't look good when done right, and it wasn't done right here. Signo pins Metálico with one knee for a two count. Signo slaps Metálico on the mat and goes to the corner. He adjusts his mask while climbing up – that's not an easy mask to breath thru. Signo turns around and limply dives into a Metálico cutter, but the positioning seems off and it also gets no reaction. One two NO. Announcers are talking nerves, never a good sign. Metálico with punches a series of punches and a big chop, which Signo doesn't sell at all. Metálico goes down for Signo's chop. Signo whip, clothesline, one two NO. Clothesline, two. Signo complaining again. Metálico chopped into the corner. Crowd entertaining themselves. Corner whip, Metálico kips up out, rolls away, and stands there to be kicked. Bad plan. Signo goes for a reinera, but Metálico revers it into his headscissors armbar submission, and Signo gives. That's it.

Signo demands revenge

Averno & Mephisto say they don't need a partner – they're the best tag team in CMLL. Their partner does show up – Máximo! Máximo can't understand why Averno is so mean, when he had nice things to say to him on the phone last night.

JCC and an edecan preview the next match, focusing on the looks of the técnico team.

Match 2: Marco Corleone ©, Rush, Thunder vs Ephesto, Felino, Terrible ©
Arena Coliseo, 04/14/2013

  1. técnicos

  2. rudos

  3. técnicos

Winner: técnicos (2-1)
Match Time: 12:18
Rating: eh
Notes: La Comandante and Zacarias are with the rudos. Tigre Hispano is referee again.

1: Pairs are Ephesto/Rush, Terrible/Thunder and Felino/Marco. Terrible & Thunder keep it very safe and basic. Felino and Marco do comedy, and it doesn’t last long before Marco punches out Felino. Marco goes thru the rudos and kiss Comandante, who's happy about it and gets slapped for it. Zacarias takes the Rush kick. Rush missile dropkicks Felino & Ephesto, and Thunder and Rush submit those two while Marco dances in front of Terrible.

Pierroth promo.

2: Thunder showcase sequence to start, which includes an awkward headscissors on Terrible and a lot of rudos running around to do stuff to make Thunder look good. Rush headbutts Ephesto, belly suplexes Felino, and has a battle with Terrible which is clearly going to be the best part of this match. Random edit to the rudos being in total control and Zacarias booting Marco in the head repeatedly (or at least trying to kick there.) It's very abrupt. Thunder takes a suplex and a Felino middle rope elbow drop for the pin, though he keep his far arm off the mat during the count. Felino kicks Rush as he's submitting, which won't end well.

3: Rush is bet up by all three, then Thunder starts the comeback with a corner avoidance and a double clothesline. Everyone hits everyone until Rush slides out on Ephesto, and that ends the way it always does. Marco and Felino left in alone, Marco ducks a kick and insides cradles him for three. Thunder barely keeps Terrible up for a fireman's carry slam, and that ends it. Miguel says backdrop suplex, dunno.

Rudos rant. Comandante refuses to say the Marco kiss was bad and gets attacked by the rudos.

Miguel and edecan Gaby preview the final match.

Match 3: Mistico, Valiente, Volador Jr. © vs Averno ©, Máximo, Mephisto in a relevos increíbles match
Arena Coliseo, 04/14/2013

  1. Team Averno

  2. Team Mistico

  3. Team Averno

Winner: Team Averno (2-1)
Match Time: 14:23
Rating: good
Notes: Referee is Rafael el Maya. Mephisto appears to be wearing a Máximo hoodie, and Máximo a Mephisto shirt. Volador is in his Na'Vi gear

1: Mephisto out speeds Místico at first, working in a helicopter headscissors. Máximo and Valiente shake hands before starting with a clean start. Máximo watches awed as Felino flips around, and Averno is not happy about Máximo playing nice. Averno kicks Valiente, Volador springboard armdrags Averno out, then chases him out – only to be punched and stomped down by the rudos. Místico runs over to help, and Máximo finds himself clotheslining Místico. Máximo is surprised for a second, and then just goes for it with stomps. Máximo works as a rudo the rest of the way, bringing Místico back in and going for his mask. Referee breaks that up, but Averno takes his turn to go after Volador's mask. Maya warns him, so Mephisto takes over to to do the same, then to kicks Volador down while he's hanging. Crowd is loud for Volador, when he points out while selling. Máximo holds Místico down by one knee. Valiente complains from the apron. Double hiptoss faceslam and a big boot out for Volador. Máximo puts Místico on the top rope and unties the mask. Mephisto kicks Valiente as he comes in, and goes for his mask too. Those técnicos are cleared out, and rudos hold Volador for – nothing in particular, as they get distracted by the Volador chant. Volador spits at Averno, who always seems to spit directly in the eye. Averno responds by booting Volador out. Valiente back in, Mephisto holds him up, walks a bit, and drops him with Devil's Wings. Averno is much quicker with Místico, but insists on letting Máximo take the pin.

2: Crowd still loud for Volador, but he's thrown down on the floor. Rudos press slam him onto the edge of the apron. Maximo's left in with Valiente and pleads for Valiente tn to to hit him. Averno breaks it before he can, and Máximo chops Valiente down. Valiente looks so betrayed. Máximo running back elbow knocked Valiente down again. Mephisto kicks Valiente questionably low. Mistico takes a big flapjack and is thrown out. Volador gets in a headscissors on Averno, but Mephisto kicks him down. Volador rolls out before the rudos can do much more for him. Máximo suplexes Místico, then the rudos hold him off the apron for an Averno dropkick to the floor. Máximo Máximo mocks Mistico's pose. Meanwhile, Averno left along with Volador – Volador plancha, torito one two three.

80th promo. Missed one earlier.

3: Místico chases Mephisto outside and ends up with a diving headscissors on him. Edit. Volador in and flipping to set up a headscissors on Maximo. Boost headscissors takes care of Mephisto. Fireman's escape headscissors on Averno finishes it. Volador poses. Máximo walks out rather than face Valiente. Averno is annoyed. Máximo walks all the way to the entrance and comes back as the other two avoid. Valiente springboard backflip armdrag sends Averno out, then more counters on Mephisto sets up a monkey flip. Crowd approves so Valiente gives them one more. Máximo in, missing a clothesline and taking a quebradora con giro. And a second! Maximo rolls out for safety. Other rudos kick him down, other técnicos springboard headscissors them down, técnicos high five, double tope con giro by Volador and Místico, tope the other way by Valiente. Edit again. Místico and Máximo in, Máximo slips in a kiss and Místico falls over. Averno and Mephisto run in to help, Místico falls awkwardly on a double back elbow, but takes a triple faceslam fine. Máximo covers, but Volador breaks it up with a kick to the face. Rudos kick him out and slam Valiente. Everyone goes up for headbutts, distracted by the Valiente chant. Triple headbutt miss, Valiente rolling the other way. Valiente cradles Averno, Místico huracanrana on Mephisto, Volador way late superkick on Máximo, and everyone's kicked out by the time he gets there. Everyone but Mephisto and Valiente clear out, Valiente backflips into the position for the Valiente Buster one two Averno breaks it up. Averno Devil's Wings lands, Volador attacks before he even cover, superkick, backcracker one t- Máximo tries to break it up and sentons Averno by mistake. They get it together to kick Volador. Volador flips Místico the apron (where he lands badly). Místico springboard dropkick knocks Volador down by mistake. Místico is concerned, and kicked down by the rudos. Valiente returns, dropkicks Máximo and Averno out, then flips Mephisto the apron and chops him to the floor. Valiente backs up, runs, and lands the Valiente Special. Místico and Averno left in, evasion, La Mistica on Averno. Máximo and Volador in after, Máximo sets up the big kiss, Volador breaks away and starts punching Místico. Mask pulled off. Maya is confused, Mephisto alertly covers Místico, and that's it.

Announcers make the point that what Místico did was a mistake, but Volador attacked on purpose. Místico gets his mask back, so Volador attempts to rip it off. Replays and done.