CMLL on Televisa #1121 (09/29/2012) 
Recapped: 09/29/2012

Match 1: Blue Panther, La Sombra, Prince Devitt © vs Dragón Rojo Jr. ©, Mr. Águila, Taichi
Arena Mexico, 09/21/2012

  1. técnicos

  2. técnicos
  3. rudos

Winner: rudos (2-1)
Match Time: 14:39
Rating: ok
Notes: Referee is Maya. Mije is with the rudos.

1: Taichi and Dragon Rojo try to walk out immediately. It doesn't take. Rojo switches to running only from Devitt. Devitt's leg is taped up here. Clip to Panther and Taichi on the mat, an atypical combination. It's much more of a scramble, and Panther putting himself in hold that he can get out of. Dragon Rojo stomps Panther to break it up, técnicos storm in, Maya turns to stop them, and Aguila and Taichi both stomp Panther for a while. Dragon Rojo runs away from his shadow. Panther gets up enough to take a shot at a typically weird looking Aguila. Aguila misses a corner charge, Panther hiptosses him away, and tags in Sombra for a top rope plancha. Off the ropes evasion, dueling flipping runs, Sombra is just after. Headscissors sends Aguila out. Rojo in with a plancha to flatten Sombra, but only two. Corner whip, Sombra moves, Rojo hits the corner and stay in. Devitt swing kicks him from outside. Sombra quickly tagged him in there. Russian legsweep in to a side chinlock – is that new? Taichi breaks it up, and lets Rojo go at it. Corner whip, Devitt goes in hard, Rojo adds a low blow dropkick. Replay of that, and Devitt screaming as Rojo charges in. panther in, Aguila and Taichi whip him, corner clothesline, Aguila corner back elbow. Taichi whipped in once more, for a jumping high kick. Rojo was just hanging on the apron for whatever reason. Rojo in, Anibalina, that's it.

Sombra in. Rojo grabs him, Taichi superkicks, only gets the rudo. Sombra dropkicks Taichi, but walks right into an Aguila Destroyer. That's enough for the pin.

Announcers say hello.

Leyenda de Azul is 10/12

CMLL Cartela: Sunday – Valiente, La Mascara, Blue Panther vs Volador, Rey Bucanero, Tiger

2: Rudos chop around Panther. Aguila takes too long, and Panther takes him down and punches until Taichi makes the save. They stomp Panther out, and kick down Sombra as he comes in. Dragon Rojo big boot to Sombra, stomp, cover, one two no. Dragon Rojo does not win on a stomp. Devitt kicked and forearmed as he comes in. Snap mare, forehead bite. Dragon Rojo is warned, keeps bitting. Rojo breaks just as Panther comes in to argue. Maya turns to toss him out, and Aguila reacts in to stomp Devitt again. Aguila is having quite a match of running in for stomps. Aguila tagged in, Devitt corner whip, Aguila clothesline, oh no he's going down to all fours. Sigh. Devitt lands the boost dropkick, as he does by surprise in every match. Sombra dropkicks Rojo out, and Devitt tope con giros on to him. Taichi misses a charge on Sombra, Panther ties him up, and Sombra takes care of Aguila. Poor Taichi is stuck in the hold forever because Panther never notices Maya has signaled the submission (from behind him) and rushes off to count the pin. It's almost like they could use two refs.

3: Dragon Rojo slides out on Devitt right away. Taichi and Panther instead. Taichi lands a side kick in the corner and lets everyone know about it for a while, then panther clotheslines him before he can try again. Panther pounds Taichi until Aguila runs into break it up with a kick, leaving immediately. Sombra comes in and points at Aguila. Taichi leisurely works over Panther with kicks, pausing for a long double thumbs down motion, then revving himself up for buzzsaw kick that misses. Panther grab Taichi for a hold, rudos break it up, rudos run for their lives. Referee kicks the técnico out, and Taichi and Aguila manage a low catapult hold, clothesline, legdrop combo. Aguila whips a parnter in the corner to set up a really slow kip up and reverse roll up bit, if that's what it was. Aguila stands up right into a Sombra springboard leg lariat. Sombra dropkicks Aguila and covers, but Rojo breaks it up. Aguila reverses to his own cradle, but Sombra already has a foot on the ropes. Aguila slaps Sombra, off the ropes, into a powerslam. Rojo's turn to break up a pin and run away. He's going to wear out his heels, all the backpedaling he's doing. Rudos hold Sombra in the corner, and Mije gets in a shot. Rojo pulls Sombra out, and Sombra lays him out with one chop. Shirt off. Sombra off the ropes, headscissors – no, Rojo drops him face first one two Panther breaks it up. Rojo argues with the ref, Sombra cradles him one two No. Rojo shoves Sombra into the técnico corner, and Devitt tags himself in. Devitt pose! Pointing, circling. Rojo actually fights this time, forearms and chops back and forth. Whip, Rojo drops down, Devitt dropkicks him in the face and poses. Devitt goes for Rojo's mask, but Rojo high kicks him away. Corner whip, corner clothesline, Rojo runs back the other way but Devitt is right behind him for a dropkick. Devitt up top, Aguila rush in and kicks him off, and Panther shoulderblocks Panther out. Aguila sent flip on Panther, Sombra breaks it up with a springboard splash, Panther covers, Taichi wanders in and breaks it up. Panther chops Taichi into the corner, corner charge, Aguila kicks him away, Aguila kicks him back once more, Aguila kicks a third time, Panther catches it, Aguila flips away, and Sombra springboard dropkicks him out. Panther topes Aguila, just getting there. Taichi and Sombra in, Taichi drops down, rolls, rolls, and rolls right out. Sombra keep running and topes Taichi, who spins around on the floor. Captains in. Rojo kicks Devitt, misses a clothesline and eats Devitt's backflip kick. Bloody Sunday – no, Dragon escapes, Devitt clothesline misses, charge, 'rana turned into the Dragon Bomb. One two three.

Dragon Rojo is very happy with himself. Rudos pose, though Taichi is still out on the floor for part of it. Aguila and Taichi stomp Devitt while Rojo makes belt motions.

Dragon Rojo demands a shot at the title, though he doesn't quite seem to remember the name of the title. He gets the idea across. Crowd is behind him. Devitt responds in Spanish, accepting the match. Rojo is thrilled. Replays.

CMLL Cartela: Tuesday – Mascara Dorada, Diamante Azul, Shocker vs TRT

CMLL Informa!

Match 2: La Máscara, Máximo, Rush © vs Rey Bucanero, Terrible ©, Último Guerrero
Arena Mexico, 09/21/2012

  1. rudos

  2. técnicos
  3. rudos

Winner: rudos
Match Time: 10:12
Rating: ok
Notes: Entrances. Mascara has his belt. Ultimo Guerrero has a belt! I have absolutely no idea what belt this is. Oh, no, I do, it's the Guatemala FMLL Champion de Monde belt. He's got a new Azteca neck/shoulders cover, like Sangre Azteca used to wear. New pants too. Comandante is with Terrible and Bucanero (wearing his Guerrero pants under his TRT gear, huh.) Terrible fully expects Rush to meet him on the ramp for a fight, but still misses his kick. Punch fight is interrupted by Bucanero shoving Rush, which is all Terrible needs to punch and slap Rush down. Tirantes is ref.

1: Terrible yanks Rush around outside and runs him into the post as the other two take care of the Brazo kids. Máximo takes the rolling senton, but no pin, Rush charges in, Terrible slaps him around, and gives him what amounts to a running knee. Shot for Mascara for standing on the apron. Terrible pose on the ropes. The two have trouble with a whip, then Terrible just shoulders Rush out. Mascara in, but his first kick is caught, and the rudos lead him outside for the flying sit. Máximo takes a Bucanero rolling back elbow, and the senton de la muerte. Whip, spinebuster, Pulpo Guerrero, Máximo is done. Tormenta Bucanero on Mascara for three. That doesn't win falls that often, though it should. Terrible jumps on Rush on the outside.

2: Terrible shoves Máximo down, headbutts him, splashees him, then rolls him to the rudo corner to face someone new. Máscara tags in, but Rush gets annoyed by the crowd and demands to come in. Rush yells at kicks and chops Terrible. Terrible puts up a stop sign and spits at Rush. Rush fumes. Chop fight, Terrible wins via kick. Terrible kicks Rush in the head, off the ropes, into Rush' wheel kick. Rush runs, tope con giro wipes out Terrible. Other four in, técnicos quickly take. Not much of a fall here.

Rush throws Terrible into the barricade a few times and poses. La Máscara holds Ultimo Guerrero for a kiss, but the técnicos just stop short. If Bucanero broke it up, we couldn't see it.

3: Bucanero takes Mascara down and goes at him with punches. Bucanero backs up to taunt, giving Mascara time to take off his shirt, and catch Bucanero in a quebradora. UG knocks down Mascara and flips him to the apron, swing kick, headscissors, UG rolls out. Mascara taunts Terrible in, and tags Rush. Rush comes in, then dismisses Terrible, walks out, and poses. Tecnicos are slightly confused. Rush makes fun of Terrible's lack of hair. Tags, and Guerrero and Máximo are in. Máximo goes for the kiss once, UG shoves him away, Máximo back with a headiscosors. Bucanero tries his luck and is slide out on his chest. UG strikes, Máximo blocks everything and gets in the kiss. Terrible in, tag to Rush again. Terrible is fine with this, and waves the crowd to cheer. Rush shoves him. Terrible dropkicks. Rush moves and stomps him. Double stomp actually misses, but Rush keeps kneeling down and punching. Rush rips off Terrible's (invsible) hair and kicks it in the crowd, then points to it. Crowd is unhappy. Stomp for Terrible. Chops. Whip, reversed, Rush over, under, Terrible of the ropes, Rush right behind and dropping him with an elbow smash. Crowd boos as Rush looks at them. Corner whip, Rush cuts his throat, runs, stops, and slaps Terrible in the corner. Terrible waits for Rush to pose and dropkicks him. Rush out, Terrible runs, tope! Other four, Mascara boost dropkick send the other rudos tumbling out, and the técnicos follow with topes. Bucanero takes a big pratfall on Maximo's. Rush and Terrible in. Terrible fired up, Rush very unhappy with both the situation and the crowd. Chop fight, Rush ducks and slaps Terrible in the face to get the edge. Rush poses, back up, charge misses, and Terrible clotheslines him. Terrible cuts his throat, rush picked up, Schwein one two three.

Well, that was a lot easier this week. Rudos celebrate. Crowd isn't as loud as you'd think to the pinfall, but do chant for Terrible as he poses. UG & Rey Bucanero hurry to the back while the other four are left -

- but cut to highlights instead. Show ends with a promo for Devitt vs Dragon Rojo