CMLL Guerreros del Ring on 52MX #357 (09/22/2012) 
Recapped: 09/22/2012

Match 1: Sagrado vs Tiger in a lightning match
Arena Mexico, 09/16/2012

Winner: Sagrado
Match Time: 5:02
Rating: eh
Notes: Referee is Pompin.

The clock is on 18 seconds by the time they've shown the match. Mat work doesn't last long, and Tiger quickly gets in his low blow dropkick. Whip, reversed, and Sagrado gets in the quebradora. Tiger flips Sagrado to the apron, Sagrado swing kicks him down, then comes in with a silla. Headscissors, and Tiger makes a left turn to get out. Sagrado wallops him with a tope. Replays. Sagrado waits for Tiger, but still misses a dropkick. Tiger hangs Sagrado and gives him a running kick to the chest. Tiger leaves him hanging for a dropkick to the chest. Whip, head down too soon, Sagrada kicks and chops him. Corner whip, reversed, Sagrado sit on the middle rope and comes off with a headscissors. Tiger out, Sagrado slides out, Tiger slides in, Sagrado comes in, evasion, and Tiger gets in the fast dropkick. Sagrado out, Tiger tornillo to follow. Multiple replays of tornillo. Tiger waits for Sagrado, and slaps him on the apron. Turnbuckle smash is blocked always, Sagrado swing kick, top rope plancha – misses everything. Casita - is too slow, and Sagrado reverses to a cradle for two. Sagrado 'rana turned into a powerbomb, one Pompin stop it for a foot on the middle rope. Crowd looks bored Know the feeling. Corner whip, charge, Sagrado kips up and rolls out, then dropkicks Tiger back in corner. Chop, Sagrado puts Tiger on top rana 'ranas him off. One two NO. Sagrado clothesline caught by Tiger, Tiger shoves him into Pompin, then fouls him. Small package one two three.

Match 2: Marco Corleone, Máximo, Prince Devitt © vs Dragón Rojo Jr. ©, Rey Escorpión, Taichi
Arena Mexico, 09/16/2012

  1. rudos

  2. técnicos
  3. rudos

Winner: rudos (2-1)
Match Time: 13:16
Rating: okay
Notes: Referee is Bestia Negra, who looks like he's lost some weight.

1: Máximo and Scorpio have a very Máximo open. Taichi and Marco take turns competing for reactions, which may be as good as it'll get for Taichi. He does the Marco dance, so my gif is done. Taichi refuses to lockup. Escorpion gives Taichi advice. I can't imagine what that could be. Marco finally punches him, and hands back off to Máximo to tease the kiss. Rey Escorpion runs without a tag to help out, and Dragon Rojo charges in to taunt Devitt. Devitt cracks Rojo with a clothesline, but Rojo spears him on the next pass. I'm sending a pattern. Rojo whips Devitt into the corner, and follows with the low blow dropkick. Devitt rolls out of the corner, and all the way into a knee choke. Rudos take Devitt to the outside for the flying sit. Marco in, but Escorpion slaps him around. No problem slapping him here. Double clothesline with Taichi, then Escorpion slams Marco himself. Tag to Rojo for the top rope splash one two three. Escorpion submits Máximo to finish the fall.

2: Rudos hold the ring, and there's only token acknowledgment of the old tag rules. They're coming and going and staying as long as they'd like. Double boot for Devitt. Marco charges in, Taichi kicks him in the face and throat repeatedly. Snap mare, kick to the spine, Marco can't dance. Rudos hold Marco on the corner for Taichi to hit and choke. Máximo grabs Taichi's leg, but Escorpion helps out and slaps Máximo down. Whip, back elbow, and taunt to Devitt. Devitt just comes in and starts hitting Escorpion, so the other rudos have to help out. Corner whip, corner clothesline, Escorpion goes to all fours, but Devitt jumps off Escorpion to dropkick Dragon Rojo. Marco punches Escorpion and avoids Taichi's dropkick. Máximo blocks all of Taichi shots and kisses him. Taichi freaks out. Máximo holds him down as Marco lands the Aero Italiano on Rey Escorpion for the fall. Dragon Rojo runs from Devitt, but Devitt catches up to him on the ramp and elbows and stomps him a bit.

3: Escorpion calls Marco in, much to his regret. Marco points out his height advantage, poses, and no sells Escorpion's chops before doing the dramatic over sell and mocking the chops to Máximo (who is hurt by Marco's fake chops.) Rey Escorpion's clotheslines do not work any better for him, Taichi attacks Marco from behind and dances himself, then Escorpion gets in stomps. Corner whip, Marco chops over, under a double clothesline, springboard double clothesline on both and pose. Rojo in, but Devitt scares him away. Rojo turns up the stage, but Devitt just runs after him and punches him there. Devitt punches and chops Dragon Rojo all the way back to the ring. Rojo rolls out, and Escorpion cuts him off. Match resumes with Taichi kick Máximo in the chest hard. Máximo catches one and goes for the kiss, which Taichi begs off. Máximo off the ropes, cartwheel, under a clothesline, back with a headscissors. Rey Escorpion kicks Máximo in the corner but misses a splash and takes a double springboard headscissors. Escorpion out, Taichi fakes and dive and poses. Rojo in, Devitt in. Chops and forearms to the face. Rojo wins with kicks and forearms to the back. Stomps. Rojo screams. Crowd boos. Rojo off the ropes, clothesline misses, Devitt connects on his backflip kick. Devitt goes for Rojo's mask! Rojo kicks him away. Devitt charges Devitt and takes a boot, Rojo climbs tot he middle rope and Devitt kicks him out. Plancha to the floor. Marco charges in, Taichi moves to of the way and kicks him in the shoulder, then a spinning heel kick to the midsection. Big kick misses, Mark of Excellence, one two three. Máximo 'rana on Escorpion for the other pin.

Devitt throws Dragon Rojo into the barricade.

Match 3: Atlantis & Diamante Azul vs Felino & Mr. Niebla for the CMLL World Tag Team Championship
Arena Mexico, 09/16/2012

  1. rudos

  2. técnicos
  3. técnicos

Winner: técnicos
Match Time: 17:28
Rating: ok
Notes: Atlantis entrance is only shown in the introductions. Zacarias is with the rudos and is heraed from a lot. Referee is Terror Chino.

1: Felino and Azul scramble on the ground, or more Felino holds down Azul a lot and Azul does his best not to be submitted. Felino near gets his figure four lock, but I guess it's not it because Azul doesn't give. Niebla and Atlantis also do mat work, with Niebla trying to pull of Atlantis' head on a headscissors only Atlantis to get on top for a pin. Holds and two counts. Atlantis armdrags Niebla out. Niebla and Felino discuss, and Niebla comes back in. Both técnicos charge, and the challenges drop them with a clothesline and a quebradora. Felino and Niebla kiss, Felino drops Azul for a Niebla top rope splash, and submits Atlantis for the win.

2: Felino pats the belt. Niebla slaps and punches Atlantis around. Niebla holds Atlantis over the ropes for a Felino running headbutt. Corner clothesline, and slaps. Felino takes over with a kick to the face. Slap knocks Atlantis down. Punches. Kicks to the chest, bodyscissors chinlocks submission, but Atlantis escapes. Felino holds on and tags in Niebla. Niebla back to slapping. Niebla fans are excited, everyone else not so much. Niebla slaps Atlantis in the face, down goes Atlantis. Spit at Azul. Felino clotheslines Niebla. Snap mare, and Niebla in with a back elbow. Rudos are making frequent tags. Atlantis crawls to make one, but Niebla grabs him by his trunks. Slap, and Atlantis makes the tag to Azul anyway. Azul is excited, but also just stands around until Niebla kicks and punches him. Chops. Corner whip, Felino whipped in with a clothesline, Niebla follows with a slap. Felino punches Azul out of the ring. Felino fakes a handshake and chops Atlantis back. Chops in the corner, with Zacarias hitting Atlantis from the outside too. Corner whip, Atlantis moves, Niebla this the corner, quebradoras for both. Azul up top, top rope missile dropkick this both rudos. Casadoras, cradle on Felino, spitting mecedora with Niebla. Both are done.

3: Zacarias tries to walk off with the belts. Niebla shoulderblock can't knock down Diamante Azul. He tries again, still no luck. Azul off the ropes, Niebla just stare at him, and Azul clotheslines him. Azul monkey flips sends Niebla across the ring. Azul slaps Niebla Niebla style, then flattens him with the corner senton. Armdrags on Felino, and a superkick sends him out. Atlantis and Niebla in, Atlantis monkey flips Niebla a couple times, side to side, and dropkicks him out. Felino armpits Atlantis, but Atlantis rallies back to quebradora. Atlantis cradle for two, Felino cradle for two. Atlantis camel clutch! That is random. Felino tries to crawl loose, but Atlantis just falls on his back to pull Felino. Felino won't give, and gets free. Senton on Atlantis, one two no. Hammerlock/headscissors one two NO. Atlantis cross armbreaker, but Niebla breaks up with a legdrop. Niebla celebrates, spits, and gets a camera wet. Felino and Atlantis continue their battle of holds until Felino just rolls out. Niebla/Azul chop fight won by Niebla. Whip, Azul sunset flip one two no Niebla on top one two NO. Azul surprise small package one two NO. Niebla fireman's drop, out to the apron, and climbing up top – no, he crotches himself. Azul grabs Niebla and nearly loses him on the odd angle superplex. Cover for two. Niebla rolls and tags in Niebla, and Atlantis comes in for the técnicos. Atlantis misses a dropkick, Niebla helps whip him into Azul – who fails to flip Atlantis to the apron. Not sure who's fault, Atlantis didn't really jump for the flip either. Rudos try whipping the técnicos in each other, técnicos reverse it, and Atlantis sort of waves Azul by a little bit into a dropkick to both. Stereo tope spot looks good, anyway. Replays. Rudos whip Atlantis to the corner again, Azul flips him this time and kicks the rudo away, Atlantis plancha, Azul splash, everyone up, rudos clothesline técnicos, técnicos don't go down, rudos try again, and the técnicos do down. Rudos dance. Niebla spit – is not caught in the mouth but o the hand. Niebla goes to put th spit in his mouth, and Azul walks up from behind - German suplex, Atlantida, done.