CMLL on CadenaTres #241 (07/14/2012) 
Recapped: 07/15/2012

Match 1: Dalis la Caribeña, Dark Angel, Lluvia vs Lady Apache, Mima Shimoda, Zeuxis
Arena Mexico, 07/10/2012

  1. rudas

  2. tecnicas
  3. rudas

Winner: rudas
Match Time: 12:35
Rating: eh
Notes: Everyone stands around and talks before the match. Maybe they're discussing Mima's new hair? Zeuxis has a punk mohawk now, very Christina Von Eerie. Referee is Bestia Negra.

1: Dark Angel and Zeuxis start, though Angel would still rather face Apache. Mat wrestling leads to a Angel double armbar. Other rudas rush in, break that up, and clear the tecinicas from the apron. Apache leaves, but comes back with a flying axhandle. Clothesline to one corner, clothesline to another, snap mare, and tag to Zeuxis. Zeuxis drop toe hold, Apache missile dropkick. Mima kicks Lluvia around. Spinebuster, wheelbarrow backcracker on Lluvia by the other rudas. Dalis and Zeuxis manage to make a clothesline look bad. Apache & Mima give her ax kicks to head. Zeuxis gets Lluvia over on a pumphandle powerslam (barely at the end) and Apache submits Dark Angel to take the fall.

2: Zeuxis crushes Mima with a jumping corner kneelift. Rudas badly kick Dark Angel around in the corner before Mima goes for even more hairpulls. That and kicking are her offense this match. Apache keeps Dark Angel in. Zeuxis back elbows her and Dark angel rolls out anyway. Hooray. Rudas enjoy kneelifting Lluvia. I don't know. Dalis actually gets in a kick, but Apache gets control on her own, holds Dalis for a backbreaker, and Zeuxis gives Dails a running kick to the face. That looked brutal, but Dalis doesn't act much hurt. Apache holds the non-Canadians, but Mima and Zeuxis miss on missile dropkicks. Six way brawl includes Angel toping Lady Apache despite getting her feet caught in the ropes yet again, Lluvia winning on a middle rope reverse splash of all things, and Dalis and Zeuxis needing about three tries to get their finish to work.

3: Zeuxis and Lluvia do not start with dueling forearms, but Zeuxis has a nice northern lights suplex. Lluvia smoothly ducks out between the ropes, but blows her push off headscissors and has to work in an armdrag. Lluvia headscissors isn't good, leg DDT is much easier for her to pull off. Apache rolls in, poses, and is immediately dropkicked by Dark Angel. Kicks and slaps and punches as usual. Whip, quick revers into an Apache hair pull. She sends Dark Angel into the corner and goes equally crazy on her. Apache powerbomb reversed into a Dark Angel 'rana, and Dark Angel stop to dance. Apache clothesline misses, Dark Angel casadora armdrag, and pose. Less said about Mima and Dalis fighting, the better. Dalis gives Mima a running kick to the chest where she seems very careful not to actually hit her. Mima kicks Dalis in the hair repeatedly. There are some bad kicks to the midsection even. Northern lights suplex by Dalis, but she can't keep the bridge and has to lean over to cover. Mima comes back with more kicks to the hair. Zeuxis comes in to help, and just feeds herself into Dalis' moves. Lesser técnicos dropkick the lesser rudas out. Dalis helps Lluvia to the top rope, and she planchas both. Zeuxis back up just in time to take a Dalis silla. Feuding too in, Atlantis and escape bit, Dark Angel small package one two three.

Match 2: Cancerbero, Puma King, Raziel vs Fuego, Rey Cometa, Triton
Arena Mexico, 07/10/2012

  1. rudos

  2. técnicos
  3. rudos

Winner: rudos (2-1)
Match Time: 15:43
Rating: good
Notes: Ref is Pompin.

1: Rey Cometa and Puma King start, but Puma rethinks that. Raziel tags in, and Comet can't get around him to get to Puma. ANSWER THE PHONE. Raziel ties up Cometa in a mask pulling bow and arrow for a moment, but is forced to let go. Raziel has his way with Cometa early, Cometa holds him for a moment in a leg hold, and Raziel gets out of that to put on his own holds. Cometa is ready to do zero pins and tag out, but Raziel sends him into the ropes, Cometa misses a dropkick, and Raziel slowly bridges over for a two count. Cancerbero turns and talks to Puma on the apron, perhaps asking Puma how he has any trouble with this guy. Tags. Cancerbero and Fuego in next. Cancerbero forces Fuego down in an armbar for a while. Cancerberos aren't playing this week, I guess. Armdrags go the big man's way at first, but Fuego does get his own, and kips up into one to slide Cancerbero out. Puma slingshots in, Triton springboards in, but Cometa jumps in himself and backs out his friend. (Triton fixes his pants.) Puma dropkick Cometa. Chop. Corner whip, reversed, Cometa charge in, Puma flips Cometa to the apron, Puma swings and misses, and Puma superkicks him off the apron. Triton springboard planchas on puma [2], handspring [3], Puma misses a clothesline, Triton shoulderblocks him, runs up the ropes, falls off to the apron, slaps Puma away, and springboards back in with a headscissors. Triton with a handspring fakeout [4], Cometa crushes Puma with a top rope tornillo. Bucanero counts 3 spins. Triton ducks a Raziel clothesline, Triton shoulderblocks Raziel, runs up the ropes, but Cancerbero is there to trip him up. Raziel suplex, Triton with the reverse flying silla, one two three.

Fuego dropkicks Cancerbero, charges, Cancerbero flips him up, holds him up for his kicks to the chest, and tosses Fuego out to the ramp. Cancerbero pulls Fuego back in, ties him in the ropes, tags in Raziel, and Raziel dropkicks him in the head. Corner, three.

Puma throws Cometa into the barricade and the post on the outside.

2: Puma clotheslines Cometa and goes after his mask. Whip, backdrop. Puma dropkick to the side to send him out. Cancerbero offers Triton a handshake, cant' get it, and slaps Triton around for being rudo. Triton whipped into Puma's boot. Raziel spinning back elbow for Triton. Cancerbero top rope elbow smash for Triton. Triton tries to roll out but is stopped. Cancerbero headbutts the arm. Puma axhandles the left arm. Whip, superkick lays out poor Triton. Puma stands on top and poses. Raziel tags in, ref says he's not close enough to the corner, Raziel takes two steps, tags in again, then points to the ref to make sure it's okay. Slingshot kick to the arm. Raziel grabs Triton's mask to rip it, but he's warned. Dropkick sends Triton out, after all that time trying to keep it it in. Fuego kicks wildly at Raziel, but isn't close and Cancerbero kicks him out. Corner whip, clothesline to the back, Raziel sets Fuego up top, Cancerbero chops him over and Raziel adds the tree of woe dropkick. Tag to Cancerbero, Raziel saying in. Whip, boost dropkick and Fuego knocks Cancerbero to the floor. Drop toe hold, Flashina, one two three!

Cancerbero kicks out Fuego, Triton springboard headscissors him, Triton walk up the ropes moonsault to the floor on him. Feuding to in, Cometa torito, Puma rolls thru, rolls Cometa backwards, shoves him into the ropes, Cometa casadora into - no, Puma reinera! - no, Cometa inside cradle, Puma rolls thru, and almost takes out the ref in the process. Puma off the ropes, into the one man standing moonsault slam. One two there.

Cometa goes after Puma's mask. Raziel and the doctor check on Cancerbero. Replay shows Cancerbero banged the back of his head into the barricade.

3: To start the fall, Puma runs away from Cometa. Triton and Raziel in, though Raziel first has to wave his finger at Triton. No more flipping. Triton rolls a lot instead heel kicks Raziel. Triton slaps Raziel into the ropes. Whip, reversed, Triton flipping run, Raziel misses a clothesline and headscissors him out. Triton teases a dive. Fuego in and rolling around until Cancerbero back elbows him. Cancerbero slaps Fuego down in the corner. Corner whip, Raziel out and rolling, Cancerbero charges into a backdrop. Cancerbero misses a clothesline, Fuego backdrop escape armdrag. Cometa flips in, and Puma immediately clotheslines him and punches and stomps him. Whip, reversed, Puma slides under, Cometa back with backflip into a spinning headscissors. Puma out, Cometa out after him, and they brawl. Rudos are closer and help out, so the técnicos come over and fight them off. Fuego ends up in with the Cancerbero. Double back elbow, double armbar and double leglock, Triton breaks it up with a missile dropkick (which causes Fuego to go down too.) Triton helps Fuego up, and they both do tope con giros onto the rudos. Cometa walks past the carnage and comes back in to face Puma. Flipping run evasion, Cometa back spin headscissors, Puma foul punches him and cradles him, one two three.

Match 3: Delta, Guerrero Maya Jr., Stuka Jr. vs Niebla Roja, Pólvora, Vangelis
Arena Mexico, 07/10/2012

  1. rudos

  2. técnicos
  3. técnicos

Winner: técnicos (2-1)
Match Time: 16:48
Rating: good
Notes: Referee is Terror Chino

1: Maya and Roja have a good mat battle, with Maya getting to a headstand headscissors in an odd way, before the usual zero pins and armdrag to end it. Delta vs Pólvora is only interesting for the odd hesitations. Pólvora walks out before Delta is done, but it's Delta fault for stopping to pose. Delta tries to taunt Pólvora back in, but he will not go back in. Vangelis has very white gear. It's his favorite color! Vangelis corner whipping Stuka to the apron starts the starts the end game, with rudo bumbling, Niebla dropping down off the apron for no reason (someone forget to hit him?) and a triple tope. Delta and Pólvora return so Delta can miss the moonsault – Pólvora got his feet up, but Delta was missing it anyway, and Pólvora covers for the pin.

2: Rudos stay in control. Niebla Roja figures out he can beat up people on the outside even if he's not allowed inside, and tosses Stuka face first onto the apron. Niebla Roja comes in to give Delta the required flapjack, kick to the chest bit. Pólvora gives Maya the old corner clothesline, bulldog out combo, though Maya manages to fall on his back taking a bulldog. Maybe that one is not as familiar to him. Vangelis' spear goes better. Rudos misses a double clothesline, Maya dropkick Vangelis off the apron, Niebla Roja superkicks Pólvora by mistake, Roja kicks Maya down, but Delta springboard headscissors him out and topes – Vangelis, I guess. Roja back in, Maya lifts him on his shoulders, points to Stuka drops him – no, Niebla Roja small packages Maya one two three. That was unexpected.

Maya's not the captain so this goes on. Stuka dropkicks Roja out. Stuka runs, but Pólvora cut shim off with a shoulderblock. Pólvora must yell. Pólvora springboard plancha?!?! That fails. Stuka fireman's drop, up top, torpedo splash, one two three. Pólvora is the captain, so that's it.

3: Roja takes Stuka's monkey flips, but Pólvora takes Stuka out with a dropkick. Delta and Pólvora get so lost that no one even boos, they're just too confused. Back spin headscissors sends the rudo out, and Delta does his usual roll over the top headscissors. Maya armdrags and headscissors Vangelis out. Stuka and Roja brawl out of the ring, then in it, then Stuka just misses a charge and throws himself out of the ring. Niebla Roja tope con giros him from the apron. Vangelis misses a dropkick and slide out, and Maya destroys him and the front row with a tope con giro. Fans knew to move. Delta 'rana on Pólvora, Pólvora rolls thru for two. Delta sits Pólvora on the top rope 'rana, for there, and a pin for the win

Stellar Moments

Llave: Cancerbero gives Starman a Gori Bomb into nudo laguenro
Triumph: Rey Cometa 450 splash on Puma King
Lance: Valiente Special on Ephesto
Tecnico: Diamante Azul German suplex on Volador Jr.
Spectacular: Titan springboard tornillo on Euforia.

Match 4: Ángel de Oro, La Máscara, Máscara Dorada vs Euforia, Mr. Niebla, Rey Escórpion
Arena Mexico, 07/10/2012

  1. rudos

  2. técnicos
  3. técnicos

Winner: técnicos (2-1)
Match Time: 10:54
Rating: eh
Notes: Mascara Dorada has a new Mascara Dorada t-shirt. Rey Escorpion and Euforia come out together to the Guerreros music, which is odd. Zac is with Niebla, but has to remove his furry boats before the match. Referee is Tirantes.

1: Euforia and Mascara start, Mascara gets a hold, Escorpion breaks it up, Mascara superkicks Escorpion the first chance he gets, and that's your feud. Mascara chases Escorpion out, but the rudos get the better of the fight. They all fight in the ring, paying no attention to Tirantes count, but he's counting in a way where he's clearly not going to bother to countout anyone out. Everyone randomly settles down so Escorpion and Mascara (with a freshly united mask) can slap. Rudo wins that, and keeps Mascara in. Rudos hold the técnico over the rope so Zac acan get in some shots, and then Escorpion just kicks him out anyway. Zac lands the 619 on Dorada. Niebla slaps Oro in the face. Rudos almost have a timing issue on a double suplex, but still set up Niebla's top rope splash. Director is unaware who the captain is, and don't show Euforia finishing Dorada until he's already done in.

2: Mr. Niebla bites Angel de Oro in the shoulder, and in the chest. He is weird. Rudos breakdown into the brawling beatdown again, with the camera confusing on Mr. Niebla and Angel de Oro as much as Escorpion & Mascara's slap battle. Mascara starts the comeback with the usual corner charge avoidance, with everyone knocking everyone else doing normal until Mr. Niebla decides to dance his way to the apron and fall off rather than taking Dorada's move. Dorada responds by doing a super tope con giro to the floor. Other four in, Oro jumps into an Escorpion powerbomb, then Escorpion pulls of Mascara's mask as he puts on Euforia in the campana.

3: Mascara is off getting a new mask, the rudos holding his previous mask hostage. This should be the técnico stretch, but Euforia slaps around Angel de Oro, follows by Niebla slapping around Angel de Oro. Oro gets no comeback. Rudos beat up Dorada as Mascara grabs this arm and struggles back to the ring. I'm not sure why he's hurting, and neither is he, since he headscissors Escorpion as he confronts him with no problem. Euforia stops that. Escorpion throws Mascara back in, sets him on the top rope, yanks at the new mask, and pulls it off. This is right on camera, and Tirantes sees it. DQ.

Rey Escorpion seems to want to get away it with it for a moment, then the rudos all stomp Mascara some more. Mascara use his shirt to cover up, as Escorpion rips up the second mask and smacks Mascara with it. Tirantes walks off. The other técnicos have vanished. Escorpion punches Mascara some more. Zacarias gets in his kicks. Máscara rolls out, and Rey Escorpion kicks and stomps him him some more. Dorada sort of watches. Rambo tells Escorpion enough is enough. Mascara puts his shirt his head and gets the microphone to yell at Escorpion, though Escorpion this him again when he starts to talk. A fired up Mascara challenges for a hair vs mask match. Announcers mock Rey Escorpion's hurry to wave his head no. Mascara gets himself bleeped. Escorpion responds, until Mascara takes him down and they start to have a wild brawl in in and out of the ring. Mascara is much more concerned with hitting Escorpion then covering up his masks, but the other rudos help out and the other técnicos do not. Fight stops, restarts, and Rambo breaks it up. Fight starts again – Escorpion has lost his bandanna, and Escorpion gets the better of that too. Escorpion stops, rudos linger around, and Escorpion get in one more slap. Even Rambo has given up and gone home. Rudos leave, Mascara gets back his original mask and calls Escorpion in, they tease fighting and Escorpion rolls out.