CMLL on Televisa #1088 (07/07/2012) 
Recapped: 07/08/12

Match 1: Valiente vs Ephesto in a lightning match 
Arena Mexico, 06/29/2012

Winner: Valiente
Match Time: 5:48 (5:32 shown)
Rating: good
Notes: Ref is Babe Richard

Valiente controls the action at the start, trapping Ephesto in holds and armdragging him away. Ephesto chops Valiente, whips him, but Valiente rolls thru a sunset flip to bridge pin him for two. Ephesto back elbows Valiente for two. Valiente springboard plancha for two. Valiente up and stomping. Off the ropes, over, both pass each other, Valiente slides out thru the ropes, and Ephesto topes him. Don't do that! Ephesto makes it back in first, but turns his back on Valiente. Valiente climbs to the rope, and crushes him with a top rope crossbody. Two count. Valiente can't believe how slow that count is. Ephesto lifts Valiente up, shoulderbreaker! That was out of nowhere. One two no. No reaction because five of us know Ephesto's favorite hold. Standing legdrop, two count. Ephesto slams Valiente and heads out to the corner. Ephesto up top, steading himself, and missing the top con giro. Valiente leaps on top to cover, one two NO. Both slow up. Ephesto chops Valiente in the corner. Corner whip, Ephesto charges in, Valiente moves, Ephesto takes the knee bump out., Valiente special! Replay. Valiente held up a beat on the top rope, but we haven't seen that a lot form him. Valiente slaps Ephesto an throws him back in. Valiente lifts Ephesto up and sits him on the top rope. Valiente climbs up with Ephesto, superplex one two NO. Ephesto misses a clothesline, Valiente flips out of a quebradora, layout gutbsuter one two three.

CMLL Cartela: Sunday.

Match 2: Goya Kong vs Princesa BlancaAmapolaEstrellitaDark AngelLady ApacheTiffanyMarcelaLa SeductoraDalis la Caribeña in Infierno en en Ring
Arena Mexico, 06/29/2012

  1. Dalis escapes (3:36)

  2. Seductora escapes (6:00)
  3. Marcela escapes (8:18)
  4. Tiffany escapes (10:00)
  5. Lady Apache escapes (11:49)
  6. Dark Angel escapes (12:05)
  7. Estrellita escapes (12:46)
  8. Amapola escapes (13:26)
  9. Princesa Blanca grounded crucifix Goya Kong (19:07)

Loser: Goya Kong
Match Time: 19:07
Rating: ok
Notes: Rudas enter as a group (and pose on the stage together), then the técnicas do the same. Tecnicas are hesitant to enter because the rudas are waiting for them. The brawl breaks out right away. Estrellita, who's dressed as Lara Croft this week, and Marcela climb up the cage and plancha everyone else. Estrellita climbs down a ways before leaping, while Marcela sits on the cage for a while waiting for everyone to gather together before trying hers. Whistle blows after she lands. Three minute waiting period begins.

Everyone attacks Goya, Goya fights them all off, Goya stops to dance, everyone tries to leave. Goya and the refs inform them that that's not actually legal. Tiffany gives up climbs early, and everyone brawls. Dalis gets in a headscissors, tough given the space. Seductora lands her silla on Goya with some help from Amapola. Most people are just slapping and kicking. Time for escape has minutes, seconds, and microseconds. I dunno. Blanca and Dalis have a complicated duck/kick bit while everyone else stays out of the way. That seems to be the way it's going, everyone staying in the corner. Break a few seconds after the time limit is up.

CMLL Cartela: Tuesday.

And next Friday. No names mentioned, oddly.

Brawling, and some escape attempts. Dalis slips away from everyone else and goes over the top to free herself. I'm not sure we need replays of escapes, but that's how they're going.

It's everyone fighting everyone, with rudas not holding back form rudas and like wise. Goya tries to climb, but a bunch of people end up grabbing her to stop that, and toss her off the top rope. Brawling has turned to hair pulling. Tiffany headbutts Dark Angel with her hair. Or maybe brushes her midsection with it. It does not look effective. Seductora tries to leave, but Goya pulls her off and puts her on her shoulders. Seductora grabs onto another section of cage, stomps Goya down, and climbs out to save herself.

Dark Angel and Lady Apache climbs on the cage and fight. Everyone else pulls them back. Apache and Marcela do spots in the middle of the ring, but Lady Apache taking the double underhook backcracker. Dark Angel and Princesa Blanca try to leave, get pulled back. Tiffany gives a double choke bomb. Tiffany tries to leave, but Marcela stops her. Rudas whip Marcela and Dark angel into each other, but leave Marcela to whip Dark Angel and Marcela is able to missile dropkick both. Marcela misses the bottom rope on her springboard double kneedrop for Lady Apache, but does the knee drop anyway, then climbs off Lady Apache's back to escape.

Lady Apache tosses Marcela into the cage. Amapola kicks Tiffany when aiming for Estrellita, but still kills Estrellita with a spear anyway. Amapola climbs up toe scape, but Estrellita pop back up to fight her. They grab the top of the cage, punch, and then both decide to both climb down. Estrellita does manage to armdrag Tiffany on the way down. Tiffany kicks her and climbs. Estrellita chases after her. Tiffany kicks at Estrellita, and stops to unhook one of her boots. Estrellita grabs that leg, boot comes off, Estrellita goes down, and Tiffany gets over the top. Replay shows someone inside the cage chucked the shoe at Tiffany as she went over.

Dark Angel gives Lady Apache a float around DDTs and start to climb, but Amapola stop that and pulls her down. The six left are all sorting themselves out. Blanca and Amapola send Apache, Amapola, and Dark Angel to the same corner, then sets up for a charge. Goya shoves him out of the way, charges herself, and only gets Estrellita, the other two moving. Estrellita is crushed, Lady Apache runs for it, Dark Angel grabs her by her hair, and then climbs over herself. Lady Apache chops Dark Angel back (Dark Angel shakes as if she's going to fall off the the top) and gets a leg over. Dark Angel falls down a step or two back in to the cage, and Lady Apache escapes.

Angel kicks away Amapola and Estrellita out, and pulls herself backwards over the top rope. That was agile. Dark Angel points out she still has hair as he leaves.

Down to Estrellita, Goya, Amapola and Blanca. Estrellita clotheslines the rudas, and both técnicas run for it. Amapola gets Goya, but Estrellita escapes.

Goya slaps Blanca, Amapola grabs her, and Blanca accidentally kicks Amapola. Goya knocks Blanca over, and Goya and Amapola stomp her. Whip, Amapola fireman's drop, high ten, Goya and Amapola off the ropes – nope, Amapola climbs out. Goya misses the splash anyway, but Blanca can't grab onto Amapola before she escapes. Down to two, and one fall.

Blanca tries to leave, but of course it doesn't count. Ring announcement mentions if they draw, they both lose. About a minute beak between Amapola's escape and the whistle blowing to start this. Maya is ref.

Blanca tries to clothesline Blanca, but just goes down. Blanca shoulderblock, Blanca goes down. Goya runnings senton, no one home. Blanca with some weak kicks to the back. Corner whip, Goya reverse it, corner smash. Goya shoves Blanca into the other corner, Goya runs her over again. Cover, one two NO. Goya forearm and chops. Whip, Blanca sunset flip, Goya sits down, one two NO. Goya wants a faster count. They always do. Goya gathers herself and waves support. Crowd chants for Goya, pretty loudly. Goya yanks Blanc by her hair, Blanca throw slaps and kicks. Slam – no, Goya lands on top, one two NO. Goya argues the count. Goya kicks Blanca in the face. Scoop, slam. Goya climbs up, then rethinks it. One more slam. Legdrop. Now Goya's going up. Second rope senton con giro, no one's home. (Magadan says there's no water in that pool!) Blanca covers, one, kickout, one kickout, arm and leg hooked cradle one two Goya has the ropes. Blanca can't believe it. Both slow up. Blanca shoves Goya a few times, whip, reversed, Blanca sunset flip, Goya sit, Blanca moves, Blanca cradle, one two three.

Fireworks and confetti. Ring announcer has Goya's name really quick, or editing makes it seem that way. Gloria Alvarado Nieva, 25, from Mexico City, 7 years a luchador. She unmasks, smiles, and Blanca hesitantly shakes her hand. Quick hug. Rambo is in the ring as commissioner. Goya seems to shrug off the loss and happy to be able to show her face.