CMLL Guerreros del Ring on 52MX #339 (05/19/2012) 
Recapped: 05/20/12

Announcers are JCR, JCC and Miguel.

Match 1: Marco Corleone ©, Máximo, Rush vs Rey Bucanero, Terrible ©, Tiger
Arena Puebla, 05/07/2012

  1. TRT

  2. Bufete del Amor
  3. Bufete del Amor

Winner: Bufete del Amor (2-1)
Match Time: 13:20
Rating: above okay
Notes: Tirantes is ref.

1: Máximo handles Tiger, then Terrible intimidates and slaps him into a neutral corner. Rush and Marco rush in to stick up for the friend, but the other duos attack them to start the beatdown. Tiger and Bucanero give Marco a double takedown before Terrible steps in and grabs him so Bucanero can get in the rolling senton. I don’t know that was the original plan. Both Terrible and Tiger cover, but Tirantes weirdly refuses to count until Tiger lets go. Not sure if he was accidentally holding him up or what. Neither are they, to be honest.

2: Rudos go to the usual tagging beatdown here. Máximo tries to kiss Rey, but Terrible kicks him and tries to lick Máximo. Máximo dramatically rolls backwards off Tiger's fast seated dropkick. Rush comes in without a real tag and kicks Terrible in the back, but Rey and Tiger grab him from the outside, allowing Terrible to get in a low blow kick. Máximo dodges a Tiger corner whip to start the comeback. Rush lifts Bucanero up for Marco's high dropkick, then Marco catches Tiger and sets him down for Rush's dropkick. Máximo jogs for the roe, Tiger moves, Máximo just does the apron dive on him instead. The other two lift up Terrible for suplex, and start doing crunches while holding Terrible up! Impressive, though I wouldn't be down with that if I was Terrible. Everyone lives. Marco punches Bucanero off the apron while Rush double stomp Terrible and gets the pin.

3: Terrible bullies Máximo, causing Marco (notable anti-bully!) to stick up for him. Terrible immediately tags out to Bucanero. We've all learned a lesson right there. Bucanero and Marco's usual punch/duck bit goes a little longer, with Marco ducking with Rey before playing peekaboo and punching him. Terrible comes in now, and they exchange slaps and punches. Terrible wins via leg kick, but Marco armdrags him on the run. Marco dropkick sends Terrible out. Tiger tries to pose with Marco, kicks him away on a corner charge, and still eats the springboard clothesline. Máximo back in, and Bucanero decided he’s not in. Clip here, because suddenly Tiger and Rush are fighting. Tiger's chops do not work, Rushes' definitely do. Spit at Terrible while he's at it. Running ropes evasion leads Tiger into Rush's belly to belly. Rey tags himself in, only ends up headbutted. Rush smacks Terrible around, Terrible gets him with a kick on a corner charge, Rush superkicks him, then poses instead of diving. Máximo in again, Bucanero runs from him again. Tiger again goes to posing, this time with Máximo. Tiger and Terrible have a friendly fire incident, Máximo wacky armdrags Terrible out. Bucanero in, Máximo runs the ropes, Terrible grabs his right ankle, Máximo keeps running and kind of stumbles. I think he twisted the leg coming down. Maximo's momentum takes him to the other side ropes, where he immediately rolls the floor. Bucanero is not sure what happened, and is surprise to not see Máximo getting up, Rush superkicks him, off the ropes, tope con giro onto both other rudos. Bucanero, probably supposed to be out due to Máximo, instead rolls out to check on him. Máximo is limping around ringside. Meanwhile, takes out the other rudos with Aero Italiano. Bucanero rolls Máximo in. Máximo is limping and talking to Bucanero, even as he slaps him. Whip, Máximo hops towards Bucanero on one leg, turns him into a kiss, cradle, one two three. That was not the best cradle – Máximo rolled to his side, and Bucanero rolled to his side, and Bucanero's shoulder was far off the mat – but not a time for retakes.

Máximo get to his feet, and Tiger darts in to cradle him for three

Marco stone punches Tiger, tosses him over to Rush for a back suplex. Marco covers as Rush stomps, and the cover still counts. Three count.

Máximo is in pain. A ringside doctor is checking (and twisting) his ankle, which surely hurts it a little more.

Match 2: Diamante, Sangre Azteca, Stuka Jr. © vs Namajague, Pólvora ©, Shigeo Okumura
Arena Coliseo, 05/13/2012

  1. rudos

  2. rudos

Winner: rudos (2-0)
Match Time: 9:31
Rating: fun angle
Notes: Referee is Tigre Hispano. Stuka, unlike Astral, has managed to find a shirt that matches his outfit. Namajague has especially crazy hair.

1: Stuka gets the better of Namajague on the mat. Pólvora has a rooting section. I'm concerned. He and Sangre are even for the most part, though Sangre headscissors him out. Diamante/Okumura is all the rudo setting himself up for Diamante moves, finishing with a tope con giro. Stuka's in briefly, Sangre flips him to the apron and drops Pólvora in position, torpedo splash – meets boots! Namajague knocks down Sangre, and does a huge headstanding slingshot senton in on him, and the rudos pick up both pins.

2: Stuka and Pólvora are chopping, evading, and chopping each other when Sangre strangely interjects. He grabs Stuka, to stop him from following up, argues about wanting in himself, and shoves him before leaving. Stuka tells him to be patient, then turns back to Pólvora, miss a chop and gets clotheslined. Stuka crawls back to his corner, reaches out to Sangre – and Sangre pulls his hand back! OH! Stuka is too stunned to tag diamante, and Pólvora pulls him back. Diamante and Sangre discuss while all three rudos attack Stuka. Stuka is quickly able to make his own comeback, Okumura kicks him down, Diamante springboard in with a headscissors on him, Namajague misses a clothesline, Sangre dropkicks him out, high ten with everyone, Diamante and Stuka run for dives and hold up, and Sangre just stands around watching. Técnicos want to know what’s up with that, and Sangre seem to explain they weren’t going to dive anyway, so what does it matter. Sangre’s partners have words with him, but Sangre claims innocence. Back to Stuka and Pólvora. Stuka dropkicks Pólvora, Pólvora doesn’t move and just slaps him down. Oops. Whip, sit down flapjack. Stuka crawls to his corner, reaches to Sangre again, and Sangre pulls back on him again. This time, Diamante just tags himself in. Quebradora for Pólvora, and a second. Okumura clotheslines Diamante and shakes the ropes. DDT! One two big kickout. Tag to Namajague, whip, Diamante clothesline misses, Namajague flapjack cutter is a good idea, needs a little more work. One two three. Three!

Stuka in, but kicked by Namajague. Corner whip, Namajague charges in, Stuka flips him to the apron, Okumura charges, Stuka moves and Okumura kicks his friend off the apron. Namajague freaks out on the outside. Okumura grabs Stuka, but Pólvora slaps his partner. Stuka drops Pólvora in the corner of the ring. He goes fro the slaps again, but Okumura crotches him. Michinoku Driver by Okumura. One two three. Sangre came in, caught himself on the middle rope, and didn’t seem that interested anyway.

Sangre checks on Stuka and helps him up. Stuka shoves Sangre away. Sangre can't believe this guy, and slaps him down. Diamante breaks it up, so Sangre slaps him and stomps him too. Sangre takes down Sangre and both he and Diamante attack. Pólvora jumps in and attacks Diamante. When Diamante fights back, Namajague and Okumura thrown in too and clear out the técnicos.

Rudos all stand up, with the técnicos down. Namajague, who doesn't know the history here, is all happy about this turn of events and claps his hands. Sangre and Pólvora eye each other, the shove each other. They tell the other two step back and circle, then Pólvora charge and hugs. Sangre returns the hug! Everyone raises each other's hands, then Sangre slides and dropkicks Stuka. Everyone celebrates the new bond by stomping the crap of poor Stuka. Crowd is thrilled. Sangre is so happy he slips climbs the ropes to celebrate. I think he hurt his leg, but it doesn’t stop him form hopping around. One more hug for Pólvora, and handshake for the others.

Match 3: Diamante Azul, La Sombra ©, Shocker vs Dragón Rojo Jr., Mr. Niebla ©, Negro Casas
Arena Coliseo, 05/13/2012

  1. rudos

  2. técnicos
  3. tecnicos

Winner: técnicos (2-1)
Match Time: 13:14
Rating: ok
Notes: Referee is Maya. Dragon Rojo jumps Sombra as he's walking to the ring. The rest of the rudos rush out behind him. Zach is with the rudos.

1: You know how Stuka got a shirt to match his gear? Dragon Rojo needs to get black tape or a wrap for his left thigh if it's going to be bandaged for a long time. Or maybe shorts? Deep thoughts as Rojo kicks around Sombra. Niebla brawls with Shocker on the outside while Negro and Dragon Rojo fiercely obey tag rules to work over Sombra's arm. As a result, it's quickly more like a usual 3 on 1 tag bit rather than 3 v 3 brawl. Dragon Rojo block Sombra from tagging and puts on armbar, though Shocker tries to come in and break it up anyway. Maya sends him back. Dragon Rojo pumps Sombra's arm over the ropes for a while. Whip, big spinebuster. STF could use some work, but Dragon’s odd positioning allows him to start untied the mask. Niebla rushes over and clears off the técnicos. Sombra elbows Dragon Rojo and slaps him into the ropes, but the other rudos kick him from outside to stop that. Dragon Rojo elbows the inside of the leg, and Negro stops him form rolling out with a stomp. Sombra makes a tag to Shocker. I think Shocker's too far away to count, but Shocker doesn’t care and slaps Dragon Rojo in the corner. Maya argue the whole thing, but no one listens him. Negro whip, heel kick. Shocker gets elbow dropped, crawls almost all the way back to his corner, and fails to tag in Diamante Azul. He's got to take more Niebla offense, you see. Negro shoulderblocks Shocker, allowing Diamante Azul to come in and roar. Negro pounds him into the rudo corner, and everyone helps. Negro puts his hand up for a tag, and Niebla plays him no mind as he comes in. This is still taking time to get used to. Diamante turns around, but Dragon and Negro get in their shots to help. Shoulderblocks ends him out. Sombra back, but slapped and kicked. Dragon Rojo with another spinebuster, but just when you're making fun of his lack of moves, he uses a cristo negro for the submission.

He's captain, but the rudos keep going. Scorpion on Shocker, Nieblina on Diamante Azul. Dragon Rojo bets up Sombra on the outside.

2: Sombra comes back on Dragon Rojo with clotheslines and a quebradora – Dragon Rojo's even making it tough for other people to do interesting stuff – but Negro stops him with a kick. Shocker steps in, takes a jawbreaker and kicks to the chest, immediately gets in a cradle anyway. Shocker sands up to a clothesline and boots Negro in the face. Niebla wins a slap battle with Diamante Azul. They battle each other on waistlock, and Azul drops him with a sideslam. Azul looks lost, so it's good that Dragon Rojo awkwardly kicks him. Sombra jumps in to face him. Dragon connects on two corner clothesline, then Sombra dropkicks him anyway. Timing seems off. Sombra dropkick clothesline him out and follows with an Asai moonsault. Shocker drops Negro with a quebradora, then pulls him up in the reinera. Niebla clotheslines Azul, and does the Niebla dance, but Azul waits rights behind him. Azul grabs Niebla just before they can spit, and drops him on his afro. One two three. Sombra and Dragon fight on the outside.

3: Dragon Rojo slides out on Sombra, but Sombra won't chase. Azul drags Negro around in a headlock. Negro and Azul are mostly around missing clotheslines, until Azul clotheslines Negro in the side of his face. Dragon Rojo and Sombra come in again, Dragon Rojo slides out again. Shocker and Niebla resume their rivalry, Shocker gaining a near fall on a 'rana, but Niebla eliminating him with a spinebuster and a half crab. The bad knees have caught up to him!

Niebla and Azul exchange chops, Azul gets lost again, then kicks Niebla into the corner. Rolling back press smashes Niebla. Niebla wants around ringside, and Azul ducks him with a thru the ropes tope. Almost hit the ropes on that. Negro drop toe hold casita on Sombra, Sombra escapes and puts on his own, one two three.

Rojo kicks at Sombra, charges, Sombra moves, Brillante Bomb! One two three

JCR is already talking about the title match before they cut to Sombra talking about it. Though Sombra is talking about like it's already been agreed to. Dragon Rojo, well trained by Ultimo Guerrero, starts his retort while seated on the mat. He does get up to say he's going to win.