CMLL on Televisa #1078 (04/28/2012) 
Recapped: 05/02/12

Match 1: Valiente vs Namajague in a lightning match
Arena Mexico, 04/20/2012

Winner: Valiente
Match Time: 8:18
Rating: good
Notes: Referee is Tigre Hispano.

Valiente armdrags Namajague it end the first exchange. Valiente traps Namajague in a reverse facelock for a while in the second bit, Namajague gets the headscissors after trying a few times, and Valiente is quickly out. Namajague lays on top of Valiente with a hammerlock, but Valiente trips him up and scissors a leg. Valiente and Namajague chop back and forth, then Namajague tries a kick and Valiente trips him up. Namajague grabs Valiente’s arm for a cross armbreaker, but Valiente rolls free and gets on Namajague's back. Into the ropes, and they get back up. They lockup and end up back on the mat. Valiente trips up Namajague, off the ropes, hiptoss blocked and Valiente gets his own. Valiente and Namajague circle. Valiente takedown, off the ropes, cartwheel, springboard armdrag. Valiente yells to the crowd, turns, and Namajague knocks him down via wheel kick. Open hand chops in the corner. Corner whip, Valiente jumps up the ropes, backflips out, rolls, and stands back up. Namajague still in the corner, so Valiente charges, and Namajague waves him by and out of the ring. Namajague pescado! Namajague hasn't done many dives. Four minute mark. Namajague in, Valiente on the apron, Namajague approaches and Valiente beats him with forearms. Turnbuckles mash – no, Namajague blocks, and hiptoss Valiente into the ring. One two NO. Namajague clothesline misses, Valiente clothesline miss, Namajague ducks under inside cradle one two NO. Valiente is adjusting his mask a lot today. Corner whip, reversed, Valiente charges in, Namajague tosses him up, Valiente down with a sunset flip one two NO. Namajague kicks Valiente, off the ropes, into a Valiente backdrop. Valiente dropkicks Namajague out, and follows with a huge hard tope. Valiente crawls up – no, Namajague stop him and they chop it out on the floor. Namajague blocks one, kicks Valiente, and tells the crowd he's going to do some sort of spinny thing. This is a bad idea. Namajague attempts an Asai, and Valiente yanks Namajague off the apron. Valiente hurries back, just as quick out – another huge tope! Namajague bounces hard off the barricade. Replay. Valiente hurts Namajague back in, covers, one two NO. Both slow up, Valiente grabs Namajague, Namajague back with forearms to the face. Off the ropes, Valiente waves him by, then picks him up and drops him with a side flapjack. Namajague does another big goofy sell. One two NO. Namajague drunkenly gets to his feet and stumbles around. Valiente scoops him up, fireman's drop, up top – moonsault, Namajague moves, Valiente lands on his feet, Namajague knocks him down anyway. Namajague shoulderblock, one two NO. Namajague charge one more time, Valiente takedown, Indian deathlock, Valiente poses because this one is over.

As usual, the clock (after Valiente gets his hand raised) shows 8:24, which is impressive because the show's only been on the air for 8:07.

Announcers – still no Dr. Morales – welcome us to the show and talk about the matches. Atlantis and kids promote the kid's day show tomorrow. Monito is smaller than all the kids.

Dia del Nino promo

CMLL Cartela: Sunday @ Arena Mexico, which happens to be Dia del Nino. They mention the trios main event and the ticket prices. No mention of Negro Casas vs Angel de Oro.

Match 2: Black Warrior ©, Fuego, Stuka Jr. vs Niebla Roja, Pólvora, Rey Escorpion ©
Arena Mexico, 04/20/2012

  1. técnicos

  2. técnicos

Winner: técnicos (2-1)
Match Time: 10:38
Rating: eh
Notes: I believe this is Niebla Roja's debut on this show (under this name.) Escorpion Negro seems to have completely ditched his new look. Referee is Bestia Negra. Monito is with the técnicos.

1: Pólvora/Fuego and Niebla/Roja kill time before they get to feuding too. The second match up is easily more interesting. Warrior gets a near fall of a spinning slam, Escorpion rallies to springboard dropkick him and do the Warrior dance, but of course runs right into the monkey flip to the floor. Other four dropkick each other until Niebla Rojo accidentally dropkick Pólvora thru the ropes, Fuego topes Pólvora, and Stuka Asai moonsaults Niebla Roja. Captains back in, Escorpion charges into a boot, Warrior charges out into a powerslam. Warrior escapes Escorpion casita, then has a bit of trouble getting his own, but does so for the pin.

2: Pólvora takes a monkey flip from Stuka and a butt wipe from Monito. Pólvora objects to that last part and kicks at Monito, but Stuka just grabs him and sends him into the ropes on another monkey flip. Rudos protest, which gets us to Escorpion and Warrior again. Escorpion slides out on a corner whip to escape, but Warrior chases him back in and to the ramp. Escorpion begs off and kisses Warrior boot, and Niebla gets in the middle to protect his friend. None of the rudos feel like fighting, which is a problem for a lucha libre match. Pólvora pounds Stuka with chops, tags in Niebla Roja, and Niebla Roja quickly takes a torito. Pólvora has to break is up, then just slaps Stuka once more, lifts him up, walks around, and drops him with a Pólvora Driver. Pretty easy for him. Fuego makes the wave. Death Valley side drop, cross armbreaker, Rey Escorpion breaks it up. Warrior comes in, waves Fuego out, and yells at the crowd. Off the ropes evasion, Escorpion lifts up Warrior, Warrior comes down with a big DDT. Two count. Escorpion kicks Warrior down, Warrior gets back up to trip him. 619, two count. Announcers discuss how Super Astro came up with that move. He did, that's true, probably not why Warrior's doing it. Escorpion clotheslines Warrior, lands the quebrada, only gets two. Dropkick to the shin, casita, Warrior escapes again, Warrior goes for the casita, and Escorpion just uppercut fouls him.

Everyone discusses it a bit, then the rudos beat up the técnicos. Mostly stomping on Warrior. Niebla Roja does the Warrior dance. Pólvora goes after Monito again, but Fuego blocks him off.

Ultimo Guerrero & Dragon Rojo hype Kid's Day.

CMLL Cartela: Tuesday – tag titles

and hype for Friday.

Match 3: Euforia, Rey Bucanero, Terrible © vs La Máscara ©, Máximo, Rush
Arena Mexico, 04/20/2012

  1. tecnicos

  2. rudos
  3. rudos

Winner: rudos (2-1)
Match Time: 11:20
Rating: eh
Notes: Referee is Tirantes.

1: Euforia and Mascara start with mat wrestling, Tirantes breaks up a Mascara hold, Rush chases Tirantes, crowd shot, and the rudos are on the beatdown. I had to watch this three times to try and figure what I missed, and it appears to be nothing. Sound's also out of sync, though maybe I did something wrong on editing. Rolling senton on Máximo, spinebuster and dropkick out for Rush. Máscara is dropped in the center of the ring. Bucanero top rope splash, Terrible top rope splash, Euforia top rope splash, having to turn to land it. Easy win for the rudos.

2: Rudos stay in control, holding Rush up for kicks after he hits him and taking care of the others. Euforia miss a clothesline on Máscara and Mascara headscsissors him to start the comeback. Other rudos kick him down, rush placnhas them both, then kicks Terrible when his head is down too soon. Maximo kisses Rush, and Bucanero rolls out. Máximo headbutts out Terrible that side, técnicos try for dives, Euforia trips Máximo and Rush up, and Mascara topes Euforia as he's celebrating. Other four all in, técnicos wrap it up – or try to, since Máximo and Bucanero blow their cradle. It turns into a sort of Buca Storm, but Bucanero just rolls himself over for Máximo's win. Rush stomps Terrible more after the fall.

Máximo kisses Bucanero over the barrier.

3: Técnicos have their usual runs of offense. Rush and Terrible are fun. Mascara grbas Euforia and Bucanero outside for a Máximo dive, but the rudos pull away and Máximo takes out his partner on a tope. Rush batters Terrible, but Terrible crotches him going up, and the other rudos blow him up with sliding dropkicks. Rush placed up, and dropped with the superbomb. Terrible gets the pin, and Máximo comes in so Euforia can finish him with the Euforia Special.

Bucanero challenges for the trios titles. Rush and Máximo accept