CMLL Guerreros del Ring on 52MX #327 (02/25/2012) 
Recapped: 03/03/12

Dragon Rojo Jr. joins the announcers.

Match 1: Diamante ©, Titán, Triton vs Hijo del Signo ©, Loco Max, Namajague
Arena Mexico, 02/19/2012

  1. rudos

  2. técnicos
  3. rudos

Winner: rudos (2-1)
Match Time: 10:29
Rating: OK
Notes: Amusing teams here. Referee is Bestia Negra.

1: Titan and Namajague are in before the fall graphic. Signo and Triton are in after it. Oh well. Back and forth includes Signo escaping a double armbar to run right into a dropkick to the chest. Signo/Titan sunset flip fight sets up Diamante coming in with a springboard armdrag. Signo slide out on a whip, relaxed, and Diamante bowls him over with a tope con giro. Signo did not have a good time with that one. Titan clothesline Loco Max, then fireman's powerbombs him for Triton. 450 splash – misses! Loco rolled in on him, just moving out of the way. Loco takes care of Triton with an STO and an arm hook cover (which Bestia Negra won't count, so Loco has to readjust.) Namajague catches Titan with a knee going for his finish, then jackhammers him for the win.

Metro -> Diamante Azul vignette.

2: Beatdown. Rudos hold Titan for Loco Max's low blow kick. Triton attacks everyone, everyone attacks him. Namajague communicates with his partners with a lot of gesturing and pointing. Not totally sure they're on the same page. Rudos don't do much in particular with Triton. Diamante flips out of a double backdrop, ducks a double clothesline, and springboard armdrags Signo out. Namajague knocks him down other técnicos dropkick other rudos out. Triple tope con giro – or not, as Diamante front flips off the apron instead, then climbs back up to catch up to a sliding Signo. Swing kick, springboard 450 (heavy on the knees) one two three.

Prince Devitt is coming.

3: Joined in Namajague Triton strike fight. Namajague punches are blocked, Triton's right cross is ducked, but he catches a kick and trips up the Japanese masked man. Titan off the ropes, over, Namajague hiptoss turned into a Titan armdrag. Clothesline, Titan just bends under it, corner headscissors and Namajague rolls out and begs off as Titan teases a dive. Titan backflips over the top rope to the floor just for fun. Namajague tells him to go away. Triton can't help but springboard backflipping in. Chop fight with Signo. JCR prompts Dragon Rojo to talk about the hours and hours these guys practice dives; no mention of being parallel, but you can't give everything away. Corner whip by Signo, corner charge misses, and Signo clotheslines Triton. Whip, Triton slides under, backflips thru the backdrop, Signo misses a dropkick and Triton gets him with a guillotine springboard legdrop. Signo slowly back up. Chop, whip, Signo swings, Triton hangs on to the ropes and isn’t coming. Signo charges, Triton flips him to the apron, then dives over him to the ramp. Signo charge, Triton drops him with a fireman's drop, then goes back in – springboard senton con giro to the ramp (and mostly connecting with the ramp.) Loco and Diamante in. Loco shakes Diamante’s hand and slap him in the face. Chop fight is even, despite the big size difference. Both are knocked to the ropes on each one. Diamante hiptosses Loco, and Loco flies across the ring. Loco flips Diamante to the apron, Diamante strikes him back from there, and springboard back in for an armdrag. Loco out, Diamante out after him. Signo and Namajague in, trying for a sliding dropkick and Diamante comes in, but Signo's a bit ahead of the new guy. Triton chops them both, but the rudos get it together to chop him. Whip, drop toe hold, Namajague camel clutch, Loco Max dropkick. Namajague rolls him over one two three. Wow, that worked!

Titan in and attacking everyone. Signo grabs him, and the others are able to chop him. Whip, Loco backdrop. Namajague Michinoku Drivers Titan, and Signo has to go a long way to land the splash. He makes it! One two three.

Dos Leyendas contract signing and fighting.

Match 2: Blue Panther, Delta, Hijo del Fantasma vs Felino, Negro Casas, Rey Escorpion 
Arena Mexico, 02/19/2012

  1. técnicos

  2. técnicos

Winner: técnicos (2-1)
Match Time: 2:15
Rating: an angle
Notes: Joined with Panther's entrance -and Negro attacking him from behind. The rest of the rudo are out, Felino with the trash can. The other técnicos are already in the ring with Monito. Tiger Hispano is the ref.

1: Panther is kneed into the ring. Felino hands him the trash can, then holds Panther on the mat as Negro smacks his left knee with the trash can repeatedly. Ref is right here, protesting mildly. Panther is screaming in pain as Negro yanks around his knee. Tiger Hispano goes to raise Panther's arm, Negro pushes him over, and Hispano falls on Panther. It take a couple tries, but Tigre Hispano gets Panther's arm up for the DQ. Other técnicos are not seen at first, Scorpion possibly having run them off.

The doctor and Hijo del Fantasma turn up to check on Mascara's knee. Panther is moaning in pain. Replays. Security is trying to stretch Panther out, though the rudos attack a bit. Fantasma helps Panther to the back, which leaves poor Delta there by himself as the whistle blows. I guess he has Monito too, that's not going to work to be too helpful. New fall signs?

2: Fantasma gathers his breath near the stairs as the rudos kick and chop around Delta. Fantasma has a pretty obvious plan here. Obvious enough that the rudos are ready for it - when Delta grabs the ropes and moves out of the way, Fantasma Phantom Lariat is just avoided by the rudos, who clothesline him down. Fantasma ducks a double clothesline anyway, sending Negro out. Rudos slap him down., then tries a corner charge on Delta. That fails, Escorpion going out and Felino into a Fantasma quebradora. Delta moonsaults Escorpion. That leaves Fantasma with Felino, but when Fantasma rolls thru a Felino sunset flip, Negro fouls him from behind. That's your match.

Match 3: Averno ©, Ephesto, Mephisto vs Marco Corleone, Máximo, Rush © for the CMLL World Trios Championship 
Arena Mexico, 02/19/2012

  1. Avernos

  2. Bufete del Amor
  3. Bufete del Amor

Winner: Bufete del Amor
Match Time: 18:12
Rating: good
Notes: Maya officiates the title match.

1: Captains start, which ends up even despite Averno quickly getting the STF. Rush is not one for a standoff, trying to back Averno down instead. Averno will not be backed down (much), and everyone almost ends up involved before they calm down. Ephesto and Máximo are next. Máximo only slightly more serious than usual, and completely control for Ephesto. Kip up dropkick sends Ephesto out, but Mephisto cuts him off with a big boot. Marco steps in, and Mephisto takes a few steps back. Mephisto tries a leg kicks, which bends Marco over and knocks him back. Shoulderblock, and Marco doesn’t go down. He does pose. Mephisto tells Marco to try, and Marco’s shoulderblocks knocks him over. Corner whip, reversed, Mephisto charges misses, Marco lands the corner plancha and poses on the apron – but Averno knocks him off. Rudo rush the other two – Stereo Devils' Wings. One two three.

2: Announcers pushing Dos Leyendas hard all show. Rudos work over técnicos. Corner clotheslines for Marco, who crawls away up the ramp. Máximo is cared facing all three, and quickly neutralizes. Máximo held for Averno stream at. Averno grabs Máximo by the mohawk and yells some more. Whip, Ephesto spinebuster, off the ropes, double rebound hiptoss splash. Rush back in, and held for a thigh kick. Marco gathering himself up on the ramp. Rudos not paying enough attention. They’re dropkicking Rush out instead, then turn around – Aero Italiano. Marco can’t say on top, but can lift Averno in a cristo. He gives, as the other técnicos beat the other rudos.

3: Máximo and Averno start with that we see, Máximo nearly getting the kiss but quickly following with the double springboard headscissors. Averno out, Maximo faking the dive and posing. Ephesto's chops aren't enough to stop Rush, but Rush's are enough to stop Ephesto. Ephesto has to fix that. Rush off the ropes four times before landing the elbow smash. Kick, and out goes the rudo. Mephisto in, right into the belly to belly suplex. Kick as he gets up, and Máximo messes with him from outside. Rush punches to the chest. Máximo up, chop fight, Rush winning via headbutt. More punches to midsection. Corner whip, reversed, Averno flips Rush to the apron, but Rush down. Top rope missile dropkick from Mephisto, superkick for Averno, both tumbling out. Rush poses, to boos. Mephisto tease a test of strength with Marco, but it's just a setup for Ephesto and Averno to attack Marco from behind. Lots of leg kicks. Rudos all arm Marco in the corner, maybe an illegal hold in there. Corner whip, Averno whipped in, corner charge misses, Marco holds him in the corner, Averno slaps him in the back, Marco stone punches him, leapfrog over Mephisto, Ephesto miss his own punch, Marco springboard clothesline for both. Rush and Máximo – both start, stop, and restart their dives, but it works out okay. Rush obliterates Ephesto with a tope, scaring a young lady half to death. Averno left in with Marco. Sunset flip, that remains a bad idea. Marco dances, lifts Averno up, and kicks him to the ropes. Charge, Averno flips Marco to the apron, Marco stone punches him there. Marco backs up the ramp, runs, and connects on Aero Italiano, but Averno rolls thru one two Máximo breaks it up just in time. Máximo tries to get the crowd into it. Other rudos back to the corners as Marco rolls out. Máximo off the ropes, 'rana one two NO. Averno casadora cradle one two NO Ephesto breaks it up with a dropkick. Ephesto's shoulderbreaker, one two NO. Not hi s best one. Ephesto lifts Máximo up again – a second one! One two Rush breaks it up. Rush makes sure to pose before doing any more. Rush slaps around Ephesto, Northern Lights suplex one two Mephisto breaks it up with a kick. Mephisto and Rush take turns pushing each other in the corner and chopping each other hard. Mephisto get annoyed and starts punching and kick, Rush dropped to one knee. Corner whip, Marco flips Rush to safety, under a clothesline, springboard clothesline! One Averno and Ephesto both break it up. Averno snap mare, Marco in the middle of the ring, Hijos de Averno all up – triple swandive headbutt continues it's perfect record of never working! Rush and Máximo back in for cradles on everyone, one two NO. Ephesto grabs Marco, but takes the double chop for his partners. Máximo clothesline out both, then runs – and drops down near the ropes – Marco Aero Italiano to the floor instead. Ephesto back in, but Máximo misses a dropkick. Máximo up quick, hipfake, double springboard hip check, one two NO. Ephesto punch blocked, Máximo blocks everything, kiss of death, one two three. Not the captain.

Mephisto kicks Máximo, Rush runs in under a clothesline and superkicks Mephisto. Drop toe hold Averno, and camel clutch on him. Máximo decides this is good time to crawl in for a kiss – I don't know about that. Mephisto makes the save with a kick to Máximo and one to Rush as well. Two man powerbomb on Máximo, one two three. Next fall wins it.

Whip for Rush, clothesline misses, and Mephisto boosts Rush into a dropkick on Averno. Running elbow smash for Mephisto, and an extra dropkick sends him out. Rush cuts his throat, runs, and his tope con giro takes out Kaiser del Infierno. Marco and Averno in, Averno stopping to pose on bottom rope. Corner charge, Marco waves him by, charges in, Averno gets up a boot. Marco turns, hesitant charge, Averno clothesline misses, Marco springboard clothesline misses, Averno inside cradle one two NO. Crowd chanting on their own, though Averno propels them on. Averno shoves Marco into the corner, Marco flips him to the apron, stone punch is blocked, Averno chops Marco back, up top – plancha is caught! Marco drops Averno on his feet, Averno swing and misses, Mark of Excellent! One two Rush dives into help cover three! New champs!