CMLL on Televisa #1067 (02/11/2012)
Recapped: 02/19/12
Match 1: Dalis la Caribeña, Estrellita, Lady Apache vs Amapola, Princesa Blanca, Princesa Sugheit
Arena Mexico, 02/03/2012
Winner: rudas (2-1)
Match Time: 5:51 seen
Rating: ok
Notes: Referee is Maya. Estrellita has somehow gotten a hold of the a CMLL técnico long sleeve shirt (with logo), complete with impossible to read message on the back.
1: is missing! And I didn't care enough to track it down.
2: Rudas are destroying the técnicas as they pick up. Sugheit and Blanca find the most complicated way to splash someone in the corner. Amapola misses her rope sit on Estrellita, those two go outside, and the others wrap up the fall.
3: Sugheit actually gets cheers when she steals the fall card and walks around. Must be the new outfit. Apache gets the better of Sugheit nicely, Amapola rushes in, Estrellita runs in, they shove, they both leave. Crowd really doesn't like Dalis, who starts slow but her kicks pots do well. Running up the ropes armdrag sends Blanca out and Dalis into a cartwheel. Estrellita back in, and she finally does the strip spot the dance spot, setting herself up for a dropkick to the gluts from Amapola. Estrellita rallies back with clotheslines. Middle rope headscissors goes fine, casadora spot goes quite wrong. They both end up falling to the mat, and Amapola smacks Estrellita to the back and briefly puts her in a camel clutch. Whip, dropkick, Amapola gets sent to the ramp and begs off there. Apache lands a spinning plancha on Sugheit, and Maya is a bit slow to get in position count. Apache argues the count, Sugheit kicks her around. Corner whip is reversed, but Sugheit gets her boots up in time. Sugheit charge out, Apache rolls thru a sunset flip, and Dalis lands a plancha. Blanca elbow drop her partner, Apache tries a rolling senton on both but the rudas move out of the way, técnicas dropkick them out anway. Dives - we don’t' see what happens to Lady Apache, but Dalis dives right into Sugheit's kick. Estrellita missile dropkicks Amapola, and dropkicks her again into the ropes. Going for a third, but Amapola tries to pick her up, can't quite get it, takes her down instead, press cradle, one two foot on the bottom rope three.
Match 2: Atlantis vs Último Guerrero
Arena Mexico, 02/03/2012
Atlantida (2:06)
Winner: Atlantida (2-1)
Match Time: 15:20
Rating: ok
Notes: Monito is with Atlantis. Atlantis charges UG on the ramp, but gets taken right down. UG slams him at the whistle. Tirantes is the ref.
1: UG throws Atlantis back in. Big boot to the face. Stomp to Atlantis, then kicking at Monito as he tries to hide in the corner. That gets the crowd yelling. UG goes out to the apron to kick to Monito more, trying to shove him to the floor. Monito hangs on, but takes a big bump to the floor. UG kicks Atlantis in her face again, snap mare, and mask ripping for the photographers. (They’re down to three.) Atlantis stood up and slapped down. Chop. Whip, UG corer splash misses, but he still manages to clothesline Atlantis anyway. Someone's in love with front row shots panning shots this week. UG off the apron, but jumping right into the Atlantida. That's it.
2: UG stalls on the outside, so Atlantis dropkicks him thru the ropes. UG back in, Atlantis misses, UG big clothesline to Atlantis. UG off the ropes, into a quebradora. Atlantis waits for him to get up, Atlantida, no, UG slips out, inside cradle hooking the bottom rope, one two three. Atlantis argues with Tirantes, gets nowhere.
3: Atlantis still busy getting the crowd to yell at Tirantes. UG waits, and forearms Atlantis from behind. Hard shots to the chest in the corner. Atlantis turns it around for his own hard shots, Tirantes tries to get in the middle, but Atlantis won’t let him, and keeps going. Atlantis and Tirantes argue. Atlantis turns his back on both guys, which seems like a bad idea, but lands a nice dropkick on Ultimo Guerrero. Atlantis rips up UG's mask for the three photographers. Atlantis with a knee to the head. Atlantis lets UG up, UG fixed his mask, then punches Atlantis down. Left and rights, UG dropping Atlantis and laying right on top of him for multiple shots. Tirantes warns UG about using a close first. Atlantis back up, kick caught, UG spins him around and clotheslines him. One two NO. Corner whip, Atlantis charges in, UG corner sunset flip one two NO. Atlantis somehow the first up. Kicks to the chest (or the space in front of them to them), third kick is caught into a 'rana for two. Guerrero chops Atlantis. Corner whip, Atlantis moves, UG takes the knee bump out. Atlantis up top, plancha lands. Rest.
UG somehow makes it in first, but looks away from Atlantis. Atlantis jumps on is shoulders, headscissors cradle, one two NO. Tirantes is doing the slow count. Whip, Atlantis puts his head down too soon, UG puts him in the inverted gori special, Atlantis out into a headscissors cradle, UG reverses, one two no. Clip. UG on Atlantis shoulder, Atlantis drops him forward, tapatía. I am not feeling this at all, but the crowd seems to be in to Atlantis. Double pin, one two NO. Corner whip, UG sits on the middle buckle and waits. Atlantis points at him and tells UG to come down. UG starts to step down, then resumes setting as Atlantis reaches for him. Atlantis forearms UG but does go up. Jab to the midsection, front superplex. One two NO. Slow back up. Clip? Atlantis corner whip, corner clothesline, UG sat on the top rope again, Atlantis steps out of to the apron to climb up. Atlantis on UG's shoulders, UG stands up, Atlantis looks very scared, but turns it around into a middle rope 'rana one two NO. That was an especially slow count. Atlantis with shoulders to UG's midsection and slap to the head. Atlantis puts UG up top, Atlantis pounds him on the side of the head, 'rana – no, UG blocks it, superbomb, one two no. UG slams Atlantis, goes up again, Atlantis surprises him by jumping up, off the top rope hiptoss, one two no. Atlantis slams UG and goes up – for a moonsault? - but UG smacks him from behind. Guerrero Special – works. UG crawls on top one two NO. Atlantis surprise cradle one two NO. UG back up first, Atlantis is a clothesline, UG Atlantida, Atlantis suck for a second, Atlantis out to an inside cradle, hooking the ropes, one two three.
Ultimo Guerrero yells at Atlantis, but Televisa has UG's music so loud that you cant' really hear what he says. Atlantis responds. Back and forth.
Bobby Bonales history package, narrated by his son. The video of the opening of Arena Coliseo is amazing, because it's unmistakable the same building today – they even use the same overhead camera shot. Arena Mexico looks a tiny bit different.