AAA on Televisa #1015 (10/22/2011) 
Recapped: 10/29/11

Match 1: Fenix, Lolita, Mascarita Divina, Pimpinela Escarlata vs Dark Dragon, Jennifer Blake, Mini Histeria, Nygma
Domo de la Feria de Leon, 10/03/2011

Winner: Fenix, Lolita, Mascarita Divina, Pimpinela Escarlata
Match Time: 11:39
Rating: good!
Notes: Entrances for the opener remains the AAA sign for “we've got time to kill this week”. Eight entrances, even. Jennifer has her belt and American flag. Jesus is now in the ring to do ring announcements, which is nearly like having a real ring announcer. He does fine at this, maybe he can only do this? Hijo de Tirantes is in the ring before the wrestlers, so they've decided to do that again. Lolita and Jennifer are both wearing black tank tops with microskits and fishnet leggings. I guess Jennifer's fishnets are more evil. Pimpinela is wearing the Reina de Reinas belt and hands out roses. Pimpi jumps the rail to get in a big kiss.

They turn the live mics way down when the voice over announcing comes in; it makes it feel like they're wrestling in front of an empty studio at first. Dragon and Fenix battles over armdrags, but then can't help but go into counters. Dark Dragon kicks Fenix down, kicks him in the chest, Fenix ducks one and turns it into a cradle for two. Fenix misses a kick, Dragon cradle for two. Zero trips, rolls to the feet, and standoff. Tags to the minis, Divina gets a casita within twenty seconds, and the rudos rush in for the beatdown. Nice double drop toe hold, double dropkick spot. Everyone gets in a corner charge on Lolita. Pimpi turns it around quick, multiple people running into his backside. I can see how it happens for one, but how does it keep happening? He clears the ring himself, headscissorsing Dragon and kissing Histeria to finish it. Jesus is reading down the list of channels they're on to say hi to everyone, I guess. Back to the minis after all of this, Divina with a casadora armdrag and a superkick to send the rudo into the ropes. Rope bounce armdrag sends Histeria the other way. Corner whip, reversed, Divina sneaks in a springboard headscissors to send him out. Women in. Test of strength? Double wristlock spots to set up a Lolita casadora armdrag. Jen out, Dark Dragon into blast Lolita with a dropkick. Replay of that. Back live, Lolita sends Dragon rolling with a springboard armdrag. Dragon misses a clothesline, and Lolita gets in a behind the back headscissors. Lolita dances, and Mini Histeria trips jumping in the ring. Histeria and Fenix in. Histeria slaps Fenix hard, Fenix tells him to hit harder. Fenix starts to swing, and Histeria flinches. Fenix flipping run, Histeria charges, no one home and he hits the corner. Histeria turns around and Fenix takes his head off with a running kick to the face. That looked brutal Nygma in, Fenix wristlock, slap, rope flip into an armdrag. Dark Dragon slowly in. Fenix shoulderblock, back of the ropes, Dragon flips Fenix up in the air, Fenix comes down with a 'rana! Fenix slides out on Dark Dragon, the rudo reaches after him, Fenix kicks him from the floor. Step back on the apron, and a headscissors to pull Dragon thru the ropes and to the hard floor. Fenix fake dive and pose. Mascarita in with a plancha on Histeria. They're doing the social media plugs, but no graphics this week. Hmmm. Histeria blocks a flipping armdrag and cradles Divina for two. Divina headscissors sends Histeria out, Divina out with him with a springboard armdrag. Women in, evasion with flips (that look hard), and Lolita dropkicks Jennifer out. Lolita thru the ropes tope con giro! Pimpi in, some hair pull spot goes obviously wrong and there's there's an edit to cover it up. Back live, Nygma & Dark Dragon are now outside, Pimpinela on the top rope with Fenix's help, and a top rope plancha onto the rudos. Fenix waving and making an X sign. He climbs the corner, sets himself – tornillo moonsaults to the floor! Women back in, whip, reversed, Delta plancha caught by Jennifer, spinning side slam one two – Lolita kicks out just as Nygma rushes in to help hold her down, which makes it look like Nygma broke it up. Jennifer gets out of the way so Nygma can dropkick Pimpi off the apron. Nygma silla, riding Pimpi tot the ground. Divina in and missile dropkicked Jennifer, who slides on out of there. Divina runs, and gets dropped on the back of his head by a Dragon clothesline. Looked like Dragon couldn't decide to flip or not on that. Fenix in, and Nygma bushes him with a clothesline. Whip, spinning front facelock on Dragon into a dropkick on Nygma. Exotico out, Dragon with a sunset flip, Fenix blocks and lands the jumping double knee. One two NO . Dragon sits up, so Fenix kicks him in the back. Up top, cross arm sign, flying double knee to the head. Fenix lays on top, one two three.

Pasion Kristal and Pólvo de Estrellas out, going after Pimpi. The rest of the técnicos are taken out, and Nygma gives Pimpi a chair shot to eh back. Exoticos all take turns hitting Pimpi with the head hard as the other rudos keep the ring clear of help. Tirantes was signaling for the stretcher for Fenix before the rudos even got the ring, and medical personal are loading him up even as Pimpi is being destroyed. (Tirantes is also blocking them from attacking Fenix.) Looks like an right arm injury. He's strechered out as the segment ends.

Backstage, and with a lot of ambient noise, LA Park says Mesías needs to understand he's an international star, like Sting, and that's why Mesías will lose.

Match 2: Argos, Jack Evans, Octagón vs Alan Stone, Decnnis, Súper Fly
Domo de la Feria de Leon, 10/03/2011

Winner: Argos, Jack Evans, Octagón 
Match Time: 9:27
Rating: eh
Notes: Even the Milicia is getting separate entrances here (though there seems to be a jump cut on the YouTube version all the way to Octagon's entrance.) Ref is Pepe Casas.

Clip off the top to the beatdown. Argo is knocked around. Gori special on Jack. In theory, a corner whip on Octagon turns the tide, but the whip itself is clipped out and Octagon is just suddenly kicking charging guys from the corner. Argos and Jack get in moves and Octagon gives Super Fly a quebradora. Brawl around ringside, with jack moonsaulting off the barricade. Octagon showcase back in the ring, kick blocks but with Super Fly, casadora armdrag kick block trip up with Super Fly. Argos sends Decnnis rolling with a turn up the ropes flip twist armdrag. Simpler headscissors sends him out, and sets up an off the apron headscissors to the floor. Alan and Jack exchange kicks and Jack flipping off a clothesline. Why is Alan doing karate poses? Jack kicks Alan while flipping to the apron, springboard double knee in. Standing moonsault senton lands. Super Fly attacks, but Argos runs him off. Jack whips Alan to Argos for a fireman's carry front cracker. Jack clears Decnnis off as Argos slowly sets up a complicated submission, and he needs Jack to get it over – bow and arrow variant, with Jack flipping on top. That did not look good. Jack crotches Super Fly on the rope, and Argos sloppily pulls him off with a top rope headscissors. Jack twisting quebrada one two Decnnis sort of break it up with a kick, though it doesn't look good. Bodies everywhere, ending with the Milica holding the técnicos down. Spinebuster on Argos by Decnnis, and he holds him for Alan's top rope legdrop. Cover, but Jack breaks it up. Alan Atlantida, Decnnis adding a knee for a headcrusher drop, thought timing is off there. Argos slow double rotation headscissors into landing on his feet into a backcracker on Decnnis. Decnnis rolled right out, and Argos follows with a tope con giro off the ring post. Pepe Casas turns to count them out, which means something's about to happen. Octagon hiptosses Super Fly, jarocha, non bending quebrada, Super Fly tries to foul Octagon, Octagon blocks it and fouls him, Octagon covers, one two three. Screaming girl screams.

Konnan walks out, makes a face, turns to leave, and then clip to him standing back out there. Octagon has the microphone, telling Super Fly he's going to pay, eye for eye. Super Fly is just the first. They try to play his music, but Octagon screams at Konnan that he's coming after his guys.

Konnan talks about how Sting will defeat Mesías because Mesías is Mexican and Sting is from TNA.

Match 3: Damián 666, Halloween, X-Fly vs Monster Clown, Murder Clown, Psycho Clown for the AAA World Trios Championship
Domo de la Feria de Leon, 10/03/2011

Winner: Damián 666, Halloween, X-Fly (retain titles)
Match Time: ?3746-4638
Rating: fine/good
Notes: Perros bring the belts to the ring. Mini Clown is with the Psycho Circus. Monster steals a kid in a Rey Misterio Jr. mask. Piero is ref. They actually show the prematch title match photo; I guess they did with Escoria vs Jack, but this is longer than a split second.

And thent hey clip the match into progress. Monster and Halloween do mat work! For about ten seconds. Everyone quickly gets involved, and the Psychos start a beatdown. Flying sit on X-Fly. Jesus correctly names the clowns! Psycho powerslam on Damian, and a very safe looking stacked up splash on him. Perros rush back in to break the pin up, Psycho kicks them out. Murder off the ropes for a move on Damian, Perros pull htem out, Monster and Psycho tope them. Murder back on the apron, but Damian catches him with a dropkick, and frontcrackers him thru the ropes. Chair slide in, chair to the back. Legdrop to a chair to the head. Perros lay out all the clowns rather quick. Low blow chair added dropkick for Monster. Psycho crotched on the post. Murder move out of the way of a corner charge, X-Fly gets trapped in the corner, Halloween's whipped in, slows down because Murder is in the way, Murder steps out of the way late, and Halloween slowly spears X-Fly. That just looked weird. Big boot to Damian to take him out, and back to Halloween - overhead press and toss in the center of the ring. Mini Clown dropkicks X-Fly on the outside. Murder covers Halloween, Damian breaks it up, legdrops, and cover shim, and Psycho breaks it up with his crazy stomps. Air Raid Crash. X-Fly breaks up that pin and low blow headbutts Psycho. Pin, Monster stops the count, and then starts jumping around. X-Fly watches, misses a clothesline, and is caught in a neckbreaker. One two Damian breaks it up. Psycho back in, Damian misses a dropkick, Psycho holds him in a time killing submission, Monster with a plancha on Halloween, Monster rolls thru and charges, Halloween waves him into Psycho, inside cradles by Damian and Halloween, one two NO. Clowns slide Halloween out by his chest. Psycho goes up top – big plancha isn't really caught at all by Halloween, but he goes down anyway. X-Fly trips up Monster in the corner, kicks Psycho down outside the ring, and follows with his slingshot senton. To the floor. Mini Clown in, helping Murder climb go up – and he falls off the corner for a plancha. Monster and Halloween in. Crowd behind the Psychos. Monster gets the reverse neckbreaker – that's his move! - but decides he ought to go up. Monster takes forever to climb, thinking deeply at every step, and – still lands the splash? One two Monster pulls him up? What? Even Mini Clown thinks that's dumb. Monster moonsault – of course that misses. Damian clothesline causes Monster to run backwards into the corner, Damian hits him a few more times and sets Monster up on the top rope, valagueza, one two three.

Announcers were way ahead of the action by the end of this match, which normally means something got off in a video conversation someplace. Except, the sound of Piero's three count matched up with the video entirely, which means someone screwed up the voice over track and no one noticed.

Perro talks about Mesías vs Sting. This would all be great promos if they actually aired before Heroes Inmortales. Well, not great, but maybe slightly useful.

Konnan reminds LA Park that he gave him a title match, and that awful crazy Zorro screwed it up for him, so he ought to really go fight him now. Konnan offers Chessman to go help, but LA Park insists he doesn't need it, he wants to kill Zorro all on his own. Konnan and Chessman amusingly celebrate their deception after LA Park leaves.

Match 4: Electroshock, Heavy Metal, Joe Lider vs Chessman, Silver King, Último Gladiador
Domo de la Feria de Leon, 10/03/2011

Winner: Electroshock, Heavy Metal, Joe Lider
Match Time: 10:55
Rating: good
Notes: UG is back to the Roman Gladiador outfit. Trolli is with those two. Jennifer is with Chessman. Joe Lider has the DTU belt. Metal has his gang. He seems alert this week. Hijo de Tirantes is ref. Six way brawl starts before the whistle.

No one side in control at first. Or, the técnicos are, but UG is still stomping down Metal in the corner. Clip, to Silver and Chessman giving Lider a double backbreaker. Replay of the rudos dropkicking a ladder into to Metal and Electro? How much did we just miss? Press slam into a UG frontcracker for UG. Everyone chops around Metal. Double seated dropkick for him. Ladder slid in, dropkicked into Lider. Rudos set up the same on Silver King, but Lider turns it around and dropkick Silver into the ladder. Metal and Rock crotch UG and Lokillo dropkick UG, which the cameras nearly misses because there are other things going on. Lider and Electroshock hit Silver and UG with the ladder a bit. UG monkey flipped into the ladder. Lokillo spears Trolli and punches him. Women pulls them apart, then get into their own argument. Jen forearms Nayzh in the face and pounds her on the mat. Electroshock pulls Jennifer out, and Jennifer drops her one with slap. Lider slapped and down too! Don't mess with Jennifer Blake. Naynzh grabs her by the hair, Electroshock quiets the crowd, aims, and slaps Blake down. Silver in, right into Electroshock quebradora. One two no. Electroshock tries punches in the corner, but Silver powerbombs him two counts. Silver forearms, off the ropes, into an Electroshock powerslam, one two Silver grabs Tirantes arm to stop him form counting. I guess that’s a kickout. Electroshock argues, Silver King inside cradle, one two no. crowd shot. Scoop, slam, Silver King goes up, Lider sneaks in for a corner sunset flip bomb. Chessman up, Lider slaps him and hits him with a ladder. Lider dimly climbs the ladder, making it really easy for Chessman just to ride the ladder down onto him. Electroshock dropkicks the ladder into Chessman, UG sort of front crackers Electroshock in the ladder, I guess. Heavy Metal in and German suplexing UG. No bridge. Metal just lets go and poses a bit. Metal goes for the ladder, which is pretty bent. Metal seems bent now too. Chessman kicks Metal out, and starts to climb up the ladder. I HAVE NO IDEA WHY. Lider climbs the other side, they start to punch, Silver tips the ladder over, they all fall down hard. UG is tossed into a dropkick into Silver and the ladder. UG trips Electro into the ladder, then he and Metal knock each other down with clotheslines. Jennifer runs in the ring, runs cross ring, and kicks Naynzh Rock off the apron. Blake grabs Lokillo, and slams him down in the center of the ring. Trolli jumps on Jennifer's back, and the pull off the smallest version of the Psycho Circus stacked up splash. What is going on in this match? Both woman and mini bat up Lokillo until Elector makes the save. Electroshock lifts Trollli over his head, threatens to throw him out, and just kicks him instead. Electroshock waiting for someone to come in to fight. Silver in there, corner clothesline by Electroshock, up top, middle rope flying cutter does not look good. UG front cracker on Electroshock. Lider hits Chessman with a chair on the outside, then comes in for a top rope moonsault side slam on UG, one two three.

Técnicos celebrate.

Dr. Wagner talks about Mesías vs Sting. I'm beginning to think this might be a big match. Tons of ambient noise in this one, Wagner barely audible.

Match 5: Dr. Wagner Jr., El Mesías, Zorro vs el Hijo del Perro Aguayo, LA Park, Nicho el Millionario
Domo de la Feria de Leon, 10/03/2011

Winner: el Hijo del Perro Aguayo, LA Park, Nicho el Millionario
Match Time: 22:43
Rating: OK, so long
Notes: Nicho & Perro enter together. “LA” stands for La Authentica, according to Jesus. Good enough story. Never mind about that thing about the refs being in the ring before the match. Piero is the ref for this one. Apparently Zorro is still from Madrid? Wagner has his belt. Mesías gets last entrance.

Rudos attack the técnicos at the whistle. Maybe they shouldn't show Park missing Zorro's head by so much on punches. Perro poses with the title belt before hitting Wagner with it. Mask untying, check. Holding and hitting while Jesus talks about I don’t even know what. Chair is brought in so Perro can hit Mesías in the arm. Perro and Park punch Wagner and Mesías around the outside. Break.

Action continues, such as it is. Announcers have a digression about Eddie Guerrero for no particular reason. Rudos come together to triple big boot Mesías in the ring. Zorro is ran into a chair shot. Replay of him getting his hands up in plenty of time. Chair shot to the midsection and to the head for Wagner. Triple dropkick bit on Wagner is interrupted by Park and Nicho being pulled out and punched around while Wagner clotheslines Perro. Nicho is so good at stumbling around after taking punches. Mesías hangs Nicho over the barricade, leaves to go find a chair, and Nicho is just unable to move for a mistune while Mesías gets a chair.

Wagner smacks Perro I the head with the cane and bites his forehead to draw blood. Just slightly so far. Chair shot to the head will probably work better. Nicho manages to dropkick Mesías in the knee in the ring, but stands around waiting for him to get up. In the meantime, Park and Zorro come in, and Zorro uses a crutch (???) as if it's his cane, with the usual strikes. He breaks it over Park’s back for good measure. Oh, security gives the broken cane back to the guy Zorro took it from, nice of him. Wagner hits Perro with a chair shot repeatedly, though Perro never actually goes down. Mesías is just now up, but Nicho decides to slap him around a bit. No hurry. Casadora is reversed into a big wheelbarrow suplex. Park runs in and kicks Mesías down, then backs way to the corner for no reason. Park waits for Mesías to slowly get up, and Mesías armdrags him around. Quebradora, monkey flip! Mesías middle rope headscissors is not so great, but the enthusiasm is there. Perro bumps Mesías out of the ring, Wagner runs him out, Park gets him, Zorro gets Park, Nicho? No, Zorro tope con giro onto Park. Nicho sizes up the pile – slingshot tornillo. Clip. Perro tease as if he’s going to dive, but Wagner backdrops him. Dropkick to the head. Perro out, Wagner poses on the apron, tope con giro off there. Everyone out of the ring. Zorro and Park back in, Park misses a corner dropkick and bounces on his head. Zorro repeatedly evades Park on the corner, Park flips him to the apron, Zorro pulls him down by the mask, Park gets up and charges, Zorro slide in under him, under a clothesline, under another, under a spin kick, and landing his own clothesline. Nicho walks in the ring, walks to the opposite corner, and grabs the cane. Zorro just watches him, which seems dumb until he's blocked the cane shot, grabbed the cane and is taking out La Park with the cane. Zorro slide out on his chest. Piero cuts off the dive, so Zorro goes over him for a slingshot tope con giro on the técnicos. Wagner and Perro in, and staring at the crowd. Chest slap fight is even, Wagner gets the backfist. Nicho in too as Perro stands up for another shot, and Nicho talks Perro into letting him have a try. Wagner drops the straps and poses, then puts the straps back on. Nicho crotch chops and poses – so of course Wagner kills him with a kick. Wagner of the ropes, Nicho spinning neckbreaker, and another strut! Nicho is happy with himself. Chair set up, Nicho slaps Wagner down into it and hammers him with forearm for a bit too. Charge, right into a tope con giro on the chair. Nicho is stuck with the chair around his neck, Wagner dragon screw sends the chair flying off. Park in and slapping Wagner. Park off the ropes, Wagner front facelock and jumping giant DDT. Both down and slow up. Wagner goes up for a moonsault (??) and Park pulls him down and stomps him. Park going up - flying nothing meets kick. Wagner kicks Park, and Park rolls to the apron. Wagner stand around until Perro rushes in and stomps him down from behind. Pose. Chop. Corner whip, Perro charge misses, Wagner goes to pull down his trunks, Piero grabs Wagner, Perro dropkick misses both, Wagner kicks Perro on the ground. Wagner grabs Perro, Perro turns it around for a snap mare and rips up the mask. Mesías rushes in late to punch him out of the ring. Nicho in and throwing a chair at Mesías, which works. Setting up the chair in the center of the ring just ends up getting Nicho speared into it. Mesías goes up – top rope splash misses. Park top rope senton con giro misses – ah, everyone's going to do this. Announcers are now ready Mesías' wikipedia page on air, so they're really into this match. Nicho is last, missing a twisting moonsault. Wagner and Perro hang outside to watch as the other slowly fight. Zorro sat in a corner, Nicho gives Mesías a neck crank, park goes up, Zorro shoves Nicho into the ropes and Mesías is crotched. Nicho dropkicks Zorro away as Mesías climbs up. Top rope 'rana by Mesías? Parka and Mesías take a while to set up, and Nicho calmly sneaks in for the stacked up superplex. Zorro adds the splash on Park for the double pin, and Perro and Wagner break up the pins. Everyone slow up. Zorro clotheslines himself and Nicho out. Wagner dragon screws Park, and Mesías lands a top rope plancha on him from outside. Down to Wagner and Perro. Wagner chair to the midsection, chair to the back, look around at the crowd, chair – no, Piero grabs it for no reason, and Perro dropkicks them both together. Wagner chair to midsection, chair to the back, chair laid on top, double stomp to the chair, one two three