CMLL on Teleformula #61 (08/21/2011)
Recapped: 08/23/2011

Announcers are JCR and Bucanero. Highlights of the segunda air behind them. Both guys are confused about Mr. Aguila being on the técnico side of the main event.

Match 1: Goya Kong, Lluvia, Marcela vs Amapola, La Comandante, Princesa Blanca
Arena Coliseo Guadalajara, 07/12/2011

  1. técnicas
  2. rudas
  3. técnicas

Winner: técnicas (2-1)
Match Time: 8:53
Rating: comedy match, not an interesting one.
Notes: Refs are Loco and The Other Guy. Amapola will never not be appalled at Goya's dancing. Big crowd today.

1: Pairs are Lluvia/Blanca, Goya/Amapola, and Marcela/Comandante. Other rudas rush Marcela, fail, and get dropped right next to each other. Marcela brings Comandante back in, they slap for a while, Comandante knocks Marcela down onto the other two rudas and goes for the big splash, Marcela moves and Comandante wipes out her partners. Pin, fall. Técnicas turn over the pile and get Comandante counted down too, even though the fall is pretty clearly over already. Total comedy.

2: Pairs this fall start Blanca/Lluvia, Goya/Comandante, but Amapola is in pretty quickly to help Comandante and the beatdown is on for there. Rudas celebrate after are particular hard slap to Lluvia, then finish all the técnicas off. They cut away from Comandante as she's finishes Marcela, then can't get much of an angle on whatever wristlock it is that Amapola puts on Goya.

3: Beatdown goes on. Announcers hype the main event. Marcela really hasn't done a lot, and the one headscissors she did in the first fall didn't look any good. This is not much of a tecnica side without her contributing. After more corner charges on Lluvia, she pulls herself out of the tree of woe to avoid a running kick, and the tecnicas rebound from there. Lluvia top rope planchas everyone, and her and Marcela do the splashes bit until Goya adds her ending one. Crowd does dig it. That's three.

Match 2: Gallo vs Shigeo Okumura for the Occidente Light Heavyweight Championship
Arena Coliseo Guadalajara, 07/12/2011

  1. Okumura small package (0:37)
  2. Gallo over the shoulder backbreaker (3:10)
  3. Okumura foul kick (5:08)

Winner: Okumura
Match Time: 8:55
Rating: OK
Notes: Skándalo is back out as Okumura's second. Gallito and Metalico are Gallo's seconds. Brief shot of the title belt presentation before cutting to the match. Ref is Edgar.

1:  Gallo all over Okumura to start, armdragging him and spinning into a leg hold, but of course that's reversed into a small package for a three count. Gallo can't believe it, but probably should watch more CMLL.

2: Chop fight. Okumura wins via takedown, but off the ropes evasion leads to an Gallo springboard armdrag and dropkick. Gallo wastes no time, toping Okumura in to the seats. Weird stitching together of the camera angles on that shot. Replay too. Gallo makes it in first, but Gallo shoulders him from the apron. Okumura up top, missile dropkick connects. Gallo probably shouldn't have just stood there aimlessly. Whip, reversed, Gallo quebradora. Gallo trips Okura on the middle rope, 619 misses, but Gallito takes in a kick from the apron. Okumura slowly chases the rooster, and this time kicks it down. Okumura celebrates, and stomps the mini rooster a few more times. Gallo out there to belatedly defend his friends, and drops Okumura with a quebradora on the apron. Chop fight back inside. Gallo pulls down Okumura by the hair this time, then drops him with an over the shoulder backbreaker. That's enough to tie it up.

3: Gallo strikes with the headstand dropkick early. Spinning armdrag sends Okumura out, time for another dive. This time, it's the tope con giro that lands. Both back in, Okumura misses another corner charge, Gallo charges and is flipped to the apron but slaps Okumura down from there. Gallo plancha, Okumura rolls thru, one two no.  Gallo 'rana, Okumura rolls thru one two no. Edgar has trained on how to do slow counts. Okumura argue about it, gets cradles, one two no one believed that one. Okumura drop toe hold, casita, one two th-NO. Gallo slams Okumura and heads out to go up, but Gallito and the fans convince him to come back in, which is good since Okumura is getting up and slapping him. Okumura goes for an eye poke, but Gallo headbutts him anyway. Fireman's drop in front of the opposite corner, and Gallo signals that he's going up again. Okumura checks him out, apolsy dead, then gets up and punches Gallo as he stands on the top rope. Superplex, one two NO. Crowd really not in to the match as they were earlier. Gallo pulls Okumura into a cradle, one two NO. Okumura misses a clothesline, Gallo locks on a waistlock, Okumura spins and gets his own, Gallo shoved off into Edgar, and then turning back into an Okumura foul kick. One two three. New champ.

Replays are weird.

Match 3: Hijo del Fantasma, Máscara Dorada, Mr. Águila vs Felino, Mr. Niebla, Negro Casas
Arena Coliseo Guadalajara, 07/12/2011

  1. rudos
  2. técnicos
  1. rudos

Winner: rudos (2-1)
Match Time: 10:30
Rating: OK
Notes: Zacarias is with his team. Mascara Dorada has his original theme, but remixed. Mr. Aguila shakes his head on the way to the ring, because he has no clue why he's on the técnico side either. Refs are Edgar and Loco, who gets patted on the head by Niebla. Aguila is a replacement for Toscano, who is never mentioned.

1: Dorada and Negro start off, even on the mat and Dorada getting in a nice springboard armdrag to send Negro out. Niebla ambushed him there, and the rudos start the beatdown. Mr. Aguila is content to watch his partners being attacked but tries to kick Niebla and takes the slap. Niebla spits in the hair while beating up Aguila on the top rope, then hangs Aguila in the tree of woe so Felino can easily get him with his arm pit. After Felino cradles Fantasma for one pin, Aguila checks to see if they need another pin. Referees are not sure who the captain is, but give the fall to the rudos three. Fine work.

2: Rudos mess with Dorada (armpit to the mask), leading JCR to ask Rey which member of Peste Negra is most smelly. Bucanero goes 1) Niebla, 2) Felino, 3) Negro, but the adds Zacarias as most smelliest. Aguila is in no hurry to participate, with the other two getting beat instead. Fantasma ducks under a double kick and gets the Casas with a surging clothesline. Niebla grabs him, and gets chopped by his partners. Fantasma topes Niebla into the crowd, and his partners quickly pick up the win.

3: Fantasma/Negro includes Fantasma wedging in the ghost lariat, only for Negro to step around it. Fantasma superkicks him out away. Headscissors for Felino. Niebla get in a slap and gets to cup his ears a bit to start the rudo chant before getting back to work. Niebla pose. Spit is caught, thought mostly on his nose. Felino is threatened with a kiss. Back to wrestling, Fantasma does the Niebla dance, then slides out Niebla to the – apron, before Niebla slides the rest of his way off. Fantasma rolling dropkicks Zacarias out and poses on the ropes. Aguila in, and flipping around with Felino. Heel kicks takes him down. Negro tries to help, and both get clotheslines. Aguila whips Loco into a sunset flip on Niebla for good measure. Niebla tries to get Loco as he crawls away to the técnico corner, where Dorada bops him on the head for good measure. Felino gets the fast dropkicked on Dorada, but Dorada battle back from the apron for a springboard armdrag. Negro heel kicks Dorada, but takes a headscissors to the apron. Niebla and Dorada have some issues, Dorada runs and jump rolls to the ramp (Negro gone) and then looks back confusedly. Niebla grabs him and spits at Dorada. Dorada back up al the ramp, and runs back for the floating headscissors. Fantasma rush in for a high five and a dive, and Aguila walks into kick him down. Dorada questions Aguila, and Felino grabs Dorada into an armbar. Negro submits Fantasma and that’s it.