CMLL on CadenaTres #192 (08/06/2011) – LATV 08/20/2011
Recapped: 08/28/2011

Match 1: Soberano Jr. & Super Halcon Jr. vs Ramstein & Zayco
Arena Mexico, 08/02/2011

  1. técnicos
  2. técnicos

Winner: técnicos
Match Time: 9:08
Rating: fell apart
Notes: Opening appears shortened. Got to get this match in. Ref is Tigre Hispano.

1: Soberano Jr. is skinnier than Ramstein is fat. There's jarring edit that gives me time to consider this. Soberano looks either really green or really nervous, with Ramstein trying to carry him thru some basic stuff and not always succeeding. Ramstein works hard at it, though. Super Halcón and Zayco have a relatively really fun exchange on the mat, including headstands and counters to headstands. Zayco slides 3/4ths of the ring and out on an armdrag to end that. Soberano looks better flipping around on his second bit with Ramstein, though his headscissors to send Ramstein out is a bit iif-y. Zayco superkicks the new kid down, Super Halcón gets Zayco with a flying armdrag, and slowly runs into a tope con giro. Ramstein is down grabbing a knee, and that's the end of the rudos for the fall. Crowd boos as the técnicos get their arms raised.

2: Halcón gets Zayco with a rope flip armdrag and a springboard dropkick as they resume showing action. Fans boo. Soberano drops down as Zacyo runs the ropes, and Zayco kills him with an elbow drop. Big hard powerbomb too. Halcón makes the save to even louder boos. Zayco takes him out with an inside the leg kick, then waits for Soberano to turns to slap him down. Zayclone ends him. Ramstein is apparently done, so Zayco is on his own for the rest of this match. Super Halcón slips in a sunset flip for two. Small package for two. Three? Three. Well. Boooos. Let's all move on.

Match 2: Astral, Eléctrico, Mascarita Dorada vs Demus 3:16, Pequeño Olímpico, Pequeño Violencia
Arena Mexico, 08/02/2011

  1. técnicos
  2. rudos
  3. técnicos

Winner: técnicos (2-1)
Match Time: 14:30
Rating: good
Notes: Ref is Pompin.

1: Pairs are Astral/Violencia, Eléctrico/Demus (despite Demus challenging Dorada), Dorada/Olímpico. First two are good, second two are doing fine until Eléctrico tries a handspring headscissors and fails horribly. Announcers (in the process of saying hi to a friend of Super Camaleon!) all start losing their minds at once on that one. This is the most Cadena3 possible moment ever. Demus walks off. Dorada seems to have some trouble with his left knee early on, but recovers to headscissors Olímpico and follow with a springboard headscissors. Young técnicos wrap things out with out him.

2: Demus holds Dorada's down over the middle rope and unties his masks, before tossing him across the ring and knocking the técnicos off the apron. Beatdown is on. Rudos are big fans of holding a guy up and having someone else do something with them. They finish the fall with Dorada held up and everyone kicking him, then Demus covering Dorada before they draw the excessive violence DQ.

3: Beatdown continues. Demus flattens Eléctrico with an inverted powerslam before everyone else adds their kicks. Rudos make a play at going to the corner when Dorada comes in, but then double team him anyway. Corner charges, including Demus yelling, charging, stopping short, and slapping Dorada in the face. Eléctrico sort of drags Dorada by his mask to safety. Astral is held up chopped, and then just dropped. Olímpico holds him up for more slaps and chops, rudos run to the ropes, and are tripped up by Dorada and Eléctrico. Astral gets Olímpico with a casadora armdrag, off the ropes evasion, Astral corner flip, Olímpico keep missing with a clothesline, and Astral leads him into an Eléctrico plancha. Spinning headscissors into a spinning armdrag, but Olímpico gets right up and  boots him. Olímpico with a sort of F5, I guess, and a tag to Violencia. Chest slap for him. Whip, reversed, dropkick sends Violencia in the ropes. Violencia flips Eléctrico to the apron, but Eléctrico slingshots back in with a over the head headscissors. Quebradora, and Dorada in to help with a dropkick. Dorada celebrates while a local break interrupts.

Back, and Demus has knocked down Dorada. Whip, Fuerza punt maybe, and big crazy giant swing  by Demus. Dorada goes flying when Demus lets go. Pompin checks on him, and Dorada is slow to get up, but Demus grabs him and – gets three triple rotation headscissors, nice. Olímpico dropkick Dorada down, and Dorada goes to the outside, limping yet again. Violencia grabs Dorada, Demus runs for the dive, Dorada starts to get loose, Demus rolls out, and Dorada gets Violencia with a casadora armdrag. Other técnicos in – tope con giros on Violencia and Demus. Dorada and Olímpico, captains here, are in. Dorada lands a springboard tope, top rope moonsaults (on the legs) one two three.

Pompin is choking on Olimpico's right knee after the match. He seems to be in a lot of pain. Dorada did land strong on his legs.

Match 3: Ángel de Plata, Metro, Stuka Jr. vs Misterioso Jr., Shigeo Okumura, Yoshihashi
Arena Mexico, 08/02/2011

  1. rudos
  2. técnicos
  3. técnicos

Winner: técnicos (2-1)
Match Time: 11:11
Rating: OK
Notes: Yoshihashi is wearing the bandana again. Ref is Rodolfo.

1: Okumura and Oro start, Oro getting to a bow and arrow before the quick exchange of pins come in. Stuka and Misterioso work well with each other next. Metro and Yoshihashi are last. Yoshihashi seems to be enjoying himself. His chops don't go well, and Metro pulls of the bandana to expose to the bald head. Yoshihashi freaks out, takes a quebradora, takes a superkick, and takes a tope, though Metro may have hit the ropes hard than Yoshihashi. Rudos instantly win the fall in the ring, only being dragged out by Rodolfo counting the simultaneous pins separately.

2: Beatdown. Holding and hitting. And posing. Stuka looks to be bleeding form a chest slap, but lead s the rudos into a Angle de Oro missile dropkick. Metro superkicks Okumura out, and Angel de Oro runs up the ropes to land on him with a corner plancha. Técnicos quickly finish in the ring. Replays bizarrely show the first fall finish, and then catch up to the correct fall.

3: Metro handles Okumura, and chops Yoshihashi off the apron for good measure. Yoshihashi comes in to try chopping the big man, and gets dropkicked to the ramp. Misterioso misses a corner charge and takes the monkey flip. Rudos all run for their lives. Rudos return, and Okumura catches Angel de Oro with a clothesline. Okumura celebrates everything. Oro gets flipped to the apron, kicks Okumura in the midsection a couple times from there, waves a whole bunch, and springboard dropkicks Okumura out. Rope flip dive fake, as Okumura hugs a security guy for some protection. Stuka and Misterioso are fast, Misterioso shrugging off Stuka and kicking him in the corner, only to miss the corner charge and spear the post. Stuka fireman’s drops Yoshihashi in the center of the ring, but this is the usual fake out – missile plancha to the floor on Misterioso. Angel de Oro lands a springboard splash on Yoshihashi for three. Okumura is much too late to break it up, and Metro hurks him over in a big German suplex.

Match 4: Olímpico, Psicosis, Volador Jr. vs Blue Panther, Máximo, Rush
Arena Mexico, 08/02/2011

  1. técnicos
  2. rudos
  3. rudos

Winner: rudos (2-1)
Match Time: 10:01
Rating: bleh
Notes: Referee is Tigre Hispano. I never noticed this before, but they (belatedly) block on the C3 logo on the lineup card – you can see it as the graphic starts and stops still. I think they must've just been clipping the lineup card out for a while.

1: Local break as Panther and Olímpico start on the mat. Psicosis and Volador rush in to break it up as Olímpico gets in trouble. Volador does it again, and Máximo complains. Volador takes over in the ring, and gets sunset flip towards a Máximo kick. Volador fights it off and swings kicks Volador, but Rush rushes in with a top rope plancha. Volador misses a clothesline, Rush headscissors him out. Psicosis knocks down Rush with a back elbow, Máximo runs the ropes rightfully and goes for the kiss on Psicosis, but Olímpico makes the save. Rudos hold the ring. Corner charges for Panther, including a rolling back elbow from Olímpico and a Volador superkick. Rush slapped around, hung from the middle rope, and dropped with the guillotine legdrop. As Volador gets his pin, the other two take care of the técnicos with the usual inverted cristo and a powerbomb on Máximo. Tigre Hispano seems to have decided Rush is captain.

2: Clipped, but rudos still in control. Máximo takes a guillotine splash. Rush is slapped, fights back, is slapped down. Another clip in here. While the Invasors have the other two held, Máximo sneaks in the kiss cradle on Volador. Volador must not be the captain (this fall), because Rush German suplex Psicosis for another pin. Técnicos tease Máximo kissing Olímpico a couple of times.

3: Not a lot of note in the third fall before the local break chimes in. Rush tosses and kicks Olímpico around, until throwing himself out of the ring on a charge. Olímpico lands the slingshot tope con giro to take them both out. Máximo goes for the block everything kiss, but Psicosis shoves him back, right into a Volador backcracker. That takes care of one, and Psicosis drops Panther with a spinning front slam (?) for the other.

Match 5: Máscara Dorada, Shocker, Super Porky vs Rey Bucanero, Terrible, Texano
Arena Mexico, 08/02/2011

  1. técnicos
  2. rudos
  3. técnicos

Winner: técnicos (2-1)
Match Time: 10:01
Rating: eh
Notes: Entrances. Mascara Dorada's music is still a work in progress. Ref is Pompin.

1: Dorada/Bucanero with some fast pins. They're almost as quickly done. Shocker and Terrible have quick counters, but Shocker gets the corner clothesline/bulldog counter. Terrible rolls out, Shocker follows him, and gives him a bad suplex on the ramp; Terrible didn't get much over. Local break.

Back in time for Porky to bump Terrible and Texano in the corner and land the running sit. Técnicos cheer on for one more, but the rudos move. Slow motion set up to all the técnicos defeating all the rudos at once.

2: Dorada/Bucanero sequence appears to be clipped out (and by LATV.) Shocker hiptossed Texano, which cues the rudo beatdown somehow. Rudos are doing a corner version of the flying sit. Shocker is crotched around Dorada's head, then are tied together for the submission. Porky watched from the ramp as his partners get beat.

3: Match is briefly shown before a local break. Beatdown still going when it resumes. Bucanero 'surfs' on Porky's back for a while. Shocker grabs Porky on the run to prevent a backdrop, and Dorada plancha the rudos. Rudos catch him, but end up chopping each other. Texano sent out, and Shocker clothesline the other two. Shocker backdrops Dorada into a tope con giro, then cradles Terrible for a submission (should be a pin) as Porky squashes Bucanero for the other.