CMLL on Teleformula #58 (07/31/2011) 
Recapped: 08/06/11

Announcers are Rey Bucanero, JCR and Felino

Match 1: Eléctrico vs Demus 3:16
Arena Coliseo Guadalajara, 06/07/2011

Winner: Demus 3:16
Match Time: 7:54
Rating: good
Notes: One of the edecans is wearing a Rey Misterio mask. Demus has new music or just GDL music. They do get Electrico's music right. One fall! Juan is ref, and can't keep them aprt long enough actually start the match.

Demus tosses Eléctrico around to start. Eléctrico evades off the ropes just long enough to be leveled by a spear. Demus kicks around Eléctrico on the mat, and poses a bit. Whip, nice shoulder powerslam by Demus. Bucanero marks out for it. Demus goes after Eléctrico's mask for fun. Brief chop fight ends with a Demus kick. Whip, inverted tilt-a-whirl slam. Demus in control and mocking the crowd. Knee to the head. Knee to the head again. Strong crowd today. Chop. Demus cranks Eléctrico's arm around the ropes, and bites – his pec? Ew. Corner whip, corner charge, Eléctrico moves, and Demus hits the corner. Armdrag on the whip out. Eléctrico tries a 'rana, but Demus shoves him off and shoulderblocks him all the way to the floor. Demus celebrates and mocks the fans again. Rudo fans are loud behind him. Eléctrico back in with a springboard flip 'rana, off the ropes, Fireman's escape headscissors sends Demus out, and Eléctrico follows with a nice tope con giro. Replay. Eléctrico crawls to the apron, but Demus yanks him back to the floor and crawls in himself. Eléctrico on the apron again, springboard dropkicked on Demus. Too near the ropes on the pin, and Demus easily gets a foot on the bottom rope. Eléctrico dropkick sends Demus into the ropes, back elbow knocks him down. Clothesline, Eléctrico runs the ropes while sitting up Demus, and adds a dropkick to the face, one two kickout. Announcers have mentioned Demus being in the major leagues about 12 times already. Whip, no, different set of ropes. Whip, Eléctrico headscissors. Crowd busy yelling to people walking around on the outside. Eléctrico poses, and gets dropkicked out by Demus right in front of the walking people. They're kind of holding up the match here. Demus takes off his shirt, and – tumbles thru the ropes, taking out one of the walking fans. Eléctrico back in – moonsault to the floor on Demus. Nice replays of the moonsault, which was half missed live. Demus stumbles around on the outside, but pulls himself in. Eléctrico of the ropes, 'rana one two NO. Crowd chanting at each other. Demus clothesline blocked, Eléctrico with a fireman's drop and heads up. Top rope moonsault misses (I guess, didn't look like it) and Demus stands up and poses. Chop. Whip, Eléctrico leaps to the apron, springboard back in, but Demus powerbombs him. Double underhook piledriver, one two three. Scary finish, but also one that all the crowd on camera missed, having turned their backs on the match to chant at someone. Bucanero argues that should be a DQ, and he's right.

Match 2: Goya Kong, Lluvia ©, Luna Mágica vs Amapola ©, Princesa Blanca, Tiffany
Arena Coliseo Guadalajara, 06/07/2011

  1. rudas

  2. técnicas
  3. técnicas

Winner: técnicas (2-1)
Match Time: 8:46
Rating: eh
Notes: Tiffany has her shoulder brace on. Amapola is not at all amused by Goya's dancing. Dead lord, this tecnica side. Amapola chases the edecanes off so she can get Lluvia on the way to the ring. Refs are Juan and Samurai.

1: Ruda beatdown. They're well organized, active but in no hurry to finish the fall. Lluvia and Goya are whipped different direction at the same time to set up the finish, and narrowly avoid a bad collision for Lluvia.

2: Rudas still in control for a while. Luna moves on a corner charge, Amapola spears the post, and Goya clotheslines the other two. Cameras manage to miss a Lluvia dive and then some wackiness with the four left in the ring, but Goya splashes Tiffany and Luna submits Blanca for the fall. Replays of the splash but nothing else.

3: Amapola annoys Lluvia, but doesn't want anything to do with her. Announcers are promoting the 07/15 GDL show, which gives an idea on how far Teleformula is behind. Técnica showcase go Luna, Goya, Lluvia. Crowd still occasionally busy turning around and yelling at people. Everything is competent if not necessarily exciting. Técnicas are pulled out going for dives, leaving, Lluvia and Amapola in. Amapola escapes a rollup, but Lluvia puts on an armscissors while the cameras are looking the wrong way, and that's it.

Announcers talk about the title match happening next week, so it's not CMLL who's being goofy here, but Teleformula airing things in the wrong order. Amapola & Lluvia make challenges as the announcers talk right over them.

Match 3: Delta, Diamante, Metro © vs Rey Escorpion, Shigeo Okumura, Vangelis ©
Arena Coliseo Guadalajara, 05/17/2011

  1. rudos

  2. técnicos
  3. técnicos

Winner: técnicos (2-1)
Match Time: 8:42
Rating: eh
Notes: Diamante and Delta enter together, Delta wearing a Diamante hood on top of his mask. Refs are Loco and Samurai.

1: Pairs are Diamante/Okumura, Metro/Vangelis and that doesn’t last long before the other rudos get involved for the beatdown. Bucanero is not sure where Metro is from. Rudos are not on the same page, but still take the fall.

2: Okumura gives Diamante a big DDT on the stage. Various brawling. Metro evades a double chop that takes out Escorpion instead and Doble D get springboard armdrags to set up their finishes., which don’t go totally smooth. Metro gets Okumura a headscissors on the ramp too.

3: Delta takes off his oddly wet shirt to fight Escorpion, then they compare stripper moves. Escorpion bails, and Okumura takes over, long enough to eat a headscissors. One for Escorpion, and groin thrust for Vangelis. Metro and Vangelis can't pull off the giant armdrag, and Metro quickly dropkicks him out. Quebradora for Okumura. Running shoulder powerslam into the corner for Escorpion. Metro goes for another, Escorpion slips off and shoves him in the corner, Metro comes back with a big boot, armbar fails, spinning slam doesn’t look quite right and is broken up at two. Diamante springboard Okumura as he comes in, Vangelis kick him down, delta springboard headscissors Vangelis out. Delta starts for a dive, holds up, starts over, and gets passed by Diamante – tope con giro, and a Delta tope. Metro and Rey Escorpion left in, pres slam into a German suplex for the finish.