CMLL on Teleformula #47 (05/15/2011) 
Recapped: 05/15/11

Announcers are JCR, Felino and Shocker – and we're getting Arena Puebla matches now?!?! Virus vs Valiente is airing on the monitor behind them, Valiente taking a fall with his seated armbar. The announcers hype up match 1, no mention of a second match.

Video is also shown in 16/9 aspect ratio. It's not HD (if only because Teleformua is just SD), but it's using that framing.

Match 1: La Máscara, Máscara Dorada ©, Máximo vs Rey Bucanero, Terrible ©, Texano
Arena Puebla, 05/09/2011

  1. Fuerza TRT

  2. técnicos
  3. Fuerza TRT

Winner: Fuerza TRT (2-1)
Match Time: 11:35
Rating: eh
Notes: Yep. No edecanes here, no room. Puebla crowd looks awful small on the camera side, looks perfectly fine on the other sides. Entrance music seems dubbed in over the ring announcer. Different camera angles than TVC Deportes were using, as well. Or maybe just different cameras – colors seem better. More shaky handheld camera work. Referee is Terror Chino.

1: La Mascara and Texano start the even opening before the rudos just to decide to destroy the técnicos. Brawl around the exterior of the ring. Back in for a double flapjack on Dorada. Bucanero is spun around into a short dropkick. That could use some work. Flying Guerrero sit to Máximo's back, and he's done. Rudos give La Máscara something along the liens of a tripe frontcracker, and that' sit.

2: Rudos still in control. Dorada's hung in the tree of woe and Mascara is crotched on his head. Máximo takes Bucanero's turning senton, except now that senton is a turning forearm. We're all getting old, it's kind of sad. On the other hand, it's a match with Máximo, don't be taking dumb bumps. Mascara rolls under a double clothesline to dropkick Bucanero to start the comeback. The other two técnicos quickly finish up. La Mascara gets Bucanero in the campana for good measure.

3: Rudos busy huddling, so Dorada shoves Texano to get him to fight. Once they get going, Dorada sends Texano out with a sky high armdrag, gets Terrible with a boosted headscissors, and Bucanero with a tope flips into a casadora armdrag. Flipping dive fake allows Texano to kick Dorada out. Máximo in, and Texano slows it down before they can start slapping each other. Texano drops Máximo with a superkick, but Máximo rallies after a missed corner charge. Slap for Terrible, flying armdrag of Terrible, Texano misses a senton, Máximo gets him with a headscissors, Bucanero comes in, Máximo blocks everything and gets in his kiss. Bucanero can't escape that kiss. Bucanero finds a girl to kiss just to get the suggestive chants to stop. And then Rey goes off to find more girls. Match halts while Bucanero is screwing around. Mascara gets the better of Texano & Terrible, and only struggles with Bucanero when he stops to remove his shirt. Three quebradora con giros for Bucanero. Things beak down from there. Dorada lands a boosted dropkick on Terrible and Bucanero, and Mascara superkicks out the other one. Tripe tope, lots of carnage on one side. The Puebla sets do topple over if you hit them hard enough, I wasn't ever sure. Replays. Máximo and Bucanero in, Bucanero is ready for the kiss this time, but not ready for Mascara's superkick. Other rudos break up the pinfall, fail, Dorada springboard splashes the whole pile, Máximo back splashes the whole pile, técnicos pile on, but all get shoved up at two. Dorada tries a 'rana on Texano, Texano powerbombs him, Bucanero drops Mascara on top, Terrible lifts Máximo on his shoulders and drops him off on the pile, rudos cover, one two three. Win for the new team.

Announcers discuss the results of that match. Felino is happy the rudos won, and happy for Bucanero even though he's not a teammate anymore. They're showing the closing seconds of Valiente/Virus behind us. What a tease.

Match 2: La Sombra ©, Rush, Tigre Rojo Jr. vs Atlantis ©, Averno, Último Guerrero
Arena Puebla, 05/09/2011

  1. rudos

  2. técnicos
  3. técnicos

Winner: técnicos (2-1)
Match Time: 11:15
Rating: okay build
Notes: Tigre Rojo Jr.! On TV in the US! Things that you could not have expected to be happening today. Tirantes is ref. Rush has leather jacket now. Tiger Rojo Jr. has music! German music? Atlantis jumps Sombra as he tries walks down the aisle they brawl around the ring, into people who just standing about. The other four just sort of watch from the ring. Atlantis posts Sombra, and then just steps into the ring like nothing happened. Técnicos decide they probably should check on Sombra. Sombra recovers and slides in to get Atlantis, but UG and Averno do their best to shield their partner. Captain announcement is inaudible, but I can guess it might just be those two.

1: Tiger Rojo starts with Último Guerrero. Tiger Rojo looks fine here, keeping up with UG though not doing anything fancy. Shocker talks about the Angel de Oro/Guerrero Maya match. UG rolls out after an armdrag, Tiger Rojo poses, Atlantis comes in, Sombra springboards in to get him. Atlantis runs and Averno blocks. Sombra turns and points to the técnicos rooting section, and Atlantis sneaks around and forearms him in the back. Atlantis throws Sombra out, wipes his hands, and heads back to his own corner before Sombra can get him. Sombra still tries to get around to him, but Averno isn't letting it happen. Rush and Averno end up starting it up next. Averno tries to get in a cheap takedown on Rush, but Rush fights him on the mat - they have a spirited battle there before reaching a standoff. Tags, and Atlantis and Sombra in. Sombra is in no hurry now, taking time to points at the técnicos section again. Off the ropes, and UG gets in cheap kick from the outside. Atlantis waits for Sombra to get back up, Sombra charges, and Atlantis powerbombs him. Averno and UG clear the técnico off the apron, and Atlantis hangs on for the pin. Stomps after the fact too.

2: Beatdown. Tiger Rojo is welcomed to the main event with the senton de la muerte. Sombra is held on his knees for Atlantis to kick and punch. Sombra escape a double hiptoss and ducks a double chop, which sends Atlantis out. Sombra runs by the rudos, and gets Atlantis with a slow speed headscissors. Rush in, evading Averno and dropping UG with a back suplex. Senton finishes him. Tigre Rojo almost overshoots Averno on his quberada, but hangs on for the pin.

3: Rudos in no hurry to start this fall. Tiger Rojo gets Ultimo Guerrero again; the rookie is way too hyper if anything. Atlantis tries to sneak in again and again Sombra chases him off. Rush headscissors Averno around, tosses UG with a belly to belly suplex, and dropkick him out. Rush invites Atlantis, then immediately bails so Sombra can get him. Sombra is all over Atlantis when they get started, going for his mask after a quebradora. Sombra dropkick Atlantis out, other rudos boot him out and trips up Rush as he charges. Tiger Rojo is the last hope, and so he's easily grabbed. He does duck a double clothesline, and turns a boot into a dropkick out for Averno. Rush moves, and UG takes the knee bump to the outside. High ten is mostly a fail, técnicos tease running dives and actually just do pescados. Atlantis in – but he's got Sombra. Sombra rips off his own shirt. Atlantis clothesline misses, Sombra shoulderblock, charge up the ropes, flip escape, Atlantis fouls him. Straight kick. Tirantes didn’t miss and called it. Atlantis grabs Tirantes angrily, but that ain’t his fault.

Atlantis shoves the other técnicos away and steel Sombra’s mask for good measure. Técnicos let Atlantis come back and stomp Sombra some more with only passive resistance. Atlantis shoves off his new mask to the camera.