CMLL on LATV (05/07/2011) 
Recapped: 05/08/11

Bizarrely, these are the Sunday matches. TV changed around this week.

Match 1: Guerrero Maya Jr., Hombre Bala Jr., Stuka Jr. © vs Rayo Tapatío I, Rayo Tapatío II, Virus ©
Arena Coliseo, 05/01/2011

  1. rudos

  2. técnicos
  3. técnicos

Winner: técnicos (2-1)
Match Time: 13:58
Rating: decent
Notes: Referee is Tiger Hispano. Mayo and the Rayos nearly get into it before the match starts.

1: Stuka resorts to biting Virus' hand as they battle for control. Each guy sinks in basic hold for a while. More interesting when they get on the mat, but neither man gets advantage. Chop fight, then Virus just tags out. Rayo II and Guerrero Maya, though Rayo I and Hombre have to get involved before they can get involved. Rayo II and Maya also on the mat a lot, though Maya doesn't back down at all. Bala & I in, I offers a handshake, and II forearms the novato from behind. II cut off Maya and brawls with him. Stuka has no idea what to make of this, but Virus gets in a free kick on Bala when offered. Stuka eventually sent out and Virus comes in to help the beatdown. Local break here.

Stuka knocked around. Bala seems to mess something up but gets dropkicked on the ropes. Virus slams Bala, and Rayo I adds a senton for a pin. Meanwhile, Maya and II slug it out and Stuka comes back in to fight Virus. Rayo I helps dump Stuka, Maya takes a backdrop and is pinned in a nudo by Virus.

2: Rudos still in control. Bala sidesteps a Virus corner charge to start the comeback, then does a wretched headscissors on Rayo I. Crowd boos heartily. Rayo II tosses Bala, but right into a slingshot tope con giro on Rayo I. Stuka gets Rayo II out with an armdrag, and Maya flattens him with a thru the ropes tope con giro. Stuka sunset flip on Virus get two, Quebrada moonsault connects, Stuka STO does it for the finish.

3: Local break wipes out the start of this fall, seemingly a Stuka offense run. Back in time for Guerrero Maya's three different armdrags and one quebradora con giro. Rayo I begs off, and gets intimidated by Maya's matador waves. Tag to Bala. One flying tope hits, the next not so much. Bala lands a much better headscissors this time. Springboard tope, armdrag, armdrag, dropkick, poor Rayo I is flying all over the place. He's out,Virus in and landing a back elbow. Bala out, Virus of the ropes, Stuka trips him up, and hooks him – but Virus pull off the ring up the ringside post armdrag! Rayo I back in and whipping Maya to the corner. Maya moves from a corner charge and puts on a time killing submission. Bala a little late coming off the top rope with a sunset flip, so Rayo II has to fake breaking up the hold until Bala can get there. Flying sunset flip is actually enough for three!

Maya recovers Stuka as if the fall is over, but it shouldn't be. I guess maybe Rayo I submitted? I dunno.

Match 2: Diamante, Metro, Rush © vs El Alebrije ©, Misterioso Jr., Olímpico
Arena Coliseo, 05/01/2011

  1. técnicos

  2. rudos
  3. rudos

Winner: rudos (2-1)
Match Time: 11:32
Rating: fine build
Notes: Misterioso finds a Misterioso fan to pose with. Rush gets in Olimpico's face when he tries to dance. Alebrije is looking very large. Ref is Pompin. Rudos attack técnicos when we're looking elsewhere.

1: Corner charges on Metro, though Misterioso almost doesn't notice. Local break. Back to see Rush and Metro whipped into each other, Olímpico sets up Rush in the tree of woe, while Misterioso holds Metro in a time killing submission. While they're screwing around, Diamante gets Alebrije in a 'rana for the fall. Olímpico and Misterioso have a lot of questions for poor Alebrije.

Seems to be a clip here where the rudos go back on offense, but we're shown a replay first. Alebrije has Diamante in a testicular claw as we go to break.

2: Rudos still in charge. Metro held for a Cuije diving headbutt. Diamante takes a press slam and a kick to the head. Corner charges for him, including Misterioso's slap to the nose. Cuije pres slam splash on Rush, and all the Invasors cover for the pin.

3: Rudos still in charge. Diamante's held on the ropes for Misterioso to taunt and occasionally slap. Local break. Diamante is back in when they return, and taking a backdrop. Metro and rush try coming in at the same time, and Rush kicks Misterioso out, but the Invasors grab the técnicos. Double whip, double clothesline misses, and técnicos back with jumping back elbows. JCR tells us that Metro & Rush are best friends out of the ring, huh. Misterioso is content to stand on the apron and watch and as the técnicos hold Alebrije on the ropes. Chop by Metro. Chop by rush. Rush, whip, big powerslam by Diamante, Metro jumping flipping senton, Rush running double stomp. Diamante slaps Alebrije out of the ring. Rush takes Olímpico down with a dropkick. Quebradora con giro and a belly to belly suplex for him. Misterioso begs of and ask for the crowd to quiet down. Slap for Metro, slap for Diamante, slap for Rush, Misterio fires up and gets lapped in the back by everyone. Metro monkey flips Misterioso and Misterioso gets out. Metro goes out to the apron and flatten Misterioso with a tope on giro from there. Invasor back in, and they immediately beat the técnicos. That's the match.

Announcers talk over the title challenge.