CMLL Forjando un Idolo Week 2
Recapped: various

Match 1: Ángel de Plata vs Fuego
Arena Puebla, 04/18/2011

Winner: Fuego
Match Time: 9:28
Rating: good
Notes: Ring announcements (and music, barely) are audible, but no commentary. Blue Panther is in the ring before the match. Tiger Hispano is referee. Handshake before this starts.

Fuego goes diving for Plata's legs, but Plata keeps on moving. Starting chain exchange leads to a Fuego wristlock and headscissors on the mat, and it takes Plata few tries to free himself from them. Plata ties up the legs and forces Fuego to stand on his head, but Fuego does not look too concerned and finds a roll up out of it. Plata grabs the legs again and gets headscissors for his trouble. Both up, another exchange leads to a Angel de Plata bow and arrow. Fuego escapes to get the short lived pin, and back to the mat they go. Fuego gets caught in a headscissors double armbar, and can't find a neat escape to it, so just easily gets his head up. Fuego's next submission doesn't go far, and Plata pulls out a camel clutch roll for a nice near fall. Both up and even again. Fuego wants to go now, insisting a shoving fight. Plata shoves back, then takes Fuego and punches him around in the face. I guess it's on now. Facelock, Fuego pushes free and slaps Fuego good. Dueling flipping runs, though they only go half way so they can stare at each other again. Plat misses a clothesline, Plat rolls over a backdrop, and up for a 'ran, one two NO. Plata thought that was it. Really? Fuego off the ropes, top rope quebrada, one two NO. Plata tries for a monkey flip, Fuego turns and drops him on his feet, then drops him to the mat with a nice wheel kick. Fuego charges, right into a monkey flip to the floor. Angel de Plata follows with his Asai moonsault, right at the five minute mark.

Tiger Hispano counts both out. Replay of the dive. Fuego back in first. Plata starts come in, stops when Fuego comes after him, and chops him away twice. Springboard faceslam looks strange but is effective. Plata rolls Fuego over one two decent size kicked out there. Plata complains about the count. Fuego stood up and slapped in the corner. Corner whip, Plata takes a step back, charges, Fuego moves, and Plata takes the Ultimo knee bump to the floor. Fuego waits on the apron, around the corner from Plata, then swings around the ringpost into a headscissors on Plata! That's a Virus type deal. Fuego stomps Plata on the floor, then hurries back in. More? More – TOPE! Nice one. Panther walks over and checks both guys. He should tell Fuego to do three more. Fuego really banged the top rope on the way thru, but didn't affect his dive at all. Fuego goes around the ring to get back in, but waits on the apron until Plata is in on the opposite corner. Running corner splash by Fuego, Plata moves, Plata backslide, Fuego slips free and Plata takes him out with a dropkick to the head. Plata claps his hands, then covers, one two NO. wrong order there. Plata gets frustrated easily, I've noticed. Corner whip, reversed, Fuego charges in, Plata flips him to the apron, chop fight from there is even, but Plata wins with a kick. Plata brings Fuego to the outside of the middle rope as he climbs them himself, but Fuego battles back. Fuego stands on the top rope while holding Plata, but Plata steps off the corner to middle rope underneath – super armdrag! Plata covers one two NO. Plata is about to get violent with the referee, and Blue Panther argues the counter too. Tiger Hispano isn't having it. Cristo faceslam, rolled over into a cover one two NO. Plata needs to get it together here, can't let Fuego dance. Plata forces Fuego down with a double wristlock, Fuego pulls off of him to jump over Plata and around into a sunset flip one two NO, but Fuego spins it around to a reverse chinlock bodyscissors. Plata doesn't last long – he's done. Panther knew it too, he was getting it before the match was called.

Match 2: Magnus vs Pólvora
Arena Puebla, 04/18/2011

Winner: Pólvora
Match Time: 7:16
Rating: not a disaster! Not a lot more than that.
Notes: Pólvora plays towards the rudo fans before the match starts. Tirantes is referee.

Early mat work. Pólvora, as always, is distracted by the audience. Magnus gets in armdrags off lockups. Pólvora gets bored with that and sneaks in a kick to get thing going his way. After Pólvora is done pointing aft the crowd, action picks up for a bit. What are normally really quick pins are two count pins for Magnus for some odd reason (amplified because Tirantes isn't ready for them.) Magnus gives Pólvora a big monkey flip, Pólvora slides out to the apron, Magnus swing kicks him off the apron, and jumps there himself, but Pólvora pulls him off by his ankles. Pólvora in no hurry to brings Magnus back in – may be he's waiting for the replay to completely finish. Pólvora brings Magnus back in a starts getting into with the crowd again. Whip, flapjack. Pólvora off the ropes, dropkick to the face. Pólvora seems unconcerned about his opponent. Much more with the crowd. Loud chop doesn't quite have the same affect when we've got no sound on the video, but I appreciate the idea. 5 minute call seems to be about a minute early. Flapjack, cover, one two no. That did seem a bit faster. Magnus pounds the mat, but I'm not sure if it's frustration or anger about the count. Pólvora still argues about how slow the count is. I sure love seeing that five times in every match. Whip, clothesline misses, and Magnus headscissors Pólvora. Dropkick sends the rudo out, and Magnus follows with a nice high speed tope con giro. Magnus banged his left foot hard on the ground on impact and comes up limping, but seems to walk it off. Both in. Pólvora charges the técnico misses, and Magnus drops him with a back cracker. One two NO. Magnus patiently waits about five seconds for Pólvora to get up, then lifts him up and drops him in front of the corner. Magnus signals that he's going to flip, goes to the top rope and...uh, just falls off for a splash! Sure, why not. One two NO. Magnus tries to figure up. Clothesline takes down Pólvora and looks good. Magnus desperate for the crowd to care, and now promising more spinny things. Clothesline is caught by Pólvora, short clothesline misses, Magnus shoulderblocks him, springboard – and right into Polvora's counter dropkick. That'll do it. One two three.

Match 3: Diamante vs Hijo del Signo 
Arena Mexico, 04/19/2011

Winner: Diamante
Match Time: 9:08
Rating: eh
Notes: Hijo del Signo can't get a video. Maybe they'll have time once the tournament is done. Music is good. Cape is looking nice. Ref is Rodolfo.

Takes about a half minute to get to the action, but we're not really missing any action. Quick exchange of pinfalls on the mat. Diamante gets a double armbar, but lets up, and Signo battles to a kneebar. Basic holds and counts on the mat. Diamante pulls Signo up by the mask to stretch his back, totally unfair. Signo's holds aren't as interesting in the last match. He gets annoyed with Sign's, taking him down, kicking him in the leg, and adding an elbow drop. Signo doesn't get much moment, they exchange armdrags, and Diamante lands a superkick. Diamante celebrates, misses a clothesline, Signo rolls out, Diamante flips to the outside (almost slipping but keeping the landing), but Signo's slide in. Diamante tries to come in, gets dropkicked out, and Signo heads up. Signo plancha to the floor. Replays. Somehow, next time we look, Diamante has Signo hanging over the top rope. Guillotine legdrop, but Diamante doesn't just cover. Signo pulled towards the ropes, and Diamante tries a springboard tornillo senton, but Signo moves. Signo chop. Whip, clothesline. Signo fired up now. Swinging fisherman's suplex, Signo on top, one two no. Whip, Signo waistlock, Diamante tries to elbow him away, Signo ducks under and chops him. Trip exchange, Diamante clothesline misses, Signo kind of goes running under a leapfrog, dropkick to the knee, dropkick sends Diamante out. Another Signo dive? Signo sets up, but slows down, because Diamante is back on the apron and springboard dropkicking him. Diamante backs up, charges, and lands a tope con giro on Signo.

Both in, Diamante runs, and Signo hiptosses him right out to the floor. That was a crazy bump by Diamante. Signo jumps off the apron, stomping Diamante on the way down. Signo picks up the bigger man, and rams him back first into the corner. Diamante thrown back in. Corner chop. Corner whip, Signo charges, Diamante gets his legs up, but Signo spins him and knocks him down. Cradle, one two NO, kickout and hand on the rope. Diamante waves for support. Signo chops him around. Whip, revered, Signo walks out of the corner into a powerslam. One two NO. Diamante dumps Signo by the ropes. Springboard tornillo misses again, Signo missing again. Diamante charge at him, Signo boots him in the head twice, but Diamante sweeps on the third. Diamante charges, Signo flips him, but Diamante gets caught on the ropes and crotches himself accidentally. Diamante frees himself and tries to go on to the apron, but it doesn't come of well. Signo gets a little bit of offense so Diamante can swing kick him down. Springboard 450 splash, one two three.

Match 4: Puma King vs Hombre Bala Jr. 
Arena Mexico, 04/19/2011

Winner: Hombre Bala Jr. 
Match Time: 12:31
Rating: OK
Notes: No entrances for this one. Referee is Maya. Why do these matches have rules discussions? Time limits are hard to remember.

Puma suffocates Bala on the mat, but the técnico stands up with Puma on his back and dumps him over. Exchange of arms lead to a Bala hiptoss. Puma is annoyed. Circle. Lockup, Puma gets an armdrag takeover. Puma hold him down by both wrists, and Bala bridges up a couple times. Armdrag by Bala, headscissors off the mat by Bala, and Puma with a legs spreader to keep Bala in once place. Bala tries to grab Puma by the head, and he just adds the pain. Bala flits Puma up, but forces himself to be pinned a couple times for it. Puma lets up, and Bala armdrag away. Puma protests, but I'm not sure what the ref can do. Probably not much more than Puma can do here. Crowd loud for the rudo. Puma things things over and circles. Lockup, Puma fireman's carry, headscissors wristlock on the mat, and a slap to Bala's face while he' at it. Bala bridges up and kips up to escape. Puma takes him back down, rolls him to his feet, and gets armdragged away. Puma complains about a tights pull, but Maya isn't having it. Puma decides to take charge, with chops. Corner whip, Puma charges in, and Bala kicks him away. Bala clothesline misses, he stills stops and shoulderblocks Puma, back to run to the corner, springboard up and out, backwards roll and Puma knocks him over with a superkick. Bala rolled a lot farther than where Puma was expecting, and his kicked wasn't well timed at all. Crowd gets on him. Maybe that's how they get the técnicos cheer, have the rudos screw up their moves. Oh, nah, Puma chant is coming anyway. Whip, Puma slide up and trips up Bala, back in for a dropkick to the face, and Bala moves out of the way. Bala has Puma's number here. Chop. Whip, Bala back with a springboard tope in ring. Puma out, Bala running – tope suicida, no hands to block the blow, and Bala just barely made it there. Five minutes.

Replays. Bala was grabbing his head after impact. Puma turned to catch him and only barely got him just so. Maya counts them both out, and they both come in on different sides. Puma and Bala stop to look at the crowd. Lot of posturing. Puma want a timeout? Oh, handshake time. Bala considers it. Puma kisses his boot. Bala still thinking about it, and Puma strikes quick with a kick. Whip, Bala off the ropes, over, under, sunset flip, Bala rolls thru, Puma misses the kick going forward, but gets it going back. Square dropkick to the head. Puma claps for himself, which gets the chant going again. Puma jumps in place and walks around a bit. Hard loud chops down Bala. Whip, flapjack, Puma covers, one two NO. Deliberate count here, but Puma just throws Bala down by the head and covers again. One two no. Puma throws Bala down by the head again, one two no. Crowd chanting for Bala, and Puma wants them to quiet down. Kick to Bala's spine. Corner whip, Puma charges in, clotheslines in, other way, clotheslines in, bulldog out. Puma gives himself some applause, and two hand push up covers. One two no. Puma can't believe that's not it. Puma takes off his wrist tape– choke! Maya gives him a five count, and Puma backs off at four. Maya does not take away the tape, so Puma just tries it again, and pulls it off. Referee Maya grabs the tape away this time. Chop sends Bala into the corner. Negro is sadly shaking his head here. Huh. Corner whip, Puma charges in, Bala moves, and Puma throws himself to the apron. Puma slingshots in, Bala ducks duck, and Puma just kind of lands on top of Bala. I don't know what ht was, and neither do they. Puma kicks Bala while he's down and stand over him. Whip, Bala back with a bad dropkick. Bala running – Puma slide in as Bala dive out for a roll thru the ropes. I don't know how or why Bala did that, but he's getting company – Puma running pescado lands. No tornillo on that one. Ten minutes.

Replays. Crowd deciding to boot or root for Puma. He kicks Bala as he comes in. Puma silences those chanting for Bala. Corner whip, reversed, Puma puts on the breaks and heel kicks Bala. Bala rolled to his feet, front cracker, Puma reclines on top, one two NO. Both slow up. Puma ducks a clothesline, trip from behind, casita, Maya slow in position one two – Maya stops counting, and it takes a moment for us to see that Bala has a foot on the ropes. Crowd not happy. Chop fight of the tired. Puma quickly kicks Bala in the head. Crowd behind Puma. Negro yelling something. Whip, reversed, Puma leaps to the ramp, Bala swings at him, Puma superkicks him back towards the middle of the ring. Springboard – spinebuster? That looked better than the last they tried that spot, but only in comparison does it look good. Bala stomps Puma a couple time and heads up. Bala quick up top. Top rope tornillo – headbutt? He may have meant to do that, I'm not sure. Bala gets up, turning splashes, one two three.

Match 7: Delta vs Metal Blanco 
Arena Coliseo, 04/24/2011

Winner: Delta 
Match Time: 10:58
Rating: above average
Notes: Metal Blanco's music is “Born Slippy” by Underworld, a classic case of a song I've heard 1,000 times but couldn't hope to name the title or song. Referee is Rodolfo Ruiz.

Both guys are wearing dominate white, which is a bit conflicting. Early exchanges go nowhere. Nice bridging pin attempt by Delta. Shocker is well dressed as always. Técnicos reach a standoff. Circling is more Delta chasing Metal Blanco, who has no idea this man is behind him. Mat exchange continues, a lot of usual even stuff. Delta works hard to get an Indian Deathlock, then pulls Blanco up into a nudo nicely. Blanco holds on while Delta does a bunch of cartwheels to get out of his armbar. Blanco headscissors sends Delta out after all of that, and Delta slide out after him. Metal charges Delta, Delta tosses Blanco to the apron, Blanco heel kicks Delta away and goes back in. Delta tries to climb in himself, but Metal Blanco dropkicks him off the apron. Wave to the crowd, Blanco grabs the top rope and leaps – springboard tope con giro connects. Replays. Both back inside, and Blanco slams Delta. Blanco up top, top rope senton! One two NO. Blanco, hurting a bit, gets back to his feet. Shocker watches intensely. Blanco slaps Delta into the corner. One guy chants “otra”. When Blanco ask for it. Corner whip, Blanco charges in, nice charging clothesline. Five minute call is about twenty seconds late.

Corner whip, reversed, Delta charges in, Blanco moves way out of the way, no problem because Delta is flipping out of the corner. Blanco walks into a backdrop, and gets dropkicked out of the ring. Delta take a look, runs up the corner, steps onto the post, and off with a tope con giro. That dive got as much of a front row fan (kick to the midsection) as it did Blanco (who was one step off.) Delta's back hit something hard, because he grabs it immediately. Reverse angle replay. The fan did a fine job of covering up. Back in, and Delta sets up Metal Blanco near the middle of the ring. This is a long way to go. Delta up top, facing him – frog splash! One two NO. Metal Blanco tries to draw from the crowd. Crowd not in this. Delta stands Blanco up, forces his arm behind his neck, and sets Blanco crotched to the rope. Chop to keep him from moving. Delta up top, dropkick knocks Blanco down to the apron. Delta walks around a while, then seem to reluctantly cover Blanco, who puts his foot on the middle rope. Blanco rolls to the apron, and fights Delta off there. Springboard dropkicks crumbles Delta. One two NO. Blanco bodyslams Delta in the middle of the ring. Standing moonsaults, one two NO. Crowd still not really into the near falls. Metal Blanco suspended suplex, one two no. Delta pounds the mat. Blanco shake life into his head and gets up again. Suplex, blocked, Delta punches Blanco in the midsection a bunch, suplex, suplex, a third suplex! One two NO. Delta is running out of Eddie Guerrero spots! Delta off the ropes, waved by, tilt-a-whirl, Delta reverses it into a fujiwara. Delta cranks it, Blanco rolls free. Delta rips him up again, reverse Indian Deathlock with a double armbar – Blanco gives. Another win for Delta.

Match 8: Dragon Lee vs Guerrero Maya Jr. 
Arena Coliseo, 04/24/2011

Winner: Guerrero Maya Jr. 
Match Time: 9:24
Rating: remarkable
Notes: Ref is Maya.

Early exchange ends with Maya tossing Lee. Lockup, Dragon Lee rolls thru and puts Maya down with a double wristlock of his own. Maya backdrops free, Lee holds on for a sunset flip for two. Lockup, Dragon Lee takedown, legs tied up, Maya rolled on to his back, and Dragon Lee has a crooked figure four out on. Maya is able to roll thru and get his own, but Lee grabs the bottom rope. Circle. Lockup, Dragon Lee trips up Maya. Off the ropes, cartwheels and back flipping over. Off the ropes, spinning over the backdrop, and spinning off the clothesline. Cometa is so much better at that than Dragon Rojo. Maya with the run up the ropes armdrag. Lee is slow up regrouping. Whip, Dragon Lee takes a backdrop exactly like how they show the wrong way to do it in every reality show training montage. Oh well. Whip, Dragon Lee back with a headscissors. Maya into the ropes but hanging on. Lee waits for him to get up, waved by, Maya puts his head down too soon, kick to the head, kick to chest, standing splash, one two NO. Shocker working that tough pick. Whip, reversed, Dragon Lee misses a clothesline, spun around into a quebradora con giro. Maya working Lee over with kicks now. Punch is blocked, Maya holds in walks up the corner, and off with a headscissors. Maya out this time, gathering himself on the outside. Dragon Lee sets up, runs, climbs the ropes, and off with a tope con giro. Dragon Lee always look so dangerous, like he's closer to screwing them up than most. Maya and Lee back up, Maya blocks a turnbuckle smash and gives Lee one back. Missile dropkicks sends Lee slowly rolling out of the ring. May waste no time – dive fake, pulled up when Lee ducks under the apron. Lee back on the apron – camera switch misses it, but Maya does something like a hiptoss on Lee's way in. Maya's clothesline misses, Lee's clothesline is caught, Maya wraps both of Lee's arms around him and holds Lee upside down by one leg – more disorienting than painful, I guess. Lee won't give and Maya relents. Punch! Maya goes for another, but Lee blocks him and gets a kneelift. Lee has to set himself before trying another move, as he often does – jumping cross armbreaker. Maya fights to get to the ropes before it can get locked on, and just barely does so. A lot of concern about being locked in that one. Lee sets Maya in the corner, backs up, charge, and Maya wisely lifts him up. Maya holds him up in the air he walks forward, which is pretty impressive looking. Lee flapjacked on the mat. Inverted cloverleaf, Lee hold on to his own head but refusing to give. Maya drops to back and locks on a bodyscissors, but Lee still won't give. Maya scoops up Lee, dumps him in the corner of the ring, and hooks on an Indian deathlock. Lee bridging up over the mat but won't give. May picks up Dragon Lee in a facelock, but Lee won't give. Nice punch by Maya. Whip, reversed, Lee powerbombs Maya. Bridging cover, one two NO. Crowd not much more into this one. Dragon Lee dumps Maya in the middle of the ring. and heads out to the apron. Springboard splash, but no one's home. Maya grabs Dragon Lee, scoops lams him, and heads up. Middle rope moonsault – yea, there's a reason he doesn't do that one much. It misses too. Lee kick Maya in the chest, dropkicks him in the head, and drops him in front of the corner. Headed up. Shooting star press – is short! Maya was just beyond the corner Corona text, and it's weirdly impressive that Lee found a way to come completely short of him, but he did. That wasn't what was supposed to happen (Maya was stationary) and Lee just immediately gets back up. Maya does too, giving him a quick northern lights suplex one two NO. Lee immediately gets up again, says something to Maya, and slaps him in the corner. Fireman's drop in the middle of the ring, springboard elbow drop – Maya's repositioning himself while Dragon Lee is in the air so this one hits. Lee covers one two three. Poor Maya.