CMLL on LATV (04/16/2011)
Recapped: 04/16/11

Match 1: Metálico & Trueno vs Inquisidor & Tiger Kid
Arena Mexico, 04/08/2011

  1. técnicos

  2. rudos
  3. técnicos

Winner: técnicos (2-1)
Match Time: 11:36ish
Rating: OK
Notes: There is no one here. Metálico should just go with the full Magnum PI theme, no rematch. Referee is Tiger Hispano.

1: Metálico/Inquisidor start off, uninterestingly, and Tiger Kid tries to pick it up as he comes in. Superkick and hand waving gets the crowd a bit noisier. Tiger Kid runs into a Death Valley Driver, and that's enough for Metálico to make a tag. So odd. Trueno fights back to headscissors Tiger Kid into the ropes, and Metálico kicks him back in the ring. That leaves Tiger Kid in position for Trueno's run up the ropes moonsault, which goes fine this week. LATV is doing a thing where every minute, they go to a black screen for two seconds. It's highly annoying. Metálico has a weird move for the win. Fans boo.

2: Metálico quickly sends Inquisidor out, does his usually odd headstand to the apron, and leaps off the bottom rope for an armdrag to the floor. Metálico fake dive pose still gets him booed. Tiger Kid and Trueno have a strong chop battle that knocks them both back a bit. Trueno get in a fireman’s escape armdrag, rebound hiptoss escape is a little iffy, quebradora con giro gets booed. Tiger Kid chops Trueno down, but takes a monkey flip to the floor. Trueno slowly runs, carefully walks up the ropes, almost loses it balancing up there, and flips back in the ring. Inquisidor rushes in and gets chopped. Corner whip, reversed, Trueno kicks at Inquisidor, Inquisidor catches the legs and holds him there, Tiger adds a clothesline from the apron, and Inquisidor spins Trueno around to face out of the ring. Inquisidor off the ropes, springboard backcracker. That was one the less forced setups to his finish yet, believe it or not. Submission for that fall, while Metálico and Tiger Kid evade each other for a bit until a dropkick to finish it.

3: Beatdown. Inquisidor sets p Metálico in the corner for Tiger Kid's dropkick to the backside. Double team spot on Trueno is late starting and goes wrong when Tiger Kid dropkicks his partner out of the ring. Inquisidor rolls thru a springboard sunset flip to get sent out, and Trueno whips Metálico into a corner tope on that rudo. Trueno goes out to other side, climbs the rope and almost just falling off into Tiger Kid. Lots of shots of Tigre Hispano counting – is this just going to be a countout win? And has someone actually told the people in charge in advance? Nope, Inquisidor and Metálico both make it back in at the same time. Chop fight, Inquisidor winning but not really knowing what to but keeping whip. Whip, Metálico clothesline is kicked, front cracker. Inquisidor yells, probably should pin. Now he pins. One two NO. Trueno quebradora con giros Inquisidor. Another slow one, taking Inquisidor over the knee. Tiger Kid breaks that up with a kick, covers, and gets cradles by Metálico break that up. One two no. Everyone rolls up everyone – this is a little but all over the place, but not helped by no crowd reaction. They're eventually left with Inquisidor and Trueno in. Inquisidor gets a near fall of a powerbomb, Trueno gets a 'rana one the next pass for a pin.

Tiger Kid in, and yelling at the crowd. He escapes another quebradora, slipping in front for a frontcracker. One two three.

Metálico in and missing a dropkick. Tiger Kid chops him towards the ropes. Whip, reversed, Metálico leapfrogs, rolls backwards, and eats the dropkick to the backside. Tiger Kid cuts his throat and pins, one two NO. That's his move! And, argh, local commercial break. Match is over by the time the return, Metálico having won with a cradle, seemingly seconds later.

Match 2: Ángel de Plata ©, Pegasso, Rey Cometa vs Arkángel de la Muerte, Nitro ©, Skándalo
Arena Mexico, 04/08/2011

  1. técnicos

  2. rudos
  3. técnicos

Winner: técnicos (2-1)
Match Time: 16:32
Rating: good
Notes: Team No Respect have to share an entrance and have no video. Both sides nearly fight before the introductions, but are able to hold back. Rodolfo Ruiz is referee again.

1: Arkangel and Cometa have a rapid battle on the mat for a while, then Arkangel picks up Rey Cometa, holds him in an inverted bearhug, and eventually drops him for a shoulderbreaker. Cometa is in a lot of pain, but is soon after able to monkey flip Arkangel away. They resume battling on the mat. Arkangel holds onto Cometa's legs, so Cometa hand walks to the ropes, pulls himself up each ropes, and finally headscissors Arkangel away. Crowd and Arkangel approves of Cometa's hard work. Tags to Plata & Skándalo, who don’t last near as long or do interesting stuff. Dropkick sends him out, and Pegasso & Nitro in. Nitro is really thick today. Pegasso comes back with a pair of headscissors, Nitro goes out, and Pegasso wastes no time in following with a tope con giro, riding the rudo to the ground. Skándalo rushes in, but misses the dropkick, and gets hung in the ropes. Cometa knocks him free, Plata position and Cometa land the 450 splash. Plata is setting up Nitro for something as the local break kicks in.

2: Angel de Plata armdrags Skándalo around, pulls him down by his mohawk, kicks him in the head, and strips off his own shirt. Skándalo flips Plata to the apron, but gets caught with a kicked, gets kicked away, and springboard dropkicked. Superkick, and Skándalo really should get out while he can. Plata rolls to the ramp, so Angel d Plata stands on the middle rope and smacks him in the back. Skándalo has been holding his nose since that superkick, and walks up the ramp and takes a knee while still choking his noise. Arkangel walks over to check on him, and Skándalo walks back towards the ring, still holding his nose. Either he really hurt it, or is really dedicated. Arkangel flips Cometa on a clothesline. Cometa comes back with a tilt-a-whirl escape armdrag, and slaps Pegasso down in the corner. Corner whip, Cometa charges, Arkangel tosses him, Cometa lands on the apron and shoulders him away, top rope flying armdrag. Arkangel gets back up, and walks right into a backdrop. Quebradora con giro sends the rudo packing. Skandalo surprises Cometa with a kick. Top down, slap to the chest. Whip, Cometa reverses and kicks Skándalo out. Cometa topes them both, they try to catch him – but Skandalo falls down! Cometa is just too fast, too strong. (Rudos quickly adjust and stomp Cometa in to the mat. Nitro kicks Angel de Plata down, but eats a top rope plancha from Pegasso. Pegasso off the ropes, into a powerslam. Rudos all back ink, Plata knocked to the floor (where he might have been supposed to go), if they could catch that dive. Rudo press slam Pegasso into Arkangel's boots. Plata in and viciously slapped by Nitro. Whipped to Skandalo, Skandalo Driver, that's the fall.

3: Local break to start off the fall. That's better than the end of the fall. Beatdown still going after the unintentional break. Double suplex on Plata, Nitro adds a senton. Triple elbow drop on Plata. Questionably low kick for Pegasso, but a replay shows it was to the back of the knee. Flying low blow elbow drop looks less safe. Rudos try one more clothesline Pegasso, but he ducks and Skándalo eats it. Nitro tries holding, and Arkangel gets him too. Arkangel and Pegasso get in a chop fight, Arkangel tries a kick, Pegasso catches it and sweeps. Pegasso appeals to the crowd instead of following up, and everyone regroups. Arkangel takes control back, but walks into a corner kick, catches the legs, spins Pegasso into the ropes, and clotheslines him down hard. Corner pump splash, one two Pegasso gets his shoulder up. Corner whip, Arkangel, charge in, Pegasso puts him on the top rope, Pegasso climbs up with him. Punches from the top rope – and top rope headscissors throws Arkangel. Cometa adds a top rope splash and covers. Nitro tries to break it up with an elbow drop and get his partner. Cometa holds them place, and Angel de Plata adds his own top rope splash. Cometa climbs on the corner. Skandalo rushes into break it up, but Pegasso steps on top of the pile enroute to a sunset flip on Skandalo – one two NO. Everyone regroups. Rey Cometa tries a 'rana on Skándalo, but Skandalo stops that with a powerbomb. Tuareg take care of the other two, one two NO. Plata and Comet whipped but back with a armdrags for Arkangel and Skándalo. Nitro and Pegasso are a step behind, but Pegasso rolls thru a sunset flip for a dropkick. Cometa and Plata run for dives – a nice tornillo and tope con giro combination. Pegasso with a Toyota roll on Nitro, one two three! Pegasso celebrates the big win – every win is big when you're Pegasso.

That's it.