CMLL Guadalajara on Teleformula #36 (02/27/2011) 
Recapped: 03/02/2011

This week, the announcers are JCR, Shocker and Horuz. A random crew.

Match 1: Mr. Trueno & Rey Trueno vs Puma King & Tiger Kid
Arena Coliseo Guadalajara, 01/18/2011

  1. Truenos

  2. Cats
  3. Truenos

Winner: Truenos (2-1)
Match Time: 9:29
Rating: last week was a little better, but still good stuff
Notes: Samurai is ref. Cats seem focused.

1: JCR points out the hair/not hair way to keep the Truenos apart! We're on the same page, him and me. Tiger and Rey start off on the mat. Rey has Tiger Kid trapped in a knee bar, so Puma kicks Rey. Mister kicks Tiger from behind, and they just take turns kicking their opens partners as they lay on the ground. This situation immediately boils over to a brawl, with the veteran Guadalajara duo quickly taking care of the new kids. Dueling chokes on the ropes. This seems like it's been cut up a bit. 619/dropkick combo on Puma. Dropkick to the knee and dropkick to the head on Tiger. Pump powerbomb on Puma to finish him, the old full nelson twist on Tiger to take him out. That's got to be Satanico. Shocker makes the Felino noise to entertain himself.

2: Truenos ram the cats together on the ramp. Mr. Trueno lays out Puma King with a clothesline, dropping him at the ring girl's feet. Rey holds Tiger in a chinlock as Mister slaps Puma around and crotches him on the post. Truenos come together to whip Tiger in the corner. Corner clothesline, legs spread along the ropes, and Rey lands the low blow dropkick. Puma tripped up coming in. Double spinebuster, leg split, double dropkick to the head. Truenos operating a high rate of efficiency. Clip here. Puma ducks a double clothesline flips to the apron, and superkicks Rey Trueno as he chases. Tiger Kid superkicks Mr. Trueno, and gets Rey with the dropkick to the backside. Tiger's tornillo connects. Puma on the apron, and directly lands the springboard chinbreaker. One two three.

3: Beatdown, in favor of the cats. Crowd chanting something I can't quite make out. Puma accidentally whips Mr. Trueno into kicking his brother, but manages to trip Mr. Trueno on the bottom rope. Tiger Kid runs down the apron, dives into the ring, bounces off the far ropes, and dropkick Mr. Trueno in the backside. That was a long way to go for that dropkick. Rey Trueno dropkicks Puma, shoulderblocks Tiger Kid, and flies out of the ring with a tope on Puma. Tiger charges Mr. Trueno, Misterio flips him to apron, blocks his punch, and give shim a stunner. Tiger falls on the ramp, Misterio Trueno follows with a slingshot senton, and makes a very loud noise when he hits ground. Puma brings Rey back in, and trips him up into a Tiger Kid kick. Whip for him. Double clothesline, and wheelbarrow chestbreaker for him. Tiger hands him off to Puma for a powerbomb/backcracker, which doesn't really come off well, but Puma does a separate sit down powerbomb to finish him.

Mister Trueno left in alone, slap for Tiger, dropkick for Puma, dropkick for – Samurai, oops. Meant to get Tiger there. Puma cradles Mr. Trueno, but there’s no ref. Tiger 'rana on Mr. Trueno, but still not ref. Puma gets another pin and Tiger counts, but no one's home. Puma accidentally superkicks his partner, Mr. Trueno blocks a Puma kick and falls down on the mat, faking the foul. Rey Trueno throws Samurai back in, Samurai looks at the situation, and calls the DQ.

Puma wants a singles match with Mr. Trueno for Mr. Trueno's title next week. Trueno will do it for Guadalajara.

Match 2: Delta, Metal Blanco, Stuka Jr. © vs Shigeo Okumura, Virus © , Yoshihashi
Arena Coliseo Guadalajara, 01/18/2011

  1. técnicos

  2. rudos
  3. rudos

Winner: rudos (2-1)
Match Time: 13:16
Rating: good
Notes: Samurai and Loco are referees.

1: JIP? Okumura/Blanco are first. Stuka and Virus have a slow but strong battle over holds. Stuka seems the same height as Virus when he holds the rudo in a full nelson. Crowd seems to get bored as they stay glued to the mat for a long battle over an arm hold and starts chanting for themselves. Stuka just can't get out of waistlock, though he tries many ways to get out. Oh, now he's out. There exchange is good, but I'm distracted trying to figure out this chant. Virus misses a dropkick and sends himself thru the ropes on the miss. Okumura takes over, clothesline Stuka in the corner once, missing the second time. Stuka is flipped to he apron but heads up - and out for a moonsault to the floor. Okumura manages to accidentally chop Yoshihashi, but the two are enough to takedown Metal Blanco. Delta planchas them both, and the técnicos finish them off.

2: Straight in, with little pause. Yoshihashi does a lot of staring and wondering in between taking moves. He's quickly out with a springboard headscissors from Metal Blanco. Hiptoss and rebound armdrag for Okumura. Triple bounce headscissors out Okumura. Delta's turn, springboard armdrag for Yoshihashi. Delta has the best of the other two rudos, including a headscissors/headlock move that Porky hasn't been doing lately. Delta’s headscissors on Virus looks good too. Virus runs and Delta poses. Quick cut to Stuka/Virus. Virus gets in his kneeling backdrop to turn the tide, and dropkicks Stuka right in the face. Stuka flipping, rebound armdrag, and out goes Virus. Yoshihashi charges the técnicos by himself, and somehow this actually works out for the rudos. Okumura coming in after works. Lots of team brawling. Delta evades a corner charge, but is grabbed for Okumaru's missile dropkick anyway. Metal Blanco in next for corner charges, and they work on him, Blanco whipped out for Yoshihashi's F5 and Virus finishes him off.

3: Rudos still in charge. JCR really like talking Angel Blanco with Horuz. Delta slide out on a whip, Virus gives chase, and Stuka comes out of nowhere with a headscissors. Blanco dropkicks Yoshihashi out of the ring, and follows with a walk up the ropes top rope springboard moonsault! That was great. Delta springboard headscissors Okumura out – tope con giro connects. Virus and Stuka left in, Virus tossed up and own into a 'rana, Stuka rolls thru, one two NO. Virus spinebusters Stuka and goes for a leg lock, Stuka small package one two NO. Stuka can't believe that wasn’t three. Inside cradle on Virus one two NO. Stuka is a bit frustrated. Stuka clothesline, Virus catches the arm and hammerlocks him, around into La Rosa – and Stuka gives up to the hold! That happens to Stuka a lot, he doesn't need someone besides Misterioso using that move too.

Match 3: Rush & Super Porky vs Héctor Garza & Volador Jr.
Arena Coliseo Guadalajara, 01/18/2011

  1. rudos

  2. técnicos
  3. rudos

Winner: rudos (2-1)
Match Time: 8:00
Rating: eh
Notes: Volador must've spent a lot of money on gear the last month. Garza has Fabrichius with him. Rush has his national title with him. Everyone who's going to strip has stripped when they pick up. Same two referees watch as the rudo jump the técnicos.

1: Rudos mange to suplex Porky, though they almost lose him. That's enough for a pin. Garza kicks Rush into Volador's finish to take the fall.

2: Beating continues. Rudos get a near fall on Rush on a kick to the face. Volador appears to apply a testicular claw on Porky. Porky whipped into the corner, Garza misses the corner charge, Volador ran into them, Porky knocks them both down, and Rush whips into a sit both. Crowd approves. Técnicos immediately finish.

3: Garza/Rush seems to include a lot of shots of the crowd. Shocker gets to promote his anniversary show! Rush takes down Garza with a missile dropkick, but Volador pounds on him from behind with a forearm. Porky comes in and Volador begs off, but Porky still pulls his mask loose. Porky lets him fix it, and squashes him in the midsection. Rush powerslams Volador, then kicks him in the chest so send him out. Clip ahead to Garza slapping Porky around. Garza off the ropes, shoulderblock, and down goes Porky. Garza yells at him to get up. Garza off the ropes, waved by, and armdragged over. Garza runs into another armdrag. Volador comes in, and there’s the headlock/headscissors I haven’t seen lately. Super Porky tries to do multiple kips up off the ground, but that doesn't quite work. Rudos drop down too soon and get squashed. Garza grabs hold of rush and hangs him in the ropes, and Volador finishes him with the guillotine legdrop. Loco counts even though Rush is in the ropes, one two three. Volador slams Porky, then collapses. Garza yells at him to get back up, then lands his quebrada. One two three. That was anti-climatic.

Crowd is already mostly filing out by the time they come back from the replays.