CMLL Guadalajara on Teleformula #32 (01/30/2011) 
Recapped: 02/02/11

Match 1: Dalys la Caribeña, Luna Mágica, Marcela vs Amapola, La Seductora, Princesa Blanca
Arena Coliseo Guadalajara, 12/28/2010

  1. tecnicas

  2. rudas
  3. tecnicas

Winner: técnicas (2-1)
Match Time: 10:33
Rating: actively bad
Notes: Dalys has the Pesta Negra music for some reason. But then they just don’t even bother with Luna Magica's music, so no one's really paying attention here. Loco and Samurai are the referees.

1: Seductora is still the FBI's least secret agent. And the most indy gear in the promotion, to be honest. Seductora and Luna are not magic together. Dalys and Blanca do comedy slapping. Marcela has a showcase with Amapola, thru to the double underhook backbreaker. Others rudas try to help out, Marcel takes care of them both, and the lesser técnicas get submissions while Marcela gets the too late leg lock.

2: Luna and Seductora have timing issues on their sequence. Blanca and Dalis get into an argument when turns into a ruda beatdown. Corner charges for Seductora, Amapola's running sit on Dalis. Rudas quickly wrap it up.

3: Brawling beatdown. Dalis takes a group stomp down. You know, she's not as scary thin as usual. She's still thin, please don't get me wrong. Dalis ducks a double clothesline and dropkicks Seductora out. Seductora calmly walks away from the ring, and is quite surprised when Dalis yanks her backwards by her hair. Técnicas brawl for revenge on the floor. Luna and Seductora come back in, and Luna botching a clothesline spot gets a chuckle from JCR. Luna and Seductora are really back together, and they won't stop with it. Dalis and Seductora sort of disappear, Marcela missile dropkicks the other rudas, and she and Luna get on submissions.

Match 2: Hooligan, Loco Max ©, Skándalo vs Ángel Azteca, Ángel de Oro ©, Ángel de Plata
Arena Coliseo Guadalajara, 12/28/2010

  1. rudos

  2. técnicos
  3. rudos

Winner: rudos
Match Time: 9:36
Rating: about usual
Notes: Group entrances are fast entrances. Referees are Samurai and Mystery Tall Referee. Wait, is that Edgar? I think it's Edgar.

1: While I'm figuring that out, Aztec and Hooligan do some nice mat work, Azteca gets an advantage, Loco Max runs in and slaps him down. Beatdown. Tuareg, who are all wearing non-matching gear (Hooligan wearing much more of the British flag than usual) beat the técnicos all over the place. Loco Max works over Plata on the ramp for a while, then tosses him back over the ropes to beat him up. JCR talking about a Tuareg vs Cancerberos cibernético which is still never going to happen. Loco kicks Angel de Plata questionably low. Hey, they told me who the captains are, that's nice. Elaborate triple submission, and I have absolute no idea what Loco Max and Hooligan are doing it as part of it.

2: No break, because they're getting in a lot of matches tonight. Skandalo slams Angel de Oro on the stage, while Hooligan pins Angel Azteca and pulls him back up. Angel de Oro’s mask comes off completely, but Samurai doesn't call the DQ and just backs the rudo off. That’s a rookie referee right there. Loco Max kicks Angel de Oro as he hops into the ring, and it looks like Angel de Oro nearly breaks a leg in the process. Skándalo grounds and pounds Angel de Oro in the ring. Oro ducks a clothesline, dropkicks Skándalo out. Rudos get a hold of him to whip him again, but Oro turns into an out of control tope on Skandalo. Técnico hits his target, but his target has not much luck catching him.

3: Replays may be hiding some clips. Angel ed Oro apron superkick lands, Skandalo evades the springboard into a moonsault, but Oro recovers to headscissors him out. Hooligan and Azteca have a strike fight, which ends when Hooligan is run over by a boot. His matchup with Azteca is pretty one sided and a little off (though Hooligan bumps big.) Crowd is much quieter by the time headscissors sends it. Plata lands an armdrag and a springboard tope, he and Loco seem to get lost a bit with a corner reversal bit, then repeat it in the other corner with Plata throwing Loco down by the face. That didn’t go well, but the monkey flip is better. One more the other way. Hooligan is so fired up to face Angel de Oro, he takes off his own shirt. (he's still got his gear underneath.) Chop fight, with Skándalo winning via shot to the gut. Dueling mask attacks, with neither mask actually getting ripped. Loco saves his partner with a dropkick, then lays on the mat for a while waiting for an Angel de Plata splash. Camera just sticks on Loco, which makes the spot seem to take forever. Hooligan is in much quicker to break it up. Angel Azteca dropkicks Hooligan, and boots Plata into an iffy double dropkick on the Loco and Hooligan stereo Asai moonsault by the técnicos. Captains left in. Oro evades nicely for a while, but gets caught on a corner charge. That's deal with this guy – Skándalo Driver one two three.

Loco Max is so happy, he does a random strip tease on the ramp. Very disturbing!

Match 3: Hijo del Fantasma, La Sombra ©, Máscara Dorada vs El Alebrije, Olímpico, Psicosis ©
Arena Coliseo Guadalajara, 12/28/2010

  1. rudos

  2. técnicos

  3. técnicos

Winner: técnicos
Match Time: 10:31
Rating: good for the time
Notes: Can I vote for Dancing Heartthrob Olímpico as the worst gimmick of 2011 right now? It's not working. Técnicos have Perico with them for no discernible reason. He gets his own music so he can dance, which I guess is a reason. I guess they needed someone to combat Cuije and Monito was too busy. Introductions. Referees are Loco and Edgar.

1: técnicos have to hold Perico away from attacking Olímpico. Rey and Felino say they sent Perico to support CMLL against the Invasors. Olímpico takes a move from Fantasma, complains of pain and to the fans, repeat. Everyone gets a turn at a move as soon as Olímpico out, with Sombra's flying headscissors on Alebrije the last we see. Alebrije begs off on the outside, técnicos mock him, and the other rudos attack from behind. Who's walking around at ringside in a red and white New Japan shirt? Has Yoshihashi been downgraded to photographer? Neat Alebrije nudo lift spot to set up a double dropkick on the other two, then a nice double guillotine legdrop. Two man pump powerbomb on Fantasma, and Alebrije tosses Cuije into a splash. One two three. Sombra takes the triple snap kicks and swinging gate bomb. That's him.

Cuije gives Perico a middle rope senton in between falls. Perico recovers enough to chase after the bouncing ring girl. Olímpico shoves Perico down from behind, but Fantasma pulls the bird to safety.

2: In the ring, Dorada ducks a double clothesline, but decides to take down Alebrije and pound him. This lasts one second before the rudos kick him in the back. Get a better plan! Fantasma sidesteps an Alebrije charge seconds later, and Fantasma ducks a Psicosis clothesline to backbreaker Olímpico, but Alebrije pouts him down with a boot. Sombra brought in. Double back elbow, rudos set him up for a triple faceslam, Olímpico and Psicosis leave early, Sombra casadora cradle, Psi turns around just in time to break it up. Perico rushes in and kicks and punches the Invasors. Olímpico grabs him, and Psicosis kicks him to the but. Corner whip! Cuije whipped in – but Perico charges out and spears him! Rudos grab Perico to break it up, and CMLL guys inside cradle them all for the fall.

3: Perico chases after the ring girl again, but Sombra brings him back to the ring. Fantasma waves him in and instructs him to dance. And dance he does! Olímpico kicks the parrot. Fantasma headscissors Olímpico out, but turns to take a Fantasma forearm. Cuije comes in to kick and elbow Fantasma in the corner, corner whip, Fantasma kips up out over Alebrije, leapfrogs the mini, an Alebrije accidentally kicks his friend. Fantasma covers, Alebrije tries to elbow drop him, Fantasma moves, and Cuije takes the elbow drop. Big quebradora, but all moves are big with Alebrije. Alebrije stumbles around grabbing his back, and turns into a kick. Psicosis rushes in and dropkicks a prepared Fantasma. Corner whip, Psicosis charges in and sends no one him, Fantasma slaps him on the backside. Psicosis charges out, Fantasma evades and cracks him with a jumping enziguri. Fantasma waves Perico in, and Fantasma rams Psicosis in the backside. Psicosis charge to kick Fantasma, charge again, and throws himself thru the ropes on the miss, landing back first on the stage.

Psicosis must move quick, because he's gone from the apron when Dorada and Olímpico come in. Alebrije is quickly in to help, but Dorada gets both with the usual mi of headscissors and armdrags. Psicosis in, Psicosis headscissored. Dorada teases the dive but doesn’t do one quick yet. Sombra rips off his shirt and throws it at Olímpico. Olímpico taunts Sombra with the shirt. This leads to a flipping run, where Sombra out flips the ring, and ends up caught in the middle rope on a backflip. Crowd laughs. Sombra starts running, but Psicosis wisely kicks him in the back on the next pass. Olímpico taunts Sombra as Psicosis comes in to help stomp. That really coudl've been a lot worse. Sombra makes a two on one comeback, easily dropkicking and headscissoring them both out. Alebrije runs Sombra over with a shoulderblock and does a little dance. Fantasma and Sombra double dropkick out. Triple dive? Sombra and Fantasma do gentle topes, and Dorada does a very safe pescado on Alebrije. Who’s left? Cuije and Perico! They brawl, Perico ducks a chop, backs up, and lands a dropkick. Perico flying clothesline off the apron! Inside, Sombra gets with the Brillante Bomb, one two three.