CMLL Guadalajara on Teleformula #28 (01/02/2011) 
Recapped: 01/05/10

After weeks of starting the show late, this week Teleformula started the show before the top of the hour.

Match 1: Cancerbero, Dr. X, Raziel vs Ángel Azteca, Horus, Starman
Arena Coliseo Guadalajara, 12/07/2010

  1. técnicos

  2. rudos
  3. rudos

Winner: rudos
Match Time: 13:34 
Rating: not much to it.
Notes: Joined by me in progress. Loco Estrada is referee.

1: Angel Azteca & Raziel are working on the mat, and are done about 30 seconds after we pick up. Not long into the match, but into the match. Cancerbero & Starman are next, as Rey Bucanero discusses Starman wrestling in Japan. This is slow and trip heavy, though it gives Rey Bucanero a chance to talk about his own wrestling in Japan. Cancerbero does headstand out of a grounded headscissors, let's give him that. Starman armdrag him out, and they have a slow speed chase around the ring. Lots of empty seats here. Dr. X and Horus are left, and this includes the mounted sleeper I saw in a lot of the best of stuff I've been watching, but not as cool here. This is a very slow start. Very noticeable clip from Horus asking for a handshake to Horus being face first on the mat. Cancerbero throws one corner clothesline, then helps hold Horus’ legs for a Dr. X low blow corner dropkick. Dr. X holds Horus down, though we can’t really tell if he's pining him. Cancerberos wrap up the other two. Raziel's submission is very close to be la Nieblina – he just doesn’t turn Starman over.

2: Beatdown. Raziel posts Angel Azteca on the outside. Felino is so interested in this, he talks about Princesa Blanca. Maybe she can announce this show too? Highlight of the beatdown if Raziel seemingly wandering into to suplex someone. It was a bit high impact for a match that isn’t, but did have me comparing and contrasting Raziel & Davey Richards for a while. Rudos whip Horus to a corner, Cancerbero charges, Horus moves, and Cancerbero takes a hip bump to the outside. Rudos contain Hours and whip him to the corner again, but this time he does an inside springboard moonsautls over the opposite set of the ropes! That might have justified this whole match. Starman dropkick Raziel, Dr. X misses a senton, técnicos quickly get their finishes.

3: Since the first fall was all mat wrestling, this is the showcase fall. Angel Azteca to Starman to Horus last. Horus sends Dr. X to the ramp with a rope flip armdrag, backflips off the top rope, poses, and gets booted by both Cancerbero. That was some nice surprise kicks. Starman gets the big man with a top rope headscissors. Raziel charges and throws a dropkick, while Starman ducks down for a backdrop. Somehow, that still works – Raziel kicks too high or to the side. Azteca dropkick Raziel out, both he and Starman tease dives, but the Cancerberos yank them out. Inside the ring, Horus comes up empty on a top rope reverse tope, Dr. X dropkicks him in the head, and covers one two three. Cancerbero bring Starman back in, and finish him with a wheelbarrow frontcracker. That's it.

Match 2: Místico ©, Sagrado, Strong Man vs Averno ©, Ephesto, Mephisto
Arena Coliseo Guadalajara, 12/07/2010

  1. rudos

  2. técnicos
  3. técnicos

Winner: técnicos (2-1)
Match Time: 16:08
Rating: eh
Notes: Loco Estrada remains the only ref. There is still no one here.

1: Averno ducks Místico, then all the rudos duck Strong Man. Sagrado mixes it up with Averno for a while. Mephisto abuses Místico, Strong Man taps him on the shoulder to put a stop to it, and the rudos tack out Strong Man from behind to start the beatdown. Interesting that we're now at the point where Mephisto can fight Strong Man one on one. I guess it was a devastating attack from behind. Standard beatdown from, including the usual attempt to relieve Místico of his mask. Mephisto drops Místico with Devil’s Wings, covers with one finger, and Místico actually kicks out. Averno clears his partner out of the way, does Devil's Wings himself, then Mephisto puts him in a Rosa for the submission. Mephisto doesn't want to let go – and, actually turns around way from Loco Estrada when he warns him. Averno distracted Loco and eventually Ephesto talks Mephisto free.

2: Beatdown continues. Mephisto focuses on Místico, though focusing is maybe too strong of a wear. Stopping to do a Místico (/Garza) prayer pose isn't really focusing. Místico actually kicks Mephisto for that. Exciting standing on the stage and going little. Strong Man somehow gets free and stands in the ring, and Averno and Ephesto decide they'd rather stay inside. Strong Man goes outside, rudos go inside, and keep Strong Man out. Místico starts the comeback by just falling to his knee on a whip instead of bouncing off the ropes. Why didn't anyone thing of it more. JCR marks out for a Strong Man double clothesline. I mark out for his selling of Mephisto’s kicks. This match has something for everyone. Mephisto stops kicking when Strong Man just poses, and Místico sends Mephisto out with a headscissors. Tope follows, and the people who are sitting there are thrilled. Técnicos take it in the ring.

3: Mephisto shoves the ring girl out of the way when Místico comes after him, and the announcers go after for him. Místico headscissors Mephisto on the apron. Strong Man chops Averno, and Averno might faint. Fans keep asking for one more, and Strong Man keeps giving them, much to Averno's displeasure. This is the start of a Strong man extended sequence, which includes a pump splash, a double shoulderblock on Mephisto and Ephesto, a double whip on them, and a horrible double chokeslam. That's a tough move. Clip? Sagrado is suddenly in, and Ephesto is quickly out via headscissors. Averno & Mephisto get him down, but a ropeflip double armdrag sends them out too. He gets Mephisto out with a headscissors, and follows with a tornillo pescado. Sagrado in, rudos miss the clothesline, boost dropkick sends Ephesto into the ropes. Ephesto start to go thru, stops, and crawls out the other way. That was odd. Sagrado sends Averno out and follows with his own tope. Strong handstands back as Ephesto topes Sagrado too. Strong Man on the apron – apron plancha, landing on his feet. Mephisto and Místico left in. Místico is running odd. He's waved by, he gets to Mephisto, he stops, he grabs Mephisto, and puts on La Mistica. It's a fine looking La Mistica, into just an odd entry into it. Submission, SHOW OVER.