CMLL Guadalajara on Teleformula #23 (11/28/2010) 
Recapped: 11/30/10

Felino raves about Escorpion in previewing the opener. Not so hot on Felino for obvious reasons.

Match 1: Escorpion, Misterioso II, Sangre Azteca © vs Fabián el Gitano, Rush, Toscano ©
Arena Coliseo Guadalajara, 11/02/2010

  1. técnicos

  2. rudos
  3. técnicos

Winner: técnicos (2-1)
Match Time: 14:15
Rating: eh
Notes: Escorpion has the default Japanese music for some reason. Quite a trio of strippers. Fabian and Rush at least take care of it before the match. Second referee is Young Guadalajara Referee. Attendance looks poor.

1: As Fabian and Escorpion work on the mat, Rush is doing his usual bit of standing on the apron with one leg over the middle rope and inside the ring. Referee Loco grabs the leg and forces Rush to put on the apron. Rush waits for him to turn around, and puts the other leg thru the ropes. This is more interesting the mat work. Fabian gets a hold, rudos break it up. Fabian smartens up and catches Sangre coming in the third time, but they get lost working spots. Sangre wheel kicks Fabian, Rush wheel kicks Sangre, Misterioso dropkick Rush, Toscano missile dropkick Misterioso, Sangre top rope wheel kicks Escorpion, one two NO! Toscano gets Scorpion out with a headscissors, and follows with a pescado. Other four in, técnicos clean it up. Rush's double stomp is not as good as his senton.

2: How this fall goes: Rush and Escorpion are having a chop fight, cut to the crowd, Rush and Misterioso are having a chop fight. MAGIC. Toscano and Rush get showcases since they weren't in much of the opening fall and I guess we're required to see their offense to see their offense. Sangre and Rush do end up rolling around the mat and punching each other, so there’s that. Sangre throws better punches. Rush ends up throwing Sangre. Rudos finally get control when Escorpion just pulls Rush down by the hair. Rudos take joy in spanking Fabián. Dropkick to the backside, check. Escorpion's low flying quebrada pins Rush, Misterioso gets Toscano with an easy submission, and Sangre dropkicks Fabian low just for fun.

3: Sangre finds a looses string, and wastes no time choking Fabián with it, then whipping him with it, then loading up his fist with the string and nailing Fabian with the loaded punch. Referees do not like this at all. Toscano pockets the deadly string. Rudos grab him, and run Rush into his midsection. Fabián springboard back flips over a double clothesline to start the comeback. Rudos accidentally clothesline Sangre, but Escorpion kicks him out. Rush superkicks Toscano, Escorpion chops him, Escorpion and Toscano are left in. Toscano waves to the crowd, who could really care less. Pose off? Toscano has to strip – Escorpion interrupts with a kick. Whip gets revered into a couple of quebradoras. Misterioso charges Toscano, misses, and runs right into Fabian's fireman's carry bomb. Senton, and that's one pin. Toscano gets Sangre the usual way. Fabian drops Escorpion with his quebrada + legdrop (which I guess is on purpose now) for the extraneous pin.

Match 2: La Sombra, Máximo, Shocker © vs Averno ©, Ephesto, Mephisto
Arena Coliseo Guadalajara, 11/02/2010

  1. técnicos

  2. rudos
  3. técnicos

Winner: técnicos (2-1)
Match Time: 13:19
Rating: Eh. by the numbers.
Notes: same refs

1: Quick singles of Shocker/Mephisto, Sombra/Ephesto and Averno/Máximo get derailed on Máximo kiss off Averno. Everyone gets involved, and Ephesto and Máximo end up out the técnico corner. Sombra springboard in with a plancha on to the other rudos, but they catch him and toss him behind. Sombra lands on his feet, runs back the other way, and does a spectacular tope con giro over the corner to the floor onto Ephesto. Other técnicos quickly wrap up, with Shocker using a slightly different cradle than usual.

2: Shocker showcase, and he seems motivated. Ephesto, recovering on the floor, 'accidentally' grabs onto a guy walking to his seat. Beer goes spilling all over the floor. Sombra gets his quick run. Averno runs up the aisle to avoid him, then gets slowly stalked by Máximo. They eventually make it back to the ring, and the rudos immediately start beating up on the técnicos. Triple powerbomb for Shocker, that's the fall.

3: Rudo beatdown. Máximo takes the rebound double hiptoss splash. Shocker lands on his feet after a double hiptoss, and the rudos double clothesline Ephesto to start the comeback. Sombra just makes it on a springboard dropkick to knock them out. Máximo topes Ephesto, the other técnicos quickly finish off the other rudos. Sombra cradles Mephisto, pulling his outside way off the mat (and the cameras have the best angle of it), but the young referee counts it anyway because that's the finish.