CMLL on LATV #1 (02/27/2010)
Recap: 04/01/10

I watched this once, I think. I have no idea what I did with the recap. So here goes again.

Match 1: Bracito de Oro, Eléctrico, Mascarita Dorada vs Pequeño Universo 2000, Pequeño Warrior, Pierrothito
Arena Mexico, 02/19/2010

  1. rudos
  2. técnicos
  3. rudos

Winner: rudos (2-1)
Match Time: 8:26
Rating: Not long, but pretty fun for the time.

1: With Warrior ducking Bracito de Oro, Pierrothito starts with the fat técnico on the mat. Warrior tries to dropkick Bracito as he holds Pierrothito in an abdominal stretch, but gets his rudo partner instead. This actually works out great for the rudos; Pierrothito stands outside, trips up Bracito on the next pass and pulls him out for Warrior's guillotine legdrop to the floor. Back inside, Dorada knocks down Universo with a springboard plancha, but Universo blocks a 'rana, holding him upside down for a Pierrothito dropkick. Universo has issues lifting Dorada back up, but powerbombs him back down for the winning pinfall. Eléctrico comes in just long enough to take a backbreaker from Pierrothito, who struggles to put on a submission hold of some sort.

2: Rudo beatdown on Eléctrico, Dorada, and Eléctrico again (no Brazo.) Rudos corner charge Eléctrico one too many times, and Eléctrico evades all of them to start the comeback. Dives break out, and Eléctrico has a really sweet running jumping over the corner post plancha to the floor that I can't recall ever seeing form him before. It's the best thing he's ever done. Bracito's thru the ropes tope con giro remains good. Dorada finishes off Pierrothito with a spinning armdrag into headscissors into armbar into crucifix cradle. No problem for him. Refs do count out the other rudos.

In between the falls here, they air highlights of the main 02/19 matches, which they've since dropped doing.

3: All the rudos try their hardest, but none are as good as Mini Damian in taking Dorada's multiple rotation headscissors. Bracito sends Universo 2000 out with an over the back armdrag, then Eléctrico almost over shoots the rudo with a big tope con giro. This starts a dive train; Pierroth does the old Wagner dive (running tope con giro from the ramp), and Dorada adds an Asai Moonsault. Back inside, Warrior slips in a quick Fuerza punt on Bracito de Oro, and covers without anyone realizing the foul. One two three. There's your post match beeps.

Match 2: Ángel de Oro, Ángel de Plata, Sagrado vs Dragon Rojo Jr., Misterioso II, Shigeo Okumura
Arena Mexico, 02/19/2010

  1. rudos
  2. técnicos
  3. rudos

Winner: rudos
Match Time: 7:53
Rating: Bad day for Sagrado. A couple of nice highlight spots in here.
Notes: Los Angels music is still awful. Mima and her flag accompany Okumura. Dragon Rojo's Diamante Negro half mask is white this time around.

1: Opening is Sagrado intensive, until he pulls a Sagrado and blows a triple jump springboard something or other. Couldn't tell, because he missed the landing on the third jump. Misterioso throws him out, and they quickly move to the finish. Misterioso is planted on the top rope, but the Angels double team goes bad thanks to Okumura's intervention. Middle rope Rosa Driver on Oro for one pin, Okumura Michinoku Driver and Dragon Rojo springboard splash on Plata for the fall.

Example of a tope suicida from the third rope sure looks like a plancha.

2: Rudo beatdown. Dragon Rojo and Misterioso are a well oiled machine. Okumura is also just there. Sagrado starts the comeback with a superkick on Okumura, then sends the other two out with a bad looking rebound armdrag. This sets up a nice triple dive spot, Sagrado doing the tope con giro and the Angels with Asai Moonsaults. Everyone's dead for a sec, then they all struggle to make it to the ring. Sagrado superkicks pretty much everyone and is the only one to make it back in the ring in time.

3: Joined in progress, clearly, with Sagrado getting near falls on one rudo but the other rudos breaking it up (and then switching.) Big start of end game spot is Sagrado doing a top rope plancha while the Angels do springboard versions, but poor Plata gets no spring on his and falls to the mat in front of Dragon Rojo. He seems to hurt his knee, and so he gets no boost off Okumura's back for a dropkick spot a few seconds later, which looks just as bad. He manages better boosting off Angel de Oro's back to send Dragon to the floor, and then both the Angels dive to the floor. Misterioso and Sagrado are left in, and Misterioso surprisingly gets in a tope rope twisting tope con giro on a standing Sagrado, then ties up the tecnico's legs and back bridges for a pin. The leg lock was unclear, but it was good enough for the three count.