IWRG on Teleforumla #9 (01/02/2010)
Recap: 01/04/10

This is a best of show. There's no new commentary – they just show it as originally aired, with an occasional graphic in the corner to indicate it being Le Mejor de del 2009.

Jack is skipping down the street – singing the theme music from the Smurf's? – when he finds the Castillo el Terror and goes in. 911 shows up later to investigate this place, but finds his gun is missing. He bravely enters anyway. Jack and 911 meet up and agree to team up and look around. Jack proceeds to get scared by everything (include Toxico, who sits around like he's a statue – but he's not), dances while walking from one place to another, and is so great I can not possible do this segment justice. Toxico springs to life to cut a promo on them at the end, and they both just look at him. It's the proper ending.

Match 1: Jack vs Oficial 911, Tóxico, Máscara Año 2000 Jr., Tinieblas Jr., Trauma I, Olímpico, Xibalba, Fantasma de la Ópera, Bobby Lee Jr. in the Castle of Terror match
Arena Naucalpan, 11/01/2009

Loser: Jack
Match Time: 16:15
Rating: it's a lucha cage match
Notes: Most everyone is in the cage as they pick up, and I have to work to remember who's who. (Not helped by everyone wearing black cloaks and scream mask for the occasion.) Tinieblas Jr. is walking around the ring to enter last. Mascara Año 2000 Jr. comes out of the cage to confront Tinieblas and hug someone, and everyone in the ring gets rid of their black covering to show off their normal gear. Open whistle blows, though the announcers are talking right over it.

As you'd expect from a multi-man cage match, it’s everyone splitting off into two and threes and punching each other in the corner. Fantasma and someone else try to do spots off the ropes, but the cameras don’t follow it. There don't seem to be alliances or even necessarily técnicos vs rudo bits, just everyone fighting everyone else. Jack gets a lot of camera time, but everyone is shown a bit, and it's mostly chaos. Tinieblas starts untying Toxico's mask, so Xibalba goes after Tineblas's mask, Olimpico goes after Xibalba's, Mascara Año 2000 after Olimpico, Jack after Mascara now, Fantasma after Jack, Trauma untying Fantasma's, 911 standing on the middle rope to untie Trauma’s, because the line's gotten so long. Bobby Lee Jr. is the only one missing from this conga line of mask untying, since he was down in the opposite corner when it started and has decided to lay there. Everyone starts pulling off the mask the mask of guy in front of them, and then they all just spread apart again with no obvious finish. Break.

Somehow, during the break, Jack got tied by the head to a corner buckle. Not really clear who did it – no one's standing there taking credit, but people are randomly walking over to give him a free shot. Meanwhile, there's an on screen countdown clock (!!!) to count down the final ten seconds until they escape. At zero, fireworks shoot out of all the corners, which must really suck for Jack. Everyone starts climbing, and stopping everyone else from climbing. Mascara Ano 2000 Jr. gets his trunked pulled down, and that's obscured with a LM logo. Tinieblas pulls him down, and actually spins his mask around on his head, so Mascara Año 200 Jr. can't see. The rudos till manages to pull Tinieblas down from climbing. This cage looks surprisingly stable – like I don’t expect it to fall down any second, which is sort of what you'd except for an IWRG. Toxico gets over the top first.

Jack's gotten himself free somewhere along the line, and he starts climbing only to slip and falls when Olimpico hits the cage. Olimpico clotheslines him and takes off, but Jack holds on to him by the leg, and others come over to help him down. Toxico cuts a promo to the ringside announcers, thru his mask. Trauma has his head over the cage, but Olimpico holds him by the leg. While other are busy over there, Jack gets to the top rope, jumps up to grabs the top of the cage, and is desperately pull down by others. Meanwhile, Olimpico tries to go to the opposite side. Mascara Año 2000 Jr. reaches to grab him by the trunks, and gets the trunks, but nothing else – we're treated to a view of Olimpico in only a thong. In the foreground, Xibalba has some who escaped with far less trouble.

Xibalba cuts his promo. His gear is ripped up, somehow. Back in the ring, Fantasma has broken free and gotten over the top. Tinieblas grabs on to him way too late.

Olimpico is climbing out to escape as Fantasma cuts his promos. The screams in the back ground of the interview sure sound like Olimpico got his trunks pulled again. Trauma I takes the opening to climb over the top on his own, and he's down.

Jack and 911 battle in a corner while Trauma does his promo (he ants to keep his mask many more years.) Bobby Lee and Olimpico hang Mascara Ano 2000 Jr. and Tinieblas in Tree of Woes, then go after our partners in investigating from earlier. Both are yanked off the top rope. Instead of escaping, Bobby lee and Olimpico fight. Bobby lee barely manages to powerbomb Olimpico and starts climbing – no one there to stop him. He's done.

Jack & 911 fight on the middle rope again. This time, Jack knocks 911 way, and goes over the top! 911, Mascara Año 2000 Jr., Olimpico, and Tinieblas Jr. are the only ones left in.

Before Jack can get down, Fierro and AK47 start climbing the cage underneath him, and chase him back into the cage. Jack goes back I, and falls off the cage after being sprayed in the face. Everyone in the cage teams up to stomp poor Jack down. Actually, everyone starts stomping him, and Olimpico quietly runs away, then climbs out the other side. The rudos never know Olimpico's left until he's out of the cage. Now, the final four is Tinieblas, Mascara Ano Jr., 911, and Jack.

911 pounds Jack in that corner as Tinieblas works over Mascara Año 2000 jr. in the middle. That's the one to watch, but they're slow in realizing it. Backbreakrer on Mascara, but Jack and 911 jump Tinieblas. Whip, double clotheslines misses, Tinieblas clotheslines Jack, quebradora 911 and head to the cage. Tinieblas struggles and slips at least once, but gets out.

911 hangs Jack in the Tree of Woe and works on him more. Mascara Año 200 Jr. comes over and punches 911 a few times. Does Mascara no 2000 Jr. have brass knucks? It looks so. Why, or how? I have no idea. This allows Mascara Año 200 Jr. to bloody up 911, and he rips up his mask while he's at it. Mascara is intent on beating up the Oficial, and both are very tired, so Jack wakes up and starts slowly climbing up the cage. MYAk2k comes to his senses, and trips Jack of the cage. Big punch for him too, and Mascara Ano 200 Jr. is the only one standing . He ditches his knucks, and then – goes back to working on 911. Maybe you want to leave? He seems in no hurry. 911 head smashed into the cage. Jack is slowly getting to his feet. Mascara gives him a look, but boinks 911 into the corner first. Back to Jack – whip, Jack headscissors. Jack runs to the corner – and slips and falls of the bottom rope! Oh, no, Jack. Jack grabs his right ankle in pain., and I can’t tell if he meant to do that. 911 holds Mascara Ano 200 Jr. for Jack, but of course loses him too soon and Jack dropkicks him. Jack tries a plancha on Mascara Ano 2000 Jr., but Mascara spins him around into a – bad headlock takedown. A worse powerslam? I believe the fatigue here, that's for sure. Mascara Año 2000 Jr. insists on more spots, so more spots is what we get. Behind the back, and now he'll leave.

Jack and 911 up as Mascara climbs down. Jack with punches, that aren't much good. Whip, reversed, interview with Mascara while the match is being decided behind him. Jack superkicks Mascara and starts to climbing up, 911 catches him, Jack kicks him away and drops on his with a plancha. Clothesline. Is Jack headed up again? Such a bright light on that camera, you could light dark caves with it. Instead of going up, Jack puts on a chinlock, and works on 911's cut. Jack goes to the middle rope again, but 911 stops him and armdrags him off. Jack sells it like he's been killed by a middle rope armdrag, then looks up and waves to the crowd for support. 911 climbs up, abut Jack hits on the backslide, pulls him off, and powerbombs him. Both men down. Kids want Jack to get out. Both off the ropes, both clothesline, boot down. Both up, both running to a corner and climbing, they’re going about the same speed. TeleFormula is bad, can't show us a shot of both going over at the same time. 911 seems over first, and probably would’ve been over it regardless, but Fierro and AK47 make sure it happens by cutting Jack off at the top of the cage and shaking him off into the ring. That’s the match.

Jack is in denial and despondent in the ring, while the Oficial celebrate the big win. It's one for all, and all for one. Jack angrily unmasks in the ring. Replays of some of the spots, announcers talk.

Next is the father/son match, which I already wrote about. Nothing new there.